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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Isabelle,

Yes GR I put too much by mistake, this time I will do 1/2 tsp, no rash from hops, actually nothing bad with any, the GR effects last not long and after having barly grass in the apple cider I felt great, hops came last..the apple cider may have been the helper though, I may have need some sugar...oooo hops maybe like PM to some degree, well so far I am getting better results of action in the titas..I bough some licorice tea today by Yogi, it also has cinnamon bark, orange peel, ginger root, cardamom seed, black pepper, and clove bud, I figure if I am not getting enough estrogen or feel not in balance I will experiment with the tea..ok going to make a alfalfa drink (small one, like 1/2 c Big Grin) get it over withBlush took 2 FG already take more later but not sure how to work with the FG and GR together you keep your GR higher then FG, why is that, more swelling?

If I were to get goat's rue powder, instead of extract, can I use it the same way I do now? Mix it in juice and swallow it? Or does it need to be made as a tea? I'm not a big tea drinker but I think the powder will be more cost effective Dodgy

Hi Chiquitabella,

I have powder and make a tea, I think the only way to make take goat's rue is the why you do know or make a we speak now making a cup..later on I am going to make big batchs and freeze..Isabelle should let you know more, actually I would like to know for sure too..

Hi chiquitabella,

Be careful with goat's rue: it's toxic, but the tea is OK.

Hi Susan,

I worked my way up to the symptoms: too much progesterone makes you irritated, that was at 2,300 mg fenugreek for me (you have to add the turmeric too). Too much prolactin ruins libido, and that was at 2,300 mg fenugreek plus 4,000 mg goat's rue for me. Too much prolactin can stop your menses too.

Hey Isabelle,

I thought it was toxic.. this is what I did today, 2 maca 1000mg, about an hour later 2 turmeric 600mg, about 2 hours later 2 FG 1220mg, then 1/2 hour later alfalfa about 1/2 tsp in apple cider, then ate, now 2 or so hours later having GR made with 1 cup water and 1/2 tsp, still sipping it I hope I get more swelling, should I take the GR and FG together..haha you were reading my mind with the progesterone and prolactin.. can prolactin be lowered but not progesterone..are you saying you have to lower your prolactin cause your irritated or me..cause I m not irritated, I feel pretty good..what else should I look out for...well I guess I could read myself..Big Grin now I am due for my period from today at least by 20 or 21 what would my levels be now..I know estrogen is suppose to be low but is progesterone higher til the period starts? or is it mostly testosterone if so what should I do just keep them balanced or stay a little estrogen high..balanced makes more sense..I am thinking taking 3 maca or 4 to balance and make the hops a tea for androgens.. well I will wait and see what your answer take if from there..Big Grin

(15-11-2011, 23:59)Isabelle Wrote:  Yes Susan, and miabella,

I hope your hops arrives. Once you start phyto-estrogens, you will be able to tolerate more turmeric without progesterone dominance symptoms. And when you increase turmeric, you will tolerate more hops. It's an upward spiral Cool

Haaaaaaaaaaa Isabelle..I missed this post..ok cause I read the link you posted progesterone dom..I think I am some so later on I will not take anymore FG ..I am going to take my barley grass (I know it has prolactin simuli but I want the nutrients too) in an hour or so then just before bed hops and turmeric. I think I am getting the connection between all of these herbsRolleyes

Yes Susan,

For each hormone, learn the symptoms of excess or deficiency, and for each pair, learn the symptoms of imbalance either way. My mind can handle four herbs. A summary is here:

For the fifth one, flax, it took me four months of experiments to find out if I could add it, and I haven't even figured out the maximum and minimum dose yet. At the moment, I just fixed most doses, and steer with maca and goat's rue. This is my third day of higher oats, and I'll probably end up with a fixed dose too.

I haven't figured out the end of the cycle yet. From day 25, natural estrogens are at their lowest, and progesterone is zero. Run.Rabbit came up with a small dose of fenugreek, which adds just a little progesterone to prevent estrogen dominance. I wouldn't take maca or hops, they will make the estrogen dominance worse. As an anti-androgen, maybe try barley grass, yes. I expect no problems from upping prolactin after day 24.

The multivitamin goes to the evening. I used to take it in the morning, but more than 10 mg vitamin B6 causes sedation, so I will take it with my hops and flax and oats, an hour before bed time.

Goodmorning Isabelle,

I assume your suggesting me not to take maca and hops they both are working the best so far well atleast I think so, I dont have estrogen dom. or do you mean when I get my period I will confused..I like the hops it is helping alot actually I get the most tita action from it, just before bed they swelled some then while sleeping they got tender and now I get just zings, I think its from the hops? I will take the goat's rue earlier and see what happens then, like around noon, I also like that hops warms my body I feel less tired. When you say you stear with maca and goat's rue do you mean those come first to adjust or you keep the dose the same. Why stop it maca? I understand hops because of estrogen. So far I feel pretty good and my skin is awesome, chin hairs a lot less but I do notice when I take maca by late afternoon I have some chin hairs but in the morning these days none since either the GR or hops or barley grass, not sure if alfalfa I take that midmorning but today I may not take it.

Oh no Susan,

I was just suggesting to be careful with hops and maca after day 25. Hops because it might trigger estrogen dominance, and maca because it might trigger either estrogen dominance or androgen dominance.

I steer with goat's rue and maca means these are the first I change, yes. I decrease maca if I start to lose hair. I increase it if I want more libido. I increase goat's rue if I want more swelling, and decrease it if my libido goes down.

I steered hops and fenugreek by the symptoms to where they are now: 2,500 and 2,300 mg. That is very much in line with Wahaika's recommendations. I fixed them both at this dose.

I don't know what symptoms you can use to decide on alfalfa.

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