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Is swelling a sign that growth will eventually happen?


(23-07-2020, 19:02)koyasha Wrote:  

(23-07-2020, 00:04)PoisonIvy Wrote:  
(22-07-2020, 19:37)koyasha Wrote:  

(22-07-2020, 14:54)PoisonIvy Wrote:  
(22-07-2020, 10:22)koyasha Wrote:   It wasn't an all at once thing. I had to work on a lot of the root causes which was a mixture of a chemical imbalance and childhood abuse, and it still took a long time. I did the IP thing when I was younger but it actually didn't work for me at the time but I also don't think I was ready. I have been recovered for several years now and I still have to be careful and watch myself whenever I'm going through something difficult to make sure I don't slip back into it despite being recovered for so long. I still think about food quite a bit and am always either on a diet or breaking a diet but in the sense of the average woman in this day and age and not in a disordered way if that makes sense. Girl same, on that part about the smaller breast staying the same no matter what. Aw, don't beat yourself up. I know it's hard because I use to be the same but I feel like it just makes it harder on yourself, ya know? Yes, whenever I'm my goal weight (which is a completely healthy weight w/ a bmi of 20-21) I get a lot of comments about how I look like a child. I'm short as well so the mixture of being short, thin, and not having breasts makes me look kinda child like when I'm smaller. Whenever I have been overweight in the past I got a lot of nasty comments then too. It's society that is the problem. I've noticed a lot of women deal with this problem where it doesn't matter what we weight because someone always has something negative to say. 
I picked up some Arnica yesterday to help w/ the discoloration. I've heard it mentioned on this thread and other threads. I was kinda worried about it because it says it reduces swelling and isn't that what I want? I'm at the point though that I feel like I need to just push through the discoloration instead of taking breaks for it to heal. I'm not actually overpumping. It doesn't hurt and it happens at the -1 gauge which is like nothing, so I think taking breaks doesn't force my body to get use to it. I could be wrong, but I'm hoping since I'm not actually overpumping that I can push through it and force my body to get use to it w/ the help of things like topicals. I'm the type of person who bruises very easily, so I'm not really surprised I'm dealing with this. A lot of people on here say that you need to get up to -5 gauge for growth and I can't even get to -2 without issues so I'm going to just keep going at the pressure I'm doing (which is -1) while using topicals and hopefully the discoloration goes away and I can crank it up slowly overtime. It might be a thing where the discoloration won't ever go away while I'm pumping because of how easily I bruise and I'll have to deal with it the whole time which I don't mind, I just don't want something that will be permanent even after I quit pumping which is my only concern. How is it going for you?

I am sorry to hear about the childhood abuse, I hope whoever did that to you is behind bars and that you can live a normal life today. Is it still affecting your relationships with men negatively even after therapy? It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, I hope you are ok <3

I also think that you have to want to get better and that if you're not ready to recover, you won't or at least it will be a lot harder for others to convince you to. I was IP for self-harm 5 1/2 months when I was 16 and there were several girls with an ED. The girls were around my age so their parents had brought them there, but you could tell the difference between those who picked their own meals right away because they had to eat anyway, so why not choose what they liked? and those who were totally against the whole idea of even attempting to enjoy food again and feeding themselves properly. That definitely made a difference. I am happy for you that you are recovered now. Are you making unhealthy food choices or are not very active which makes you end up at a weight you don't feel comfortable at? When I see the calorie recommendations for someone my gender, height and activity level, it makes me want to cry lol. It seems ridiculously low and all this time I was thinking maybe I had a slow metabolism when in fact I really seem to be overeating constantly. How do people eat three meals a day and snack in between?

Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I am my biggest enemy, life could be easier if I was being nice to myself at least, but it's really hard for me.

Just like you I've gotten comments about looking like a child, as well. After my initial weight gain and my face being a little puffy, the bus driver was actually surprised I was an adult (17+ when it comes to bus tickets) and I was 32 lol. I still get carded on the rare occasion now at 34 (with my face mask on at least, my mouth area probably gives me away). I like how much we have in common :-)

Sorry to hear you got nasty comments when having been overweight, as well. You're right, society is the problem. Unless someone brings up that they are unhappy about their weight or is talking about weight related health problems, I think people need to keep their mouth shut. And even then, there are ways to be nice about things, some people are just plain rude. Women usually try to be mean when saying something negative about another woman's body, men are mostly oblivious or looking at a woman in a sexualized way only (ugh).

Since swelling is only temporary anyway, I think using Arnica is not a bad idea. But I'm also thinking that maybe your breast needs the swelling to get used to being stretched when you are pumping. But I am not sure, you could try and see if the Arnica is helping with the discoloration and if it's not, you can always stop using it.

