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Result Pueraria Mirifica


Sure Pueraria Mirifica works but we must understand that it's not a "speed pill" for breast growth. When I started my PM I was in fact watching this movie on YouTube where at 1:20 they show the breasts grown on PM over a period of 6 and 12 months which I believe it's true but 2 months is just to short because the reality of life says there is no such thing as fast breast growth, nor for males or for females.

I think that the result is very individual.
One must have patience, but often it is like to me very quickly.

As expected, the link EvaKo gave is for an ad for the company that EvaKo pushes. If you click it and watch it, at least watch the other company ads that come up with it. It makes the marketers happier....

Don't know why some must for dead or live commented on why I always use links to Anne Selene? If the person just think for a second "it" would have found out that I can't tell about another product because I can only tell what I use and not what I don't use.

I did however buy PM from UK but I also had it tested at a university (for free) and it contained mold and fungus etc. so I searched for a safe product and found MiroHealth which I also tested the same way and it did not contain any mold or fungus at all... So?

The point with the link was not the product but to show how breasts to a transsexual did grow after 6 and 12 months using Pueraria Mirifica... If some know other pictures or videos, why not just show the links instead of spitting on others?


Would you be prepared to publish the results from the testing of the PM (UK) product please EvaKo87?

You have made quite a serious claim which I think you should substantiate with facts otherwise your comment may be seen as further evidence of your patronism of another site?

Your posts seem to be getting very much like Carlaa's.



Hi Sarah

Carla is an industry expert............what are you? Have you been the library, Thailand, the Pm forums...da
visit the scientiists on the front lines, fund any research........nah

Ann Selene's website is Ok......It based on the old English papers............50 years old..........they were good 50 years ago.
Things have changed and some of that stuff is very very good and some very key points are antiquated. Maybe ANN can join us in 2011 and revisit the library.

I am currently in Thailand visiting with an academic that has the standard to test the chromenes in PM..........why? so the numbers speak for themselves and i don't have to come here and communicate with clinically silly.

Oh dear carlaa, you have reverted to typeBig Grin

I asked a simple question and you have to stick your oar in.

Will EvaKo87 reply to my request?

Keep up the good work carlaa, your posts are entertaining!


(27-04-2011, 06:40)sarahwr Wrote:  Will EvaKo87 reply to my request?

Did not plan to "Your posts seem to be getting very much like Carlaa's" but since you think that way I would answer like Carlaa... Use your brain and go find it out yourself Big Grin

Yes Carlaa is right... Anne Selene's papers are 50 years old because that's when it all started, but it goes up till 2008.

I just think at least it's available for free download and it's good information so that's a good thing isn't it Carlaa? because when do YOU plan to post all your Hocus Pokus knowledge about Pueraria Mirifica? I guess ไม่เป็นไร ?

(22-04-2011, 07:58)sarahwr Wrote:  Hi.

Would you be prepared to publish the results from the testing of the PM (UK) product please EvaKo87?

You have made quite a serious claim which I think you should substantiate with facts otherwise your comment may be seen as further evidence of your patronism of another site?

Your posts seem to be getting very much like Carlaa's.



I'm sure EvaKo will answer Sara, we just have to wait a little longer Smile

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