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My BO journey


(16-01-2018, 10:35)MissEllen Wrote:  Seriously debating if I want to continue NBE. I feel pretty happy with this. What do you guys think? 
Maybe I should go up one more cupsize, and then stop everything? Thinking if I stop I might decrease one cupsize, which means I end up with what I have right now.

Or I can stop now and see what happens?

I don’t know what to do :/

Wow...well done Ellen.  I guess i'd go with the old theory of going up one more cup size then tapering off your supps, if i were in your position.  xox

(15-01-2018, 18:48)MissEllen Wrote:  Mmm kay!

I feel like these are getting more half a year updates xD

Good news, I have entered the eara of G-cup (wtf right)

Honestly, I feel like my boob greed has stopped.
I did some MAJOR changes since the summer, and stuff is working.
My program now:

- Bovine Ovary Swanson 1500 mg a day, taken at once before sleep 
- Ibutamoren (!!!!) (also known as MK-677) 25 mg a day (IGF-1)
- HMB  2 grams total a day (divided in taking it 3 times a day every 8 hours)
- Cimetidine (tagamet) 1600 mg a day, take it divided over 4 times a day 400 mg each
- Drospironolon + Ethinylestradiol (Yasmin) transbuccal once a day for 3 weeks, and one rest week.
- Multivitamine

During my rest week once a month I stop BCP and BO, and start taking Maca powder

Where to start.
Ibutamoren, why on earth is not everyone who does NBE on this stuff?
Seriously, we should all be reading more muscle building forums for things like IGF-1 and Growth Hormone lol

It raises Growth Hormone & IGF-1 levels, like nothing else (legally).
I’ve stopped the cinnamon, it is a joke compared to Ibutamoren.

Ibutamoren doesn’t affect cortisol, and doesn’t build any extra muscle or interacts with any androgen/receptors.

After 6 weeks of ibutamoren your IGF-1 is increased with 60% 
After 12 months of continious use, your IGF-1 levels are 72%
The longer you use, the higher your values get.

For those not knowing, IGF-1 is pretty essential for NBE!

I would advice not taking it longer than 12 months due to the IGF-1 risk increase in heart diseases and cancer etc.

Read more here, also the references of the article:
Click here on more Ibutamoren info, you know you want to  Wink

- HMB for to be sure my cells don’t shrink anymore once they are made. Look it up yourself.
I wouldn’t advice this to trans-ladies out there who want to lose muscle. If you are fine with the muscle you’ve now got, then I’d say it’s fine. I understand about wanting to lose muscle if you are transitioning. 

- Cimetidine (Tagamet). It is a medication originally for anti acid. Now I take this for legal reasons. But main side effect in long term use is gynecomastia (fancy word for booby growth). It blocks androgen receptors and also makes the estrogen available in your body to the most efficient estrogen form (17-beta variant).
AOC in the USA, prescription in Europe I believe.

From everything I’ve read, it takes a while for this one to induce gynecomastia. So you will not see growth within a month from just taking this at this dose. More likely half a year before the fun starts. But that is in normal people (men), who don’t take enhancing NBE supplements of course.
Perfect if you have gastric reflux issues.
Be aware of the drug interactions with this one, be sure to check at your pharmacy! No joke here!

- BCP yasmin since the summer: Drospirenon, I calculated it and it has about the same effect as 25 mg of spironolactone. It is a stronger anti androgen than spironolactone, but the dose is lower in Yasmin, hence you end up with around a 25 mg spironolactone effect. Which is pretty great still Smile
So cis-ladies, if you are looking for an easy and effective anti-androgen, this is your go-to Wink

Don’t take this one if you smoke, or are over 35 years of age, or have had like blood clotting issues, or you drink Kale juices 24/7 lol. 
It has a significant higher risk for developing bloot clots, especially in the first year of use.
Just keeping y’all safe here, you know

I buy everything locally here, so please don’t ask for brands etc :p 

Next few months I am looking more into White Peony Root extraction.

