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Candida and underdeveloped breasts?


My breasts are constantly sore as well and they do look bigger.
I have never tried oil pulling but I have heard about it and I find it interesting. What type of oil are you using?

I also had one day off the diet and I felt pretty bad and my tongue didn't look so good the day after. I even got thrush ... down there. I hope I am not sharing too much. I am actually glad about it. It gave me motivation to continue to eat healthy seeing it clearly what sugar is doing to my body.

I am also using coconut oil, are you using that for oil pulling? I use it on my face and I put it on my tongue and I also eat it. I brush my tongue twice a day and I tried to gargle with salt water. I did see a little difference after that. I also bought grapefruit seed liquid. It is very strong but has many possibilities. I wash my face with it, gargle it, and drink it by mixing it with water. It tastes horrible though. Still eating the garlic as well but with brakes since it is recommened to switch antifungal methods reglularly. My skin looks pretty good, no acne except for a short period while I was taking flax seed oil. Never doing that again Wink But I am clear again. My melasma is still there, but not as bad as it was. I also use a milk product similar to kefir on my face once a day. My skin looks so good after doing that.

Yes Gorgeous blonde, how did you overcome the candida?


interesting thread! i am following as i have candida concerns too.

Hey CousinRose! How's the Candida diet progressing? I'm still on mine but after reading information in the Candida book, I discovered there were 3 medicinal cures. Have you tried the other methods before the natural ones? Just wondering if there was a quicker way to get this sorted. Would like to hasten the progress to get back on the boobiegrowth train! :}

CousinRose, I went to the doc finally to see what relief I could get as Medication and a hopeful cure. I got prescribed some lozengers to suck on (Only 1 bottle I might add. Strongly doubt it will cure me after 8-12 yrs!) I told my doc about the Candida diet, only to get him smirking "the benefits of this kind of diet are often over-rated" and saying that everyone has Candida and that the bumps on my tongue were normal - how frustrating. Came home and upped my Coconut oil dosage in a rebellious act! :p

Hey Boobielove, sorry for the late reply. Haven't been on here lately. I stopped the candida diet a few weeks ago and haven't been able to start again. I've been so sad and I really couldn't be so bad to myself to restrict my diet. Sugar really makes me more happy :p

To be honest, I don't trust doctors too much and I have faith in the candida diet but of course I beleive in medicine as well. How are the lozengers working for you?


Hi CousinRose!

Glad to hear from you! I also got disheartened by the diet. I thought I'd been on it for nearly 3 months, but on a closer check of my calendar, it was only coming up to 2 months! My taste buds got really bored, and of course, I couldn't be too strict as there are so many occasions where you can't expect people to cater for you so I did the best I could.

I didn't take the lozengers yet - I really don't think they'll do much so maybe a bit later. I started taking my temperature during this cycle and it's gone up 2 degrees to 97.3 consistently since the end of August so the diet has helped a lot!

Do you think you'll try the diet again? Smile
I think maybe it might be a good idea to go on it every now and then just to clear out the system...not for so long though! Tongue

I will definitly do the diet again. I am trying to do it now. It is just so hard to restrict your diet when your feeling down but I think I am getting better now.

My diet got really bad for a short period and I noticed I got a little yeast infection down there, sorry for the too much info, BUT I noticed I got a little more acne at the same time. So during this time I was monitoring the yeast and the acne and they come hand in hand.

What really works for me is garlic and probiotics and no sugar. I am going to be less strict then before, but continue with the garlic, probiotics and no sugar and see if that is enough. And of course eat more veggies and proteins.

I will let you know how it goes =)

(08-09-2012, 14:10)b00biel0ve Wrote:  Hi CousinRose!

Glad to hear from you! I also got disheartened by the diet. I thought I'd been on it for nearly 3 months, but on a closer check of my calendar, it was only coming up to 2 months! My taste buds got really bored, and of course, I couldn't be too strict as there are so many occasions where you can't expect people to cater for you so I did the best I could.

I didn't take the lozengers yet - I really don't think they'll do much so maybe a bit later. I started taking my temperature during this cycle and it's gone up 2 degrees to 97.3 consistently since the end of August so the diet has helped a lot!

Do you think you'll try the diet again? Smile
I think maybe it might be a good idea to go on it every now and then just to clear out the system...not for so long though! Tongue


I believe I have candida as well, and I would like to try to get it under control more before starting to try to NBE again. Have any of you heard of Diflucan for candida? Pretty much every article I read about it says it's an anti fungal that is used to clear up yeast infections and fungal infections. I want to get to the doctor to see if I can get on this for my yeast issues, but unfortunately I don't have insurance.

Also, I know this doesn't deal with candida, but what hormone is it that you would have too much or too little of if you get hair dark or course hair in places women shouldn't normally get it? Is it too much testosterone?

One last thing, is anyone else with candida getting random red bumps and small patches on their face or other parts of their skin as a result of candida? I seem to be constantly getting bumps, and I have no idea how I got them or how to make them go away. Pimple creams don't seem to help much, and things for eczema also don't really help. I also don't want to use hydrocortisone because it is a steroid. Would using coconut oil on my skin work?

AliCat1386 - I know the little bumps you mean. Have a teaspoon of Coconut Oil in Hot Water everyday for about 3 weeks. I started having it and noticed that my arms were then smooth and free of bumps. It might've disappeared sooner but I only noticed after 3 weeks.

CousinRose - the weirdest thing is happening. I have been slowly introducing wheat and sugar into my diet again and my temperature has gone up to 97.8 now! I will keep monitoring to see if this is a permanent thing. I can still see the Candida towards the back of my tongue but the temperatures seem to have come up so much, I guess I can learn to live with it - or maybe it will disappear after time... Good Luck with your new Diet! No need to be down - it's just a little experiment Smile Xo

Would using progesterone cream help breast growth if you have candida? I was reading about adrenal fatigue, and I read that it often goes hand-in-hand with estrogen dominance. I also remember reading that yeast infections are a possible symptom of estrogen dominance. I am a little confused about that all though because I thought having more estrogen in your body would make your breasts grow more, or did they not really grow because I don't have enough progesterone? I know that taking BO pills increases estrogen. Are BO pills more for people with too much testosterone or androgen dominance? If so, is progesterone cream the only things that can work for women with adrenal and estrogen dominance? Can anyone clear all this up for me because I would like to try the progesterone cream soon, but I am wondering if I should wait until my candida is more under control.

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