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Men do not belong on this forum.


Okay, I'll bite. I have three kids. So what does having kids have to do with any of this?

And as for attacking Majestic. She doesn't have a single post that wasn't rude, even when she was asking questions. Those post were actually still answered by people even though she talked so haughty and obnoxiously to people. Yes, the ones where she went on the attack got a heated response, but isn't that what she wanted though?

You feel bad for Majestic, but I can say that the manners she displayed here, even in post where she wasn't on the attack, were deplorable. She is a very abrassive person and I can only imagine what the poor people that have to live with her go through on a daily basis. I think that putting too much energy into trying to help someone that obviously lives for drama is a waste of time, especially when they are the ones throwing gas on the proverbial fire.

It's a shame really that someone can have that much hate in them. LOL, she even hated you Wahaika for being on this board too, even though you came to her defense. It's all just absurb really. There are way too many wonderful things to experience in this life to spend one moment of it spewing hate. I do feel bad for her in one aspect and that is that she hasn't yet figured that little life lesson out for herself. But I will never sit quietly by when someone that doesn't deserve it is attacked, even if the attack is only because someone is clueless about how much better life is when they find inner peace instead of looking for the next thing or person they can hate or be angry at.

The whole point of these boards are to help people with NBE, I suggest, that we get back to that instead staying stuck in such a negative place, since I know for a fact that not one thing in this thread will help anyone grow anything positive and sure as heck not breast.


I don´t see what having children has to do with anything but yes, I have two beautiful intelligent respectful children who have learned to be kind with anyone, human or animal, even if they are different from themselves.
They are also learning to defend themselves from anyone who bullies them or their friends and that it is not okay to receive insults.
They also know that defending themselves from bullies is a healthy response for which they should not feel guilty.

Hi everyone, im sorry wahaika but i really do not understand why you are getting so involved in this. I know your views very well and i believe alot of other people do now. So you do not like transgender or anything that is not what you consider to be normal, ok thats your view and you will not be alone in it but you have to understand that there are many people that do not have a closed mind when it comes to these things and i feel you are attacking them aswell because they do not share your views. I really have no idea why you have asked who has children? You seem to believe that women are ruled by there emotions and they are weak, for example calling Anastasia a weak woman, you have no idea wahaika. Women are not weak and in my view are the stronger sex when it comes to certain things in life, yes they are more understanding but surely thats a good quality that many males could do with.I know you will twist my words and try and put fault to my post and then come back with all your facts and long words to try and belittle me but to what end, we are all fighting a hopeless battle to try and put are views across to people who have already made there minds up and will not change there views and opinions because of what we put on here. So i agree with Mel, and lets get back to the reason we are all here, to develop natural breasts and to help and support those who need it.
Cheryl x

First of all.....she started it!! No one on here posted a lets hate on Majestic thread. She came on and started it with her hatred. I don't believe we attacked her, but simply went on the defensive. I have children, 6 of them to be exact and three grandsons. Not that I see how that makes any difference.
Do I believe that she should be banned from this I just feel it would be stooping to her level. I will ignore anything she posts. I prefer to spend my time with positive, upbeat ppl. I do love that about the women and men on here, they are very supportive, and just a nice group of ppl.

(01-07-2010, 05:48)Wahaika Wrote:  Everyone that attacked Majestic,

How can you denounce attacking males on the board and then attack her yourself?

One question: For all the real, genetic, female at birth, women:

Do you have any children? My guess is that of those who responded in this thread, the number is very low. Those who attacked Majestic, I want to hear from you. Do you have any children?


What I want to know is how you can back up removing males from the board yet continue to post here yourself?

Your argument is flawed, as others have already pointed out. Do you think that the Nazis were stopped, or the blacks achieved civil rights, or that Nelson Mandela was freed from prison, or that women got a vote, or that the death penalty was abolished (in UK), etc... because people kept quiet about it? No! We have every right to voice our opinion, and voice it as strongly as we feel it. Putting a misguided individual in his/her place (I'm not entirely convinced Majestic is what they say - could be a teenage lad having a giggle) by talking to them as strongly as they talk to us is just giving an opposing opinion. I don't see why we should have wrap someone who spouts such venom in cotton wool, just to show that we're on the 'right' side. It's all opinion at the end of the day, and people will side with whichever party they agree with.

I have no children. I'm only just 24. I don't see what on earth that has to do with anything anyhow.

