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Lara's HRT & NBE


Guess who's officially upgraded to 36KK now. Big Grin I just got my fourth Elomi Molly, in black 36KK/P cup. This one was correct guess with cup shape and depth. Exactly same stuff as before with them so I knew what to expect. And this one is so perfect. No empty space and super comfy, zero problems that 34KK started to give me for quite a while. I love it and omg they flaunt so nicely.

One step away from L cups, I can't wait to get there. Blush


Congratulations.  It looks good on you and I'm sure you're happy.

(28-06-2023, 16:26)Mashtenn Wrote:  Congratulations.  It looks good on you and I'm sure you're happy.

Thanks, its awesome. Hug I wish they made this bra in bigger cups as its been spot on, all four of them.... But nope, this is the end of the line with Elomi Molly. Its a nursing bra, obviously made comfort and support first and hits the spot with everything. Only problem is absolutely as full cups as they come, so it limits the choise with tops a bit but then again, I don't mind if there's some edge of the cups showing, it has really pretty pattern there anyway so who cares if it shows a bit. Big Grin

But next ones after this will be balconette ones from Bravissimo... I just need heck of a lot more boob to fill those extra deep cups they make. Which are amazing once I have enough for that as nothing will flaunt like those things do. Interestingly, they appear to use I think like one size slimmer wires compared to Elomi bras, my current one has a bit wider wires than the 36L Bravissimo one I have waiting. Again another great feature but gosh I need so much more projection for filling them.

I'll get there, its only matter of time. Wink

I know you will.  Can you check out my thread?  I need some advise on my next step on pumping.

Happy With Having Breasts 

Day 739

I guess I've made bit of history by being able to break Noogle domes, what happened was that the edges often sat on top of each other in the middle as the belt trick keeps them totally centered. This along with hours upon hours of pressure was too much and the edge cracked. Thankfully along the rim. This happened to both cups. So I had to figure out how to fix them and the answer was super glue and epoxy resin. [Image: biggrin.gif]

I filled up the entire inside of the edge with resin, then covered the outer side which touches the skin with super glue, including filling in the weird angle on the endge which was causing me a lot of pain. Then sanded all rough out along with smoothing the outer edge which was very unfinished straight from the box which makes me wonder if these are prototypes? The edge isn't as good as on XXLs, its slimmer and somehow flimsy and it was unfinished. Guess what, I ended up improving them, the edge is now near perfectly round and all roughness is gone, they feel pleasant to wear now, absolutely zero pain and the resin has made the edge super thick and sturdy. This is how Noogle should make these things! There's no sense having a weird angle on the edges or rough outer side which digs through the skin.

I'm sure this design was the reason for much broken skin, pain and edge marks. I'm thinking of doing some finishing touches, taking pictures and emailing Noogle about this. They should definitely make the edges perfectly rounded and much thicker to make it really sturdy.

BO experiement keeps on going fantastically. Aches come and go every day especially before sleep. Estriol cream feels helpful also but its very expensive so I might need to cycle it. My boobs are definitely heavier and there's more projection showing up, all the expected things BO does. I'm really hopeful about this growth spurt continuing for a good while. I've been on 1500mg daily dose for a month in about five days and its going so well, definitely worth keeping on going at it. I'm expecting a parcel from iHerb soon, I'm going to test blessed thistle next and then there's DHEA cream to try out, I haven't yet ordered it.

I'm absolutely loving my new bra, fitting perfectly straight from the box is kinda lucky. But knowing how Elomi sizing and cup depth etc. works, I'm not surprised. I hadn't worn this top with it before and decided to try it out, so funny to see it hang straight down like that. Its a memento from an ex girlfriend, never thought at the time that I would end up wearing this and looking bustier than she did.

Nice fix to your domes and glad you were able to fix them.  Also nice projection of your breasts in the top and you can see nice cleavage.  I like the top.

I'm having quite dysphoric and sad day so I thought I'd cheer up by redoing some old photos and this is just nuts. Big Grin I absolutely love my new bra, its such a nice fit. And looks kinda crazy from this close, soon I'll need to take pics further away or I wont fit into the frame any more. Nothing new about NBE for now, but there's some interesting new stuff to experiment upon in near future. More about that later.

Oh and my hips and thighs just keep on getting thicker, there's like a race between boobs and butt which one gets thicker quicker. xD I'm sure I have gained a bit of weight lately. I bet its the BO being the culprit as it has done this to me before. So much for trying to slim down before autumn I guess.


Day 745

Twnety four and half months today. I'm going on a little break from the forum, local Pride event is on Saturday, girlfriend is coming over and after that I'm going to her place for few days so I wont be online much. I'm thinking of it as a little vacation off of everything... I'm soon going to have a new phone in use, she gifted me one as a two year HRT anniversary present. I'm yet to get it in use. So way better pictures in the future. The ones I'm dropping here will be the last update using my age old Huawei.

