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Finally =)


My biggest obstacle is actually consuming the amount of calories needed a day....let alone nutrients lol. I'm about six pounds under the "ideal weight" for my height and the ideal is about ten or fifteen pounds lighter than my ideal. And my body won't store calories ( I'm sure it does, just doesn't feel like it) so if I don't build muscle, it literally goes to waste lol.

The problem was/is: I want to do this as natural as possible and don't like what synthetic molecules due to the body so protein powders are not an option. I was making my own flax shakes but I just go through TOO much milk.

I may have found a solution though. I found a really simple rice milk recipe:
1 part rice
4 parts water
Pinch salt (optional)
Flavoring (vanilla, chocolate, optional)
Blend on high and keep in fridge for up to three days
More or less water can be added depending on desired consistency

My local big chain grocery store has an awesome bulk foods section with tons of awesome rice varieties.

Don't know how many in this forum prefer milk alternatives but I thought this was cool =)

(22-07-2013, 17:52)Zormad Wrote:  The problem was/is: I want to do this as natural as possible and don't like what synthetic molecules due to the body so protein powders are not an option. I was making my own flax shakes but I just go through TOO much milk.

I don't like synthetic stuff generally either, though I'm not against using them when there aren't any ill effects...

There *IS* protein powder without ANY synthetic additives though. NOW Whey Isolate "Natural" flavor. It's literally just whey isolate and lecithin.

The only problem I have with it is that it isn't quite completely balanced. It's missing some Methionine, Cystine, and Histidine to have a completely balanced amino acid profile... It's not completely missing those amino's, they're just low.

If you mix it with stuff with a sufficiently high amount of those then you can make it a complete protein... FOR ME, trying to CUT, that's hard... but for you... trying to bulk up... there's LOTS of ways to get that.

Easily affordable is another issue though, the forbidden black rice I use should work pretty well, but I will need to balance the proteins, so...more research! The amount of effort required for NBE is definitely why so few know about it; or maybe I should say, why so few believe it works. Meanwhile, I have uet to loose any growth since pausing my herbs, but they aren't as full. I'm not due for my P for another week so we'll see what happens. I have been slacking on my hynosis though, I need to get back on and see if it helps. Onward and forward I go Big Grin

LOT of family stuff going on so this will be short. Started my period yesterday, have been (for the most part) keeping up with the massaging and am still measurinf 34" across...I cant wait til I can restart my herbs and jump start this growrh =\

Oy grandma (whom I was closer than my mother to) passed away a few weeks ago after a long haul, needless to say my head wasn't very much in NBE for awhile. She was in massive amounts of pain and taught me to look at the universe in such a way that death is a transition more so than an ending point so while I can't say I'm over it, I no longer feel like jumping off a bridge =P

So back to NBE
I can't say I've been completely adament about my massage, I have yet to miss a day but do skip either morning or nighttime massage on occasion. I should be getting back into the habit now that life is settling a wee bit. Yesterday, day one of ovulation, I started on the fennugreek and red clover in tea form. For some reason, I NEVER do my hypnosis, my boobs feel great when I manage to though. I am not going to measure until the 30th so one full month will have passed (but I'll probably measure once during luteal to compare swelling). My boobs feel the same but I see tiny signs of improvement to shape; the s/o claims they are more full but I always just assume he is trying to make me feel better. He's pretty good at that while immersed in moppiness I woke up one morn to this on the fridge:

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(09-08-2013, 20:37)Zormad Wrote:  Oy grandma (whom I was closer than my mother to) passed away a few weeks ago after a long haul, needless to say my head wasn't very much in NBE for awhile. She was in massive amounts of pain and taught me to look at the universe in such a way that death is a transition more so than an ending point so while I can't say I'm over it, I no longer feel like jumping off a bridge =P

So back to NBE
I can't say I've been completely adament about my massage, I have yet to miss a day but do skip either morning or nighttime massage on occasion. I should be getting back into the habit now that life is settling a wee bit. Yesterday, day one of ovulation, I started on the fennugreek and red clover in tea form. For some reason, I NEVER do my hypnosis, my boobs feel great when I manage to though. I am not going to measure until the 30th so one full month will have passed (but I'll probably measure once during luteal to compare swelling). My boobs feel the same but I see tiny signs of improvement to shape; the s/o claims they are more full but I always just assume he is trying to make me feel better. He's pretty good at that while immersed in moppiness I woke up one morn to this on the fridge:

Awww! That's too precious!

So, its been about a month since I've posted pics, I figured it's about that time ;-)

The tape measure is saying 34.5" at the moment but I am in luteal and I have been deflating about an inch with my mense so I think I may have actually lost half an inch or so. I've also unfortunately lost a few pounds as well though. On the bright side, my financial situation has made a turn for the much better. So I will very soon be able to provide myself with adequate calories and nutrition =) yaaaay! I might also be able to get a noogleberry in a month or so x) Lately I have just been massaging with olive oil but I usually massage for quite awhile (only my right 'til they're even). I had to stop the Fenugreek tea for the time being because I can't keep my blood sugar high enough =\

For the moment I was only able to upload the side pics I will try to take another frontal but I don't know why the current one is too big. My laptop is on the fritz so I can't resize. I kind of see a difference in my right under boob. I still think that one is abit tuberous. I started pinching the area right around the areola and lightly massaging the tissue there. I feel it is making a difference and I'm hoping it will eventually help flatten out my nipple.

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I wonder if its the uploader is being weird or if it's my phone...but I got 'em =) there is a cropped and uncropped version of my left...couldn't remove the first after uploading the latter.

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Is it just me, or are you getting significantly perkier? And my GOD those areolas and nipples! I am envious!

I love your areolas and nipples! lucky girl! I am so tempted to use a lactating pump to achieve larger nipples (i have one smaller than the other ;()

Would you say that pregnancy gave you both larger nipples and areolas or just nipples?


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