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Getting rid of belly fat while gaining weight


Sweet orange, and everyone,
It's difficult to make a program that hits ALL the goals, any time.
Usually best to focus on one or two things at a time...

So, Tom Venuto's "Burn the fat, feed the muscle" program would allow you to gain muscle while burning fat - and I've tried to include that, plus a few other concepts, into a "program" which is sort of like a Lego set: Take a block, add a block, add another block, develop a program... 

Not sure I've done a good job.  ;-)

BUT, the principles are sound: Lots of motion. Lots of food control. Less of a concern of building muscle, but ensuring you won't LOSE muscle. Losing Lean Body Mass s a death-knell for health - once the body is "taught" to cannibalize itself, lots of VERY ugly things can happen, and you can LOOK healthy, but your body will destroy itself - stealing amino acids from muscle to feed the liver, for example - making toxins in the process....  And then those toxins don't get washed out of the muscles and organs...  
And then there's the re-feed effect - the body, getting desperate over time, "learns" to store energy (fat) preferentially. Think of those starving in Africa: distended belly, tiny arms and legs, etc. Now, when you give them excessive food, the body starts packing it on as fat. It sees the end of the famine, but thinks there will be another just around the corner...  So fat - especially visceral fat - is preferred. To live today, the body will kill itself tomorrow.

So, need to be careful how aggressive you are in curtailing your eating. You need to re-train the body to manage food first, and then use exercise to encourage the fat loss you want. Especially difficult here is, the breasts and butt are large fatty deposits in women. A side effect of working the chest and butt muscles heavily is that you'll selectively draw down fat supplies from these areas through increased blood flow. So you need to work out ways to lose some fat there, and then put it back there, selectively.

So, to refine the workout / diet blend, you'd want:
3 days of bodybuilding on key muscles (Gluteals & lower pectoralis major) + strength training for overall body development;
3 days (same days) do ab work: twists, vacuums, bridging, situps, planks: a mini-program meant to increase strength, tone, and flexibility, while also pulling the abs tight (not body building);
3 OTHER days a week do some aerobic activity (intervals would be best, and/or a long fasted walk in the morning, and the fasted walk could possibly be used with ab exercises to target abdominal fat loss via drawing blood to the muscles near the fat deposit; increased circulation = increased lipolysis, and every single percentage point will help);
and on the seventh day, you'll probably want some non-exercise physical activity, like a good hike.
After the strength training, you need to "put back" in your desired fat retention areas, breasts and butt. This would mean you follow post-workout nutrition WRT a protein shake, maybe a piece of candy (E.G., ONE Hershey's kiss, or have a small serving of fruit). That puts nutrition going to the muscles ASAP. Then, a few hours later, you'd have a fatty meal with high sugars. E.G., two cookies and some cheese. The cookies spike the insulin, which causes the glucose to direct the body into fat storage mode. then the fats from the cheese end up stored. You'd also want to use apple cider vinegar to control your insulin...  You're unbalancing the insulin, then re-balancing to keep the body you want. You could build from the "Blood Sugar Diet" that's going around, if you have a lot of visceral fat or are at high risk of diabetes.

I think this is a lot of work, and there's no guarantee of how well the post-workout blood sugar manipulation would work. If you're stressed out like I am? Might all go to visceral fat anyway, due to cortisol levels being sky-high. (In the last two years, moved once, mother is going blind in another state, in a relationshit with someone I don't like, who has had a mental breakdown, heart surgery, knee replacement, Pulmonary embolisms, I'm in a high-stress job, and the woman's daughter wants to be a whore...  No joke. WTF, was I Ghengis Khan in a previous life? Sorry to rain on people's parade.)

In addition to the exercise, the portioning and pacing of feeding comes into play...  and, if you sit at a desk all day, forget maintaining a good body fat percentage - just do what you can, and keep course-correcting, but don't expect to look like a competitor, it's statistically unlikely to get close. You just set a pattern, and then maintain and improve as you can. I've generally got the boss riding me like sea biscuit, so....  I KNOW what to do, I know HOW to do it, but I can't even get to pee some days!

Hope you're in better situation!

(04-05-2017, 14:36)Dianna1395 Wrote:  Sweet orange, and everyone,
It's difficult to make a program that hits ALL the goals, any time.
Usually best to focus on one or two things at a time...

