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Out of curiousity I looked too on their site and could not find it, but found it listed at this site, not sure if they are reputable or not.

Sorry for the confusionBlush It wasn't on the dne site but on the site you listed Sissy :angel:

Oh i had some growth with BO but the whole up and down thing just got me frustrated..I tried PM for 2 cycles and gained weight in my midsection.
I am on FG seed right now..I really wish i could try BB but after looking at their site they are too expensive :-/
I will get NG for sure next month.AS for BO/BB vs WU that is still a matter of BB's pricing.I wish they reduce their prices..It has to be some how better than generic BO for the price they are asking for.

hey sandy... i emailed bb and asked about the bb prices. she said she could get me down to 13.5 months for 600 bucks, which comes to around 45 dollars a month. not TOO bad when you figure what else we spend, i suppose!

i am going to sell what generic i bought if i am going to go with bb... i will post when i am feeling not lazy and go count my bottles and stuff! they are all 200mg, so you would need to take between 9 and 12 a day to see any results. i know i have a few bottles, i just cant remember how many off the top of my head!

happy growing...


I contacted them too but got no replyDodgy 600$ for 13.5 is better than what they have..But i think we should wait till christmass.I have a feeling that they'll have some special offer then Wink I know we have spent so much on NBE.I am gonna have to sell my PM too but don't think that would work well for me.I also remember that BB suggests some supplements too but can't remember what.Will have to go to the old forum and look them up.I want to get the whole package this time and do it right.I am going to grow Cool Good luck Emmie and thanks for the reply.

Hello Everyone,
First off I want to thank everyone that has posted what they have been doing here and on old site. It is so nice to see that there are other male's looking to do this also. Yes I kind of was thinking no one was or had the same wants and needs to have breasts. I have like many of you always wanted to have breasts of my own. I had tried doing what most of us did when we were kids and stuffing a bra LOL. But as you know it is just not the same as the real thing. I did try the herbs and so on but no luck other then nipples are a little tender but want more. I have been lookinng at BB for the last few months. I hate to say it but I think I know the website info by heart!! It does seem expensive but in the end if it works is that not what we want?
Just to fill you in I am 44 years old 5'8" tall 156lbs 36" chest under breast 37" at breast nipple LOL 31"waist. Only reason for that info is so I hope more men will do the same so the rest of us can see how it work depending on thier type of build. I have also been taking Spironolactone (anti-androens) 200 mg for about 24 weeks. I hope that has lowered my testosterone. Hoping that will help BB work better less to change. Not sure about that one now let me know what you think? I have check on what size I might get to but looking at females in my family. Most sites say we should be about 1 size less. Guess that wouldn't be bad since most in my family are c/d size so if I could get to a large b/c more to the c side I would be happy!
Well guess thats it for now. I am still thinking about the pills the only thing holding me back is the money LOL
Talk to you guys later,
J. F.

I think Cheryl will be the best one to put imput in on this one, but the first thing that went through my mind was noogleberry. I know the results cheryl got was from doing both the Bountiful breast and noogling. I wonder though if it would be possible for noogling on it's own to work for a male like it does for a female? then at least you could get started on your NBE process while you save up to be able to add the BB onto it. In my opinion as cheap as noogleberry pumps are and as well as they seem to work for all the gals that use them, they in my opinion are your best bang for your buck, but I would definately want cheryl to put her two cents in on this one, as to whether it would work on it's own.

Good luck,


Hello Itsjust4fun,
I wanted thank you for your reply I will look into what you said.