I want to take some time off of posting much as I'm going into some NBE experiementation now. Likely for a while there wont be much to update about anyway, its the same old grind every day at the moment and its going very nicely. BO is just crazy! I've had few friends note that my boobs have grown in length which I think shows in the underboob picture? I haven't posted one for ages and made this a bit more artistic one so I thought it would be a nice change to the more boring mundane timeline pics.

Check out the new avatar, this happens with just a bit of shape manipulation using my hands, good bra does the same... I guess the benefits of very wide and lately projected shape is showing up. From nipple to where breast root ends is longer than my palm from wrist to fingertips, sidewiev taken while standing. I was desperate for a long time about this but now I'm seeing why its amazing. They're so self supporting even with all this weight, I love it. Its only a matter of time until time and gravity make them droop anyway. Speaking of which, they're becoming so heavy they're starting to sag a bit and its lovely. I've longed for more mature look and I'm slowly getting there.

My latest Elomi Molly 36KK/P bra is fitting extremely nicely, zero empty space and the cups aren't folding. I'm not sure how long lived it'll be, I'm hopign to last few months with it. No worries though as once I pop out of it, I have the super deep Bravissimo Balconette bras waiting, one in 36KK, other in 36L. Interestingly, they seem to be closely the same size and both are sized rather large with insanely deep cups. Its still some ways away to fit them, but I'm getting there.

I was checking out some breast weight and volume charts, I'm one cupsize away from hitting the lower limit of gigantomastia for my body weight. I can say its nothing short of insane result in less than three years of breast growth. My shape keeps on masking this a bit even to this day, but with the projection piling up like it has been lately, it can only get better. I'm still well in Tanner four, soon about halfway of the average duration. I don't seem to be rushing maturity so this is really positive sign. Well for everything except my wallet and my back. Second day braless at home and I can absolutely feel it. These lovelies weight around 17 lbs now or 7,8kg, around 7% of my bodyweight.

So yea, here's some pics and I'm off to enjoy my little vacation. Hug

Very nice.  You achieved great results.  Shape, projection, firmness are awesome.  Enjoy your break and time with your new friend.

I'm throughful today and I got to get this said somewhere, so here it goes. Big Grin

My body changes and big jump in breast growth lately has me thinking... I'm wondering when will I start to get the social problems of what busty women are facing? I mean like seriously getting all kinds of shit for it? Last time I was at our summerhouse my mother was on a pissy mood and said something that stuck up with me, "I'm so glad my boobs aren't any bigger than they are, look" and she showed what kind of sweat rash she had under her boobs. Yea, its nasty and I had it happen last summer. The point being that previously she used to belittle me, downplay my breast development and not even believe my bra size when I told her. Now the tone is different, "thankfully mine aren't bigger" meaning "as big as yours" because I'm way larger than she is, I think I'm easily one third bigger or even more. I know mom is wearing eurosize F cups.

The thing is that I'm nowhere near done with my development, I'm approx mid Tanner 4 as I'm not seemingly rushing maturity despite growing a lot of volume. This means there will be years more to come and that means many cup sizes more. And I don't mind it in the slightest, quit the opposite. Each day I love my body more and love my massive boobs more. I'm at the point of actually realizing how big they are, its becoming so glaringly obvious. I poke them into things, they hurt, they ache, they're on the way, I can't sleep on my stomach, these things make my back, shoulders and neck chronically stuck and hurt unless I wear a bra religiously which I don't do all the time as constricting clothes some times cause anxiety.

Also I have ambition about this and even greed. My dysphoria and image of myself, how my body is supposed to be also requires it. I've had obsession about big boobs since ages ago. I thought for the longest time that its a fetish, that its purely sexual, with time it dawned to me that I wish to see this on myself rather than just others. I have dated several ladies in past who were absolutely dreamy, how I adored them so much and secretly wanted to be them and have body just like theirs. Well I'm going there right now, I'm becoming one of those ladies I so much adored and loved.

I know i'm not done yet, I'm starting to become happy, but not content. Call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind doubling my current size if I just can keep on growing. I'm already feeling the downsides of big breasts, they're cumbersome and unpractical, bras cost a fortune, I'm being stared at when I got out, a lot. Its not just men either, its women too. There will be consequences, social problems and physical ones. But at the same time I love it, its making me happy with my body, I'm starting to feel like home within myself. I love my massive chest and I'm ready for more. Heart 

Some funny pics from yesterday, a friend doubted it when I said that I project on the side so much that from nipple to breast root is longer than my fingertips to my wrist. So I showed her... With the tape too, its like +12". lol. My breast root ends around where the wire sits as this bra is so well sized for me. I love it, sad that its the last Elomi Molly for me, they should make it bigger, KK will last me only a while more. Taking a pic of this was kind of an eye opener.


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