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I also bought a neoprene slimming belt, and wear that while hula hooping to work up more of a sweat, and I must say, it definitely saves me! I want to be able to work up over time and be able to take it off eventually. But for now this is great!

I almost thought I had to return it because of limited space in the house...turns out, the hoop is about twice the diameter of a regular child's hula hoop. Wasn't expecting that at all, especially after seeing women on the box using it in the air to tone their arms? Where the eff do they think I live?!?? There's no such thing as a double-vaulted ceiling in a townhouse! Sheesh! =__= At least I can use it for my long as I can do that, I'll keep it. :3 (Although I can just barely do that.)

I'm still air hula hooping! It's not anything toooo drastic but my waist is nipping in alot! Smile Very happy for that!

(26-01-2013, 01:27)Emily Loretta Wrote:  I'm still air hula hooping! It's not anything toooo drastic but my waist is nipping in alot! Smile Very happy for that!

how do you do it Emily?

I posted a video of a Jap. popstar, I copy her and do it like that. My waist/hips aren't as prominent as hers.

LOVE my weighted hula hoop! Anyone interested in a more cinched waist needs to try this!

I've only done it twice so far, but yesterday I did it for a half hour. It hurt at first, but soon it became really easy and didn't hurt at all. I took a break for a second to clean up my cat's vomit (ha!), and when I came back to it, it didn't even feel like a weighted hoop. It felt weightless! After my workout, I looked in the mirror, and my waist was curvier than usual! It stayed like that for quite a while, too. I think I'm going to try to do this at least 5 days a week for a half hour. I can't wait to see my waist in a month! It'll probably give me more drastic results than my corset (although I'm going to keep corsetting to keep my ribcage small/shrink it more).

Hello ladiesSmile,

I know this question is going to sound redundant possibly....I want to know from an experienced tightlacer if there is some here who.... Has worn your corset while gaining weight for the purpose of redirecting fat.

I know the main point of a corset is to get a smaller waist, but we all know that those results are not permanent. So what I want to know instead is... Have you noticed that the weight has been distributed differently, more fat storage on hips/butt , since it cannot deposit on the waist....Please be someone who has worn their corset for an extended period of time( 3-6 months, or years) I would greatly appreciate your reply! Thanks.

(27-02-2013, 06:49)CelebrityChic Wrote:  Hello ladiesSmile,

I know this question is going to sound redundant possibly....I want to know from an experienced tightlacer if there is some here who.... Has worn your corset while gaining weight for the purpose of redirecting fat.

I know the main point of a corset is to get a smaller waist, but we all know that those results are not permanent. So what I want to know instead is... Have you noticed that the weight has been distributed differently, more fat storage on hips/butt , since it cannot deposit on the waist....Please be someone who has worn their corset for an extended period of time( 3-6 months, or years) I would greatly appreciate your reply! Thanks.


Hey everyone,

So I'm a little new to joining but I've been reading a lot on waist reduction on here (and of course NBE).

I am quite tiny every where but one area that has bothered me is my waist. I have a very short torso and its quite square. I was looking into corseting in order to change that but I just don't think I would end up wearing as long as I need too. Anyways Ive noticed the talk of Hula hooping and I was wondering if you think it could help my situation? I'm have a 29" waist.

Oh and hears a couple things I've been doing to reduce my waist:

It works body wraps: I got eight for cheap. I have used two and it did reduce my waist by an inch BUT it did not stay. I do not drink the amount of water i should and during the time I ate a lot of carbs. I would really recommend someone who drinks a a lot of water to give it a try though or if anyone wanted to lose and inch for an event or something this would be good for.

I am currently in a workout class that primarily works the core, butt and legs. It uses a lot of cardio as well. For me joining a class makes me work harder than on my own so I am actually seeing good results from it Smile


Bringing this thread up from the depths!
I noticed doing my squats for my butt that drawing in my abs and waist is only widening my waist :/ the aching I feel in my sides feels good but when I press it feels like the muscle is getting tight and rigid/widening me. When I do specific waist exercise like turning my upper torso, or side bends it works better. Could I be trying too hard to hold in the abs with the squats? I saw the pop star video posted I will watch tomorrow, and the results some of you were having with 'air hooping' sound amazing Smile
So anyone have any successful tips or further videos to share?

Jet- it sounds like you're doing your squats the right way. Well, by drawing them in, do you mean sucking in? Or do you mean chest full of air & flexing the abs? You have to keep a tight core when squatting or you can hurt yourself & make the squats less effective. Just make sure you breathe in, hold, keep abs tight and then squat. Breathe out when you're back up.

When doing ab exercises, only do front abs, don't do side abs. Working out your abs, just like any muscle, makes them bigger. If you're trying to draw in your waist on the sides, avoid side ab workouts, it'll only make your side abs bigger. Also if you're trying to loose a belly, wait until its pretty flattened out before beginning ab exersizes.

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