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PM buying help !!!!


Did anyone buy this brand as linked in the first post? The product is actually Thanyaporn brand.
I have asked the seller some questions since it states:
Quote:The correct dosage is generally accepted to be 2mg per kilo of weight, per day. For the average woman this would equate to approximately 120mg per day (extract), or 360mg of natural ground plant material. Thanyaporn organic P Mirifica capsules contain 350mg natural ground plant material, the optimum balanced dosage.
Some sellers will try to sell P mirifica in high dose capsules, telling their customers the higher the dose the greater/faster the results. This is untrue, and no truly scientific studies so far support it. The product works generally over 2 - 6 months and cannot be hurried by taking large doses.
So I sent her my weight and height and what I planned to lose and asked if I should be taking it twice a day, she replied saying that 350mg natural herb is fine based on my details, that excess is disposed of by the body and therefore wasted. She suggested trying this strength for 3 months and if not pleased with it to move to their higher strength.

Hey I recently just bought that brand too from a trusted seller (because my friend had been to the store in Bangkok). Anyway the retailer told me that the 350mg contains 100mg pure PM extract.

Because I don't want to overload my body with the extra spices (it can be really 'heaty' for the body), I take one 350mg Thanyaporn PM and 100mg PURE white PM (from another brand recommended by another user (holla jee!). The pure white PM is a from a brand called Wangphrom, but the bottles only have Thai words on it except Wangphrom, so it may be hard to google.

^That's the original site. I got mine from ebay for $13 (inclusive of free shipping)..and for some reason they sent me TWO BOTTLES, one separately....I was so pleased Smile I think it's because the price included free shipping and I live VERY close to Thailand so they thought, what the heck, free gift.

For the average woman this would equate to approximately 120mg per day (extract), or 360mg of natural ground plant material. Thanyaporn organic P Mirifica capsules contain 350mg natural ground plant material, the optimum balanced dosage.

The capsules contain plant matter, which is the equivalent of 100mg or so extract (if the active biological substance was extracted from the plant matter) - they don't combine with spices, this is just what people have guessed due to the difference in the numbers.

I've been emailing back and forth because the ebay seller didn't know what I wanted the herb for, she's given me a regimen! One PM capsule per day, exercises to enhance the bust 3-5 times per week, massage with oils or PM cream, healthy diet including plenty of fruit and veggies (well duh). I've ordered some from a UK seller because he ships immediately first class, but I will certainly reorder from that Thai seller once I know I can get along with PM!

(09-08-2014, 11:57)jet Wrote:  For the average woman this would equate to approximately 120mg per day (extract), or 360mg of natural ground plant material. Thanyaporn organic P Mirifica capsules contain 350mg natural ground plant material, the optimum balanced dosage.

The capsules contain plant matter, which is the equivalent of 100mg or so extract (if the active biological substance was extracted from the plant matter) - they don't combine with spices, this is just what people have guessed due to the difference in the numbers.

I've been emailing back and forth because the ebay seller didn't know what I wanted the herb for, she's given me a regimen! One PM capsule per day, exercises to enhance the bust 3-5 times per week, massage with oils or PM cream, healthy diet including plenty of fruit and veggies (well duh). I've ordered some from a UK seller because he ships immediately first class, but I will certainly reorder from that Thai seller once I know I can get along with PM!

Thanks for the info. I too emailed the retailer from Thai Herbal products before I purchased it and he told me that:

"All capsules weight is 350 mg, additional herbs are Piper Nigrum, Boesenbergia Rotunda and Piper Retrofractum, with 100mg Pure PM extract."

And I researched the Raksa brand before, it contains the same type of fillers... so I don't know. Also I don't know if this matters, but for the Thanyaporn brand's capsules, the powder is sort of greyish, and I tasted it, it did taste like pepper, whereas the Wangphrom brand's was white powder, is tasteless.

Good that you're just ordering one bottle to try it out first. Good luck and keep us posted. I have been using it for 6 days, with my homemade PM oil (not very consistent with it though). I am thinking about getting a PC for my luteal phase... Anyway, will update with any progress

Wow, well neither of the two sellers mentioned that, in fact the UK based one actually states the only ingredient in the capsules is PM (bottle looks like this: [Image: complement-alimentaire-thanyaporn-aux-pu...rifica.jpg] )

Thanks for sharing that information. I have emailed the Thai seller to ask about it, and also some further questions I had regarding cycling (she recommends only taking one a day because any more is wasted) or not to cycle.

I've used this brand ..I knew there was estrogenic activity from dose experiments (longer cycles at higher does) ..I wouldn't worry about the spices and the dose is good 100mg is a nice easy dose ..if your female too much pm can be a pain ...and mess up your cycles ..I still use these but I added in Ainterol Pueraria Mirifica too when I came into money ...I plan to use both but only use ainterol first few days then switch to this brand for a lower dose......I might even shorten my cycle days as my period is almost 5 days late ='/

ainterol has powered form for under 20£$ ..with a 250mg measurement spoon can make your own creams with it..take it with water and it doesn't taste would last me over a year (200grams) same for most people who cycle 500mg 14 days every month...even if you didn't cycle 250mg would last you over 2 years =p

but this brand is fine ..and crazy price ..good job checking up on it's sources this will really help buyers that check this out!

Thanks rocketmelon that is very reassuring Smile The seller from the link in the first post did respond about the spices, with this:
Quote:Regarding other ingredients, we know there are 5 other herbs used in the Thanyaporn formula. They amount to a tiny % of the total and are there precisely to tweak metabolic rates. They are not fillers. Many Asian companies, especially those who adhere to a 'family recipe', will not divulge the exact ingredients, and there are no laws compelling them to do so. I suppose it's rather like Coca Cola or Pepsi. They don't divulge their 'secret ingredients' (although I suspect in most cases there's nothing more mysterious than the fact that they have a little secret). We know for sure that one is Piper Nigrum. This makes sense in encouraging a little more stomach acid. But the others are unknown to us. There is a Thanyaporn copy on the market, called Raksa. This does list Boesenbergia and P Nigrum. Ultimately, there will be very little difference in formulas since these things tend to leak out over time, and most businesses use very similar ingredients, even if they do insist theirs is the best because of their 'secret'. In S E Asia, P Mirifica has been taken every day for centuries.
She also said that cycling is not necessary if you take it as suggested, one a day but that western research suggests there may be some advantage in conforming to the luteal phase by cycling, or taking time off after 3 months of usage. I'm hoping my packet will arrive in time because my period is due any day now and I would love to begin on day one. I'll link to my UK seller once I can see the shipping is fast to the UK and see the product for myself!

kool (=.......yea =/ just I've messed meh cycle with too much pm before xD I more estrogen dominant so more sensitive to that sort of thing haha

you good still add in prog cream to make sure (=
<3 have fun

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