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(15-05-2013, 17:26)tibetan113 Wrote:  So the gals have been consistent in coming every night. Around the same time. It doesn't matter when I go to bed. They are there waiting for me. One latches on toe very carefully in the night and the other other one comes into the early morning before I wake up. These girls are happy as their results are shoeing. I have been pretty drained this past week with them. I get hit going to bed and upon waking And I belive my hormones are out of whack more so now than before.

I pretty pissed off about it. Doria is now gaining in the hips and but and made a joke about how I am giving her a kardashian butt. I don't watch the kardashians so she surely was not on my mind! I would have said j lo before anyone else. I know this isn't coming from my subconcious. She said I had a big butt. She is extremely pleased and is helping other spirit females to achieve the same thing through this type of therapy.

So watch out. This is becoming a big trend among the spirit teens and if they know your one of us and working on your body, you better hope you two don't share the same goal.

Now my results? I've always been a slow grower. I can't tell how this has affected my nbe other than, I am so tired from them. I think over time it will have a negative effect if they.keep doing it. Doria said she wants to be a full c cup. I don't know about the other spirit girl named ChristinA
She Is More Subtle About it.

Angle, If you want to try this method, you must give me permission. In this method, you should appoint times for practicing these Connections(link to Interuniversal Consciousness). these connections are very like meditation, the only difference is you don`t battle with the thoughts coming to your mind, just clear your mind from thoughts but don`t struggle to keep it empty, just be relaxed and be careful about the things happen to you. let me give you an example: for instance you want to do this mediation thing every day at 2 pm according to your local time, at that time you may lay down or sit on a chair( doesn`t matter). close your eyes. and surrender yourself to the Interuniversal Consciousness. DO NOT concentrate on your problem, just relax and see what happens. ( you should give me your times first)

These connections( call it meditation if you want) to interuniversal consciousness make those entities to leave you forever. but remember that it may take a while.

In case you don't want to see those entities, but still want them to be around, there`s another Connection for not seeing or hearing them.


Sure. I give you permission . Every night at 10 pm Pacific standard time. I have done this but two hours in, my awareness goes. I am in a dream state by then and the entities go at their will. Ithats why i am getting the elf generator in hopes to control my own brainwave activity.

(15-05-2013, 17:59)kmkm Wrote:  
(15-05-2013, 17:26)tibetan113 Wrote:  So the gals have been consistent in coming every night. Around the same time. It doesn't matter when I go to bed. They are there waiting for me. One latches on toe very carefully in the night and the other other one comes into the early morning before I wake up. These girls are happy as their results are shoeing. I have been pretty drained this past week with them. I get hit going to bed and upon waking And I belive my hormones are out of whack more so now than before.

I pretty pissed off about it. Doria is now gaining in the hips and but and made a joke about how I am giving her a kardashian butt. I don't watch the kardashians so she surely was not on my mind! I would have said j lo before anyone else. I know this isn't coming from my subconcious. She said I had a big butt. She is extremely pleased and is helping other spirit females to achieve the same thing through this type of therapy.

So watch out. This is becoming a big trend among the spirit teens and if they know your one of us and working on your body, you better hope you two don't share the same goal.

Now my results? I've always been a slow grower. I can't tell how this has affected my nbe other than, I am so tired from them. I think over time it will have a negative effect if they.keep doing it. Doria said she wants to be a full c cup. I don't know about the other spirit girl named ChristinA
She Is More Subtle About it.

Angle, If you want to try this method, you must give me permission. In this method, you should appoint times for practicing these Connections(link to Interuniversal Consciousness). these connections are very like meditation, the only difference is you don`t battle with the thoughts coming to your mind, just clear your mind from thoughts but don`t struggle to keep it empty, just be relaxed and be careful about the things happen to you. let me give you an example: for instance you want to do this mediation thing every day at 2 pm according to your local time, at that time you may lay down or sit on a chair( doesn`t matter). close your eyes. and surrender yourself to the Interuniversal Consciousness. DO NOT concentrate on your problem, just relax and see what happens. ( you should give me your times first)

These connections( call it meditation if you want) to interuniversal consciousness make those entities to leave you forever. but remember that it may take a while.

