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Let's give it a go!


Hahahaha oh man I am so slow. I for some reason was thinking of like stats from a personal trainer LOL

In that case, go hottie!!

For those of you who don't follow the weather in the US, we had a snow/ice storm a while back that closed businesses and schools and roadways. It also kept me from my program for 3 days, but I'm back on track! I've noticed that I jiggle more, and my period is at least starting way lighter and less crampy. I kinda like that side effect. I do have to try harder to keep my sleep schedule in check. It seems any time I get a couple of hours off, like say to finish homework, it takes forever to get back on track.

And that is exactly what I meant, Milani. Someone gave me a long look.

So it's been one cycle since I started. I feel a little deflated, but I was expecting that whatever little growth I got probably wouldn't be sticking around anyways. I'm still filling out my lovely 34A from Victoria's Secret Pink line, so yay! I get little tingles that remind me that it's slowly working. I did start listening to the rockmelon ring tone while I was reading on here this week. I tried listening Blake talks too before going to bed but i always fall asleep. I do look in the mirror and tell myself: "I can feel my breast growing, I can feel my hair growing, I am a beautiful woman, and men cannot help but to stop and stare." It might not help with breast growing, but I sure am more confident!

I did swell up some this month. Hopefully next month my growth will be a little more permanent. Smile And holy crap my period came earlier than I thought. My cycle is normally longer than a month (but it is normally more crampy so whatever).

Oh! I was feeling a little run down, so I checked my temperture yesterday to discover that it was 97.9. gasp! That's no good! So I looked into this chart which I found in this thread which was started by the lovely itsjust4fun91. It's really informative and a good read. Any way since I started nbe, I have paid more attention to my body and went through the chart again. I came up with mixed this time around instead of mostly thyroid. So I decided to add Raw Adrenal by Natural Sources because not only did it have adrenal glandular but it also vitamins and minerals to help. Today I did get up to 98.2, but I woke up with 97.9. :c At least I got there eventually today. Now if only I could just stay there.

Personally I think if you are starting any nbe program you should try to get your optimal temperature. I know it's not necessary for many things but it should help. If your metabolic processes are back up to speed, everything else should be optimal too.

Sidenote: Does anyone else notice that they touch their boobs more often?

Another side note: If you have ever posted anything, especially your program, thank you. It's really helpful to be able to read what others have gone through or learned, especially when you need to remind yourself that it may take a long time.

So I'm officially ramping up today. Instead taking just 2 BO pills in the morning, I'm taking 3. This make my current program as follows:

3 BO
1 Pituitary
1 Adrenal
1 Thyroid complex
1 Probiotic

2 BO
1 Pituitary
1 Adrenal
1 Thyroid complex
1 Probiotic

Along with all of this is massage, cardio, light weights, protien centered diet, rockmelon, and positive thinking.

Here hoping for some growth this cycle!

Hi Zits!
Just wanted to comment that your temperature doesn't have to be high ALL the time. Just in luteal phase. It's naturally going up in the second half of a cycle, that's when young girls develop mainly.

You are probably right, Ginie. I'm just very concerned about everything related to adrenals and thyroid because my mother has had some very serious problems with hers. I'm hoping that by taking supplements (and eating healthy and exercising of course) at the first sign of trouble will help prevent it from getting serious later in life.

I've discovered that I can't stand taking uneven amounts, mentally speaking. It drives me nuts! So I decided that having 3 BO in the morning and 3 BO in the evening wasn't going to kill me. Adrenal, thyroid and probiotic, though, are taken about an hour later only 1 each, as I have found that 1 of each was more than enough.

I have also came up with some recipes to help with my breast enhancement.

1. Sweet Peanut Butter Protein Spread
1/2 Scoop of Vanilla flavored protein powder
2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 Tablespoon of Honey
Mix all ingredients together. Depending on how much protein is in your powder, you could be added ten to fifteen grams to the total! I usually split this onto two sandwiches using whole wheat bread. My bread has 8 grams of protein per slice (so 16 just in the bread), 8 grams in the 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (half is 4), and 10 from my protein powder (half is 5), which comes out to 16+4+5=21 grams a sandwich.

2. Teriyaki turkey
2 oz of precooked turkey breast
1 Tbsp of teriyaki sauce
1/2 cup of warm water
1/2 packet of unflavored gelatin.
Mix water and gelatin together. Bring a lightly greased skillet to medium-high heat and brown your turkey breast. Add teriyaki sauce (add a little bit of water if your sauce is too thick to coat turkey breast) and coat turkey breast evenly. Once sauce has caramelized, remove turkey breast from pan and save for later. Add water/gelatin mixture to pan, stirring until all the delicious pan drippings have mixed in with the water. Reduce until you are left with 1/2 the amount of liquid. Add back turkey to warm it up and pour on cous-cous, rice, potatoes, steamed veggies, whatever you want to eat with your turkey.

3. Protein Pancakes
1 scoop of protein powder
1 cup of complete pancake mix
1 cup of water
Makes about 9, 3 1/2" pancakes
Stir all ingredients together until lumps disappear, being careful not to over mix. Bring greased griddle to medium heat. Pour pancake batter to desired size (I'd go with smaller pancakes because these pancakes end up thinner than normal and cook quicker too). When edges of pancake loose their glossy appearance, flip pancake. when center of pancake rises, check bottom of pancake and remove if done. grease pan and repeat.

Hi Zits2tits, hope you dont mind me commenting on your program honey, and im not going to give any advice you seem to know what your doing and your program looks good so a big well done. But what i will say is yes it takes time and i know its a hard slog lol but you will get there in the end and it will all be worth it, you sound like a really nice person and i wish you all the luck and big boobie wishes in the world Wink and them recipes look pretty good, i might try them myself lol. A little tip dont worry so much over your tempreture, 97.9 is not that bad hun, everyones temp changes through out the day by a small amount, now if you was say 97 or 96.9 then yes you need it higher but id say what you are at the minute is fine, are you taking kelp hun ? anyway good luck and huge boobie wishes to you Big Grin

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

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