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How do cis females view boobs on Men


(16-10-2015, 19:31)ellacraig Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 00:46)WantAPair Wrote:  There might only be one way to do it! One of us guys, or someone we know, should at least get a pair of fake tits, put them on, go out into a very public place and conduct an interview asking specifically women how they feel about a guy having big tits. And NOT just younger, artsy kinda of women that are prone to SAY, "It's perfectly fine with me! I much PREFER to bend gender rolls!!", but, just your ordinary housewife types, especially if they have kids and/or a boyfriend/husband with them.
I suppose it COULD be done without the fake tits, but, it might be a more honest-ish way to go about it.
whats a CIS female?

Cis is just a fancy term for if you identify with the gender you were born with. I had to look it up at one time as well.

Cis Gendered Definition

If I were to throw my opinion about the topic is that there is no real definitive answer. You could sample a group of women and see what they think and then sample another group and get completely different results. It is of my opinion that it just depends on where they fall on the religious and political alignment and even then you just don't know but it would help to break down the answers into groups based on their own beliefs.

I've also run into a group of women who call themselves TERFS (Trans exclusionary Radical Feminists). They are some seriously hateful women who should be avoided at all costs.

The Terfs

(16-10-2015, 20:26)Ethereal Wrote:  Cis is just a fancy term for if you identify with the gender you were born with. I had to look it up at one time as well.

Cis Gendered Definition

It is of my opinion that it just depends on where they fall on the religious and political alignment

The Terfs

What if your a Socialist like Bernie Sanders, H. Clinton or the like?? Maybe when and if you get Government O.K. to feel what ever way you want about yourself???

Wow, turning boobs into a political discussion... Crazy, but somehow true..

(16-10-2015, 23:26)iaboy Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 20:26)Ethereal Wrote:  Cis is just a fancy term for if you identify with the gender you were born with. I had to look it up at one time as well.

Cis Gendered Definition

It is of my opinion that it just depends on where they fall on the religious and political alignment

The Terfs

What if your a Socialist like Bernie Sanders, H. Clinton or the like?? Maybe when and if you get Government O.K. to feel what ever way you want about yourself???

Wow, turning boobs into a political discussion... Crazy, but somehow true..

Well I don't really think it would matter even then. You would still have left and right bearing socialists maybe even flirting with National Socialism (aka ... Nazism) who would discriminate anyone outside their own ideology. The numbers would still just be all over the place as we can't stereotype any political preference and no two people are the same.

And it really isn't about boobs per say but the acceptance of men having boobs by society and blurring of the gender lines. Women get a pretty strong double standard in this area for some reason. Almost as if the message of masculinity = good and femininity = bad. But I don't think it's that simple.

As a libertarian I see it all the time. You have control tactics from left on certain things and the right is just as bad but just with different things. Add an on going gender war makes it even worse. Because you end up with women who feel entitled about being born a woman and feel as if we are trespassing on what is theirs. Men who think we are traitors for even considering it. It's a mess .. that is for sure.

But really, everything is based around ideological and political influences. Everything from boobs to going to war.

(16-10-2015, 20:26)Ethereal Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 19:31)ellacraig Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 00:46)WantAPair Wrote:  There might only be one way to do it! One of us guys, or someone we know, should at least get a pair of fake tits, put them on, go out into a very public place and conduct an interview asking specifically women how they feel about a guy having big tits. And NOT just younger, artsy kinda of women that are prone to SAY, "It's perfectly fine with me! I much PREFER to bend gender rolls!!", but, just your ordinary housewife types, especially if they have kids and/or a boyfriend/husband with them.
I suppose it COULD be done without the fake tits, but, it might be a more honest-ish way to go about it.
whats a CIS female?

Cis is just a fancy term for if you identify with the gender you were born with. I had to look it up at one time as well.

Cis Gendered Definition

If I were to throw my opinion about the topic is that there is no real definitive answer. You could sample a group of women and see what they think and then sample another group and get completely different results. It is of my opinion that it just depends on where they fall on the religious and political alignment and even then you just don't know but it would help to break down the answers into groups based on their own beliefs.

I've also run into a group of women who call themselves TERFS (Trans exclusionary Radical Feminists). They are some seriously hateful women who should be avoided at all costs.