In case you don't want to see those entities, but still want them to be around, there`s another Connection for not seeing or hearing them.


I mean no disrespect, but this sounds absurd. High school teeny-bopper spirits that take you boobie growth at night? I just cant wrap my mind around this concept and I'm completely open to the idea that there are spirits good and bad. Good, being the more angel-like and peaceful. Bad, being malicious with the ability to posses those who open themselves to it.

Ive always believed that possession was for the weak-minded. Tibetan, you seem to be very strong-minded. So if what your experiencing isn't possession then how would you describe it?

(16-05-2013, 00:17)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  I mean no disrespect, but this sounds absurd. High school teeny-bopper spirits that take you boobie growth at night? I just cant wrap my mind around this concept and I'm completely open to the idea that there are spirits good and bad. Good, being the more angel-like and peaceful. Bad, being malicious with the ability to posses those who open themselves to it.

Ive always believed that possession was for the weak-minded. Tibetan, you seem to be very strong-minded. So if what your experiencing isn't possession then how would you describe it?

I know it sounds absurd. Trust me its rediculous if its true( which I now believe it is). We all have like energy. Think of when a group of girls hang out a camp for a couple of weeks. Their menses often sync. Who'd of thought that bio chemistry is factual.

As far as little doria, she is very jealous of me. She wants attention from all of her peers and she can be very mean at times. She knows she can get better growth from a blossoming 15 year old but she said she was going to take it from me. I find that she for some reason is obsessive of me. I often over hear her talking about me to others( only when my etheric being is aware.) This is every single night now. I'm only aware about 5 to 10 minutes of the 3 hr hold she's got over my sleep time awareness.
I've choked her many times telling her to leave my being and that she has no permission. crystal is just a follower. She does what doria says and does. I've choked her twice.

Though I cannot prove the existence of youngsters that are doing this. I have experienced this world long enough to know this is very possible. Ever wonder what happens to a 4 year old that dies on this earth?

Long Go. Years ago. I had this question answered numerous times and the answer is that their souls pick up where they left off from our plane and continue to biologically function, and change. They grow up to be adults.(this is only if God grants them to continue their plan on the astral plane).

So what does that say about the unembodied souls? The SamE thing. They grow up to be adults from birth. They have the same biological functions as we do just no physical dense body generated at their time of birth or else they would exist on our plane as well as the etheric plane we often "dream" in.

So jumping into living bodies (though a big no no) has a benefit to them as like anything in the universe as far as energy goes, like can combine with like. So etheric souls can combine with another to become one (this gesture of will is not permanent).

There is a therapeutic aspect to it for them. As I said before, a crazy effective glandular approach. Whatever changes occur in the body, occurs also in the etheric body. So when an etinty combines with your etheric form within your body, thdy they sync. They possess ykur thoughts this way as well. When we eat , that energy not only nourishes our physical bodies, it nourishes our etheric bodies. Now what's beyond that? I have no idea. But it is said there are 7 forms or layers to our being.
I have yet to really experience beyond the astral dimension or recall it at least.

As far as the weak being possessed as opposed to the strong,
that's because it has nothing to do with being weak minded. We ALL are weak when: drumroll... we are sleeping. There is so much we've over looked as far as coexisting or phenomenon beyond what we can see.

So it goes unnoticed and ignored. I'm just an easy target because they know I exist like I know they exist. We are all easy targets. Not all of us will experience such things nor will many recall or recognize when it happens if it did.

Etheric souls that are troubled with addiction also like to hop into bodies. They feel what their host is feeling. The high is on another level. They often attach themselves to the person just to get that high.

The youth are more advanced and sadly, many are with self entitlement starting at such a young age. The people have the upper hand and know it. We are often known to them as stupid, clueless and often become enslaved by possession while we sleep and sometimes our thinking is influenced through out the day.