But for now, I am doing pwetty damn alright

I’ll try reading back here more often, sorry I sucked so much xD

Still love to read all your messages Smile
You can post here and let me know how you are doing

Keep em growing!
Au revoir!

Mk667 is expensive but i guess if you combine the cost of other supps you take to increase HGH its not so bad, is 25mg considered a high dose?  The supps I found come in 10mg, I would love to try this one, but cost may get me? 

HMB is now on my try list, i read that it helps with protein synthesis and works better on amateur/part time gym junkies then on gym junkies so sounds beneficial to NBE.

(16-01-2018, 22:16)sweetorange Wrote:  
(16-01-2018, 10:35)MissEllen Wrote:  Seriously debating if I want to continue NBE. I feel pretty happy with this. What do you guys think? 
Maybe I should go up one more cupsize, and then stop everything? Thinking if I stop I might decrease one cupsize, which means I end up with what I have right now.

Or I can stop now and see what happens?

I don’t know what to do :/

Hey Ellen!

How are you? Happy New Year love!! Blush 

WOW your progress is inspiring and very very very based on science haha! Honestly, if I were you I would stop for some months and see what happens but I know you like big breasts :p so you could stop for a while, see what's next and if you think you need to achieve a bigger size re-adjust or make a new plan!

P.S : I've tons of things to tell you!!

Omg of all the NBE people I’ve missed you the most!


How are you doing? How is your nbe going? Do you still pump? 

Sorry I kind of got bullied/harrased on tumblr and here in private messages. Mostly on tumblr, I just can’t take it. Both guys and girls are doing it, it’s disgusting.

Haters only motivate me tbh :p
But I am bad with conflict, not in the moment, but it gives me major anxiety afterwards.

But hey I am just trying to doing my thing and not letting anyone talk me down.
I think the combination I am using right now is perfect for breast development. I actually quit the Casein and other foods, I wanted to have the least amount of products with the maximum effect you know.

I went back to my drawing board lol, and tried to find new ways that mot anyone in NBE had done before. Because obviously we where all missing something.

I think the biggest one is to have a ‘period’ every month. Or to at least stop estrogen and progesterone supplements, this way, the pituitary gland can reset hormones like FSH and LH and many more. Even IGF-1 levels in the liver can have effect on this. 
Online I found out that after 7 days of stopping BCP, the normal hormone values are back to normal.
I actually tried this whole program for a month without the rest week. And not much happened, I felt like they wanted to grow, but it just didn’t take off, if you know what I mean.

After I introduced the stop week: the first week on BCP not super much is happening, but the weeks from thereon and even in my period, oh my
Non-stop growing I tell you.
I have growing pains writing this lol
When I look at like a normal estrogen menstrual cycle, I think we still sort of follow this pattern while on BCP. Hence the first week after period is not much growth. 

Here is a nice and easy picture of a montly cis hormone cycle

Also taking BO only once a day seems to be benefitial for me instead of taking it every 8 hours. I think because of the estrogen in BO, which taking orally lowers IGF-1 values.

The Maca I start taking on the second day in my stop week, continuing till I start my BCP and BO again after 7 days of not using it.
Since Maca root is an adaptogen, I want it to adapt while I am low on estrogen/progesterone. I thought if I take it while on BCP and BO, it might think I am too high on it (which I essentially am) and counteract the whole thing.
From day 2, my hormone levels should be low again.

What I have really noticed Orange, is the shape! I remember you posting something about that?

When I was doing my Soy/flaxseed routine, they where more full like oranges, like round.
And with this method, they are much different looking. They are much more fuller all over. Like I have much more on the top and the sides. My breasts are closer together too! I was a 70F on the soy/flaxseed, and then stopped and went to a 70E cup.
Then I did this method I became a 70F again, but a much fuller and softer 70F.
Personally I like this one much more. 