Since you say you bruise easily, yes, maybe this will always be your body's response to pumping, but it might get better with time if you keep doing it. I'd say as long as there are no real bruises showing up after pumping and your breasts don't turn purple, try to stick your schedule. If the discoloration doesn't go away after a week or two, maybe take a short break and see if it does, as long as it doesn't get worse, it should always go away again. Even if you just stop once to see if even after an extended period of daily pumping the discoloration will still disappear if you take a break. At least then you will know that it does and you can keep pumping without having to worry about this being permanent. 
I'm doing ok, I want to start doing chest exercises an hour before pumping because according to someone in another thread, this is a good idea because of increased blood flow in your breasts. I don't know why you should wait for an hour, though, but since I have to get my ass home from the gym anyway, this sounds good to me. First of all, I will have to get my ass TO the gym, though :-)

Well, for the last several years that I have been recovered I seem to diet at a normal calorie deficit  for a few months or several weeks and then fall off the wagon and eat junkfood and gain weight but when I fall of the wagon I tend to stay off for a good few weeks and sometimes a month. Wash/rinse/repeat over and over pretty much. It kind of just has me in a cycle where I just keep losing and gaining the same 10-15 pounds over and over because of it. I wish my skin looked young. My face def looks my age if not more (I'm in my late 20's), but I tend to have a childlike body at my goal weight. So if you can't see my face I look like I'm 13 and then suddenly you see my face and realize that nope I'm def not lol. We do have a lot in common Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile"> 
I've been thinking of trying the exercise thing before pumping too. Even if it's only for 5-10 minutes it feels like it couldn't hurt. Yes, I think that's pretty much what I'm going to do is to just keep pumping while using arnica and see what direction the discoloration goes over the next few weeks. See if it keeps getting worse and worse or if it gets worse at first and then gets better. If it doesn't get better after a few weeks though I'll take a short break just to make sure I don't make it permanent. I'm really hoping this works though and my skin just adjusts. Even if my skin had to look like that for the duration of the time I pump trying to get to my goal size I wouldn't mind as long as it's not permanent and it goes away when I stop.

I am similar in that I fall off the wagon for an extended period of time, as well. It's that all-or-nothing mentality that comes into play for me here, I either do ok or I don't and when I don't, it's like it doesn't matter now since I messed up already anyway. But I do keep making plans to eat better/exercise more starting tomorrow/Monday/the 1st of the new month. Thanks to losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again the skin on my body doesn't look as young as the skin in my face. I have quite a bit of cellulite, too. Do you lead an active lifestyle? Part of me likes having a childlike body, do you? And while I do want to improve the appearance of my breasts, I'm not one of those girls (I should call myself a woman at my age haha) that wants to have huge breasts. They'd look out of proportion on me :-)
10-15 minutes of exercise is better than no exercise, so I'd say go for it!!  

A hickey! Thinking about it, it makes sense. It's ok to take a day off, a lot of people recommend that.

Are you still using the Arnica or is that completely useless in this case?

Yes, I have always had that same all or nothing mentality. I use to like having a childlike body when I was younger and is basically what screwed up my puberty. I was so frightened by puberty and developed an eating disorder during it that it's almost like I never even fully went through it. Yeah, I'm aiming for a C or a D but I won't really know which until I see what it looks like on me. My breasts feel like they are really far apart so I do wonder if I would have to go to a D in order to get any cleavage, but I definitely wouldn't want to go past a D. My band size is 32 though so I feel like girls with smaller band sizes don't tend to look that big even with a larger cup size, so I don't think a D would wind up looking large on me but that's why I feel like I'll just have to see as it goes up whether a C or a D looks better.
 Well it's late afternoon and it's almost gone. It's just slightly more red than my normal skintone. Now I'm debating whether or not I should pump tonight so that I get one session in today. If I don't maybe it will be completely gone when I wake up, but it also feels like it would be okay enough to pump, so I'm not really sure. The Arnica did help I think, but not quick enough. It wasn't that much better when I woke up. Maybe 15% or so better. Not enough I felt comfortable pumping. After trying other things today though it's like 85-90% better and it's only been like 6-7 hours since I started doing the other stuff. I iced them periodically and used a cold spoon periodically. I also did that trick for hickeys where you use a hot wet towel for a few minutes first and then take a coin and rub it back and forth gently for a few minutes to spread  it out some and then immediately followed it up with ice and that seemed to help a lot with the fact I had that hickey appearance in a ring around my breast where the cups were which was the main thing that made me not want to pump today and that seemed to take care of that issue. I also did an alternate version of that where I just rubbed in really small circles over the ringed areas and that also helped. Something else I'm considering in the future is Vitamin K cream because I heard a lot of good things about it helping with that. The things I did today seemed to help a lot though.