The Terfs

You don't just ask specific groups, you just ask women in general, which is why dong it at a mall where you'll run into all kinds of women, would be the best place to do it. If anything, I just meant that you MIGHT do well to stay away from older women, like in their late 70's and beyond. They TEND to already have closed minds about the things going on today. For instance, my mom and her friends are in their 80's and they still believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug that leads to harder drugs and eventually insanity and death, if not murder and that the music of even 30 years ago is too harsh and wild and forget that their parents hated Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman, etc., because, to them, THAT was too harsh and wild! So, older women won't exactly give you an accurate opinion of the thinking of women of today, or even the previous 30-some years. I'm PRETTY sure that most women in my age group, that grew up in the early `60's would be pretty cool with guys having tits. Strangely, there's a lot of people that grew up in the `80's that were VERY hateful of such things!! How strange that they felt they should be allowed to have blue mohawks, wear bizarre make-up and incredibly strange clothes, mostly because they felt they have the right to express themselves as they saw fit, but, when someone like us would want the freedom to express ourselves, they saw that as an abomination and something to be destroyed!! Freedom (at least of expression) was only a one-way street, to them!
Anyway, pretty much no matter what your sample group, you just ask them and then count how many are cool with it, how many are indifferent and how many are abhorrent, then you can make chart or pie graph out of your findings and get an idea of how accepting the whole thing is across the board. (A pie graph would be better, who would want to eat a chart??)

(16-10-2015, 23:44)Ethereal Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 23:26)iaboy Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 20:26)Ethereal Wrote:  Cis is just a fancy term for if you identify with the gender you were born with. I had to look it up at one time as well.

Cis Gendered Definition

It is of my opinion that it just depends on where they fall on the religious and political alignment

The Terfs

What if your a Socialist like Bernie Sanders, H. Clinton or the like?? Maybe when and if you get Government O.K. to feel what ever way you want about yourself???

Wow, turning boobs into a political discussion... Crazy, but somehow true..

Well I don't really think it would matter even then. You would still have left and right bearing socialists maybe even flirting with National Socialism (aka ... Nazism) who would discriminate anyone outside their own ideology. The numbers would still just be all over the place as we can't stereotype any political preference and no two people are the same.

And it really isn't about boobs per say but the acceptance of men having boobs by society and blurring of the gender lines. Women get a pretty strong double standard in this area for some reason. Almost as if the message of masculinity = good and femininity = bad. But I don't think it's that simple.

As a libertarian I see it all the time. You have control tactics from left on certain things and the right is just as bad but just with different things. Add an on going gender war makes it even worse. Because you end up with women who feel entitled about being born a woman and feel as if we are trespassing on what is theirs. Men who think we are traitors for even considering it. It's a mess .. that is for sure.

But really, everything is based around ideological and political influences. Everything from boobs to going to war.
You can't just ask people that are completely on your side if you want true results. We ALL live in the country/on this planet, together, so, it'd HAVE to be a general consensus, otherwise, the numbers will all be skewed to one side and mean absolutely nothing.

As for women being pissed that we're encroaching upon their territory and men will be pissed that we've joined the other side, there was a pretty cool story in an old issue of Playboy, I think (maybe Penthouse or Oui) back in the `70's where some guy went to bed one night and when he woke up in the morning, he was a woman! Not because he wanted it, it just happened to him! Eventually this happened to LOTS of guys over the world!! Of course, because this is the age of women's rights, et., al., natural born women figured these new women should be looked down upon, to a degree and, because they used to be men, they should be forced to have to go through the drudgery of housekeeping that they, themselves, have been dealing with for the longest time so they get to know what women have put up with for eons. It never mentioned how other men felt about these guys going through the sex change, but, it's quite possible it's because as it just happened randomly, they COULD be next!!

(17-10-2015, 19:42)WantAPair Wrote:  You don't just ask specific groups, you just ask women in general, which is why dong it at a mall where you'll run into all kinds of women, would be the best place to do it. If anything, I just meant that you MIGHT do well to stay away from older women, like in their late 70's and beyond. They TEND to already have closed minds about the things going on today. For instance, my mom and her friends are in their 80's and they still believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug that leads to harder drugs and eventually insanity and death, if not murder and that the music of even 30 years ago is too harsh and wild and forget that their parents hated Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman, etc., because, to them, THAT was too harsh and wild! So, older women won't exactly give you an accurate opinion of the thinking of women of today, or even the previous 30-some years. I'm PRETTY sure that most women in my age group, that grew up in the early `60's would be pretty cool with guys having tits. Strangely, there's a lot of people that grew up in the `80's that were VERY hateful of such things!! How strange that they felt they should be allowed to have blue mohawks, wear bizarre make-up and incredibly strange clothes, mostly because they felt they have the right to express themselves as they saw fit, but, when someone like us would want the freedom to express ourselves, they saw that as an abomination and something to be destroyed!! Freedom (at least of expression) was only a one-way street, to them!
Anyway, pretty much no matter what your sample group, you just ask them and then count how many are cool with it, how many are indifferent and how many are abhorrent, then you can make chart or pie graph out of your findings and get an idea of how accepting the whole thing is across the board. (A pie graph would be better, who would want to eat a chart??)