I thought about it, and I remember something about macromastia. Macromastia is when you have extremely large breasts. Like breasts of 2.5 kilo :o
Their breasts have relatively the same amount if glandular tissue, but much much more adipose (fat) tissue & connective tissue. 
It is called hyperplasia, you can look it up Smile 
Would make sense if I feel my breast on the top now, that is no breast tissue I am feeling. Like I have boobs so high up now, I never thought that would happen. It is just fat and connective tissue.

I think this method actually induces macromastia, the soy/flaxseed method induces more glandular tissue growth.
As we know, as we age there is involution (breakdown) of the glandular tissue, so I think this method is much safe in terms of permanent growth. But that is my 2-cents on it

Much love!

(16-01-2018, 22:35)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(16-01-2018, 10:35)MissEllen Wrote:  Seriously debating if I want to continue NBE. I feel pretty happy with this. What do you guys think? 
Maybe I should go up one more cupsize, and then stop everything? Thinking if I stop I might decrease one cupsize, which means I end up with what I have right now.

Or I can stop now and see what happens?

I don’t know what to do :/

Wow...well done Ellen.  I guess i'd go with the old theory of going up one more cup size then tapering off your supps, if i were in your position.  xox

Thank you! <3
That is sweet

Yeah since I went down one size before, I will do that

And yes MK677 is a bit expensive and 25 mg is the max dose
One warning, build up. I started taking 5 mg at the evening and build my way up from there.
Because it makes you extremely hungry. Like extremely!
Makes sense because it actually increases your hunger hormone, that is what it does.
This causes your Human Growth Hormone to increase (HGH is very good for NBE), and the HGH increases your IGF-1.
So make sure you have no junk food laying around.
I have fairly good self-control in terms of eating. But I went mad on this stuff haha xD I gained a bit (already lost it). The extreme hunger lasts for about 2 weeks, after that you feel normal again.

Higher dosage than 25 mg has not been proven to be effective in terms of raising HGH & IGF-1

Yeah and HMB activates a few pathways within a cell for proliferation and stopping apoptosis (programmed cell death).

These pathways are also downstream of what estrogen and Hepatocyte Growth Factor and IGF-1 do (JAK/STAT, MAKP/ERK pathways)

Which is very interesting! You basically skip that whole step. But I don’t know if that also works on tissues in the breast (glandular/adipose/connective) sometimes something only works on a specific type of tissue.

Normal dose of HMB is 3 mg a day, but I went into the papers and read about the dosage in terms of weight. I am much smaller and don’t weigh so much, so 2 mg a day total is perfect for me Smile

Hope that helps!

I've been reading about ur programs and results since I joined BN about a year ago, and have always been very impressed (and jealous lol) I'd like to PM you about some things but u seem to have disabled that option. I'm assuming because of the bullying and conflict u were talking about... But if you wouldn't mind talking, maybe u could PM me with a way to get in touch, that ur comfortable with. And btw, congrats on ur amazing results! Seriously, mind blowing!

Hello there! Smile
Im just new to start breast enlargement programs, and I am looking for somebody that has been doing a routine and seen results. So I will be so grateful if you share your exact routine and the way I should consume pills or whatever. 

Thank youuuu Wink


OMG! The trolls and buttheads you can find on the internet is huge I know dear I know ! Do I have to punch someone ? Angry Ignore them that's the best thing you can do and OBVIOUSLY do whatever it makes you happy! Plus , I think they are just jealous (yes JEAAALOUS) about your plans, your results and yourself! 

