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Oh my.
Uhm. Hm. Well. This discussion is a real doozey, eh?
I think that sometimes, the excitement to be encouraging and reassuring can result in, uh, there being a loss in translation from the mental to the written. Eh? Pshew. Wow. Oops!.
Anyway. The world is truly made of all kinds. People attracted to legs, bottoms, tops, love-handles, curly hair, teeth, swagger. We know it. You know it. I know it. I don't personally take some huge pride parade in what I am attracted to, because I appreciate that people are attracted to different things. People tell me I am attractive and now I can say thank you, even if I am not pretty like some others (or even me) would find obviously attractive. I have a sister, that was I used to consider the "pretty sister" among the three girls in my family. What does that even mean?! Hahaha. Folks, just say "Thank you!" We are not clones! Pretty comes in a variety. Pretty is a rainbow! Does the whole world have only one favorite color?
Ah, NBE. I like the idea of NBE like I like the idea of using a shampoo that would add shininess to my hair or using cute fingernail polish. I use "self-improvement" media, too.
The world is a rainbow. Variety is the spice of life. It's sad in a way that people can label themselves or have pride in being a "thisbodypartonly-person." Seriously? Hm. It would be like driving a car tunnel-visioned with lack peripheral vision or consideration for what's outside of the lines. Of course it's amazing what is in this world. We appreciate it! Do you like chocolate or vanilla better? Gotcha! I am thinking... I really like lemon :} But good grief, since raspberry is great too, I'm not gonna go on about lemon, get sucked down into a hole so much that I miss the chance to have a gourmet raspberry tart.
Modern society is teaching people more about being shallow and less about empathy to the point where people, including myself I'm sure, can barely encourage each other without actually seeming insulting or shallow. It is such that I wonder if people really mean well at all sometimes. And our prime victims, with a little help from our friends, are ourselves. How do we talk to ourselves?
Sometimes, I put on a great pair of shoes, I just feel grand. I don't stand around and say, "These are great, but..." I admire my eyelashes growing because i started putting oil on them, I just appreciate them for a moment, I don't automatically go to the "But..."
I think I understand a little why most of us are here. To "enhance" and or learn. One day, there may be a whole bunch of people, all "perfect." I am glad to be me and not a clone. In a world with just D cups everywhere?! Sameness and uniformity cause complaints too.
Lots of shapes on here. Gosh. It's like a landing pad of beauty! There are days when I am not breathlessly impressed with what I see in the mirror and other times, I am like, "Woa! Gosh I am so pretty today! What happened?!" It even startles me. Everyone's journey is different. But to be sad, forlorn, negative-- does it work? Does it make things better? I haven't seen it or heard about it doing that. I know younger people as well as friends in their 60s and older. With the negative people-- I finally started taking a survey, like "How is that working for you after 60 years?" So far, it doesn't seem to have worked for anyone. The people with an attitude of gratitude (it starts with even the smallest things and makes various aspects (and maybe body parts ;} of life grow) and a thoughtful positive outlook (not cluelessness) are always more attractive! Always!
I know people in all the cup sizes, the macho goodlookers, the "successful" people, the well-off. No material things make people happier or make relationships unbreakable or leave people satisfied at the end of life. People don't die regretting their cupsize with huge importance. Lol Have you noticed that in the threads on this site, many people have achieved serious growth, have perky boobs, some even before they joined this forum, and yet they are still unhappy and dissatisfied? Why would people with our ideal boobs still be unhappy? A lady I know, past 50 years old, has always been smart, attractive physically, had enough money, and has some of our fellow nbers "perfect" boobs. She is a miserable woman.
Companionship is okay, nice, great. But can we really "be" with someone if they or us are off in a separate little world of boob-induced fear or boob-induced obsession? I am not here to pressure my boobs or beat them into submission or frown at them and expect them to do my bidding. There are boob bullies in the world-- and among us. But it is my life, so I'll dress them up real purty-like-- as friends. Your boobs and my boobs are wonderful , magical creatures. I honor your wonderful boobs. I love boobs! I am here to decorate my boobs, if you will. I am thankful for their good health, glad to cheer them on and cheer them up. How about you? Would you bully my boobs if they didn't fit a certain bill? Usually, getting an A is a good thing. Let's remember this. And how unique and awesome is it that getting a C, in this case, is a good thing too? Big Grin

(18-11-2013, 07:10)black_howling Wrote:  Exactly...I'm a guy who is dating a girl who has an A cup. I am a breast person. I love breast and all i talk to my gf is about breast and how big are those girls that we see around. I used to date a D cup, and those were just heaven. I love my gf for who she is and I told her that I will help her in getting a bigger breast if she is willing to work with me.