Angel please tell me about your experience at 10 pm, How long did you stay in connection? Did you see them? Do you want to stop seeing them?
Pls do this Connection every night. and tell me about your progress. this Connection is different from other mediations .It has nothing to do with personal abilities. In this connection you get connected to Interuniversal Conciousness. so you must surrender yourself to Higher Consciousness. Not anyone can do this on her own will. I mean you should give permission to someone having the protection layer against negative radiations. so never try this on your own unless you give time to me or someone in Interuniversal Mysticism occult.

Crap! I meant to post sooner. I did it around 10pm and I can say doria checked in and the left. I was just there clearing my mind like usual and that's when she was doing thought suggestion on me. I don't know why she left as she was successful after ten minutes of lying down. She laughed at me because she was successful. I turned to sleep on my side and the next thing I knew, she was gone but returned in the early morning.

I fell asleep after that. I don't remember a thing. I hate that. I hit REM and other sleep cycles that render my efforts useless. I have limited awareness in these phases. I am trying tonight again. Same time. 10 pm pacific.

Thanks for checking in with me.

On a side note, the girls like to hop in my field when I pump and after ward. Apparently. There's a lot of activity when we pump!

(16-05-2013, 09:50)kmkm Wrote:  Angel please tell me about your experience at 10 pm, How long did you stay in connection? Did you see them? Do you want to stop seeing them?
Pls do this Connection every night. and tell me about your progress. this Connection is different from other mediations .It has nothing to do with personal abilities. In this connection you get connected to Interuniversal Conciousness. so you must surrender yourself to Higher Consciousness. Not anyone can do this on her own will. I mean you should give permission to someone having the protection layer against negative radiations. so never try this on your own unless you give time to me or someone in Interuniversal Mysticism occult.


I didn't read through all the posts here, just the first few, but had to comment. I will go back and read through them in a minute. But I wanted to say that you can push them out. I've been sensitive to the spiritual world since I can remember, I was 3 or 4 years old and I had a "guardian angel" which I now know was a spirit that hung around me, she was a young mother who died while giving birth so she liked tending to me. All the time I would talk to her and my mom just thought it was a regular kid's imaginary friend type thing. But she was tell me stories or sing me to sleep every night. When I was old enough she explained her story to me. She lived in the 1600's was of course an immigrant to the US and died giving birth to a daughter. She never moved on and stayed to watch her daughter grow, have her own children and eventually pass. After that she would go to little girls she was fond of and would hang around them until they got older. I was the first one that could actually hear her.

So anyway onto the story that I think might help you push out negative entities. I know they are not the same as a human that has passed but it may still help...

Basically when I had my son, my son's father and I moved out to the country side where it was 2 miles to the nearest store and 5 miles or more to the nearest grocery store or any type of shopping. Basically there was a farm next door to us where they bred horses. We were renting a duplex, which was weird because it was the only one out there all the rest of the houses were normal houses. But ours was a big house just two sides to it. And each side was a 2 bedroom 1 bath house. Our side had a huge kitchen the other side had bigger bedrooms. I kinda liked the bigger kitchen lol. So anyway... within a month of living there I felt spiritual presence. One I got a good feeling from, one I didn't. The good presence would actually play with my son, he was a month old. He would be cooing and such and looking at something that to the naked eye was not there. Then the bad one would slam doors, turn on and off lights, pound at the walls, one night even lifted our bed while we were sleeping. He never messed with my son though, which was good. So I told my son's father that the place was haunted and a bad spirit was there, he of course called me crazy. So one day I left a tape recorder on in the house as we went shopping. When we came back and played the tape, most of it was white noise. Then all of a sudden you could faintly hear a woman calling out "babies.... babies.... babies.... where's my babies?". My next door neighbors had lived there for 10 years so I took it over to them and played it for the wife as her husband was at work. She instantly turned white and was in shock. After she came to, she started crying. I asked her what was wrong, she said that was the lady that lived there before us. We were told me that the people that lived there before us decided to move closer to family in another state. She told us about the lady that lived there, basically she was a single mom of 3 girls, had moved there from the city to get away from the city chaos and to have her girls grow up away from drugs, violence, etc. Her oldest was 16 and her youngest was 7. She just got out of medical school and was working at the town hospital as an RN. Her daughter started dating a boy down the street he was 18. So she would have him over for dinner, etc. One day on her way home from work the lady's car broke down basically near the 18 year old boys house that her daughter was dating, I don't know his name so will call him John. So John came out to help her with her car, asked if she had her cell to call for additional help. She didn't have a cell phone. So he ended up raping her repeatedly while beating her to death. He left her body half naked on the porch of the church near his house. So the girls went to their uncle who lived out of state, this was in Alabama, he lived in Illinois I believe. My neighbor told me that this lady would always come home and call for her girls that way, "babies.... babies.... where's my babies?" she always referred to her girls as her babies. So that's why she cried cause she remembered that about her. So with that information I went back over to my house and called out her name and told her that her babies where fine, they went with her brother and are living with him, I also found out her oldest finished High School and went on to college, so I shared that with her. I told her it was ok to move on now, that they were fine. After that I never felt her presence again... but that's when everything went downhill.