So, Tom Venuto's "Burn the fat, feed the muscle" program would allow you to gain muscle while burning fat - and I've tried to include that, plus a few other concepts, into a "program" which is sort of like a Lego set: Take a block, add a block, add another block, develop a program... 

Not sure I've done a good job.  ;-)

BUT, the principles are sound: Lots of motion. Lots of food control. Less of a concern of building muscle, but ensuring you won't LOSE muscle. Losing Lean Body Mass s a death-knell for health - once the body is "taught" to cannibalize itself, lots of VERY ugly things can happen, and you can LOOK healthy, but your body will destroy itself - stealing amino acids from muscle to feed the liver, for example - making toxins in the process....  And then those toxins don't get washed out of the muscles and organs...  
And then there's the re-feed effect - the body, getting desperate over time, "learns" to store energy (fat) preferentially. Think of those starving in Africa: distended belly, tiny arms and legs, etc. Now, when you give them excessive food, the body starts packing it on as fat. It sees the end of the famine, but thinks there will be another just around the corner...  So fat - especially visceral fat - is preferred. To live today, the body will kill itself tomorrow.

So, need to be careful how aggressive you are in curtailing your eating. You need to re-train the body to manage food first, and then use exercise to encourage the fat loss you want. Especially difficult here is, the breasts and butt are large fatty deposits in women. A side effect of working the chest and butt muscles heavily is that you'll selectively draw down fat supplies from these areas through increased blood flow. So you need to work out ways to lose some fat there, and then put it back there, selectively.

So, to refine the workout / diet blend, you'd want:
3 days of bodybuilding on key muscles (Gluteals & lower pectoralis major) + strength training for overall body development;
3 days (same days) do ab work: twists, vacuums, bridging, situps, planks: a mini-program meant to increase strength, tone, and flexibility, while also pulling the abs tight (not body building);
3 OTHER days a week do some aerobic activity (intervals would be best, and/or a long fasted walk in the morning, and the fasted walk could possibly be used with ab exercises to target abdominal fat loss via drawing blood to the muscles near the fat deposit; increased circulation = increased lipolysis, and every single percentage point will help);
and on the seventh day, you'll probably want some non-exercise physical activity, like a good hike.
After the strength training, you need to "put back" in your desired fat retention areas, breasts and butt. This would mean you follow post-workout nutrition WRT a protein shake, maybe a piece of candy (E.G., ONE Hershey's kiss, or have a small serving of fruit). That puts nutrition going to the muscles ASAP. Then, a few hours later, you'd have a fatty meal with high sugars. E.G., two cookies and some cheese. The cookies spike the insulin, which causes the glucose to direct the body into fat storage mode. then the fats from the cheese end up stored. You'd also want to use apple cider vinegar to control your insulin...  You're unbalancing the insulin, then re-balancing to keep the body you want. You could build from the "Blood Sugar Diet" that's going around, if you have a lot of visceral fat or are at high risk of diabetes.

I think this is a lot of work, and there's no guarantee of how well the post-workout blood sugar manipulation  would work. If you're stressed out like I am? Might all go to visceral fat anyway, due to cortisol levels being sky-high. (In the last two years, moved once, mother is going blind in another state, in a relationshit with someone I don't like, who has had a mental breakdown, heart surgery, knee replacement, Pulmonary embolisms, I'm in a high-stress job, and the woman's daughter wants to be a whore...  No joke. WTF, was I Ghengis Khan in a previous life? Sorry to rain on people's parade.)

In addition to the exercise, the portioning and pacing of feeding comes into play...  and, if you sit at a desk all day, forget maintaining a good body fat percentage - just do what you can, and keep course-correcting, but don't expect to look like a competitor, it's statistically unlikely to get close. You just set a pattern, and then maintain and improve as you can. I've generally got the boss riding me like sea biscuit, so....  I KNOW what to do, I know HOW to do it, but I can't even get to pee some days!

Hope you're in better situation!
Hey Im in a worse situation and your post made me laugh.I have no time for regular exercise for myslef too and Im already a dance instructor,dancer and Im just busy all the time.Are you sure that weight training or any kind of strength training wont make you lose the breasts?I want to give it a try but im on nbe and really dont know what to do.Of course I havent stopped dancing and have seen amazing results even with cardio exercise but I really dont know how far I could go with regular exercise.Im in a terrible mood and kinda need the exercise.Please help.