She is all up for it cause she knows what I want and desire too. She's been into the NBE program since the last 6 - 8 months. It didn't work well with the PM. So I'm waiting for the BO order to come in. In the mean time, we are trying out massages as well.

So all I'm telling here is communication is the key. You will be able to get more confident if you do it with someone who loves you for who you are. So talk to your BF about what you think of your body and what you plan to do. Ask him if he is willing to work with you and help you with it. I am pretty sure he can be a real help with the massages.

No offense Howling but you sound like my type of nightmare bf. She has an A cup, that is hard enough to not be born "equal" to more well-endowed females out there. But talk about poking at the wound, no, stabbing it! If you are a breast man then you shouldn't have dated her. You say you love her for who she is but that is a pure lie, obviously, because if you did you wouldn't encourage any change in her. So now you are constantly talking about big breasted women and your exes heavenly D cups? Wow. Talk about insensitivity. But you will help her grow.....

She should grow for herself, not because her bf has made her feel unequal to his past and his preference. She must have extremely low self-esteem to put up with this shit. Later these types of girls come on here devastated because of some guy like you smashing their body image.

Just curious @blackhowling
Was this something she always wanted to do?
I sure hope so, because if you were the reason for her agreeing to do NBE, then, be careful, she may have a new found confidence and leave you for another man who isn't so obsessive over large breasts.

She should be doing the journey for her, not you. Has she said anything about you that could possibly use enhancement? Or is she perfectly happy with what you are packing lol, I mean, the way you are?

Large breasts are wonderful, but if you talk about them all the time, I surely hope shes not vengeful like some gals, and pull one over you by leaving you for a more accepting guy, considering what you might have put her through emotionally.

(18-11-2013, 07:10)black_howling Wrote:  
(18-11-2013, 01:19)echapman Wrote:  Your boyfriend should be dating you for who you are, not your breasts. If you think he is going to leave you over something so unimportant then maybe you should evaluate your relationship. You deserve the best, girl!

Confidence goes a very long way. My husband has dated complete foxes in the past (his last gf was almost a D cup as opposed to my baby B cups!), and he still can't keep his hands off me. Neither could the other men that I have been with. Confidence is key! Your body is beautiful just the way it is. If YOU decide you want bigger breasts, then try the program. Dig deeper for reviews. If you can't find any, chances are it's no good.

Exactly...I'm a guy who is dating a girl who has an A cup. I am a breast person. I love breast and all i talk to my gf is about breast and how big are those girls that we see around. I used to date a D cup, and those were just heaven. I love my gf for who she is and I told her that I will help her in getting a bigger breast if she is willing to work with me.

She is all up for it cause she knows what I want and desire too. She's been into the NBE program since the last 6 - 8 months. It didn't work well with the PM. So I'm waiting for the BO order to come in. In the mean time, we are trying out massages as well.

So all I'm telling here is communication is the key. You will be able to get more confident if you do it with someone who loves you for who you are. So talk to your BF about what you think of your body and what you plan to do. Ask him if he is willing to work with you and help you with it. I am pretty sure he can be a real help with the massages.


(19-11-2013, 20:27)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(18-11-2013, 07:10)black_howling Wrote:  Exactly...I'm a guy who is dating a girl who has an A cup. I am a breast person. I love breast and all i talk to my gf is about breast and how big are those girls that we see around.

No offense Howling but you sound like my type of nightmare bf. She has an A cup, that is hard enough to not be born "equal" to more well-endowed females out there. But talk about poking at the wound, no, stabbing it! If you are a breast man then you shouldn't have dated her. You say you love her for who she is but that is a pure lie, obviously, because if you did you wouldn't encourage any change in her. So now you are constantly talking about big breasted women and your exes heavenly D cups? Wow. Talk about insensitivity. But you will help her grow.....