The bad presence got even more fierce. He banged on the walls more and louder, messed with electrical things more. Slammed doors more. Etc. Then one morning around 6am or so, I was home alone with my son who is now 3 months old. My son's father worked out of town so would be gone for a week then back for a few days, gone for 2 weeks, back for a week, etc. So I was halfway asleep and all of a sudden someone starting choking me. I was laying on my side and it was as if a bigger person was behind me almost spooning me and had me in a choke hold. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. My body felt sooo weird it's hard to explain. So then I said, please let me go, I need to take care of my son. A male voice said in my ear "you're not taking care of shit bitch". As I was just about feeling my self and body give out from not breathing, it let me go. I was in shock for a few minutes. Then my son started crying for his morning feeding. So I came to, grabbed him, put him on my chest and ran out the house. I went next door to my neighbor and when she came to the door I remember I was trying to talk and thought I was, but apparently she said I was just standing there white as a ghost and stiff as a board, she grabbed my son from me before I dropped him or something. As I came to I told her what happened. She was like oh boy. But she told me that she knew there was another spirit on the property besides the lady and apparently the lady was stopping him from hurting us. She said when they first moved there that her daughter who was only a year old stood up in her crib and started yelling "stop stop stop!" and had just the day before said her first word of "mama". She had never said stop before. When she went in her room her crib was moved on the opposite side of the room that it normally was. So she called in a psychic who happened to be her husband's aunt. The psychic felt the evil male presence but said that she couldn't reason with him for him to leave he kept saying it was his house and he wasn't leaving. So she forced him out of their house with her energy, using sage, etc. So apparently it got him out of her side and put him into my side lol. So I thought, why does this man think it's his house? So I called my landlord and questioned how long she had owned the house. She said she got it dirt cheap from a lady that originally built the home on the land. She said the reason it was a duplex was because her mother owned it, and turned it into a duplex for her daughter to live next to her. I asked if I could talk to the original owner. She said that the daughter moved to another state and she didn't know her number, but her mother lived down the street. So I went to talk to the mother. She was 82 years old and sometimes had spells of forgetting who she was, but then would have moments of clarity. When she was in her good state she told me that her and her brother originally owned the land after her father passed he left it to them. They built a house on it and her brother and her lived there with her kids and husband, until the house caught on fire. Her brother got the kids out first then made sure her and her husband was out the house. But then went back in to get his favorite pair of boots. But didn't make it back out. He burned down with the house. After that she built the house that is there now and lived there until her husband passed, then she wanted her daughter to live with her, and that's when she converted the house to be a duplex so her daughter could live next door to her. As she got older her mind wasn't what it use to be, expected with age, and her daughter somehow convinced her to sign the deed over to her. Her daughter sold the house from underneath her and so she was forced to leave, she now lives with her son who takes care of her. So, when she wasn't in her clear state of mind, she kept calling me a different name, and when I said I wasn't that person, she showed me a picture of a young girl that looked exactly like me, and turns out that picture was her daughter when she was younger. So basically the guy in the house was her brother and he thought I was his niece who screwed over his sister. I asked the old lady if I could borrow the picture. I then went to the house and put the picture on the floor. Told him this is his niece, that I am not her, his niece is now in her 60's and I was 18. I told him my name, even took out my birth certificate and photo ID. I told him I wasn't her and that nothing he could do to her anyway could give the house back to his sister. I didn't hear from him for months. So, I figured he moved on. Nope.