I can't help thinking that Wahaika has an agenda. It was a strange question to ask and probably has an ulterior motive.

What really WAS the real reason for the question?

Should we have a poll?


I didn't learn about this thread until today. I was in the hospital with appendicitis and recovering for the past 3 weeks.

My only thought on Waihaka asking if we have any kids would be that would you want your own child to try and change their gender. To me, it's their choice, just like it's choice to change our bodies.

Overall I think this thread is stupid and Majestic is just some attention whore who takes joy out of insulting people and picking at our nerves. Or a troll.

If Eve wanted a forum for just females, she would have made it for just females to begin with, and without the transgenders male sections.

So for those who don't like it, just leave or make your own forum. I suggest if you want the information, just copy and paste it. But it's also possible that the information is "contaminated" with males who suggest themselves as females as Waihaka said, so I would think you should just leave this forum alone completely.

I like the forum the way it is. And all of our bodies are different, whether we are male or female. We just need to see what works for each of us as individuals. Even if it is completely different for males and females to develop breast, we help to inspire each other. At least I know that Cheryl has inspired me so much in my journey. Even though she is biologically male and I'm biologically female, I still find her progress and journey inspiring and informative.

.. i have been following this thread for quite some time now but had no time to respond... so i want to put my 2 cents in ... for what its worth...

Morality as defined is the code of conduct put forth by society... but what is society?? Society pertains to the group of people around you... and hey look around you... it is the year 2010!!!! it's not the 1800's!!!!! hello!!!! Rolleyes
let's go back to the basics... majestic, you are clearly stating that men in general, and men who grow breasts do not belong in this forum, isn't it???

well, this forum is entitled Breast nexus!!!! and it caters to nbe!! Natural breast enhancement / enlargement!!!! when y0u log in , it doesnt ask you whether you are male or female.... in fact this is a public forum... you just need to register so that you can put forth your views, opinions and violent reactions....

From the name itself, of course it would attract anyone who is trying to grow their breasts the non surgical way...because in the first place this is the main reason why this site was created... for people who are enhancing their breasts..may they be male or female.... it was created for them to share their views, tips, opinions and such... it is a forum everyone can view and put in their 2 cents worth as an alternative to having implants put inside your body...

oh and Majestic... please don't ever ever say that anyone who sees differently the way you do as uneducated!!!! Angry For your information, i may come from a conservative country in Asia but I hold 2 degrees in the medical field under my belt!!!! I am both a nurse and a physiotherapist and I am working as a theatre nurse ( that means that i work in the operating room!!!) in London... if i were uneducated, i wouldn't be able to get in such a prestigious hospital!!!! But I am something that you are not... I am open minded enough... liberal minded enough to accept the fact that the times are changing... It is different from the 60's... And yes, there are a lot of homosexuals ( both gays and lesbians)and they are changing their bodies the way tehy want it... as they have the freedom of right to do it... and if it is so bad, then why are there doctors doing these procedures???? should you not attack them too??? why do you call men who are trying to grow breasts perverse??? are they asking to have sex with you??? they are here mainly to share their opinions on growing breasts the non surgical way...they are not sharing their sexual escapades with you... they are here to promote the non surgical techniques of breast enhancement... they are here just like the rest of us who wants an increase in the bust line... they too want to learn the pros and cons of taking herbal pills or the mechanics of suction to gain breast tissue...

I am not attacking you, but i am sharing my views and opinions.. I didn't know that there are some people who are still living in the 60's conception, do you also dont like other coloured people as well??? do you wear a white hat and smock as well????

... and Wahaika

no i don't have children... and to be honest, no , i dont want them to grow up to be gay....But if that is their preference, and they want to grow breast then i would support them... Not financially though, that is their chosen path (it's like when they are asking for a car- you want it then you buy it if you can afford it), but i would support them emotionally... my love for them would not diminish just because they want to be different... I have a sister who is girly, but she prefers butch women over men... I do not approve of her lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that i love her less and she knows it.. if there is a family event, we make sure that she and her partner are there...

my point is just because you want to be different it's called immoral... isn't premarital sex also deemed immoral, are you telling me that you didn't do it???

Men who are trying to grow breasts should be allowed in this forum!!!! Because they contribute on what is good and what is bad on the subject of breast enhancement... what should not be allowed in this are men who are not trying to grow their breasts!!! ( like you!!! ) how can we know if you really have a wife... you really don't know who is on the other side of the screen isnt it..

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