She should grow for herself, not because her bf has made her feel unequal to his past and his preference. She must have extremely low self-esteem to put up with this shit. Later these types of girls come on here devastated because of some guy like you smashing their body image.

No offense taken Jennifer. But I think you missed understood some words in my line. I don't talk to her about my ex at all. I just said tat to highlight the fact that even a breast person can love someone with very little breast and willing to help his partner get wat she wants.

I don't tell my gf about big breasted women to make her will less confident. It's when I go for a date with my gf, we both will see the big breast and we will have our chat and laughter about them. If she feels down about other people's boobs being bigger. I'll just kiss her and tell her tat she is just perfect.

I know growing up with a A is not easy especially being a ballet dancer. I am looking out for my GF as when ever we go for clothes shopping, she will sigh in sadness as some clothes that she loves will look better on her if she has boobs. And those are from her own words. I love my gf for who she is and for what a gem she is to me.

Any man who hears their woman sighs in dissatisfaction and don't try to help or console her ain't a man at all.

(19-11-2013, 21:35)tibetan113 Wrote:  Just curious @blackhowling
Was this something she always wanted to do?
I sure hope so, because if you were the reason for her agreeing to do NBE, then, be careful, she may have a new found confidence and leave you for another man who isn't so obsessive over large breasts.

She should be doing the journey for her, not you. Has she said anything about you that could possibly use enhancement? Or is she perfectly happy with what you are packing lol, I mean, the way you are?

Large breasts are wonderful, but if you talk about them all the time, I surely hope shes not vengeful like some gals, and pull one over you by leaving you for a more accepting guy, considering what you might have put her through emotionally.

Hi tibetan, it all happened when we went shopping and my gf told me that she loved a dress but cant wear it cause she has no boobs for it to look great. So I asked her if she wants to get them bigger naturally, to which she agreed. After the first few months of trying creams and massage, she saw her boobs has more meat in them, she was over joyed and delighted. So the journey started from there.

My GF knows that I love boobs. We had our conversation on boobs and growing them. I told my GF that I am willing to help providing she wants it and she works with me. I have also told her that if NBE don't work, then it's fine. We tried at least.

And to answer your question about my packing, yes we have had our conversation about that too. I used to be a quick gun mcgraw. In 60sec I'm done. So in return to her request for a longer sessions, I too had to make some changes for her. Started working out, taking tung saw, changing my diet and jelqing as well. So now we are going from 10 - 30mins depending on the pace and about 3 - 4 times daily. Blush

Wow. Reading this discussion has really reminded me how other's opinions have waaaay too much of an affect on what we want in our own bodies. Men, I wish you had a single clue on how your words affect us.. esp in a relationship setting. Why not accept her for her size and stop lusting after something that doesn't make a woman any more womanly than an A cup does?! How about restore her confidence and help her to feel beautiful for what she is NOW? Wow. This is disgusting.

Find the beauty in what she is and let that be enough for you. If she personally wants to change for her OWN reasons, then let her.

Gotta say, although nobody can help what they're attracted to...I agree with most of the outraged people here. When people are in a relationship they become each other's 'most important' and give their whole person to each other. Yes, there's more to a person than their breasts. But if I found out that my boyfriend felt he was having to compromise in order to be with me, when I've given and shown him everything there is of me because I love every part of him...I would be mortified. People really shouldn't settle for (what they think of as second best), it's just selfish.