I'm glad to hear the things you did helped! I had never heard about that method where you use a coin. I've only once or twice in my life had a hickey, tho (boo), so I never bothered looking into it.

Did you end up pumping yday?

Do you think that you can get to a C or even a D cup with your 'stubborn' breast? I really hope that you will get there, but looking at myself, I don't think my small breast will ever make it past a B cup and I'm far from that still :-(  It would be great. We need to stay positive, I want to start listening to subliminals again. There is one, or two in that case, made for uneven breasts where you can actually target whichever breast is your small one. She made one for the left and the right breast and you just choose the right one for you. Not sure you believe in those things, though.

How are you doing today?


(24-07-2020, 09:59)koyasha Wrote:  

I'm glad to hear the things you did helped! I had never heard about that method where you use a coin. I've only once or twice in my life had a hickey, tho (boo), so I never bothered looking into it.

Did you end up pumping yday?

Do you think that you can get to a C or even a D cup with your 'stubborn' breast? I really hope that you will get there, but looking at myself, I don't think my small breast will ever make it past a B cup and I'm far from that still :-(  It would be great. We need to stay positive, I want to start listening to subliminals again. There is one, or two in that case, made for uneven breasts where you can actually target whichever breast is your small one. She made one for the left and the right breast and you just choose the right one for you. Not sure you believe in those things, though.

How are you doing today?

I actually had to look up ways to get rid of hickeys once I realized that the marks from overpumping are basically hickeys. I didn't wind up pumping last night. I decided to give myself the whole day off. It's like 95% gone and just a little pinker than the rest of my skin now. It was so sad to watch my breast completely deflate yesterday though Sad I knew it was only swelling but to watch it become practically flat again was sad. I think the reason I'm struggling with it overpumping so easily is because I don't really have much fat there and I feel like the skin on that breast feels really tight because of it. I do wonder if a small cup would have worked better than the medium cup, but I don't want to have to go order a small just for one breast when the medium is perfect for the other for when that time comes and when I might even be wrong about the small being a better fit. I don't actually know if it's possible, it's more like a dream goal lol. I would be happy if both my breasts were symmetrical and a nice shape (and the same shape) and full B's while at my goal weight (which is 15 pounds less). The larger one is probably a medium B right now but when I get to my goal weight it will be a small B and my small I'm not even sure but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a AA tbh. It's either a AA or a small A. Even though they would still be small they would feel normal at least. My dream goal is a C or a D though. I do wonder if I would have a better time with hormones while I was pumping, like if that would make my small breast suddenly respond or something, but I wouldn't want to take the chance until I saw that it could grow. My hope is to get to my goal weight & make them even and symmetrical and than be able to add Bovine Ovary to it. I always wondered since one of my breasts (the smaller one) actually looks underdeveloped if that would be a good fit for me combined with pumping considered BO is the best fit for people who are underdeveloped. They actually look like they are in two different development stages and everything. They stopped growing when I was like 13 and I feel like it was a very abrupt stop (probably because of my eating) but because of that they didn't really develop right and so I'm trying to fix that now. My temperature isn't really right for BO though so I'd have to get it up.

(24-07-2020, 13:50)PoisonIvy Wrote:  
(24-07-2020, 09:59)koyasha Wrote:  

I'm glad to hear the things you did helped! I had never heard about that method where you use a coin. I've only once or twice in my life had a hickey, tho (boo), so I never bothered looking into it.

Did you end up pumping yday?

Do you think that you can get to a C or even a D cup with your 'stubborn' breast? I really hope that you will get there, but looking at myself, I don't think my small breast will ever make it past a B cup and I'm far from that still :-(  It would be great. We need to stay positive, I want to start listening to subliminals again. There is one, or two in that case, made for uneven breasts where you can actually target whichever breast is your small one. She made one for the left and the right breast and you just choose the right one for you. Not sure you believe in those things, though.

How are you doing today?

I actually had to look up ways to get rid of hickeys once I realized that the marks from overpumping are basically hickeys. I didn't wind up pumping last night. I decided to give myself the whole day off. It's like 95% gone and just a little pinker than the rest of my skin now. It was so sad to watch my breast completely deflate yesterday though Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad"> I knew it was only swelling but to watch it become practically flat again was sad. I think the reason I'm struggling with it overpumping so easily is because I don't really have much fat there and I feel like the skin on that breast feels really tight because of it. I do wonder if a small cup would have worked better than the medium cup, but I don't want to have to go order a small just for one breast when the medium is perfect for the other for when that time comes and when I might even be wrong about the small being a better fit. I don't actually know if it's possible, it's more like a dream goal lol. I would be happy if both my breasts were symmetrical and a nice shape (and the same shape) and full B's while at my goal weight (which is 15 pounds less). The larger one is probably a medium B right now but when I get to my goal weight it will be a small B and my small I'm not even sure but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a AA tbh. It's either a AA or a small A. Even though they would still be small they would feel normal at least. My dream goal is a C or a D though. I do wonder if I would have a better time with hormones while I was pumping, like if that would make my small breast suddenly respond or something, but I wouldn't want to take the chance until I saw that it could grow. My hope is to get to my goal weight & make them even and symmetrical and than be able to add Bovine Ovary to it. I always wondered since one of my breasts (the smaller one) actually looks underdeveloped if that would be a good fit for me combined with pumping considered BO is the best fit for people who are underdeveloped. They actually look like they are in two different development stages and everything. They stopped growing when I was like 13 and I feel like it was a very abrupt stop (probably because of my eating) but because of that they didn't really develop right and so I'm trying to fix that now. My temperature isn't really right for BO though so I'd have to get it up.

