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Jena's breasts journey


May I suggest another thing. Since you ramp up too fast I would suggest a break where you take milk thistle for 1-2 weeks to clean up the confuse liver. When you start over the absorption of herbs will be much better. Drink plenty of water or green tea when you are at it.

(05-03-2010, 07:38)crystalelle Wrote:  May I suggest another thing. Since you ramp up too fast I would suggest a break where you take milk thistle for 1-2 weeks to clean up the confuse liver. When you start over the absorption of herbs will be much better. Drink plenty of water or green tea when you are at it.

When I started 9 days ago, I planned it around my cycle, so should I plan this around my mentrual cycle again? Does it matter?

Anyway, thanks so much for helping me through this!

So far what I understand from my experience with herbs you only cycle Pueraria Mirifica (PM) if you are using other herbs I don't think you need to cycle it.

Aside of this let me remind you about saw palmetto it is known to make users pack on a lot of weight and causes cellulite. If this happen to you probably you want to replace it with stinging nettle. You can check the user experience out in the old forum.

When I was on herbs prior my consultant constantly emphasize on taking high protein food. She recommend that I drink soy beans drink daily. But too much of soy beans will actually increase the urine acidity. You may want to check out protein drinks like Whey Protein Isolate. Remember to measure your weight and then use a protein calculator to see how much you should take. Don't take too much as it will cause you to put on weight too.

Do remember to work out. If you are able to do chest pumping, it will be very good as it helps to build up chest muscle. I have arms I do half body pumping. LOL! It helps to tonne my hands and shoulder too.

(06-03-2010, 06:58)crystalelle Wrote:  So far what I understand from my experience with herbs you only cycle Pueraria Mirifica (PM) if you are using other herbs I don't think you need to cycle it.

Aside of this let me remind you about saw palmetto it is known to make users pack on a lot of weight and causes cellulite. If this happen to you probably you want to replace it with stinging nettle. You can check the user experience out in the old forum.

When I was on herbs prior my consultant constantly emphasize on taking high protein food. She recommend that I drink soy beans drink daily. But too much of soy beans will actually increase the urine acidity. You may want to check out protein drinks like Whey Protein Isolate. Remember to measure your weight and then use a protein calculator to see how much you should take. Don't take too much as it will cause you to put on weight too.

Do remember to work out. If you are able to do chest pumping, it will be very good as it helps to build up chest muscle. I have arms I do half body pumping. LOL! It helps to tonne my hands and shoulder too.

Thanks for your suggestions! I will look into stinging nettle to replace saw palmetto 'cause I don't want to get cellulites!

So far, I've been ramping up very slowly. I'm ramping up the dosage very 4th days and will ramp up to max at 1500 for each herb. I'm ramping fenugreek dosage. Will do for 12 days and then incorporate saw palmetto/stinging nettle, then at day 24, will incorporate wild yam.
I also got some multi vitamin pills, so will start taking those as well. Will stick to this first and see how things go.

Up to date routine:
Day Morning FG Lunch FG
1------- 500
2------- 500
3------- 500
4------- 500
5------- 500 500
6------- 500 500
7------- 500 500
8(today) 500 500

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