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Louloute's programme


okay so i have somewhat changed my routine. i ordered some of Raw Female BO from Natural Source (the one Super Boob was taking - i think she was taking 4-6 a day and got great results!) because i wanted to experiment with the dosage a little. so i am taking 2 UBs during the day, then at night - i will take 1-3 of the other BO.

Oh and decided to add back the pituitary. since i ordered 2 bottles so what the heck. and i have run out of sheep placenta so i will cut that out completely (i will add back when i start with PM )

Morning: l-tyrosine, kelp, UB, HA, probiotics

Afternoon: MSM+vit C, UB, raw pituitary, omega 3-6-9, vit E.

Night: MSM+vit C, Raw Female BO, Neocell Collagen, HA, probiotics.

i will also be adding some whey protein isolate to my diet.

Does anyone know if i can add Borage Oil while taking BO? probably just for massage. i dont have any info on this yet.

wish you all great progress! Wink

okay, im still in cycle 2 - day 31 ! Last cycle was only 26 days. ughhh i really want my cycles to be regular and consistent. And i have NO luteal swelling! i used to get really nice luteal phase swelling when i was on BC.

i did add PC cream from day 18-28. i didn't want to because i wanted to see if i would have better growth with just BO - but i had to, my Temp rose right away from high 96's to mid 97.

Just started my second bottle of UB. Cant say i have any growth but when I noogle now, the swelling stays for the whole day - sometimes until the next time i noogle. but i did it a little hard last time and ended up with a bruise and a water blister Sad and freaked out because a blister anywhere else is fine but on the boob is kinda scary looking. i only get to fit in about 30 min to 1 hr (if im lucky) in of NB. I do a combo of pump and release and pump and hold. it usually took me about 30 min to fill the medium cup but now it's taking me about 20 min Smile i already have the CLs but woah it is sooo big! probably shoulda gotten the Larges instead.

i started drinking protein shakes last week and noticed my temp rose passed 98. my temp rarely ever goes over this mark. then i looked at the components in my protein powder. there's 1300mg of L-Tyrosine in there per serving! no wonder! i already take L-tyrosine as a supplement but it never worked as well as this! yay. i really recommend people taking BO just to go out and buy a big jug of protein powder and have 2 servings a day. it is such an easy way of getting your protein intake. i dont eat enough protein rich food/day to meet the minimum requirement.


day 9 of cycle 3. last cycle was 36 days so im curious to see how long this cycle will be.

Added Borage oil to my program. sometimes i also puncture the softgel and use it to massage and noogle with. i also use Aumenti to noogle with sometimes. Cant say Aumenti has done much for me, it just smells nice and absorbs well.

As for my breasts, not much improvements from last time. but i have to say i really enjoy noogling so much more since ive been on BO. I've been noogling for about 6 months and only until recently that i have been filling the cups easily and the swelling stays for a really long time. And it allows me to see myself with slightly bigger breasts which helps me to picture myself with bigger breasts and believe that i have bigger breasts. So i mean, i guess that's some progress - better than no progress Smile

And it's only this cycle that i have noticed such an improvement on my moods, i think it's the BO balancing out my hormones. and i judge this by how much nicer i am to my boyfriend. haha. poor guy. Also how much more productive and less sluggish i am. And good moods is amazing for breast growth. I have found this to be very true! I noticed that my boobs were at their smallest when i was insecure, sad, neurotic and obsessed with my breast size.

Im also wondering if i should up my BO intake. i might do this for a week or two to see if i respond better. And maybe order another month supply of UB? i dunno. im really anticipating my start with PM. i might try to order that Japanese brand that i responded so well with before..... we'll see.

*note* must take a proper saliva hormone test and soon. i need to know exactly what my levels are and not just guess it.


Ugh so sick today. I ordered a bust roller and It came today. I totally forgot about it because I ordered it so long ago and it just came now. I was happy to see it but then I realized how many booby contraptions I have, supplements and pills! And it just hit me that none of this have brought me any good solid growth Sad AND I'm doing all this in secret. Like how would I even try to explain what the roller is for if my bf found it. For my face? It is way too big for my face. Nevermind the noogleberry. That just explains itself!

So I'm going to do a milk thistle cleanse for about 5 days until this cold goes away and try to simplify my routine. Up my BO dosage and cut out whatever I can.


Day 16 of cycle 3. Done my 6 days of milk thistle cleanse.
6 days of no BO and supplements my boobs shrank down to nothing! I even had trouble filling my medium NB cups with minimal swelling afterwards. And I also noticed I was cranky when not on BO. And that was only 6 days.

So I am excited to start my routine again. Now that I definitely know BO does have an effect on me. It was really hard to be objective before. I was really impatient and wanted faster results and was blind to the progress that was happening. Gonna up my intake to 4 pills a day for about a week to see if it makes a difference.

Not going to apply PC cream this cycle because I'm finally getting my saliva hormone test done on day 20. After reading Tibetan's thread. She really convinced me that this will help! Not just for growing boobs but just for my general health. Found a naturopathic doc here. Super expensive ! But I wanted a complete consultation and interpretation of my results when i get them. Cannot wait Smile


only 3 days back on BO and i have gained back feelings in my boobs. they are more sensitive and swells much longer with NB. when i was on my cleanse it felt like nothing could've woken my boobs up - i massaged harder, longer NB sessions - nothing.

here is a breakdown of everything i am doing :

my massage routine: i use a couple of steps from tigerlilly and fengshui's techniques.

