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Time to Wake up Y'all, Seriously


Have U ever considered dat U are actually da sheep? Dat maybe placez like GNC are postin counter articlez, newz reportz and stuff to protect their own interestz? I remember GNC had something called "save our supplementz" and dat was back wit dat other bill about 2 yearz ago where they wanted to "ban all natural supplementz" (as GNC put it) but dat didn't make sense because dandelionz could be considered "natural supplementz" (and they grow everywhere so what was da government gonna do arrest everyone who has Dandelionz in their back yard?) so where did the line draw? I read da bill and it was to ban certain typez of supplementz but U see GNC wanted to protect their business (because they have a ton of spiked and unregulated supplementz) so they created a website to sound liberal to feed da liberal sheep like U (I'm liberal too btw) into believin dat the bill was gonna take away all natural supplementz, GNC knew dat da average population is stupid and used dat to their advantage to get people to protest against it and U know what happened? It didn't get passed and people are still dyin (Hydroxycut) and gettin sick off of unregulated dangerous diet pillz and stuff like dat. So I don't know what da realy "enemy" is.

I am not the sheep. But I bet you are a young sheep no older that 20. Btw, I despise GNC- they have too many fillers and use soy and corn syrup in their products.

do believe our government doez sneaky thingz like 9/11. Now stay with me on dis. I do not think dat 9/11 in any way was a good thing. I did a report on it and I highly believe our government did it. Now, why would they do dat though? It was diversion, it was da governmentz way to have a reason to send our troops over, but again, for what? To protect oil dat is over there (just like da Gulf War). If our government said, "we need to send our troopz over there to protect oil" everyone would have been like "WHAT i'm not riskin losin my husband to protect oil, can't we just take some from our American soil?" Um yes we can but dat would have meant hiring Americanz to do it and dat would have meant dat gas would have become extremely high and dat would have meant dat no one could afford it which = an even bigger crash in da economy than we are in now. Again, not sayin 9/11 is a good thing, I still believe our government could have approached it in a FAR BETTER way. But again, it was to blind us from da fact dat gas is runnin dry, really fast and if our government had told us dat and started gettin gas from America it would have become a huge panic and mess.

Yep, served during that time on the other side of the fence you were protected by. Not even going to comment on that one.

Have U ever considered dat da government is passin lawz to extend our freedom of these problemz vs tryin to take our freedom away? For example: as I explained da gardenin one, I believe they did it to protect our freedom to chose what and where we buy our food in da near future because da government saw dat people are gettin poorer and poorer thus they would start doin stuff like growin their own produce to sell to make more money (I know a lot of people who were doin dat) but dat is not good for grocery store business. But because U are so hopped up on da conspiracy train and drunk on da juice now U think dat every law da government passes is because da world governmentz are secretly an illuminati-like thing. So all U could see is da bad in dis bill without even questionin dat maybe it'z for your own good and why did U think bad without even thinkin good first? Because U read some blogger, or FOX, or a radio host and guess what? U are that person'z sheep! How would U even know about dis law unless U heard it from da media in da first place? Any because of dat personz opinion (not your own) U now have their possibly wrong opinion and U are blindly spreadin it like a virus because YOU failed 2 educate yourself about it, dat media person/company has just won da real battle. Da real battle is da sheep-like mentality of America and you are no better yourself.

You sure type about a lot of "stuff" you think pertains to my view of what is really happening in the world. Your choice of spelling is just as offensive. I can't take you seriously.

Like da 12/23/2012 date, when December comez I am gonna google and see how much credit card sign-upz is gonna increase U know why? Because people are so stupid to believe dat da world is gonna end on dat day that they're gonna take out money and spend it all but U know what'z gonna happen? Da world won't end and we'll be left in a larger debt this is all because we assumed and believed in a conspiracy. Believin in conspiraciez is what da conspiracy is! Like dat guy who predicted da end of da world like 3 timez, another king of da sheep (I bet U believe him too), one guy spent his live savingz to post on a billboard dat rapture was gonna happen on one of those datez lol... datz so sad.

Now, you are stupid to assume that as I do not believe that. I bet you are one of those that sincerely believe that when it all comes down to the safety of the people, your government has your best interest.



I'm not sure if you had a point, but I couldn't make it through the first 2 sentences due to the spelling. Seriously, girl, if you want to argue you gotta work on your presentation. My brain just exploded.