Hi, LonelyBird,
Funny, my mother was a dancer in the NYC Ballet...  :-)
I know WHAT to do, but making the time and energy is the hard part for me.
What might work, is to focus on what you CAN do right now. If you're teaching, there has to be some time between classes to do some squats (or pliés?)
You likely have a problem on the opposite end - maybe not enough food, or wrong foods (A calorie is NOT just a calorie!)
If you did, for example, 10 Hindu Squats, 10 Hindu Pushups, and a 30 second back bridge between classes? The might be a good start. (Or, you might need to target certain parts.)

But I'd ask you to take a good, hard look at your calories first, and see what the ratios are for protein/fat/carbs, and especially look at simple carbs and hidden calories bombs.
E.G.: NO FRUIT. NO FRUIT JUICE! NO SODA! Drop rice/potatoes/bread, depending on your ratios above. Make lean protein a staple, and lots of veggies.

Then, keep active. (I think you've got the covered...)

Then, add SHORT periods of exercise (which is my WEAKEST link, I LIKE to feel exhausted. Let's see, male, TG, and raised in a strict Roman Catholic household, and assaulted as a child; maybe some issues...?  Exhaustion is a way to NOT deal with problems? Anyway....)

To make a better answer here, record your food choices for a day, or even better, a week.
Record your sleep time.
Record the time spent teaching class (demo) vs. teaching students. (Teaching individuals won't add much to caloric burn, but will add to keeping the body fit. Moves fluids: Blood, lymph, etc.)

Then we can look into how to improve, and scavenge some time for brief and intense workouts.

I'm way off the mark these days, but working to get back in line. It's amazing how fast things get out of hand, and how long it can take (with my sort of schedule) to try and get back on track - but I can prove from both me and my girlfriend that I can make things work.  ;-)
I'm at 240#, 37.5% body fat. Eat high protein diet, TRY to avoid sweets and junk food. I have a high-stress IT Job (AVP at a TBTF), where the boss and the company fight me about even the simplest tasks (E.G., 6 months to purchase a machine for the software we need to test. Boss sitting on my shoulder all day long.) Then I go home to a woman who is needy and demanding (in the screeching, screaming way.) And her daughter, also needy, in the clingy, needy, using sort of way.  Also, constant money issues, and she's rarely/barely working; plus, multiple stressors: Family deaths, family feuds, moving, deaths of pets, her daughter and she are both head cases, etc, etc, etc.
I entered this relationship 10 years ago @ 20% body fat, 190 # of muscle (with a belly roll, to be fair.) Been a contractor, so, I'd go up to ~210#, get back down to 200#, go to 215#, back down to 195 #, etc. I gain when I'm "at home," lose when "on contract."

So, the piece de resistance: (Big Evil Grin): Woman just had knee replacement surgery. I took one week off, and one week work from home. Had to handle ALL the meal planning, cooking, exercising her, and then also my work-work, as well.
She's gone from 260 before the surgery (as in, day of) to 245 in three weeks. And this past week, she's been managing the menu - and we're f*cked again, already. Mostly portion sizes, but also selection. She eats what is quick and easy...  Chicken and Rice, for instance, in olive oil. Or Chicken Broccoli Pasta, in olive oil. But unless _I_ weigh the potions, it's just GRAB TWO SCOOPS, and sit and eat. And without me at home to keep her moving, it's vegetate in front of TV, and demand I do the same...

Two sets of habits; bad results from one, better (not fantastic) from the other.
Chicken and Rice isn't horrible, right? Even with some olive oil? But if you eat 1/4 of a chicken (3 pound bird, say), and have huge scoops of rice - the protein is excessive (try for 1/4 pound or so per meal, assuming 3 meals a day and no snacks), and then an insulin atom bomb of 2-3 servings of carbs? Your body could be ketogenic (burning fat for fuel) before this, and after, it'll be storing fat - all night long. That protein? Isn't going to feed the muscles, it's being refined into future energy --> fat. I've been telling her (and showing her - lost the weight three times!) how to correct it. It's like telling an alcoholic they need help: until they admit it, you can't get them turned around.

"The Power of Habit" (book title, and title is enough here) will determine the outcome.
You want bigger breasts? You can go NBE, or implants. She'd go implants, EVEN IF SHE KNEW THEY'D BURST. The alcoholic WILL DRINK, even knowing he's going to wreck driving home.
You chose NBE, and you don't get to be a professional dancer without SERIOUS dedication - so you have the basics well in hand.

