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MzHoney's Program Thread


Super happy all is going great right now! Very seldom do nbe'rs take this time out to make sure their foundation is healthy ready as can be before hand. This is great! Good luck!

(16-02-2014, 21:58)MzHoney Wrote:  Cycle 3/ Day 1

YAY!!!!!!!!! Today is the day I officially started taking my BO! I'm SOOO excited to finally start. I'm really glad I took my time getting started. I think it will pay off in the long run. For starters, I've been able to raise and stabilize my temps significantly! They were 96-97ish up and down all the time. Even as low as 95 last summer!!! Now it is pretty consistently 97.2 in follicular and 97.9 in luteal. I even got up to 98.5 one night. I'm very happy about that. The progesterone cream made a HUGE difference in my PMS. I was way less hysterical and anxious and no crazy zits either. I did still have strong sugar cravings but that happens even when I'm not pmsing haha. My skin is continuing to clear and look better... Slowly but surely. Way less hair fallout. My breasts look slightly fuller even! I haven't measured, but things look promising. I really need to get cl domes! My large ones have done all they can do for me now. I keep putting it off, as it still is suction after all, but it's not giving me max potential. They are FULL. So that's my update. I can't wait to see what bovine o has to offer me. So excited!

Oh, in case you are wondering I started off with a low dose. I'm gonna do 7 drops twice a day and ramp up from there.

And I stopped the adrenal after one bottle, and now am taking thyroid with great success. Still looking for that ideal dosage, but I can definitely feel that it is helping me. I'm taking that slow too. Till next time, dolls! Muah!


(31-12-2013, 07:38)MzHoney Wrote:  Totally!!! It's kind of amazing how there seems to be such a large group of people who feel hypo but get denied and deemed normal. You'd think that the docs would have caught on by now??

Cycle 1/Day 8

So shoot. I've been eating eggs AND meat. I feel better, but it's my ethical side that is bothering me. I've done the paleo and heavy meat diet before, then went vegan, and I love vegan foods and lifestyle, but I really do think that I fare better with meats! TMI, but I stink more when I eat meat tho Dodgy. I just don't like the idea. But heck, maybe my lesson here is that I need to honor the cycle of life > that life begets life > with my own eating habits. The world can seem like a cruel and unfair place at times. If you can't beat them, join them? IDK, but I feel like if I'm going to be healing myself and working with glandular therapy then I might as well come to terms with it. And if eating eggs and muscle makes my body feel better then I have to honor that. Shoot. But I still love raw and vegan foods, it doesn't mean I need to be a total carnivore! Yea. Daily struggles. I'm grateful I have these choices to make! I am blessed to have ANY food on my table. It's gonna be so much easier to keep the protein levels higher if I include meats though... let's just be honest.

I am LOVING the SP. Loving it. I feel like it has just been the miracle my skin has needed. Granted, I'm not totally clear yet - but there is a marked improvement. I am so thankful that I decided to take it. My swelling is around the same, but my domes are FULL. I need to upgrade to CL domes asap. My boobs are so wondeful! Lol. It's been a little more than a month of dedicated noogling, massage, and SP, and they are just responding so well. I am just so positive that I am on the right track for me and love the cleavage that I am getting! I am amazed! technically the numbers are the same, but they definitely look fuller, more rounded from the quarter angle, less pointy. More full, and just. Yea Big Grin Can't wait until I start adding more to my program and really get moving.
Being a vegetarian is a lifestyle . You got to know how to cook variety of vegetarian foods that are nutritious and healthy . I have been a vege last 30+ yrs and out of my staff of 10 , I outthink , outwork all of them and they are all way younger than me .


@tibetan - Thank you, hun!! Yea, I'm glad I took the time too. At the same time I kinda wish I was already 3 months in, haha ya know? But it's all good- I'll get there!!

@myboobs - yea, vegetarianism is definitely a lifestyle. I don't recommend anybody just live off of cereal and almond milk haha, even if it means you're vege. And I think I did pretty good for the time that I was. I'm a good cook and definitely have lots of wonderful vegetarian/vegan meals under my belt. I'm glad I'm eating meat now though. It's tasty and gives me lots of energy and I feel like the extra protein will help me a lot with my growth. To each their own :-)

Ok, so this is...

Cycle 4/Day 2

YAY! My first month with bovine ovary has come to an end :-D. I've ramped up to about 25 drops/day. I haven't gotten any soreness or anything yet, but if I do, I'll keep the dose low according. I can't wait to get some sensation. HAHA I got a bit last week - I was soooo excited it was my left boob - very sensitive! Then I realized it was just an upcoming zit from all the oil I've been using. Hah - psych! But even still, they are fuller and even my mom said she can see a bit of a difference. Statistically, here are the numbers:

When I started: Now, 4 months later:
132 lbs 135 lbs
32 underbust 32 underbust
34.5 bust 35 bust
28.5 waist 28 waist
38 butt 38 butt

Ok, so I gained 3 pounds, BUT I gained .5 inch in my bust (after luteal swelling went down, too!! I got up to 35.5 for a minute :-) And I went down .5 in my waist, so I am happy. I haven't been workin the bootay, so no gains there, but I'm just gonna take it slow.

I ordered CL domes! YAAAAY. I ordered them a few days ago, and if shipping is anything like last time, it might be a while before I get them :-/, but it's on the way anyways which I'm soooo excited about. Because it's kinda ridiculous now. I have these ones one for maybe 15 minutes, and they cant pump anymore cuz they cover the air holes. Hey, I'm not complaining.

