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eeeeee, so I've been doing the air hula hooping for a while now and I'm all to over joyed to report that my waist is becoming more and more like that Japanese pop stars. No corset required!!!! Big Grin I'm going to continue and maybe in idk 3 months my waist should be like hers. SmileSmile

(19-11-2012, 11:09)mochaccino Wrote:  I just found a great alternative to Yohimburn. Actually I've known about it for ages, and it was probably the most well loved fat burning topical among bodybuilders, but the company that produced it went out of business, and I could never get my hands on an old bottle. It's called Eviscerate Smolder and it contains yohimbine, aminophylline, and caffeine, among other things. As far as I can tell, it has always been strongly preferred over Yohimburn. Apparently the person who originally formulated it is now working for a company called Southland. It can be a little bit of a pain to find, but Orbit Nutrition is selling it: That's about a month's worth BTW.

Reviews claim that this stuff burns like all holy hell even though it's technically the "milder" formula. For some reason, the person who formulated it has always absolutely refused to remove the capsaicin (the spicy chemical in hot peppers), no matter how many requests he gets to change the formula. I wonder if he knows something we don't about how much capsaicin effects absorption. Then again, most other supp makers who have commented on it seem to think he's crazy to include so much capsaicin. It's a moot point I guess, since all the other good topical options have fallen out of the market in recent years. I wonder why the major brands have all given up on topical fat burners? Effectiveness can't possibly be the issue, because even if topicals were ineffective, manufacturers wouldn't care since almost every last supplement manufacturer already sells at least one completely ineffective fat burner, if not several. Could it be that there's just no public interest in fat burning creams any more?

Thanks dearie for this info. I am looking to reduce belly fat and waist size without losing weight over all.

Okay so the Southland Eviscerate Smolder is out of stock. Anyone know where I can get them in Canada or online?

Also doing air hula hooping lets see how that goes too.

I tried the it works wraps and lost some inches abt 4 inches in total after 3 wraps. Have one more wrap to go.

Not eating after 7pm starting yesterday hehe!

How many inches do you think i should expect with the smolder and within what period?


Curvy, it turns out that the capsaicin is just a very strong local diuretic, which doesn't mean that the creams other ingredients don't have any actual fat burning abilities. Because of the strong diuretic effect, I'd say you'd lose a lot of inches quickly but then experience a major plateau after the "excess" water is gone. Any further decrease would come from fat burning, and would take a lot more time. I can't tell you exactly how many inches you'd lose or how long it would take.

I just want to be perfectly clear, I don't think it's been anywhere near proven that the topicals I mentioned burn fat. I just think they're the only method of spot reduction that actually has a plausible mechanism. There's still an amazing lack of solid evidence. I only even considered them, because I don't believe there are any other plausible ways to spot reduce fat. Curvy, btw, the following is not directly aimed at you. I'm just "getting it out there" Wink

Personally I would love for someone who's using at least one of these topicals for waist reduction to do an experiment on thigh girth at the same time. Yohimbine seems the most likely to work, so I'd hope they'd choose that one. They could start the little "experiment" by measuring both thighs with a tape measure at multiple points (maybe top middle and bottom) and take an average for each thigh respectively. Of course, the average will probably be different from their ACTUAL thigh girth at any of the points, but that doesn't matter. Measuring at multiple points is just meant to be a way to work around individual measuring mistakes, but I don't know if it'll do much to eliminate bias in the final measurements after treatment. After they've done that, they should apply the cream to only one thigh for at least 3 months. Then, hopefully, they'll do another measurement of both thighs and compare. It would be even better if they had a friend take the measurements without telling them which thigh is which. After that, they should wait a week without using any cream, to give the treated thigh a chance to rehydrate fully. Then they should measure both thighs a third and final time (or better yet, ask their friend again). If the difference between the two thighs disappears in the final measurements, than we'll know that, at least in their case, it only had a diuretic effect, and didn't actually burn any fat. That's hardly scientific, and it only applies to one person, but for me that'd be more than enough evidence to give up on this idea if it didn't show results.

I've considered doing this myself, of course, but I won't even bother with the cream until I've lost a whole lot of my extra body fat, and by then I may not even need it. I'm not holding my breath until anyone actually tries this, but it seemed worth mentioning.


I like how my waist/hips have been looking so far!! Trying on dresses, and seeing all my hard work (breasts, waist, hips, butt) pay off is a true holiday miracle! lol

Yh I think pm with weightloss has given me more waist not so much with the reduction of inches but my ribs and back feel less fatty Haha and the cinch in of my waist feels more

Hello Ladies,

I am still at the start of my NBE journey, but I can defo share some waist slimming tricks.

I am a fitness addict but being insulin resistant, I developped a little pouch that was very hard to get rid of i.e. lower belly.

So I can imagine that once you have worked so hard to get your boobies, you do not feel like risking to loose them all after a diet.

To target that belly fat I had a 6 course of Lumislim laser lipolysis and it worked !
I live in London but I am pretty sure you can get it anywhere.
But in order to do that you need to stabilize your apetite and weigh because if you start to eat more you will gain the weight right back at the same place....yes the body is that smar and never pile on the fat where we want !!!

More info below:



Don't know if anyone has mentioned it as I haven't time to read through but heavy lifting is amazing for bringing that waist it! Look up strong lifts 5x5. Totally transformed my body!


I'm not sure if it's the HCl making me more "regular", or the workouts at the gym I've been doing lately, but my lower belly pouch I can't get rid of is finally starting to shrink! It's a miracle!

I also just bought a slimming belt and a weighted hula hoop to speed the process along! The hula hoop will be great for toning my lower body on days I'm not at the gym! ;P I can't wait to try it out tomorrow! It even came with a DVD, so I'll see what kinds of exercises they have on there.
I was gonna buy a Yoga DVD when I saw this, and decided I could only afford one, so I think I made a good choice. I'll just stick with my old Yoga DVDs until I have money for a new one. :3

[Image: 4.jpeg]

(22-01-2013, 08:50)Doll Wrote:  UPDATE!
I'm not sure if it's the HCl making me more "regular", or the workouts at the gym I've been doing lately, but my lower belly pouch I can't get rid of is finally starting to shrink! It's a miracle!

I also just bought a slimming belt and a weighted hula hoop to speed the process along! The hula hoop will be great for toning my lower body on days I'm not at the gym! ;P I can't wait to try it out tomorrow! It even came with a DVD, so I'll see what kinds of exercises they have on there.
I was gonna buy a Yoga DVD when I saw this, and decided I could only afford one, so I think I made a good choice. I'll just stick with my old Yoga DVDs until I have money for a new one. :3

[Image: 4.jpeg]

How have you found the hoop? I have one....but I found it too painful, so its been laying around for like 6 months! May have to give it another chance...


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