This is the first thing that came to my mind when I read it:

I laughed my @$$ off on this.

Dis is fer rayel! Thanks fo tha link yo! It made ma day! (pun errors intended)

I needed it.

(07-03-2012, 23:38)jiberish Wrote:  ROFL you're a nwo conspiracy theorist.

Its not called being a conspiracy theorist. Its a matter of not being ignorant. GMO foods, from a molecular standpoint, is not something that our bodies are compatible with. The proof is in our generation of children. Middle school students have developed faster than ever physically, but are even less cognitively developed than ever. The new normal age for girls to start their menses has been lowered significantly. Child obesity is at an all time high.

Colon cancer, for instance, used to be practically nonexistent and thought to be a genetic cancer. Now its proven to be caused from a poor diet. It made its mark in the 70's and has since tripled in numbers. Its predicted that 2/3 men will get colon cancer, 1/3 for women. Its more prevalent in first world counties where food is plentiful, artificial and genetically modified.

So yes, we may not have the bubonic plague or yellow fever around anymore but we've traded it for cancer, genetic disorders, and obesity. And its all due to the fact the we live in a society that is primarily ignorant of what they put into their bodies because the government has them fooled to believe its "food."

Tibetan, you're so damn right its sad. People do need to wake the hell up while they still have the chance.

(30-03-2013, 08:32)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  ...

GMO foods are really not that bad, in fact there are some very good benefits for poverty stricken, starving populations. There isn't really much that points to GMO foods being incompatible or bad for our bodies

As for immoral corporations and ethics, it's mostly fearmongering

I highly recommend you watch this video (by a biologist):

Let me know what you think?

(30-03-2013, 09:29)sono Wrote:  
(30-03-2013, 08:32)kaitlyn9 Wrote:  ...

GMO foods are really not that bad, in fact there are some very good benefits for poverty stricken, starving populations. There isn't really much that points to GMO foods being incompatible or bad for our bodies

As for immoral corporations and ethics, it's mostly fearmongering

I highly recommend you watch this video (by a biologist):

Let me know what you think?

I used to think maybe this could be true but I have realized otherwise. I have allergies to all gm corn wheat and soy. I know they cause systemic inflammation. I cannot eat these. So I stay away. I am all for hybridization by nature but not anything Monsanto takes and changes.

When I first began reading this thread, about two posts in, I thought "Awesome, an intellectual debate on an interesting topic!!!" but then the third post on out, things got WAY too emotional. When making valid arguments, oh my intellectual ladies, please remember that AGE and SPELLING/GRAMMAR really are irrelevant to the conversation. Just bringing those points about "you must be under 20 years old" or laughing at someone's grammar just disgusts me. It is completely immature and, more importantly, IRRELEVANT... not to mention that there were grammar errors in the posts in some of those who were laughing about the poor grammar of another post. Unless you are the queen or lord of grammar, you really have no right to talk... unless of course you are speaking from an emotional level, which it is clear happened throughout this thread. How old someone is, how they talk, and/or write is very irrelevant to what they know, as much as you'd like to think it is. My brother has a speech impediment and my brother, mother, and father (yes, I am surrounded!) could not spell even if their lives depended on it. But my mother is so intelligent on the topic of health, and my father and brother are AMAZING engineers, brilliant people leading projects at their workplaces.

Just remember that people have the right to present opposing opinions, and, in your rebuttal, you SHOULD NOT get defensive. You take the logic right out of the debate when you do so. Present your opinions non-emotionally, please, as I know you intelligent women are fully capable of doing.

And EricaB it is not all about "winning" (although with the emotions volleyed in the thread it did come off that way), but rather it is an intellectual debate. Doesn't anyone appreciate these discussions anymore? I LOVE them!

I'm just... disappointed that there was an opportunity for an intellectual debate and you estrogen-hot ladies blew it. But I guess it makes sense, most of us are on extra hormones here Tongue

I like to think the bad grammer belongs to the youth. She def could have been an adult using bad grammer. After all, it takes a lot of effort to spell the wrong way and that's assuming she knows how to spell.

If she doesn't, its just an ignorance on her part sadly. But if you read, you will get the notion, she chose to use ghetto lazy grammer and that's hard for me to take seriously.