One day he tried attacking me again, but this time I had talked with my neighbor's aunt, she told me what to do. When he attacked me, in my mind I visualized his body and with my mind visualized my energy throwing him through the wall and into my back yard. And I said to him, get out and move on. After that I didn't hear from him, until my son's father and I got into a fight and he decided to go sleep in his car outside. He came inside white as a ghost, and I said, he's back isn't he? He said yea, I believe you now. He was in his car sleeping, the keys were NOT in the car and he had the windows down. All of a sudden the car started rocking like someone was pushing on it. The windows started rolling up and down and the radio was turning on and off and the windshield wipers were going. So basically I pushed him out the house but now he's in the yard lol.

So basically from this novel here, I'm trying to say you can push them out with your mind and your energy.

Good luck and now for me to read the rest of the posts haha. BTW I think this should have been posted on the main section of the forum, luckily I happened to look at this part of the forum today.

Crazy story! I totally believe it!

It could be him or even someone else that took over the space. Bottom line, they like anhialate that's for sure.

I know how to push them our and even attack them to their deaths. My problem is, I can't do it when my brain hits the usual deep sleep.

this morning doria did her usual sessions. She wasn't as harsh. She comes around with a guy now. Because she knows if I suddenly wake into awareness, I'll attack her once I get her out of me. This morning after hours of being in her possession hold, I became aware and grabbed "my legs" which i can pull hers for my grabbing, and pulled. She came out easily. I've known of this method for a while now. Boy, she was angry and shoved herself in me right away when got the chance. She then attacked my adrenal kidney area and I got mad pulled her back out again. The moment she tried combining again I blocked her. Her male buddy was there just watching. I found out from him she's older than 13. "No . She's old." He said. She was silent just morphing herself. But she did show me her growth attained. She has grown! She was so happy. She looks like a small c. She's not going to stop she said.

How has this affected me in nbe? I have a feeling growth and changes would have been undisturbed if she did things humanely.

Well. Breast Development is very sensitive as it is and since its believed body changes happen etherically first before they physically happen in this dimension, I'd say she's put a hell of a damper on my growth which is intended and meant for me. The method she is using is transfer force. As the growth changes happen, she is uses force to transfer those changes to her being. I am left with utter drain especially in the chest and thyroid area.

This therapy is not meant to drain the host body. It was meant to simply combine the two bodies and sync for healing. Latching on to the bodies signal for balance. Thats if you get permission.

What she is doing is pure evil! I never gave her permission.
So its an awareness thing. I have no dead relatives to watch out for me and my guide had to incarnate into this world so I have no one but God. I know he's watching.

I guess this is petty shit that happens all of the time there. I really feel like i could have grown but shes unfortunately succeeding in draining energy along with stealing much of my growth from me. I was so tired this past week from her!

I lost 1/8 of an inch. So I am stopping nbe . I have no choice. She's never going to leave if I continue.
Its not worth losing sleep over. Its massively affecting my glandular system. My adrenals thyroid pituitary And pineal are taking a massive toll. I don't understand why she's having such a cow if IM GROWING. She knows she can get. Much better growth elsewhere. She's a sociopathic type.

I think I'm going to have to kill!

(20-05-2013, 17:06)Anastasia916 Wrote:  I didn't read through all the posts here, just the first few, but had to comment. I will go back and read through them in a minute. But I wanted to say that you can push them out. I've been sensitive to the spiritual world since I can remember, I was 3 or 4 years old and I had a "guardian angel" which I now know was a spirit that hung around me, she was a young mother who died while giving birth so she liked tending to me. All the time I would talk to her and my mom just thought it was a regular kid's imaginary friend type thing. But she was tell me stories or sing me to sleep every night. When I was old enough she explained her story to me. She lived in the 1600's was of course an immigrant to the US and died giving birth to a daughter. She never moved on and stayed to watch her daughter grow, have her own children and eventually pass. After that she would go to little girls she was fond of and would hang around them until they got older. I was the first one that could actually hear her.