Seeing your breasts deflate again can be very depressing, I hear you on that. I've had that happen before even without taking a day off. I had even pumped before going to sleep and when I woke up, it (the one breast I am pumping) was flatter than it had been in days :-( Kind of makes me want to do all the pumping early in the day so at least I can enjoy the swelling!

I'm not sure if a small cup would be better suited, maybe things would have been even worse because there would have been more pressure applied to a smaller space. You know like when you're wearing a stiletto and you stand on someone's stomach it will hurt more than it would if you were wearing sneakers

I would be happy forever and a day if both of my breasts were the same size and a decent shape, as well. I'd take any size that looks ok on my body. Sometimes I am sad because I think this is such a normal thing and here I am wishing for something that most women on this Earth take for granted. 

Is there any way to get your temperature up? I have looked into BO because I also read it was a good option for ppl with tubular breasts. I am a vegetarian so I just googled it out of interest. But then again, if tubular breasts are the result of a constricting ring on the base of the breast, I would think that taking BO might very well make the breasts grow, but it wouldn't make the constricting band go away and therefore just make them look even more deformed ?  But it might be a good option for you. If your small breast hasn't responded to anything thus far and would end up growing because of pumping, would that make it more responsive to herbs and hormones in the future? I am not sure, but it's worth a try.

You mentioned your breasts being far apart, where do you place the dome when pumping? Mine are far apart, as well, but since I am borderline overweight atm, I have quite a bit of fat at the top of my breasts so when I push them together you get the impression that I have DDs or something ;-) This is so not what they are in any way, shape or form. I am trying to create more real cleavage by placing the small kangzhu cups on the insides of my breasts. We will see how that goes!

Do you wear a bra that's padded on one side? I always do.


(25-07-2020, 10:24)koyasha Wrote:  

(24-07-2020, 13:50)PoisonIvy Wrote:  
(24-07-2020, 09:59)koyasha Wrote:  

I'm glad to hear the things you did helped! I had never heard about that method where you use a coin. I've only once or twice in my life had a hickey, tho (boo), so I never bothered looking into it.

Did you end up pumping yday?

Do you think that you can get to a C or even a D cup with your 'stubborn' breast? I really hope that you will get there, but looking at myself, I don't think my small breast will ever make it past a B cup and I'm far from that still :-(  It would be great. We need to stay positive, I want to start listening to subliminals again. There is one, or two in that case, made for uneven breasts where you can actually target whichever breast is your small one. She made one for the left and the right breast and you just choose the right one for you. Not sure you believe in those things, though.

How are you doing today?

I actually had to look up ways to get rid of hickeys once I realized that the marks from overpumping are basically hickeys. I didn't wind up pumping last night. I decided to give myself the whole day off. It's like 95% gone and just a little pinker than the rest of my skin now. It was so sad to watch my breast completely deflate yesterday though Sad" alt="Sad" title="Sad"> I knew it was only swelling but to watch it become practically flat again was sad. I think the reason I'm struggling with it overpumping so easily is because I don't really have much fat there and I feel like the skin on that breast feels really tight because of it. I do wonder if a small cup would have worked better than the medium cup, but I don't want to have to go order a small just for one breast when the medium is perfect for the other for when that time comes and when I might even be wrong about the small being a better fit. I don't actually know if it's possible, it's more like a dream goal lol. I would be happy if both my breasts were symmetrical and a nice shape (and the same shape) and full B's while at my goal weight (which is 15 pounds less). The larger one is probably a medium B right now but when I get to my goal weight it will be a small B and my small I'm not even sure but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a AA tbh. It's either a AA or a small A. Even though they would still be small they would feel normal at least. My dream goal is a C or a D though. I do wonder if I would have a better time with hormones while I was pumping, like if that would make my small breast suddenly respond or something, but I wouldn't want to take the chance until I saw that it could grow. My hope is to get to my goal weight & make them even and symmetrical and than be able to add Bovine Ovary to it. I always wondered since one of my breasts (the smaller one) actually looks underdeveloped if that would be a good fit for me combined with pumping considered BO is the best fit for people who are underdeveloped. They actually look like they are in two different development stages and everything. They stopped growing when I was like 13 and I feel like it was a very abrupt stop (probably because of my eating) but because of that they didn't really develop right and so I'm trying to fix that now. My temperature isn't really right for BO though so I'd have to get it up.