(30-03-2013, 22:46)timarie Wrote:  When I first began reading this thread, about two posts in, I thought "Awesome, an intellectual debate on an interesting topic!!!" but then the third post on out, things got WAY too emotional. When making valid arguments, oh my intellectual ladies, please remember that AGE and SPELLING/GRAMMAR really are irrelevant to the conversation. Just bringing those points about "you must be under 20 years old" or laughing at someone's grammar just disgusts me. It is completely immature and, more importantly, IRRELEVANT... not to mention that there were grammar errors in the posts in some of those who were laughing about the poor grammar of another post. Unless you are the queen or lord of grammar, you really have no right to talk... unless of course you are speaking from an emotional level, which it is clear happened throughout this thread. How old someone is, how they talk, and/or write is very irrelevant to what they know, as much as you'd like to think it is. My brother has a speech impediment and my brother, mother, and father (yes, I am surrounded!) could not spell even if their lives depended on it. But my mother is so intelligent on the topic of health, and my father and brother are AMAZING engineers, brilliant people leading projects at their workplaces.

Just remember that people have the right to present opposing opinions, and, in your rebuttal, you SHOULD NOT get defensive. You take the logic right out of the debate when you do so. Present your opinions non-emotionally, please, as I know you intelligent women are fully capable of doing.

And EricaB it is not all about "winning" (although with the emotions volleyed in the thread it did come off that way), but rather it is an intellectual debate. Doesn't anyone appreciate these discussions anymore? I LOVE them!

I'm just... disappointed that there was an opportunity for an intellectual debate and you estrogen-hot ladies blew it. But I guess it makes sense, most of us are on extra hormones here Tongue


(31-03-2013, 02:07)tibetan113 Wrote:  I like to think the bad grammer belongs to the youth. She def could have been an adult using bad grammer. After all, it takes a lot of effort to spell the wrong way and that's assuming she knows how to spell.

If she doesn't, its just an ignorance on her part sadly. But if you read, you will get the notion, she chose to use ghetto lazy grammer and that's hard for me to take seriously.

Sorry Tibetan if I misunderstand you, but I am assuming that you were being sarcastic with this line "After all, it takes a lot of effort to spell the wrong way and that's assuming she knows how to spell."? I'm assuming you're being sarcastic, because you spelled "grammar" wrong throughout your post, and I know that I am guilty of misspelling words occasionally myself, so it is in fact very easy to do.

But, if you're pointing out the obvious, deliberate "errors" that she made, it is more a cultural issue at hand here than actual errors. I am not defending it because I like it (as you can see what is my style of writing choice), but I do respect other cultures' differences, as ignorant as they may appear to us within our culture. And, as I respect her choice of writing style, I do not let it interfere with the actual discussion at hand, with which the topic of her writing style is irrelevant.

(31-03-2013, 05:13)timarie Wrote:  
(31-03-2013, 02:07)tibetan113 Wrote:  I like to think the bad grammer belongs to the youth. She def could have been an adult using bad grammer. After all, it takes a lot of effort to spell the wrong way and that's assuming she knows how to spell.

If she doesn't, its just an ignorance on her part sadly. But if you read, you will get the notion, she chose to use ghetto lazy grammer and that's hard for me to take seriously.

Sorry Tibetan if I misunderstand you, but I am assuming that you were being sarcastic with this line "After all, it takes a lot of effort to spell the wrong way and that's assuming she knows how to spell."? I'm assuming you're being sarcastic, because you spelled "grammar" wrong throughout your post, and I know that I am guilty of misspelling words occasionally myself, so it is in fact very easy to do.

But, if you're pointing out the obvious, deliberate "errors" that she made, it is more a cultural issue at hand here than actual errors. I am not defending it because I like it (as you can see what is my style of writing choice), but I do respect other cultures' differences, as ignorant as they may appear to us within our culture. And, as I respect her choice of writing style, I do not let it interfere with the actual discussion at hand, with which the topic of her writing style is irrelevant.

Yes. Its misspelt and I can admit. Totally my error. Its my handicap which is why I could never butcher words purposely. You will eventually forget the proper spelling of words with such a bad and lazy habit. I personally find it offensive. So this is different than someone not knowing how to write. This person chose to debate with bad grammar. Would you write this way in the real world? Probably not and why? Because people won't take you seriously. So why make it a habit in the first place?

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