I kinda figured those jumping on his ass were doing it unjustly. You shouldn't be so damn quick to judge others because of what you THINK you just read!! I know how it feels to be judged that way!! I've been on the shit end the stick VERY unjustly a few times recently because people reading what I've said jumped to conclusions instead of asking if that's what I meant!!
A few years ago, my singer died and that completely killed the band, too, but, a year ago, one of my ex-guitarists called me up and asked if I'd be interested in re-recording some of our stuff with him and an ex-bassist because he didn't like the mixes on ANY of our records! I didn't think they were that bad. Sure, they were done on a shoestring budget, but it was the best we could do and they didn't sound all that bad! So, he posts a podcast he made of our music honouring our singer and, while listening to the show at the band's FB page, I started to notice how some of the songs DID need a bit of tweaking here & there and started posting comments to him on the page of what I thought the recordings needed done to them. All of a sudden, everyone at the page is jumping on MY ass claiming that I'm putting down his podcast and him!!!! I explained to them a number of times, but, of course, everyone already had their simple minds made up about what I was "really" saying and they booted me off the page!!!! In the meantime, I've been in the band MUCH longer than anyone (except my singer), 25 years!! I called up my guitarist to explain to him that I was AGREEING with him about the mixes, NOT complaining about the podcast!! I even left the explanation in a phone message and asked him to call back!! I have yet to hear from him or anyone on the page!!
A few weeks earlier, on another FB page, this one based on my hometown and the people that grew up there, one of the others mentioned some guy that was caught setting fires to a number of house in our neighborhood back in the `70's and she also mentioned that he was also one of our fireman!! I told her that that figures because there are quite a number of cases where a fireman will BECOME a fireman because he likes to see things burn! It's a well-known fact in the world of psychology. Suddenly, everyone's on MY ass again as if I said ALL firemen are closet arsonists and that what I claimed is NOT true at all!! Within a few seconds, I found an article stating that there were THOUSANDS of fireman over the decades that were found to also be arsonists, and posted it on the page to show them I know what I'm talking about. Suddenly, I got booted from that page, too! The next day, I get a call from that woman (the one that first mentioned the guy being an arsonist/fireman) asking what the hell happened last night on FB and why did they kick me off? I told her as much as I knew and she was REALLY pissed at them for acting that way towards me and wrote a nasty letter to them and then removed herself from that page, too, because of the way they stupidly, rudely treated me!!
So, as the saying goes, "Never ASSUME, for it makes and ASS out of U and ME!!" DON'T be so damn quick to jump to conclusions! If in doubt, ask first!

you say she is perfect yet you deep down wish she had bigger boobs because you've admitted that's what you desire and like. its like saying you're ok eating celery when you're really craving fettucine alfredo. Oh celery, you are just as tasty. LOL.

Yeah, no, I don't think we jumped the gun on this. I have known guys along these lines and the girls did suffer from extremely low self-esteem, otherwise, who the hell would put up with that? The guys too said they would "help" their gfs by buying them implants. Funny thing is the girls never had these complexes before them and didn't even want implants until it was suggested! But us silly girls always want to make our men happy so we change ourselves for them. It happens all the time. It takes a female to explain this. Men can only try to understand the emotional complexity of a female's brain. We are wired quite differently from you.

A boyfriend's duty should be to assure his gf that she is beautiful the way she is (unless you've let yourself go, ie: gained a ton of weight because that is not out of your hands). Don't get with her otherwise! There are plenty of guys out there that would cherish her small breasts and believe it or not, detest large ones!

The breasts you are born with "technically" are out of your hands unless you get surgery or grow them. Yes, this is "natural" breast growing we're doing but there's really not too much that's natural about it. We are all going to crazy, obsessive and time-consuming lengths to get them to grow. A breast pump!? WTF. Hormones that are probably greatly increasing our risks of breast cancer? NOT that natural.

I will speak out about the issue in America right now. Look at our females: anorexic girls with breast implants and women with ungodly amounts of plastic surgery. This is the result of what the media and shallow men have conditioned into our brains as the ideal beauty. It oftentimes doesn't translate the same as it does in the magazines and instead looks like a freak show sadly. And none of us are above it on here (for the most part). Even if only a modest amount, we too are sucked into unrealistic expectations of what defines beauty. To avoid being left for another female? To not be made fun of? To not feel inferior to other females? Variety is the spice of life, but not if you're an A cup it seems.

I know I'm on a sick one, but I am speaking out against all the guys who emotionally damage their women. Sugar-coating your motives as "helping" is not cute.

Thanks Missed miss for the vote of confident. But I understand where Jennifer is coming from as well. What she said is true. The desire for the woman to please their man does sometimes lead them to do lots of things.
And I also agree on the anorexic woman being plastified and portrait as beauty.
And in many ways I am not debating with Jennifer on her facts. I know many people who are exactly what Jennifer just described. But the fact that you just generalized them and assume that because I love breast and I used to date a D cup girl. I am forcing my gf to get a bigger breast. That I do not agree.

But in any case, I do apologise if my intention to be helpful was misrepresented. I just wanted to say that if the girl thinks her guy is going to leave her because of the size of her breast, she needs to have a chat with him about it. What's the point of working soo hard just for him to leave her the next day.

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