Seeing your breasts deflate again can be very depressing, I hear you on that. I've had that happen before even without taking a day off. I had even pumped before going to sleep and when I woke up, it (the one breast I am pumping) was flatter than it had been in days :-( Kind of makes me want to do all the pumping early in the day so at least I can enjoy the swelling!

I'm not sure if a small cup would be better suited, maybe things would have been even worse because there would have been more pressure applied to a smaller space. You know like when you're wearing a stiletto and you stand on someone's stomach it will hurt more than it would if you were wearing sneakers

I would be happy forever and a day if both of my breasts were the same size and a decent shape, as well. I'd take any size that looks ok on my body. Sometimes I am sad because I think this is such a normal thing and here I am wishing for something that most women on this Earth take for granted. 

Is there any way to get your temperature up? I have looked into BO because I also read it was a good option for ppl with tubular breasts. I am a vegetarian so I just googled it out of interest. But then again, if tubular breasts are the result of a constricting ring on the base of the breast, I would think that taking BO might very well make the breasts grow, but it wouldn't make the constricting band go away and therefore just make them look even more deformed ?  But it might be a good option for you. If your small breast hasn't responded to anything thus far and would end up growing because of pumping, would that make it more responsive to herbs and hormones in the future? I am not sure, but it's worth a try.

You mentioned your breasts being far apart, where do you place the dome when pumping? Mine are far apart, as well, but since I am borderline overweight atm, I have quite a bit of fat at the top of my breasts so when I push them together you get the impression that I have DDs or something ;-) This is so not what they are in any way, shape or form. I am trying to create more real cleavage by placing the small kangzhu cups on the insides of my breasts. We will see how that goes!

Do you wear a bra that's padded on one side? I always do.

Yeah, I think that's why I like doing the split sessions because you get swelling longer out of it. By the way, I started to get those stretch marks you were talking about so I see what you mean about them not being from growth. It's kind of annoying because I wouldn't mind it if it were actually from growth (the rest of me has old/silver stretchmarks from when I was a teenager so why not at this point lol) but I want to actually get real growth with it. Yes, I've heard of BO being a good fit for both underdeveloped and tubular though I'm not sure. You should check out Anastasia916 on here if you haven't already seen her posts. I'm not sure if it would make it responsive to other things. I think it's just my hope. My hope is that it just needs to be awakened or something if that makes sense and if I do that it will act like a normal breast and like my other one, although I won't be sure until the future. I move the dome around a bit but the circumference of the dome is quite a bit bigger than my actual breast which is part of the reason I wondered if a small would have been a better fit for that one. Because I don't want to order one for just that breast when it might not even be a better fit and I can still get a good suction and some swelling with the medium cups I don't see why it should interfere with it working though so I think I'm just stubbornly hoping it grows to fit it soon anyways. As far as my larger one goes (because my little one is really just a bud like when puberty just starts) the top and sides of the top is actually the area I lack the most fat but it has a decent underboob lol. It's a bit conical but it doesn't quite look tubular. My hope though is that if I grew it via pumping and BO it would get a nice round shape though, but before I can even think of that I have to turn my little one from a bud to match its larger sister. My larger one is small but developed while my little one actually looks underdeveloped. Lol I don't even wear a bra unless I'm going to the doctors or a family event. I wear thick t-shirts and they are so small it's not necessary that I wear a bra. 
I don't know if there are threads on here about it but I wonder if there are threads that show the difference between lower pressures for longer durations vs a good amount of pressure for shorter durations. I feel like I'm not going to get a good amount of pressure on the gauge until they grow a little because the skin is so tight w/ barely any fat there. Like I wonder if I would get growth out of doing my -1 to -2 pressure but if I increased my time of doing it?
As of last night I stopped massaging during the in between 2 minute breaks (since I do pump and release 10:2). Only because I don't respond to massage anyways (although I'm still doing the 10 minutes before to warm it up) but I find the massaging for 2 minutes part to be the most annoying part of it because I get cocoa butter on my mousepad and have to constantly reapply it if I take the cups off. So last night I tried to just release the pressure for the two minutes but leave the cups on. Not because I think I'll get better results like that but because I don't think I'll get worse results like that and it looks like I'll be in this for the long haul and might even have to increase my hours so I might as well make it less annoying and intrusive to my life so I don't wind up hating it. I don't really mind it at all right now considering I can do other things while I'm doing it on my computer but with the stop and massage for two minutes every 10 minutes thing and get cocoa butter everywhere it becomes a lot more intrusive. If I was actually someone who responded to massage I'd keep it up but I don't so I feel like it's probably not making a difference but it is the only thing causing me to find pumping a bit annoying. So now I do 10-15 minutes of heat. 10 minutes of massage. Pump and release 10:2 (but keep the cups on just release all of the pressure) for an hour. Then 10-15 minutes of heat again. And I repeat that three times a day. I've only done it that way once so far and I didn't notice a negative difference but I did find it made it a lot less annoying to me.