Weeeell I still on  NBE buuuut do you remember I had to loose weight for health reasons? about 7,5 kilos? well I made it! and meanwhile I kept pumping so my size was the same during that period of time , 34C though I lost a bit of volume. Buuuut in december around Christmas after spending tons of times with my nieces guess who got the flu? myself!  Big Grin  and it was the A one yeees the one that is around all Europe in case somebody doesn't know what I am talking about ! I stayed in the hospital for a week cause my fever was too high they decided it was better to control the situation. AND I LOST WEIGHT. yep. And this time I didn't need to! so what happened? they've lost the shape, and obviously the volume. I still wearing a 34C but they are not full you know what I mean right? 
So I decided to get back to pumping two weeks ago, little by little, but last Friday I tried 1h again and I overpumped HAHAHAH I'm so dumb I know! so today I get back to boob work =) 
I've been thinking in other methods as well. Remember our crazy talks about zhi mu (your notes in purple ink hahaha that made me laugh I am not the only one who writes down things about NBE on notebooks!) ? I am thinking if that could be a good alternative or even BO pill through nipple intake since you told me it only acts locally that would be a good give-a-try too but I don't know! You know I am a mess taking too much things and even worse if they are orally, so I don't know if BO nipple cream alone would work ! (well and pumping)

Tongue You know I'm not sci person but if I've understood well , you say having period it's essential and not making the mimic part (taking supplements for estrogen , progesterone so on) would be positive- then,  some NBE makers are on the wrong process or different paths ??
I'm worried for the herb intake I see on the forum , that's why I ask this( I know is not my problem but I would not like hearing from someone he or she is hurt because of it!)

On the other hand so you think breast tissue and fat tissue makes our boobs look and feel different, very interesting! Do you think fat tissue could be easier to get or both are complicated? (I guess what I get from noogling is breast tissue...) I'm interested now in working in both kind of tissues, any idea what I could do? 

My beautiful Ellen, you are doing a great work , you must be so proud of yourself (so I am Cool ) and please don't feel discouraged about others opinion or dumb messages, you are a wonderful human being and you are not just working for yourself also for this community (because let's be honest she could have hidden all her threads but instead she decided to share with you, so be KINDDD)!!! 
you are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Much love xxx

(21-01-2018, 19:36)MissEllen Wrote:  When I was doing my Soy/flaxseed routine, they where more full like oranges, like round.
And with this method, they are much different looking. They are much more fuller all over. Like I have much more on the top and the sides. My breasts are closer together too! I was a 70F on the soy/flaxseed, and then stopped and went to a 70E cup.
Then I did this method I became a 70F again, but a much fuller and softer 70F.
Personally I like this one much more. 

I thought about it, and I remember something about macromastia. Macromastia is when you have extremely large breasts. Like breasts of 2.5 kilo :o
Their breasts have relatively the same amount if glandular tissue, but much much more adipose (fat) tissue & connective tissue. 
It is called hyperplasia, you can look it up Smile 
Would make sense if I feel my breast on the top now, that is no breast tissue I am feeling. Like I have boobs so high up now, I never thought that would happen. It is just fat and connective tissue.

I think this method actually induces macromastia, the soy/flaxseed method induces more glandular tissue growth.
As we know, as we age there is involution (breakdown) of the glandular tissue, so I think this method is much safe in terms of permanent growth. But that is my 2-cents on it

Much love!

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW INSPIRING THIS IS?? you just described one of my main dreams and goals in life im so happy for you Rolleyes
i grew from 32 to 33 from your soy and flaxseed method <3 *thanks to you Wink
 and now im on BO and nooglling ( i want to be fuller on the top so bad) i once measured 35' of swelling. 33'7 or 34 without so yay
can you please explain what you did and what i need for this method Blush 

and about the harassing im so heartbroken to know that. last time i checked your post you were on vacation having fun, and bullying you for what?? for having an amazing breast or that you share your knowledge with us??? i cant believe you had to go thru this you're so so  sweet and super smart person you honestly changed my life to the better and i love you forever for that <3

(15-01-2018, 18:48)MissEllen Wrote:  Mmm kay!

