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I would say go with your gut always. I def think you are experiencing the after effects of being penetrated by entities whether demonic-natured or the usual human genome.

The vibrations are so strong, you can still feel them upon waking up. Sometimes its a fast heart rate, multiple beating vibrations, a buzzing feeling or heavily drained feeling in the center of your solar plexus or center of the brain. Sometimes, its a localized area of that is affected.

Sometimes, you will feel like your soul ran a marathon and got shoved back into your calm body.

@Mistress George,

You are in tune alright. If you feel its not coming from you, chances are 99.9% of the time you are spot on that its not. Its often interference by some entity.They come into your dream state and manipulate and do many things to try and groom your thinking or what I like to call "thought suggestion." Its like a computer to computer communication. They send and receive signals back and forth, but in this case a kind of human sine wave (think frequency or current), somewhat similar to how an eeg machine can manipulate the human brain and put it to sleep.

Its worse when they conjoin the spirit bodies (a common form of possession) and do thought suggestion. Its through you, within, but its not coming from you.

It took me a while to really understand how they manipulate one person's thinking and even actions.

Its fun for them, controlling and dominating others. Its a scary thing and they get away with it all the time.

Also, there are so many ways one can experience sleep paralysis.

I know when I am sensitive to the spirit world, I often operate my thinking through the spirit mind or spirit body platform and I am still in my body, not dislodged yet and I feel stuck because I feel both bodies and can't move out of it. I can hear both worlds as well. All you need is force to get out of your physical body so that you can be fully functional out of it. We leave our bodies often every night, we just don't realize it. As aware as I am, I still find myself in the other planes of existence and it never hits me until I wake up.

Some other forms of paralysis can be health related and perhaps even in the mind for some. So its a matter of distinguishing which one it really is.


Thank you. I hope this does not persist.

Can these entities also interfere and cause bad luck? I have often wondered if something is plaguing my family because really bad things keep happening to everybody except my mother (who is obviously affected because it happens to the rest of us). We say our life is like a soap opera... it's mostly illness related (we have 2 people with bipolar disorder, one with cancer and one with heart failure), but one person in particular keeps having misadventures (has been a victim of attempted murder 3 times, often ends up in hospital with illnesses such as pneumonia, severe sunburn etc). It causes mum and dad a lot of grief and I wish they could have a long happy retirement. I wouldn't mind if my heart failure would piss off either Big Grin
Do you think it could be entities? The one who suffers repeated misadventures used to have more than a passing fascination with the occult but goes to church now.

(12-05-2013, 20:28)CHDchest Wrote:  Can these entities also interfere and cause bad luck? I have often wondered if something is plaguing my family because really bad things keep happening to everybody except my mother (who is obviously affected because it happens to the rest of us). We say our life is like a soap opera... it's mostly illness related (we have 2 people with bipolar disorder, one with cancer and one with heart failure), but one person in particular keeps having misadventures (has been a victim of attempted murder 3 times, often ends up in hospital with illnesses such as pneumonia, severe sunburn etc). It causes mum and dad a lot of grief and I wish they could have a long happy retirement. I wouldn't mind if my heart failure would piss off either Big Grin
Do you think it could be entities? The one who suffers repeated misadventures used to have more than a passing fascination with the occult but goes to church now.

I'm not much for bad luck good luck omens, but when it comes to entities, just like anything else in terms of dealing with humans period, they can interfere with those living on the plane. If one's Ill will is strong enough whether dead alive or unembodied, their intentions will happen.

So entities can sometimes influence the thinking of a person and when this happens, they sit and watch. They like to cause drama and talk about it. Nosy fuckers. They come into your dreams and prey on your emotions. They can penetrate your energy field and drain you tired and weak. It just depends on what kind you are dealing with.


What do you think the difference is between a demonic spirtit of human genome spirit? How would you distinguish the two and what would be their intentions?

(12-05-2013, 22:05)Summerglow Wrote:  What do you think the difference is between a demonic spirtit of human genome spirit? How would you distinguish the two and what would be their intentions?

Human spirits are just that. Foolish enough to cause trouble regardless of consequences to come. They are just like you and I but with a slightly different mentality. Many are self entitled, high strong on emotion filled beings.

The demonic whether human or not tend to roll with a devoted posse, if you will. The are committed to dark authority and stop at nothing to ruin any human being and prevent them from evolving.