I've only done three sessions that way now where I don't remove the cups to massage but just release the pressure (1 last night and 2 today) and I like it wayyy better. Not only is it MUCH less annoying to me, but I'm still getting good swelling. As far as results go I still don't know what method will work for me but as far as comfort and swelling goes pump and release 10:2 but w/ the cups still on just without the pressure seems to be the method that is working the best for me, although it's still too early for results. Today is the two week mark. I wonder at what point I'll get actual growth if my body responds to it instead of just swelling.

(25-07-2020, 14:56)PoisonIvy Wrote:  Yeah, I think that's why I like doing the split sessions because you get swelling longer out of it. By the way, I started to get those stretch marks you were talking about so I see what you mean about them not being from growth. It's kind of annoying because I wouldn't mind it if it were actually from growth (the rest of me has old/silver stretchmarks from when I was a teenager so why not at this point lol) but I want to actually get real growth with it. Yes, I've heard of BO being a good fit for both underdeveloped and tubular though I'm not sure. You should check out Anastasia916 on here if you haven't already seen her posts. I'm not sure if it would make it responsive to other things. I think it's just my hope. My hope is that it just needs to be awakened or something if that makes sense and if I do that it will act like a normal breast and like my other one, although I won't be sure until the future. I move the dome around a bit but the circumference of the dome is quite a bit bigger than my actual breast which is part of the reason I wondered if a small would have been a better fit for that one. Because I don't want to order one for just that breast when it might not even be a better fit and I can still get a good suction and some swelling with the medium cups I don't see why it should interfere with it working though so I think I'm just stubbornly hoping it grows to fit it soon anyways. As far as my larger one goes (because my little one is really just a bud like when puberty just starts) the top and sides of the top is actually the area I lack the most fat but it has a decent underboob lol. It's a bit conical but it doesn't quite look tubular. My hope though is that if I grew it via pumping and BO it would get a nice round shape though, but before I can even think of that I have to turn my little one from a bud to match its larger sister. My larger one is small but developed while my little one actually looks underdeveloped. Lol I don't even wear a bra unless I'm going to the doctors or a family event. I wear thick t-shirts and they are so small it's not necessary that I wear a bra. 
I don't know if there are threads on here about it but I wonder if there are threads that show the difference between lower pressures for longer durations vs a good amount of pressure for shorter durations. I feel like I'm not going to get a good amount of pressure on the gauge until they grow a little because the skin is so tight w/ barely any fat there. Like I wonder if I would get growth out of doing my -1 to -2 pressure but if I increased my time of doing it?
As of last night I stopped massaging during the in between 2 minute breaks (since I do pump and release 10:2). Only because I don't respond to massage anyways (although I'm still doing the 10 minutes before to warm it up) but I find the massaging for 2 minutes part to be the most annoying part of it because I get cocoa butter on my mousepad and have to constantly reapply it if I take the cups off. So last night I tried to just release the pressure for the two minutes but leave the cups on. Not because I think I'll get better results like that but because I don't think I'll get worse results like that and it looks like I'll be in this for the long haul and might even have to increase my hours so I might as well make it less annoying and intrusive to my life so I don't wind up hating it. I don't really mind it at all right now considering I can do other things while I'm doing it on my computer but with the stop and massage for two minutes every 10 minutes thing and get cocoa butter everywhere it becomes a lot more intrusive. If I was actually someone who responded to massage I'd keep it up but I don't so I feel like it's probably not making a difference but it is the only thing causing me to find pumping a bit annoying. So now I do 10-15 minutes of heat. 10 minutes of massage. Pump and release 10:2 (but keep the cups on just release all of the pressure) for an hour. Then 10-15 minutes of heat again. And I repeat that three times a day. I've only done it that way once so far and I didn't notice a negative difference but I did find it made it a lot less annoying to me.

I would take the stretch marks if they meant actual growth, too. I also have a lot of old stretch marks, especially on my outer thighs, but I have never tried anything to get rid of them. I hope the ones on your boob won't get worse. I'm surprised to hear you got them in the first place, given that you constantly massage your breast with cocoa butter and only go up to -1, -2 max.