I feel like these are getting more half a year updates xD

Good news, I have entered the eara of G-cup (wtf right)

Honestly, I feel like my boob greed has stopped.
I did some MAJOR changes since the summer, and stuff is working.
My program now:

- Bovine Ovary Swanson 1500 mg a day, taken at once before sleep 
- Ibutamoren (!!!!) (also known as MK-677) 25 mg a day (IGF-1)
- HMB  2 grams total a day (divided in taking it 3 times a day every 8 hours)
- Cimetidine (tagamet) 1600 mg a day, take it divided over 4 times a day 400 mg each
- Drospironolon + Ethinylestradiol (Yasmin) transbuccal once a day for 3 weeks, and one rest week.
- Multivitamine

During my rest week once a month I stop BCP and BO, and start taking Maca powder

Where to start.
Ibutamoren, why on earth is not everyone who does NBE on this stuff?
Seriously, we should all be reading more muscle building forums for things like IGF-1 and Growth Hormone lol

It raises Growth Hormone & IGF-1 levels, like nothing else (legally).
I’ve stopped the cinnamon, it is a joke compared to Ibutamoren.

Ibutamoren doesn’t affect cortisol, and doesn’t build any extra muscle or interacts with any androgen/receptors.

After 6 weeks of ibutamoren your IGF-1 is increased with 60% 
After 12 months of continious use, your IGF-1 levels are 72%
The longer you use, the higher your values get.

For those not knowing, IGF-1 is pretty essential for NBE!

I would advice not taking it longer than 12 months due to the IGF-1 risk increase in heart diseases and cancer etc.

Read more here, also the references of the article:
Click here on more Ibutamoren info, you know you want to  Wink

- HMB for to be sure my cells don’t shrink anymore once they are made. Look it up yourself.
I wouldn’t advice this to trans-ladies out there who want to lose muscle. If you are fine with the muscle you’ve now got, then I’d say it’s fine. I understand about wanting to lose muscle if you are transitioning. 

- Cimetidine (Tagamet). It is a medication originally for anti acid. Now I take this for legal reasons. But main side effect in long term use is gynecomastia (fancy word for booby growth). It blocks androgen receptors and also makes the estrogen available in your body to the most efficient estrogen form (17-beta variant).
AOC in the USA, prescription in Europe I believe.

From everything I’ve read, it takes a while for this one to induce gynecomastia. So you will not see growth within a month from just taking this at this dose. More likely half a year before the fun starts. But that is in normal people (men), who don’t take enhancing NBE supplements of course.
Perfect if you have gastric reflux issues.
Be aware of the drug interactions with this one, be sure to check at your pharmacy! No joke here!

- BCP yasmin since the summer: Drospirenon, I calculated it and it has about the same effect as 25 mg of spironolactone. It is a stronger anti androgen than spironolactone, but the dose is lower in Yasmin, hence you end up with around a 25 mg spironolactone effect. Which is pretty great still Smile
So cis-ladies, if you are looking for an easy and effective anti-androgen, this is your go-to Wink

Don’t take this one if you smoke, or are over 35 years of age, or have had like blood clotting issues, or you drink Kale juices 24/7 lol. 
It has a significant higher risk for developing bloot clots, especially in the first year of use.
Just keeping y’all safe here, you know

I buy everything locally here, so please don’t ask for brands etc :p 

Next few months I am looking more into White Peony Root extraction.

But for now, I am doing pwetty damn alright

I’ll try reading back here more often, sorry I sucked so much xD

Still love to read all your messages Smile
You can post here and let me know how you are doing

Keep em growing!
Au revoir!

silly question but does swanson has more than a 250mg or do you take 6 cap?

im thinking of following your steps once i reach 1500mg of raw ovarian glandular  Big Grin 

keep us updated love  Blush

(16-01-2018, 10:35)MissEllen Wrote:  Seriously debating if I want to continue NBE. I feel pretty happy with this. What do you guys think? 
Maybe I should go up one more cupsize, and then stop everything? Thinking if I stop I might decrease one cupsize, which means I end up with what I have right now.

Or I can stop now and see what happens?

I don’t know what to do :/

I’m clearly biased because it’s not my body, but as an interested bystander I’d love to see if you could at least hit your irrational J cup goal. Doesn’t seem so irrational now Tongue

Anything more than that would be beyond impressive, seems like you’re the only qualified person to ever try this!

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