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So UB was a bust as was my attempt at maca. Both are products that I would say do not raise estrogen much if any for those that want products that don't. In fact My estrogen defiency symptoms intensified when I took either of these products. sigh... I had to go back to the drawing board.

I don't want to be on steriods to help heal my adrenals, since it really can become a terrible cycle, so I made my own routine to adress that area and am please to report that I am seeing improvement in my symptoms. My current routine is below.

2 one source multi vitamins
500mg magnesium
3 raw adrenal pills...2 in the morning 1 at night.
1 b-complex vitamin
1 folic acid (to counter my methotrexate (low dose chemo) side effects
progesterone cream
estriol cream

So, once I increased the raw adrenal and added the magnesium, my migraines stopped, so I'm on track. I will be having a new hormone test soon to see where I am. I plan to add pm to my program on the first day of my cycle in hopes of raising my estrogen back up some.

I never thought I would be desperate to increase estrogen, but here I am. The side effects of low estrogen are pretty horrible.
memory lose
loss of muscle firmness
vision changes
dry skin
hot flashes
and my favorite was being diagnosed with vaginal atrophy.... nice

I've seen an imprivement in all of these things since starting the estriol and the progesterone, but it still has alot of room for improvement. I'm crossing my fingers the pm will be the solution, since on the siriporn site this is what they say it can do.

1. Pueraria Mirifica is the next generation of natural hormone replacement for menopausal support
a. Bone Health Support1........... Did you know that many leading osteoporosis drugs are synthetic estrogenic molecules ?
b. Healthy vaginal discharge, vaginal aging, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy support2
c. Supports healthy hair and skin3
d. Healthy menstrual cycle support, support for night sweats, hot flashes etc.3
2. Pre-Menopausal support3

I will update once I begin the new program and notice anything and maybe on the side see some breast growth too.... two birds with one stone would be nice.

After reading this I had to look up what vaginal atrophy was, and I think I've had and still sometimes suffer with it, so maybe I'm estrogen deficient? Like when I went on individual herbs, remember I said I had a ton of bad side effects? Well one of them was vaginal dryness, loss of sex drive, intercourse started hurting, etc. But I've had that sometimes even before NBE where intercourse sometimes hurt and I would bleed a little after, I sometimes have that even now. So hmm, I wonder, maybe I should try to see about testing my hormones as well. But then I wonder how come BO worked for me if that's the case?

Either way, I'll be watching your program and progress to see what happens. I hope the PM works out for you!

Hi Mel,

If you are doing pm dont forget to add calcium into it. High dose of pm in long run can create brittle bone and bone density lost.



I personally don't think that the estrogen levels that already exist in our bodies effect bo much other than if it was severe it might take longer to work than for others. It worked really well for me, but I had also spent a year getting my hormones perfectly balanced with progesterone cream before I discovered nbe.

If you no only have the pain with intercourse, but spotting after sex, I would def get checked then. When I went in for my regular pap, it took a week for me to stop bleeding! just from a pap smear and I had NEVER even spotted the day of one before in my life. I kept thinking I had an infection or something because I felt so raw. It is a pretty terrible feeling, BUT two weeks on premarin cream and the pain went away so it can be addressed quickly. Once they took that from me I went and bought estriol cream over the counter and began using it.

Hey crystelle, Yep, I'm on it. Right now I'm taking a multi with high calcium, just because I need it with the magnesium to make it absorb well. I just have to decide how much more to add once I begin the pm. I was thinking of going the ensure route instead of another pill. a daily drink with high protien and high calcium content.


bits and pieces of hormone production that I wanted to save for future ref, so I'm sticking it here.

The 3 estrogens E1 E2 and E3 and where they are produced in the body

a. ovaries
b. created by conversion of androstenedione(adrenal steriod) in fat cells

a. adrenal glands
b. secreted from ovaries converted from estradiol into estrone

. secreted by the ovary during luteal phase
b. fractional amount from estrone conversion
c. large amounts converted during pregnancy by the placenta from estradiol to support he pregnancy.

pregnenolone from cholesterol
production occurs in
a. ovaries
b. adrenal glands

One hundred years ago, the average woman started her menses at age 16. She got pregnant earlier and more frequently. She often spent more time lactating. In total, women back then experienced the menstrual cycle about 100 to 200 times in their lifetime. Today, the average modern women starts puberty at age 12, seldom lactates, has less children, and menstruates about 350 to 400 times during a lifetime.

