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Beauty standards around the world


I spent some time thinking about this topic. Beauty standards are different around the world, especially facial beauty aesthetics.

But what about breasts?

Does anyone know of a culture or country that glorifies small breasts instead of large ones?

A place where having small breasts is considered a virtue that men love and women strive towards?

I'm not sure if it exists but I'd like to move there if it does.

Maybe it's just another dream of mine.


If you look at art from the mid 19th century and earlier, it’s very rare to see woman with large breasts, even in art that’s clearly meant to be erotic or unrealistic. In the west and most of Asia, only heavier women were depicted with full breasts and hips, but it’s still very much in proportion to their over all body size. India seems to be the one of the few countries that has almost always depicted slim women with very large breasts and hips and tiny waists. Stylized western art from the middle ages seemed to strongly favor women with unusually small breasts relative to their body size. Realistic portraits showed women with much more normal proportions, which tells me that male artists with a less realistic style were intentially drawing smaller breasts than what they saw on women in real life. Plenty of Asian countries other than India also seemed  to strongly favor small breasts. I assume it was considered youthful and therefore attractive. I’m not an art expert by any stretch of the imagination, but it always struck me how small women’s breasts are in older art.


(18-01-2021, 22:48)ShelaVenna Wrote:  

If you look at art from the mid 19th century and earlier, it’s very rare to see woman with large breasts, even in art that’s clearly meant to be erotic or unrealistic. In the west and most of Asia, only heavier women were depicted with full breasts and hips, but it’s still very much in proportion to their over all body size. India seems to be the one of the few countries that has almost always depicted slim women with very large breasts and hips and tiny waists. Stylized western art from the middle ages seemed to strongly favor women with unusually small breasts relative to their body size. Realistic portraits showed women with much more normal proportions, which tells me that male artists with a less realistic style were intentially drawing smaller breasts than what they saw on women in real life. Plenty of Asian countries other than India also seemed  to strongly favor small breasts. I assume it was considered youthful and therefore attractive. I’m not an art expert by any stretch of the imagination, but it always struck me how small women’s breasts are in older art.

I had never thought to look at older art for a perspective like this. Very interesting.


Ta da


and for more just google

'small breasted women appeal'

It the whole package not just your breasts.

So go strut your stuff girl!



I also noticed that since weightlifting became trendy both men and women seem to be more focused on the size and shape of the butt. I recently started weight lifting again after a long covid break and it’s kinda funny how quickly you start to focus on that instead of boobs (since shape of the butt is very much muscle mass) never made that connection before that not working out made me focus more on my boobs but there might be some truth to that because while not working out I started feeling my thighs and butt were too fleshy and big but now after just two weeks at the gym, being around all these fit thick legged girls I completely changed my mind - now my butt and thighs aren’t big enough. I’m still growing my boobs but it’s really nice being back at the gym and focusing on my body as a whole and actually KNOWING that every exercise pays off. Not everyone can build boobs at the gym (some lucky petite girls actually can bench press up cup sizes) but everybody can build curves in form of thighs and butt.


Bringing back this thread since the topic has been on my mind again.

I have started to notice that a lot of east asian women have small frames and that means small boobs and other assets. My body is similar to the common body type I see. Everyone is different and I am not stereotyping but it seems to be more common unlike western women who are commonly larger with bigger breasts and curves. 

This made me think about if I would feel different about my body if I was raised into a culture where my body was normal. Almost every woman I encounter, even teenagers usually have a larger chest than mine and it is constantly damaging to my self esteem. I don't see my body type catered to with public figures in media because it is not the normal/average body type, just look at the popular music of today like WAP and the singers figures or the Kardashians who are one of the most popular reality TV stars. Not everyone can look extreme like a celebrity who has had work done but curvy is expected of women to some degree.

I feel worthless and undesirable as a woman with a small chest and I have heard that east asia still has a problem with unrealistic boob standards and a bigger = better mentality but even just walking in the street and not seeing every woman have a larger chest than mine would probably make me feel better.

Anyone got any more input on this topic? Will small boobs ever be considered more desirable in any country than large ones in my lifetime?


Why so rude? Calling my breasts ugly? (I have only called them small in this thread, not ugly and it is VERY rude to call a strangers breasts ugly!) Telling me to toughen up? What happened to supporting eachother on this website?


(14-04-2021, 15:31)dreamergirl Wrote:  

Why so rude? Calling my breasts ugly? (I have only called them small in this thread, not ugly and it is VERY rude to call a strangers breasts ugly!) Telling me to toughen up? What happened to supporting eachother on this website?

The thing is you are blaming the western world for not liking your own small make yourself very small with this and I find it complicated to understand you actually. Plus how can we help you if you have such stubborn thoughts and no open mind. Nbe is something you do for yourself not because the world is saying you are not feminine because you have smaller breasts. Which I said I live in the same world and I do not experience that universal thought about smaller breasts at all.
Plenty of man say a handfull is enough.  So you make yourself believe you are 'worse' looking then bigger chested women.. 
That is no support for smaller chested women either. You seem to struggle mentally which must be hard on you. I think many of us did. But with your beliefs an emotionally stable mind is impossible i guess...
And nbe won't work...stress is funest for nbe.

(14-04-2021, 20:51)hannah Wrote:  [quote='dreamergirl' pid='209944' dateline='1618410702']

The thing is you are blaming the western world for not liking your own small make yourself very small with this and I find it complicated to understand you actually. Plus how can we help you if you have such stubborn thoughts and no open mind. Nbe is something you do for yourself not because the world is saying you are not feminine because you have smaller breasts. Which I said I live in the same world and I do not experience that universal thought about smaller breasts at all.
Plenty of man say a handfull is enough.  So you make yourself believe you are 'worse' looking then bigger chested women.. 
That is no support for smaller chested women either. You seem to struggle mentally which must be hard on you. I think many of us did. But with your beliefs an emotionally stable mind is impossible i guess...
And nbe won't work...stress is funest for nbe.

I understand that you have good intentions. I think I am often misinterpreted on this website because I talk openly about my insecurities and thoughts.

Outside of breastnexus, I have other thoughts and things to do with my time that don't relate to my breasts. I DON'T mention my insecurities outside of this website ever so nobody would guess.

I'm just insecure about my breasts the same way that other women might be about any other body part... insecurity is normal in this high beauty standards society. If you don't experience it then you are one of the lucky ones.

I am not deranged or severely depressed or anything like that. I have body dysmorphia and insecurity about my breasts and this forum is the one place I can speak about it openly.

I am actually very into being positive and supporting others as you will see in my post history. I have made many supportive and positive threads to encourage other women to not give up, to not settle for anyone who doesn't appreciate you as you are and more. Please understand that although I voice my negative thoughts and insecurities, it's not the only thing that defines me...

I have made progress with NBE and I will continue to!

I don't want any bad blood between us hannah. I think you're a good person.


Hi dreamergirl!

Let me jump into your conversation with Hannah, and thank you for explaining you.

You are a wonderful person and I've noticed a lot of support you give others, That's one reason why I was confused.

On one hand your really disappointed with your breasts and very down, and on the other your boosting other girls and encouraging them on.

Your a very special person.

I'm positive you will enjoy a wonderful life

All you need to do is enjoy that beautiful person looking back at you from the mirror. She is your best friend and will never let you down




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