One thing I noticed is my acne is coming back. I wonder if it was the introduction of the B.O, cuz with just the SP and PC, things were really clearing up. It's ok it's not the worst thing in the world, but I'd just rather not... it seems to me that clear skin is indicative of a healthy system, so I'd rather just be clear and feel like I'm on the right track. I'm gonna give it a few months and see where I'm at.

Ok~ well that's my monthly update! haha, I guess I'm just doing monthly updates now but if I have anything exciting to report ya'll will be the first to know.



Fellow former vegetarian here!

Congrats on the progress. What do you attribute the loss in your waist measurement to, especially since you gained 3 pounds?

Thank you! You know, I was wondering that myself... the only conclusion I can come to is that my protein consumption has increased by quite a bit since my original measurements, and so perhaps that along with raising temps has increased metabolism/protein synthesis or whatever. Maybe my body is heavier from muscle, but leaner? I just hope it keeps on going that way :-)

Interesting! Makes sense.

Wishing you continued success! :-)

Ooh, I'm so excited.

Cycle 4/ Day 11

So I did get my new domes in. They are SHARP. I mean, like... ouch. The (top of the) edges are jagged and cut into my skin with not even that much suction. I used to have foam rings but don't have them anymore. Anyone have suggestions for DIY solutions to this problem? I saw a silicone diy foam ring somewhere around here a long time ago, and it looked so comfy. Anyone know where I can find that thread again? I love the size and shape of the CL's, but the edges are stupid. I even like the "contour" but it's like, not quite finished or rounded off like the larges are.


That's what I'm so excited about. For the first time, this morning, they are legitimately achey. And they look bigger to me, more cleavage, just :-) yes - I'm on the right track I do believe.

I updated my routine a bit ~
I added collagen, which I take every morning with OJ. Doubled my Saw Palmetto, because the oil/acne was creeping back in, so now I take about 300mg 2ce/day. I added Zinc, Vitamin D, and Selenium. (which I take after breakfast) I also am going to add Hyaluronic acid and L-tyrosine and they are on the way.

Ok, well that's it for now. I just am so excited I had to post. I'm taking 15-16 drops of B.O. 2ce/day now, and I'll stick with that for a while and see how I feel by this time next month. I'll do a measurement post on Cycle 5/ Day 5.

Oh, my temps have dropped a bit again :-/ I won't let it discourage me too much but I'd just like to be warmer.


Hey, MzHoney. As for the domes, I saw on the Noogleberry forum that some people padded them with this sort of thing: I don't know if that helps.

@blessedbreasts - Thank you!!! I checked it out but laziness took over and I went ahead and ordered more foam rings. :-) But I'm still waiting for them to get here Dodgy

Cycle 5/Day 5

Stats from last month, then this month!

Weight: 135
Bust: 35
Underbust: 32
Waist: 28.5
Butt: 38

Weight: 136.5
Bust: 35.75
Underbust: 32
Waist: 28.5
Butt: 39

Ok, so I had a bit of a scare. My scale tipped 140 last month!!! my bust got up to 36, and my waist got up to 30. I was so bloated and heavy during my period, and that usually never happens!! Well, I guess that it happens but not to that degree! So it freaked me out, but now that I cut out the iodine, I've thinned out considerably and my measurements are more back to normal. That was so not what I was expecting. I totally thought the iodine would warm me up and speed metabolism/ help slim down. Not the case at all! Rapid weight gain for me!!! I've never experienced that before and it was kinda scary, tbh. I guess it has to do with bromide toxins releasing and not being able to be eliminated properly from my body, and it stores as fat?? something like that. They say to stop it, take a bunch of B vitamins, then start slowly again. IDK, I'll just leave it out for now.

SO- Now that things are back to normal, I think it's safe to say that my bust has grown a 3/4 inch!!! Yay :-) And my butt a whole inch!!! That's so freaking awesome. It definitely looks bigger too (the booty), And thankfully, very thankfully, my waist returned to 28.5. So I'm feeling very good about my progress and I can't wait till next month and I pray this growth continues.

I can see how booby greed is likely. I'm thinkin ahead, and I am NOT gonna be satisfied with just a 34D. I'm shootin for a 34F or G even. But Imma take one step at a time, and I'm really happy with my 3/4 inch for now haha.

I have been noogling but not as frequently because the CL domes cut like a bitch. I have scars up in my armpits!!! It hurts so bad to put even any significant amount of pressure, so I still do it, but lightly, and I can't last long. I ordered foam rings and am stilllll waiting for them, so until they come it's gonna be infrequent.

I did get a pink massager from ebay and I love it! It's fun haha in a kinky kinda way and it actually feels very nice and relaxing on the second setting.

I started doing the starburst massage, and I definitely feel like that is beneficial. So I do the starburst, then the rounds, then the claw, then the back transfer/overbust massage. About 10-15 min/day with 30 min pink massage and then sometimes noogle.

My nipples are pretty consistently sore in the luteal phase. Sometimes it expands to my whole breast, but for them most part its just my areolas that are sore. They aren't sore at all now. I'm gonna watch to see when that kicks back in. I'm guessing around day 15.

My mom ordered a fat cavitation machine!!! LOL, I told her about it a few months ago, and she surprised me and said she bought one because she really wanted one for herself, and said that she will "trade" sessions with me. So once a week, starting this week I guess, I will do a session for her, and then she will do one for me. Interesting! I'm curious to see if it will work. I'm going to work on my belly first, and see if that gets me any results after a month, and if it does... woohoo! I'll work on my back, and inner thighs then too :-) Let's hope! I'll keep ya posted.

I think that about covers my update.

Hee hee booby greed. Tongue Iodine is scary! I'm so glad you were able to slim back down!

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