I have checked out Anastasia's thread, thank you. I just wish I could see her nipples haha, that would make it easier to compare the before and after pics.

Awakening your small breast, that sounds kind of cute :-) I am actually hoping for something similar. Since my big breast is so much bigger than my small one, I am thinking that my small one was supposed to be that big, as well, and that the constriction is more severe on that boob and that the fat cells are somehow crippled therefore. But that they must be there, underneath. And that maybe pumping will help loosen the constriction and yea, awaken them. I also use acupuncture needles sometimes, because I believe poking through the scarred tissue, which is what this constrictive band is made up of, will help loosen it, as well. Poking holes in it, stretching it. I injected myself with bee venom at some point because I had read that bee venom helpful in the treatment of scar tissue. It was all red and itchy for a couple of days after, but I have no idea if it actually did anything to dissolve the scar tissue.

If your bigger breast has a nice underboob then I am sure that it is not tubular, even if it is a bit conical. I like it when breasts are a bit pointy.

The constant massaging must be a pain in the ass. I read that some people had success with the pump and release method, but I prefer the pump and hold method because the idea of tension induced tissue expansion by applying pressure for an extended period of time sounds more logical to me. This might sound stupid, but each time I release I feel like am interrupting the growth process.

The whole process is taking so long that it probably doesn't make a difference.

But you are right in trying to make it as comfortable as possible for you. You are much more likely to stick to something that you don't find (as) annoying!


(26-07-2020, 09:42)koyasha Wrote:  

(25-07-2020, 14:56)PoisonIvy Wrote:  Yeah, I think that's why I like doing the split sessions because you get swelling longer out of it. By the way, I started to get those stretch marks you were talking about so I see what you mean about them not being from growth. It's kind of annoying because I wouldn't mind it if it were actually from growth (the rest of me has old/silver stretchmarks from when I was a teenager so why not at this point lol) but I want to actually get real growth with it. Yes, I've heard of BO being a good fit for both underdeveloped and tubular though I'm not sure. You should check out Anastasia916 on here if you haven't already seen her posts. I'm not sure if it would make it responsive to other things. I think it's just my hope. My hope is that it just needs to be awakened or something if that makes sense and if I do that it will act like a normal breast and like my other one, although I won't be sure until the future. I move the dome around a bit but the circumference of the dome is quite a bit bigger than my actual breast which is part of the reason I wondered if a small would have been a better fit for that one. Because I don't want to order one for just that breast when it might not even be a better fit and I can still get a good suction and some swelling with the medium cups I don't see why it should interfere with it working though so I think I'm just stubbornly hoping it grows to fit it soon anyways. As far as my larger one goes (because my little one is really just a bud like when puberty just starts) the top and sides of the top is actually the area I lack the most fat but it has a decent underboob lol. It's a bit conical but it doesn't quite look tubular. My hope though is that if I grew it via pumping and BO it would get a nice round shape though, but before I can even think of that I have to turn my little one from a bud to match its larger sister. My larger one is small but developed while my little one actually looks underdeveloped. Lol I don't even wear a bra unless I'm going to the doctors or a family event. I wear thick t-shirts and they are so small it's not necessary that I wear a bra. 
I don't know if there are threads on here about it but I wonder if there are threads that show the difference between lower pressures for longer durations vs a good amount of pressure for shorter durations. I feel like I'm not going to get a good amount of pressure on the gauge until they grow a little because the skin is so tight w/ barely any fat there. Like I wonder if I would get growth out of doing my -1 to -2 pressure but if I increased my time of doing it?
As of last night I stopped massaging during the in between 2 minute breaks (since I do pump and release 10:2). Only because I don't respond to massage anyways (although I'm still doing the 10 minutes before to warm it up) but I find the massaging for 2 minutes part to be the most annoying part of it because I get cocoa butter on my mousepad and have to constantly reapply it if I take the cups off. So last night I tried to just release the pressure for the two minutes but leave the cups on. Not because I think I'll get better results like that but because I don't think I'll get worse results like that and it looks like I'll be in this for the long haul and might even have to increase my hours so I might as well make it less annoying and intrusive to my life so I don't wind up hating it. I don't really mind it at all right now considering I can do other things while I'm doing it on my computer but with the stop and massage for two minutes every 10 minutes thing and get cocoa butter everywhere it becomes a lot more intrusive. If I was actually someone who responded to massage I'd keep it up but I don't so I feel like it's probably not making a difference but it is the only thing causing me to find pumping a bit annoying. So now I do 10-15 minutes of heat. 10 minutes of massage. Pump and release 10:2 (but keep the cups on just release all of the pressure) for an hour. Then 10-15 minutes of heat again. And I repeat that three times a day. I've only done it that way once so far and I didn't notice a negative difference but I did find it made it a lot less annoying to me.