Hi Breast man, i am male and i have been doing NBE for about a year, i started using BB and a Noogleberry and i also took saw palmetto to help lower my testosterone levels, i have had great results using this method and feel very lucky. I know some males and females can have very different results depending on what method they use, i also believe what works for one person may not work for another. And remember that growing breasts is completely different to wanting to enlarge breasts which the ladies on this site are doing. My opinion is you really need alot of dedication and desire to do this as it can be a very very long process and it can be dissapointing depending on what you want to gain from it. I was diagnosed with a hormone balance condition after months of NBE and this is what has helped me achieve the results i have. As far as the noogleberry goes its hard to say if that on its own could develop and breast tissue but in my opinion it would help enlarge any male breast tissue you already have but i am no expert, i just feel very lucky to have achieved what i have and i hope you have success in what ever method you use. If you have the commitment and determination that every woman has on here to do NBE then you stand a good chance. Good luck xxxx

Hello Gals,
Im not sure if this is the best place to put this but it seems to fit LOL. I was looking at the Bountifal Breast and Transfemme web sites. It Looks like they are the same company Avalon Essentials. BB seems to be aimed females and Transfemme is aimed at males/trangender. Take a look and let me know what you think. The BB site says to take 1 in the morning and one at night or this can happen it is from the web sight. (33) How do I use the Bountiful Breast® pills?
Take one pill in the morning with water, and one pill at night with water. Make sure you take them on an empty stomach, wait an hour before you eat in the morning. Do not take pill more than two times per day. If you take pills three times per day or more it could cause you to grow faster in the beginning and then stop growing abruptly. This is due to the homeopathic

Take one shake per day, mix with milk, juice, water, rice milk, almond milk, or oat milk.

We recommend that you only need the extra supplements if you have a low body temperature or irregular periods. This is on a case by case basis.

Now what the Transfemme site tells men to do.

How does Transfemme work on genetic males?

Transfemme causes a process called aromatization, whereby the body converts testosterone into estrogen in levels that may match a biological female. In sufficient doses Transfemme causes the male body to reprogram the way it processes hormones, leaving the male body producing high estrogen and low testosterone like a genetic female even after discontinuing Transfemme. A sufficient dose is eight capsules per day. Four capsules in the morning and four capsules in the evening.

I just wonder if it makes you (females) stop abruptly (taking more then 2 a day) why would transfemme tell men to take 8 a day wouldnt it do the same thing.

Also I look at the price on both.
BB has a 13 1/2(90 in each bottle) for $597.00 dollors 810 pills which comes out to .73 cents a pill.
TR does not break down by month just pill count. They say you get 12 bottles (90 in each) which = 1080 pills which = .92 cents a pill. I just dont get it if it is the same thing why the differnce in price.

would love to her everyones feed back on this thanks

Hmm, that is a very interesting question breast man. Perhaps each capsule of Transfemme has less MG of Bovine Ovary in each so therefor you have to take more per day. Also, it may be because a born males doesn't have as much estrogen as a born female they may need more MG of Bovine Ovary than we would. As far as the price being more, maybe that's because there are more women buying these products then biological males, so they are trying to compensate for the fact? Either way, I don't understand why BB says to take on an empty stumach...that doesn't make sense. I take Ultra Breast each capsule has 540mg of Bovine ovary, it is recommended to take 3 per day, one with each 3 meals of the day. It says to take WITH food. That makes more sense to me because with Bovine Ovary you need protein, so if you take it with your meals, you are getting the BO and protein at the same time. That theoretically makes more sense to me. Hmmm...I now wonder how much Ultra Breast is per pill, now I gotta check lol. Okay 2 bottles of Ultra Breast (which is what I order every 2 months) is $34.95 before shipping. That's 180 pills, (each bottle has 90 pills, each bottle is a 30 day supply) which makes each pill about $0.19 each. I order the two bottle package because it's the most cost efficient and convenience for me. One bottle is $19.95, 2 bottles is $34.95 making each bottle about $17.48, 3 bottles is $55.95 making each bottle $18.65, 6 bottles is $105.95 making each bottle $17.69. So ultimately buying 2 bottles at a time is the one that saves the most money. Plus then I'm not ordering too much where I may have left overs. Hope you find out though, that is rather strange.

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