Sometimes its hard to tell, often prayer doesn't work on foolish human entities. The words of Christ or holy scripture does not scare them.

The human entities intentions are mainly to self fulfil. Personal gain or because "they can" and don't have anything else better to do believe it or not. Think about the kid who likes to poke a worm with a stick or set a beetle on fire with a magnefying glass.

(11-05-2013, 15:34)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(11-05-2013, 07:16)kmkm Wrote:  I understand what you are saying Tibetan. Those entities you are talking about are non-organic that`s why many people can`t see them.Currently I`m practicing "Interuniversal Mysticism". Our bodies can be possessed with these entities. In fact all of us are possessed but it`s laughing stock for many people coz they don`t see them.
There`s a way to help them to leave our body( by body i mean all the levels including emotional, astral...) if you`re interested I can explain it in later posts

Omg! Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about. I hate the possession. I'm nearly suicidal because of it. No one around me seems to understand. Im possessed in my sleep every night. I welcome anything you have to say. Posting it here is just fine and or Pm'ing me.

Laughing stocks! Oh boy! Are we the butt end of the joke here? Yes. So many of us are clueless walking around, believing we are "living the life" but really we have been robbed and raped. Its a nightmare what I have been going through for nearly three years!

The two main girls were with me from bed time to wake up this morning. The main one(let's call her Doria) she was mean to me at first with the heaving, draining me of my energy on my chest area. I think she was mad. It is an ethereal style attack that leaves the recipient rather weak. Later this am. I found mysoul lying with the two practically spooning as separate entities. It was peaceful. I wasn't being possessed by them or conjoined spirit body to spirit body. I hope that we can all just get along. The girls were then getting ready for school in their world. I can see them adjusting to their knew found cleavage spAWNED FROM ME.

they are b cups now! Doria kept saying "this is your world"
She was so happy to show me er breasts. I was shocked what a months time in my world could do for them. The other girls name is Christina.

14 and getting boobs!

Hi Tibetan, I just sent you a PM.

There`s a method called " defensive radiation". this helps the non-oragnic entities causing you trouble leave your body forever.( by "body" I mean different layers including emotional, physical, astral and etc.). If anyone here seriously needs to get out of this situation, she can give it a shot. you must first give me permission. Remember that I`m just a mediator. I just help you to get connected(linked) to Interuniversal Consciousness ( or to be more precise, the Awareness controlling the universe: it`s different from God, Awareness or Consciousness is created by Him).

They are demons!!! I have had spirits around me since I was 13. The spirit realm really exists. Jesus is real!!! He visited me in my dream when I was only 5 years old due to trauma I was experiencing. I was healed a couple of years ago from Degenerative Disc Disease in my neck. I have been in several car accidents that left me with a pinched nerve, arthritis and constant pain for 7 years. One day I asked him to heal me, I believed he did and he did. Just like that the pain was gone. I have now touched other people asking the holy spirit for healing through Jesus name. And they are healed. You are letting these spirits in. You gave them a portal. You can make them leave. You have to cast them out into the desert in the name of Jesus. In the natural and spirit realm they can not be anywhere near Jesus. He won our death at the cross. They will run and scream in terror at the mention of his name.

So the gals have been consistent in coming every night. Around the same time. It doesn't matter when I go to bed. They are there waiting for me. One latches on toe very carefully in the night and the other other one comes into the early morning before I wake up. These girls are happy as their results are shoeing. I have been pretty drained this past week with them. I get hit going to bed and upon waking And I belive my hormones are out of whack more so now than before.

I pretty pissed off about it. Doria is now gaining in the hips and but and made a joke about how I am giving her a kardashian butt. I don't watch the kardashians so she surely was not on my mind! I would have said j lo before anyone else. I know this isn't coming from my subconcious. She said I had a big butt. She is extremely pleased and is helping other spirit females to achieve the same thing through this type of therapy.

So watch out. This is becoming a big trend among the spirit teens and if they know your one of us and working on your body, you better hope you two don't share the same goal.

Now my results? I've always been a slow grower. I can't tell how this has affected my nbe other than, I am so tired from them. I think over time it will have a negative effect if they.keep doing it. Doria said she wants to be a full c cup. I don't know about the other spirit girl named ChristinA
She Is More Subtle About it.


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