adrenal glands can be responsible for hormone imbalances


Yea, the painful intercourse has been off and on since I've had my son, but came out more after the herbs messed my hormones up, it comes around now and then now but not everytime. I've had the issue with painful intercourse and bleeding after as long as I can remember, even before childbirth. When it happened I thought it was because I'm "tight" or something and maybe my partner was too endowed for me. It happens now every now and then, but it's not alot just a little spotting. But once when I was single after I left my son's father. I hadn't had sex or anything for over 6 months. And I masturbated with a toy and ended up pouring blood. I called my GYN and they checked out the toy (bought it at a high end adult store) and they found a tiny nick in it, so it just cut me a little inside. The doctor told me to allow warm water to enter me in the bath or shower or douche with whole milk. That fixed it. I haven't poured blood since then, but like I said sometimes spot a little after intercourse. I never thought anything of the painful intercourse or spotting until you mentioned it here as vaginal atrophy. So I'm definitely going to go get checked as soon as I can.

My new program will be a bit more complicated than some due to also having to take some extra supplements for my illnesses. Since some of my supplements are for my health instead of for nbe, I am going to color code them. Pink will be for NBE and Purple is for health. If you see a supplement that is both pink and purple, it means I take it not only for nbe but also for my health.

I have psoriatic arthritis, Fibromyalgia, magnesium defiencency, and adrenal fatigue, the last two of which are most likely due to one of my illnesses or a combo. I also have been told I have early menopause, though I feel certain that that was an easy name to slap on something they couldn't figure out. My ovaries are still going strong, I just have verylittle estrogens or progesterone. I hope to fix that that prove them wrong with this program. I've had a rough summer and after finally accepting that no doctor is going to help solve this, I've decided to try and pull myself together and find the answers myself.

So, on to the NBE portion of my program....

I've been using the robust cream for about 7 days now and amazingly I have some swelling going on already though my period is due any day, but I have found it interesting none the less. I did another full hormone panel the day before beginning the robust cream. It was taken before beginning my nbe supplements to have a base to start with and to see how much if any progress has been made through the use of vitamins strictly. I'll post them when I get them back.

I usually have a 28 day cycle with a day 14 ovulation, so I am starting out cycling my pm around that.

Morning supplements Days 1-12
1 PM Siriporn 100 mg
1 Raw Adrenal Natural sources 300mg
1 B-complex Spring Valley
2 multivitamin Women's One Source
1 folic acid prescription 1g
1 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
3 collagen +C Neocell 3g
Robust cream nickle size

Evening supplements Days 1-12
3 magnesium Spring Valley 400mg
1 vitamin C Nature Made 1000mg
3 collagen +C 3g
1 Raw Adrenal 300mg
1 PM siriporn 100mg
1 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust Cream nickle size

Morning Supplements Days 13-28
1 Raw Adrenal
1 B-complex
2 multivitamin
1 folic acid
1 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
3 collagen +C
Robust cream

Evening Supplements Days 13-28
3 magnesium
1 vitamin C
3 collagen +C
1 Raw Adrenal
1 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust Cream
Progesterone Cream

I know most people add a calcium/vitamin D supplement to their regiment, but I don't need to since my multivitamin is for older women and already has a high dose of it in it for bone health that meets the ratio I need, not to mention I am an avid vitamin D milk drinker throughout the day, so I'm more than covered and that's not even factoring in, all the other food areas I get it from and my carnation breakfast mix I drink every morning that I absolutely love.

So here's hoping that all of these things not only help get my hormones on a more level platform, but maybe add a bit more fluff in the breast area.


I have been waiting for your program on PM to come up since the day you mention that you are switching to it. FINALLY!! Keep us all posted Mel with your program. I am quite tempted to switch too. But I am still weighing the pros and cons on PM though. Another reason I am not sure whether it will work on me though. I have been on PM prior to BO with no success at all. Probably is because it comes in the form of cookies and it make it less potent, with only 50mg per dosage.

I agree. I think the cookies are less potent, maybe even less than the 50mg that is put in them. I was reading that pm can lose it's potency in temperatures about 100. In order to cook cookies, it has to be a lot higher than that, so I would question how much of the pm survives the process of cooking.

So far I'm pleased with the robust cream, so it's giving me hope that pm may very well work fine even for someone that has already had growth using another technique. We'll know for sure in the next few months I guess.!

I'm just putting together some of the links to sites I've been using to do my research on PM. I hate needing info later on and not being able to find the site again.

PM For hormonal balance

PM for Menopause

Publication study on pm and menopause

Dim and PM

Effacancy and Safety of Pueraria Mirifica for perimenopause STUDY RESULTS

Study of PM on Bone Health

Study On PM and Cardiovascular Health

Study of PM on LH and FSH Secretion

Study on PM Effect on Menstrual Cycle

Study of PM and Ovulation

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