So anyway onto the story that I think might help you push out negative entities. I know they are not the same as a human that has passed but it may still help...

Basically when I had my son, my son's father and I moved out to the country side where it was 2 miles to the nearest store and 5 miles or more to the nearest grocery store or any type of shopping. Basically there was a farm next door to us where they bred horses. We were renting a duplex, which was weird because it was the only one out there all the rest of the houses were normal houses. But ours was a big house just two sides to it. And each side was a 2 bedroom 1 bath house. Our side had a huge kitchen the other side had bigger bedrooms. I kinda liked the bigger kitchen lol. So anyway... within a month of living there I felt spiritual presence. One I got a good feeling from, one I didn't. The good presence would actually play with my son, he was a month old. He would be cooing and such and looking at something that to the naked eye was not there. Then the bad one would slam doors, turn on and off lights, pound at the walls, one night even lifted our bed while we were sleeping. He never messed with my son though, which was good. So I told my son's father that the place was haunted and a bad spirit was there, he of course called me crazy. So one day I left a tape recorder on in the house as we went shopping. When we came back and played the tape, most of it was white noise. Then all of a sudden you could faintly hear a woman calling out "babies.... babies.... babies.... where's my babies?". My next door neighbors had lived there for 10 years so I took it over to them and played it for the wife as her husband was at work. She instantly turned white and was in shock. After she came to, she started crying. I asked her what was wrong, she said that was the lady that lived there before us. We were told me that the people that lived there before us decided to move closer to family in another state. She told us about the lady that lived there, basically she was a single mom of 3 girls, had moved there from the city to get away from the city chaos and to have her girls grow up away from drugs, violence, etc. Her oldest was 16 and her youngest was 7. She just got out of medical school and was working at the town hospital as an RN. Her daughter started dating a boy down the street he was 18. So she would have him over for dinner, etc. One day on her way home from work the lady's car broke down basically near the 18 year old boys house that her daughter was dating, I don't know his name so will call him John. So John came out to help her with her car, asked if she had her cell to call for additional help. She didn't have a cell phone. So he ended up raping her repeatedly while beating her to death. He left her body half naked on the porch of the church near his house. So the girls went to their uncle who lived out of state, this was in Alabama, he lived in Illinois I believe. My neighbor told me that this lady would always come home and call for her girls that way, "babies.... babies.... where's my babies?" she always referred to her girls as her babies. So that's why she cried cause she remembered that about her. So with that information I went back over to my house and called out her name and told her that her babies where fine, they went with her brother and are living with him, I also found out her oldest finished High School and went on to college, so I shared that with her. I told her it was ok to move on now, that they were fine. After that I never felt her presence again... but that's when everything went downhill.