You are definitely on the right path with your mall idea. I guess my only issue I could possibly think of would be say the results would be radically different from say a mall in Vancouver or San Francisco than to say one in Louisville, KY or anywhere in the bible belt for that matter. It would take multiple samples from multiple malls across the country and then average out the results. I think the results would still be fairly low across the board as in favor of it but society has surprised me on more than one occasion.

For me at the end of the day though I just don't care anymore and that is from either gender. My new philosophy on life lol ... wanna be cool and have some great times ... great Cool want to look down on me for whatever reason ... feel free to piss off Big Grin As a moderate I'm really used to the left and the right not liking me so it's not really a big deal.

This was definitely a fun exercise though and flexed my brain a little. So yay Smile

For me at the end of the day though I just don't care anymore and that is from either gender. My new philosophy on life lol ... wanna be cool and have some great times ... great Cool want to look down on me for whatever reason ... feel free to piss off Big Grin As a moderate I'm really used to the left and the right not liking me so it's not really a big deal.

ha like the above

Now you would have thought we would have has a few more replies from our sisters in the cis female section ???



(17-10-2015, 20:01)WantAPair Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 23:44)Ethereal Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 23:26)iaboy Wrote:  
(16-10-2015, 20:26)Ethereal Wrote:  Cis is just a fancy term for if you identify with the gender you were born with. I had to look it up at one time as well.

Cis Gendered Definition

It is of my opinion that it just depends on where they fall on the religious and political alignment

The Terfs

What if your a Socialist like Bernie Sanders, H. Clinton or the like?? Maybe when and if you get Government O.K. to feel what ever way you want about yourself???

Wow, turning boobs into a political discussion... Crazy, but somehow true..

Well I don't really think it would matter even then. You would still have left and right bearing socialists maybe even flirting with National Socialism (aka ... Nazism) who would discriminate anyone outside their own ideology. The numbers would still just be all over the place as we can't stereotype any political preference and no two people are the same.

And it really isn't about boobs per say but the acceptance of men having boobs by society and blurring of the gender lines. Women get a pretty strong double standard in this area for some reason. Almost as if the message of masculinity = good and femininity = bad. But I don't think it's that simple.

As a libertarian I see it all the time. You have control tactics from left on certain things and the right is just as bad but just with different things. Add an on going gender war makes it even worse. Because you end up with women who feel entitled about being born a woman and feel as if we are trespassing on what is theirs. Men who think we are traitors for even considering it. It's a mess .. that is for sure.

But really, everything is based around ideological and political influences. Everything from boobs to going to war.
You can't just ask people that are completely on your side if you want true results. We ALL live in the country/on this planet, together, so, it'd HAVE to be a general consensus, otherwise, the numbers will all be skewed to one side and mean absolutely nothing.

As for women being pissed that we're encroaching upon their territory and men will be pissed that we've joined the other side, there was a pretty cool story in an old issue of Playboy, I think (maybe Penthouse or Oui) back in the `70's where some guy went to bed one night and when he woke up in the morning, he was a woman! Not because he wanted it, it just happened to him! Eventually this happened to LOTS of guys over the world!! Of course, because this is the age of women's rights, et., al., natural born women figured these new women should be looked down upon, to a degree and, because they used to be men, they should be forced to have to go through the drudgery of housekeeping that they, themselves, have been dealing with for the longest time so they get to know what women have put up with for eons. It never mentioned how other men felt about these guys going through the sex change, but, it's quite possible it's because as it just happened randomly, they COULD be next!!

Absolutely correct.. A vanilla general discussion is best for real, untainted results..

(07-10-2015, 06:04)Tribble1 Wrote:  I think it's fine. If you've got em, flaunt em. But, I am more open minded to breaking gender role stereotypes. I don't agree with the stigmatization of 'man boobs'.
Well i dont see any troubles with this tribble,,lol

A majority of men over 40 have gynomastia. In turn most women at least tolerate it.

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