- claw and squeeze your boobs from outside up to nipple (40 times)
- Use knuckles to make circles on breasts (i was confused with this when i read it - so i do both - circles around the whole breast AND little circles around the whole breast). (40 times)
- i use the bust roller
- and i try to my best ability copy the massage that was given to me in Asia. but it is hard to perform on yourself not to mention tiring.
that massage looks something like this one i found on the st.herb website:
i hope the link works. I use Bio Oil, Aumenti and Borage oil to massage (not all at the same time obviously- i switch it up).
- And i will noogle for about 30 min afterwards.

everyday i take:

- L-Tyrosine and/or Kelp
- 4 BOs (2 morning, 2 at night)
- Borage oil (1 -3X a day) or Omega 3-6-9
- HA (1 - 2X a day)
- MSM + Vit C (1 - 3X a day)

- sometimes i drink Neocell Collagen
- Whey Protein Isolate shake once a day ( i make it with milk - which then equals to 35g of protein)

I also try to eat booby-friendly foods and avoid booby-enemy foods. This i think just has become a habit for me.

And if my schedule permits - i eat and have my protein shake right after my massage/NB session. got this tip from Fengshui. it makes sense to me.

On another note: i notice my boobs have become fuller on the sides. wont complain - but i really wish they would fill out in the middle too.


I feel the same way about all the stuff I have for breast growth x__x. I'm kind of nonchalant about the breast roller when I leave it out. I figure if I'm not weird about it then my dad won't ask about it. I suppose I could always lie and say it's for my neck or something xD;.

I'm glad you're seeing some results. It's interesting to note the L-Tyrosine taking effect after you added the protein shake into your routine. Do you think it's just the shake or the combination of the capsules you were taking in addition?

I think the milk thistle will make you cranky if you take too much. From what I've read it cleanses your liver which increases progesterone. Progesterone can have that kind of affect. Thought I'd give a heads up since I've been using progesterone cream and have had this experience this myself.

It was brought up a while ago that vitamin E oil and cocoa butter can increase bust size and keep the growth you get. Here's the thread in case you haven't seen it.

I've noticed that my breasts mainly fill out on the sides too. I don't know if that's just how they grow or if I'm not doing something in the middle. But I'm trying not to worry over it too much.

(11-10-2012, 07:34)SerraSun Wrote:  I feel the same way about all the stuff I have for breast growth x__x. I'm kind of nonchalant about the breast roller when I leave it out. I figure if I'm not weird about it then my dad won't ask about it. I suppose I could always lie and say it's for my neck or something xD;.

I'm glad you're seeing some results. It's interesting to note the L-Tyrosine taking effect after you added the protein shake into your routine. Do you think it's just the shake or the combination of the capsules you were taking in addition?

I think the milk thistle will make you cranky if you take too much. From what I've read it cleanses your liver which increases progesterone. Progesterone can have that kind of affect. Thought I'd give a heads up since I've been using progesterone cream and have had this experience this myself.

It was brought up a while ago that vitamin E oil and cocoa butter can increase bust size and keep the growth you get. Here's the thread in case you haven't seen it.

I've noticed that my breasts mainly fill out on the sides too. I don't know if that's just how they grow or if I'm not doing something in the middle. But I'm trying not to worry over it too much.

Hi Serrasun!

Thanks for the links! looks interesting Smile
i think i definitely am still deficient in progesterone. i have all those symptoms mentioned in the link you posted. And the thing about insomnia is that it prevents your body from releasing HGH (growth hormone) naturally. i read that your body releases HGH at around 1am and during REM sleep. So you should try to get to bed around 11-midnight. this is very hard for me to do. And a good rested night of sleep contributes to good mood and everything else.

About my temp. it has improved a lot in my luteal phase. im actually in the 98's. which means my progesterone levels are probably increasing too (increasing temps means increasing progesterone). i think i have found a good kelp brand. i actually see a noticeable increase when i take one.
i think it's a combo of the protein shake (loaded with L-tyrosine) and this kelp.

I will try out the cocoa butter and vit E! since i just bought a big jar of vit E and dont know what to do with it. Sounds too easy and good to be true though it cant hurt. both are good for you Blush maybe i will also noogle with it.

and yea, my boobs can choose to fill out wherever they want. ill take anything at this point! Tongue


Day 1, Cycle 4.

Last cycle was 30 days. yay! i think they are starting to become more regular. Still waiting on my test results.

Got AF today, and boobs haven't shrunken too much. They have definitely filled in on the sides, i catch my arms rubbing up against them sometimes. this is new to me. and i'm getting that boob-underarm corner crease thing- i dont know if you know what im talking about, i've always seen this on women with boobs and have always wanted it Smile.

On other news! I went ahead and ordered the PM that i first took! Suplife Pueraria 99 Big Grin I am so excited. I do think BO's working but oh SO slowly. So im going to finish my last bottle of BO, then put together a PM routine close to Chiyomilk.

happy growing!

Glad I could help! I've been looking into some herbal sleeping aids, so this information only prompts me to look into it further. I'll look into the kelp and protein powder you've been using. I have a long list of things I should look into getting. It gets a bit exasperating at times because there's a lot that could assist in the process ^__^;.

I've been massaging in between my breasts using circular motions as well as using a wooden massage brush (with oil) and have noticed them starting to fill out in the middle. Not as hard as the outside, but swollen and slightly firm. Thought I'd let you know since I was getting some results.

Where did you order the Suplife Pueraria 99? I'm thinking of using it later on since you have had so much success with it.

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