It's just the details, and maybe some cheats here and there. (E.G., fasted walks in the morning as "cardio"; toss in some ab work as "road work", and you'll whittle the middle a percentage point or so more than the walking alone; but you're "cheating" the body by keeping the heart rate low, using glycogen-deprived muscles, and maybe bring some extra blood to the abs, to selectively increase fat lipolysis via increased circulation. Over time, 1% adds up, like compound interest. Another cheat, do burpees or the Royal Court (Hindu pushups, Hindu squats, and back bridge) between classes, sets of 10 & a 30-second hold for bridge - to get you gasping for air again. It'll TORCH body fat. No weights required. Google Matt Furey for more.)

I'm losing hope right now for me, as I'm specifically using a body building approach (Another Be a Man attempt, sort of), but it'll burn off the fat where I tend to carry it right now: Upper Body and Belly.
But I'm NOT doing the WORK, just the shortcuts & workouts when I can. (Note stress load.) If I were consistent, no problem. Go for a 10-mile walk every weekend! Fasted! :-) And daily exercise! (While cooking my own meals and entertaining myself and meeting work objectives.)
But babysitting?
DONE! :-(

So, long way of saying, check your habits and conditions, and adjust as you can. Shortcuts won't do much unless you have health issues (E.G., Apple Cider Vinegar helps regulate blood sugar, so can help alleviate intra-abdominal fat over time. Over. Time. Years, not even months.)
I envy you: You have the framework in place, and the complements to dance - Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, other types of dance - will all build good, lean tissue. It's mostly tweaks.

I sit 10 hours a day, commute 1.5-2 hours a day, and then get to sit most of the time I'm home. My @$$ can sit a marathon!  ;-) Add in sleeping, the "non-exercise physical activity" in a day is limited to trips to the bathroom, a 1/4 mile walk at lunch (if that), and maybe 1/4 mile throughout the rest of the day...  Making maintaining weight almost impossible, let alone losing it. Body prefers low metabolic activity fat to high energy demand muscle...  Fat can keep you alive, "excess" muscle can kill you during a famine.   Sad

So, with all of that - document your starting point, feel free to PM me with those details if you want, or post here, and we can sort out how to change the habits, and even how to adjust course if it isn't getting to the right goal.


(25-04-2017, 19:18)Carne9509 Wrote:  Hello everyone, 

I wanted to ask if anyone of you have some tips/exercises/ that are really good for burning the fat off your midsection. I'm currently trying to gain weight as I wanna put on more booty and breast but I wanna get my waist smaller. I know in order to get visible abs you have to lose fat first but I really don't wanna lose what I  already have. I looked into waist training but I don't think its healthy or does a lot when you don't spend hours wearing a corset. So heres my question, is it possible to reduce my waist size while still eating a lot ? I wanna get like 2 inches off my waist. I'm going to start exercising again tomorrow as I had a little break. I'm going to be mixing cardio with resistance training. I will be updating this thread maybe once a week, if anyones interested. Cool
Here's my current measurements and what I wanna achieve:

Bust: 36' Under bust: 30' Goal: 38'
Waist: 28' Goal: 26' 
Butt: 39'5' Goal: 43'

Hello! I'm actually in the same position as you. I've been gaining weight just like you. I'm loving my thicker, curvier body I want to reduce my waist and stomach to 28" (currently 30") at least. Although, I don't want to lose anything else. I've done tons of research and found out you can't target fat. If you lose fat, you lose it where you're genetically meant to. It doesn't matter how many "Belly fat" videos/ crunches you use if your body was made to lose fat in the booty first then that's what will happen.Sad You'll simply lose weight everywhere. Although you can still try. So I decided to just buy a corset, I'm planning on wearing it every day for at least a few hours Smile. The only other options I can think of would be lipo, cool sculpting, and other cosmetic procedures

(05-07-2017, 17:56)Angel_M Wrote:  
(25-04-2017, 19:18)Carne9509 Wrote:  Hello everyone, 

I wanted to ask if anyone of you have some tips/exercises/ that are really good for burning the fat off your midsection. I'm currently trying to gain weight as I wanna put on more booty and breast but I wanna get my waist smaller. I know in order to get visible abs you have to lose fat first but I really don't wanna lose what I  already have. I looked into waist training but I don't think its healthy or does a lot when you don't spend hours wearing a corset. So heres my question, is it possible to reduce my waist size while still eating a lot ? I wanna get like 2 inches off my waist. I'm going to start exercising again tomorrow as I had a little break. I'm going to be mixing cardio with resistance training. I will be updating this thread maybe once a week, if anyones interested. Cool
Here's my current measurements and what I wanna achieve:

Bust: 36' Under bust: 30' Goal: 38'
Waist: 28' Goal: 26' 
Butt: 39'5' Goal: 43'

Hello! I'm actually in the same position as you. I've been gaining weight just like you. I'm loving my thicker, curvier body I want to reduce my waist and stomach to 28" (currently 30") at least. Although, I don't want to lose anything else. I've done tons of research and found out you can't target fat. If you lose fat, you lose it where you're genetically meant to. It doesn't matter how many "Belly fat" videos/ crunches you use if your body was made to lose fat in the booty first then that's what will happen.Sad You'll simply lose weight everywhere. Although you can still try. So I decided to just buy a corset, I'm planning on wearing it every day for at least a few hours Smile. The only other options I can think of would be lipo, cool sculpting, and other cosmetic procedures

T-Nation is the sort of place to go looking for this information...

Also, you "can" "spot" reduce, but it's not so simple as "exercise this muscle..."  You need to have significant caloric deficit, and then program the exercises correctly. So, doing a long walk on rising, say, a mile - will reduce body fat, all over the body. Normal fat loss.
Now, to make it "spot" reduce, it gets more difficult.
Think High Intensity Interval Training techniques, such as burpies, to liberate fat (caloric deficit and lypolysis messages); then, regular cardio, to burn the fat released into the bloodstream; THEN, you interrupt the cardio and do sets of ab exercises, bodybuilding style, to pump up the muscle & increase the blood flow to the surrounding tissues.

So, two sets of burpies, to get the heart pounding;
plan for 30 minutes of cardio, split with two sets of 10 for crunches or such. (10 minutes cardio; set of crunches; 10 minutes cardio; set of crunches; 10 minutes cardio).

And you'll see a difference of 1% or so...  So, selectively flooding the tissue with blood increases lypolysis in the flooded tissues, allowing SLIGHTLY higher fat removal from that location.

Whether it's worth it is your decision; it would need to be a lifestyle change, if you will. 1% + 1%(of 99%) + 1% (of 98.9%) ...  Over time, it'll add up, but unless you're already LEAN, lean lean LEAN...  Not worth worrying about, I think.  ;-)

Most important thing, actually? Work out many times a day. You want to get thinner, do things differently, especially sitting in the office. Ever hour, take a few minutes and do squats or lunges or walk a few flights of stairs or do pushups or pullups or... 
Just a set of 10 will do it. Keeps the blood from pooling. Sitting pools the blood in the legs --> leads to blood clots, at the extreme side. DVTs. Young critters don't have much worry, but by about 40, your risk is getting up there (and suddenly).

I need to take my own advice; I've been trying. PLP workouts (Pushups, lunges, pullups) or 30 Days of Discipline (100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 situps in a day) is a good starting point, it makes for frequent (aka high density) training. Might be a bit extreme for us - we want some fat, just uniform fat like a nubile girl.  ;-)  No six-packs needed. But we need to work the system, game it if you will, to get there.

It's the consistency that gets the results, same as the PM / BO / Red Clover / Etc. + Massage + Noogle + ????

Also easier to re-deposit fat in the right spots, using the HIIT to "liberate" fat reserves, then allowing the body to re-deposit the fat (E.G., have a donut or candy...  Insulin does its thing, fat goes back in, but is preferentially deposited to the female fat zones....  Breasts and hips.)

Now, we need a program to enhance these effects...  Figure over a year, you lose weight, selectively adding fat from trouble areas, to where you want it, while also getting lighter overall? I just can't figure it out! Weighted decline presses, unweighted flyes, planks, RKD planks...  Heavy Sumo squats.... Lots of light ab work, especially twisting, but not really tensing the muscles...  Donkey kicks...  Burpees and steady-state or even interval cardio....   But how to make a program? How to time the herbs around the workouts? How to make one day a high-protein day for the workout, and another day a high-carb and fat day, so you build curves? If you draw from too many pieces of programs, you might create a new program - or you might make a mess, and achieve nothing.
So I'm still researching...

The only best way is to complete intake of a diet with proper nutrition and perfect exercises for specific part only.

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