I would take the stretch marks if they meant actual growth, too. I also have a lot of old stretch marks, especially on my outer thighs, but I have never tried anything to get rid of them. I hope the ones on your boob won't get worse. I'm surprised to hear you got them in the first place, given that you constantly massage your breast with cocoa butter and only go up to -1, -2 max.

I have checked out Anastasia's thread, thank you. I just wish I could see her nipples haha, that would make it easier to compare the before and after pics.

Awakening your small breast, that sounds kind of cute :-) I am actually hoping for something similar. Since my big breast is so much bigger than my small one, I am thinking that my small one was supposed to be that big, as well, and that the constriction is more severe on that boob and that the fat cells are somehow crippled therefore. But that they must be there, underneath. And that maybe pumping will help loosen the constriction and yea, awaken them. I also use acupuncture needles sometimes, because I believe poking through the scarred tissue, which is what this constrictive band is made up of, will help loosen it, as well. Poking holes in it, stretching it. I injected myself with bee venom at some point because I had read that bee venom helpful in the treatment of scar tissue. It was all red and itchy for a couple of days after, but I have no idea if it actually did anything to dissolve the scar tissue.

If your bigger breast has a nice underboob then I am sure that it is not tubular, even if it is a bit conical. I like it when breasts are a bit pointy.

The constant massaging must be a pain in the ass. I read that some people had success with the pump and release method, but I prefer the pump and hold method because the idea of tension induced tissue expansion by applying pressure for an extended period of time sounds more logical to me. This might sound stupid, but each time I release I feel like am interrupting the growth process.

The whole process is taking so long that it probably doesn't make a difference.

But you are right in trying to make it as comfortable as possible for you. You are much more likely to stick to something that you don't find (as) !

Yeah, I think it's one of those things that pump and release works better for some people while pump and hold works better for others so I think I'm just testing one out for a few months and if it doesn't work I'll try the other. I have wondered if anyone has ever done a combined method and got success on here? 
I've kinda just accepted the stretchmarks. Practically all women have them so I feel like even though it's considered an "imperfection" by some people it's one of those things that pretty much everyone has. You really can't get rid of old stretchmarks with creams anyways because they are so deep. Creams are more useful for preventing them in the first place and helping them heal better while they are new. I think people have had success with deep micro needling (the kind you basically need a professional for) and things like lasers but I'm poor and feel like that's a lot of effort for something that is so normal.

I just tried a new method for my morning session and had the best swelling ever and with no overpumping or pain or red marks or anything. It's going to be 1 hour 30 minutes more each day for a total of 4 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week now which is a lot but I'm really tired of the asymmetry.

I don't know if anyone else on here has done a combined method because I haven't been able to find a thread about it on here or the noogleberry forum but that's exactly what I did. 10 minutes of heat before and after. 10 minutes of massage before. And then my actual pumping method was 3 sets (so roughly 30 minutes) of pump and release 10:2 and then I did 1 hour of pump and hold. This was a total of 1 1/2 hours. I plan to try to do this three times a day. I didn't even have to use a lot of pressure for the pump and hold either. I started to think this might be the best method for me because the pump and release beforehand gets me a decent amount of swelling and stretching but not for so long that it's overpumping and then I can more easily retain that for the next hour of pump/hold even at a low pressure because it's like the pump and release beforehand preps my breast for the pump/hold or something. I did start to think pump/hold for the majority of the session would be better for me though because of how much issues I have with overpumping I don't feel like I am able to get that much pressure so it felt like lower amounts of pressure for longer might be better, but the pump/release method beforehand really preps it for me by getting me a decent amount of swelling beforehand. 

Hope things are going well for you.

I'm sure someone on here has tried a combined method of pump and hold and pump and release, I remember reading that somewhere, but she only did the pump and hold for a short a time I think, maybe half an hour or so. I've read so much on here, I am not even sure anymore, but I believe she used the pump and release as some sort of warm up for better circulation.

I am poor, as well, I wonder if acupuncture needles are similar to deep micro needling? I have a derma roller, but I haven't used it yet since (after purchasing it) I read that it can actually damage tissue and cause premature aging.

I just read your other post. It's great that you had so much success when it comes to swelling with your new method! I think maybe I will try that, too. Just not as long as I'm still using that stupid ball as a nipple stopper, but maybe I could pump and release without the ball and then pump and hold with it.

I haven't been home much these past few days. My friend's cat has gone missing and we were out looking for him Saturday and Sunday and yesterday my mom and stepdad took me out for lunch (first time at a buffet since Corona, I ate way too much).

You spend a lot of time pumping. Do you have that much time or do you make time for it?


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