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? for mydreamisaGcup of PM ..


I've been taking it for two months now. So far so good. I mean, I was on BO before and was using NB. Didn't see the same results. Now I take PM capsules (follicular phase), PM cream (not the nano cream, just the regular one) throughout the cycle and I also continue with NB but just two-three times a day now (before I was using it religiously every day). I have 1 cup increase (looks like 1 cup before period and little less right after period). I think I can attirute it to both Nb and PM. Although I was using NB before PM and didn't get the same growth. I take lots of other supplements because I try and follow a Japanese girl's program, it was discussed somewhere here too. I see most of the increase between ovulation and period. I deflate to some point right after period but not completely. If you're not using NB I highly recommend it, definately the best thing I've done for myself in terms of NBE. It works.

Ginie, you have given me more benefit from your experience. I will try NB that you recommend, Thank you very much..Smile

Oh, it's not just me Smile if you visit noogleberry forum you will find a lot of people sharing GREAT success! I actually was convinced to buy NB after seeing their photos. And also those progress photos gave me spirit to go on when I was loosing hope. I'm sure you will like it, just don't overdo it in the beginning. It is very tempting to overpump, take it slow in the beginning. I think it is a perfect combo - PM and NB. A user called Phili grew tremendously on exactly these two, you will find her pictures on NB forum and her story in the old breastnexus.

For mydreamisaGcup:

You are a wealtth of information, and have the success to prove it. Just wondering where you find out your information?

The reason is I am interested in supplementing my PM program, at the moment I am taking it for a fortnight each month. You mentioned you add arginine, but recommend GABA for people over 30 (me Wink ) and I was wondering where you read that.

Basically, I am confused about what I should add to PM and when, any help would be appreciated.

Also, if anyone knows if there is a 'How to take PM & supplements' thread from wahaika or other trusted member please post the link.

thankyou lovelies!


Gaba helps your brain relax. Which will help you reach rem sleep faster, which is when your body releases the most growth hormone. It is useful to people of all ages.

Arginine for growth hormone is highly debatable. Most studies had it infused directly into the blood stream and not taken orally. Also some of the studies used dosages of upto 40grams. Which would cause sever stomach distress. Most oral studies showed no signs of an increase, however some did.

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