The bad presence got even more fierce. He banged on the walls more and louder, messed with electrical things more. Slammed doors more. Etc. Then one morning around 6am or so, I was home alone with my son who is now 3 months old. My son's father worked out of town so would be gone for a week then back for a few days, gone for 2 weeks, back for a week, etc. So I was halfway asleep and all of a sudden someone starting choking me. I was laying on my side and it was as if a bigger person was behind me almost spooning me and had me in a choke hold. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. My body felt sooo weird it's hard to explain. So then I said, please let me go, I need to take care of my son. A male voice said in my ear "you're not taking care of shit bitch". As I was just about feeling my self and body give out from not breathing, it let me go. I was in shock for a few minutes. Then my son started crying for his morning feeding. So I came to, grabbed him, put him on my chest and ran out the house. I went next door to my neighbor and when she came to the door I remember I was trying to talk and thought I was, but apparently she said I was just standing there white as a ghost and stiff as a board, she grabbed my son from me before I dropped him or something. As I came to I told her what happened. She was like oh boy. But she told me that she knew there was another spirit on the property besides the lady and apparently the lady was stopping him from hurting us. She said when they first moved there that her daughter who was only a year old stood up in her crib and started yelling "stop stop stop!" and had just the day before said her first word of "mama". She had never said stop before. When she went in her room her crib was moved on the opposite side of the room that it normally was. So she called in a psychic who happened to be her husband's aunt. The psychic felt the evil male presence but said that she couldn't reason with him for him to leave he kept saying it was his house and he wasn't leaving. So she forced him out of their house with her energy, using sage, etc. So apparently it got him out of her side and put him into my side lol. So I thought, why does this man think it's his house? So I called my landlord and questioned how long she had owned the house. She said she got it dirt cheap from a lady that originally built the home on the land. She said the reason it was a duplex was because her mother owned it, and turned it into a duplex for her daughter to live next to her. I asked if I could talk to the original owner. She said that the daughter moved to another state and she didn't know her number, but her mother lived down the street. So I went to talk to the mother. She was 82 years old and sometimes had spells of forgetting who she was, but then would have moments of clarity. When she was in her good state she told me that her and her brother originally owned the land after her father passed he left it to them. They built a house on it and her brother and her lived there with her kids and husband, until the house caught on fire. Her brother got the kids out first then made sure her and her husband was out the house. But then went back in to get his favorite pair of boots. But didn't make it back out. He burned down with the house. After that she built the house that is there now and lived there until her husband passed, then she wanted her daughter to live with her, and that's when she converted the house to be a duplex so her daughter could live next door to her. As she got older her mind wasn't what it use to be, expected with age, and her daughter somehow convinced her to sign the deed over to her. Her daughter sold the house from underneath her and so she was forced to leave, she now lives with her son who takes care of her. So, when she wasn't in her clear state of mind, she kept calling me a different name, and when I said I wasn't that person, she showed me a picture of a young girl that looked exactly like me, and turns out that picture was her daughter when she was younger. So basically the guy in the house was her brother and he thought I was his niece who screwed over his sister. I asked the old lady if I could borrow the picture. I then went to the house and put the picture on the floor. Told him this is his niece, that I am not her, his niece is now in her 60's and I was 18. I told him my name, even took out my birth certificate and photo ID. I told him I wasn't her and that nothing he could do to her anyway could give the house back to his sister. I didn't hear from him for months. So, I figured he moved on. Nope.

One day he tried attacking me again, but this time I had talked with my neighbor's aunt, she told me what to do. When he attacked me, in my mind I visualized his body and with my mind visualized my energy throwing him through the wall and into my back yard. And I said to him, get out and move on. After that I didn't hear from him, until my son's father and I got into a fight and he decided to go sleep in his car outside. He came inside white as a ghost, and I said, he's back isn't he? He said yea, I believe you now. He was in his car sleeping, the keys were NOT in the car and he had the windows down. All of a sudden the car started rocking like someone was pushing on it. The windows started rolling up and down and the radio was turning on and off and the windshield wipers were going. So basically I pushed him out the house but now he's in the yard lol.

So basically from this novel here, I'm trying to say you can push them out with your mind and your energy.

Good luck and now for me to read the rest of the posts haha. BTW I think this should have been posted on the main section of the forum, luckily I happened to look at this part of the forum today.


Yea, that was going to be my next suggestion, stop internal NBE. Stop any supplementation, just do massage, pumping, hypnosis etc. Wouldn't hypnosis work in changing only your body? I know pumping and massage would.

(21-05-2013, 05:46)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Yea, that was going to be my next suggestion, stop internal NBE. Stop any supplementation, just do massage, pumping, hypnosis etc. Wouldn't hypnosis work in changing only your body? I know pumping and massage would.

I was etherically harassed by her and him all night last night. She attacked my chest and thyroid. Then stressed out my adrenals. I could litteralky feel heaviness in my abdomen and stomach area. Its awe full when they do this night after night.

I told her i was not doing it anymore. I wanted sleep. And that it was not worth it. She laughed and was happy about it.

She did check in with me in the morning. Then left as I had other company. Far nicer spiritual company. Its a rarity but I'm just happy i t happens. I think that's why she left.

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