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MissMadScientist’s Flaxseed & Soy method: How I went from 32B to 32F in 3 months


Hi everyone! I'm new to this thread and after years of no success and trying just about anything, I decided to try Ellen's program. I have pmd her but I'd like to know how is everyone's progress going so far. I'm getting a little discouraged because it's been about two weeks and I have breast pain but they seem smaller Sad(( not bigger. I'm scared of losing my tiny almost B cups ? So please! Any and all recommendations are appreciated!!! Thank you and best of luck to all of you in the booby quest!! ❤❤

I'm back as well! Yesterday was exactly 14 since I started/restarted this program. I haven't noticed any growth yet, but this is what I've experienced so far.

- Sporadic breast discomfort. Hard to explain, but I could feel that there's something going on around there. My breasts haven't been sore, tender or sensitive. Just some discomfort from within, here and there.
- In the first week I experienced more mucus down there, but this disappeared a few days. 

I agree with @Andino33 & Jessica2017, my breasts honestly do appear smaller to me, but I measured myself before starting and I measured myself again yesterday and they do still appear to be the same size. Ironically my butt does look bigger. Initially I thought I was imagining it, but booty growth is very much welcomed in my case.  Big Grin I have measured myself three times within those two weeks and both my butt and breast measurements have fluctuated. I measure multiple times, in the same form and I try to measure at the exact same spot. I have no idea what is going on, but I'll stick it out for some more time. I will be starting birth control next week but, this decision is unrelated to my pursuit for bigger boobies. It would be great if it would aide in some growth, though. I'll be back with another update in a week or two. Hopefully there will be some growth by then!

Thanks to everyone who is also updating.

Hiya, I am new here. I wanted to ask if the soy flour could be added in smoothie? Like soy, milk, banana, avocado, honey etc.

I'm back again! This is my day 16 and I am experiencing a lot more discomfort around the breast area. I have no idea how to explain the feeling. It is't painful, it's literally just discomfort. It's around my breasts and chests. I hope it's a sign that my breasts are growing. I am still on the same routine and I haven't started birth control yet. I am trying to drink more liquids, because if it's fluid retention, I want there to be enough fluid to be used for that purpose. I hope I made sense. I'll  be back with another update when I reach my 3 week mark or when I notice any other changes.

Grow boobies, grow!

Hi everyone! Just as @coleworld described, I am having the same issue :/ discomfort, feels sorta like growth pains but not exactly. I feel it especially in my right breast, my smaller one. I'm also about to hit my three week mark and have experienced no growth unfortunately :Sad still haven't given up and will continue with this method. My boobs seem much smaller and that is a reason for my concern, but I don't want to stop too soon, hopefully the results kick in later on. I'm wondering if my breasts are getting smaller due to too much estrogen/ not enough progesterone? I have a progesterone cream so if anyone has any recommendations, please pleaseee let me know. Thanks! 

P.S. does anyone have any issues with swallowing this stuff? In general I have no gag reflex whatsoever but the soy flour makes me wanna hurl :/ yuck! I choke up every time I drink it. I wonder if it's because it's not toasted? Anyone else have an issue with the taste? That hasnt stopped me from drinking it tho! Determination is real!  Big Grin

This marks my 3 weeks of trying this out and I promised an update, so here I am!

Unfortunately I haven't had any breast growth. The extra wetness I had down there returned this week. I think it's worth mentioning that I was on my period last week and that, that may have delayed my progress. I'm not sure how long I'll choose to continue on with this journey. I'll be increasing my dosage from 20g each to 25 and see how it goes. I'll also be picking up my birth control pills tomorrow, so I hope to be able to start that as well. 

A big tip to anyone interested in trying this while on a weight-loss journey or just looking to maintain your weight: I calculated the marcos and calories and for AM & PM together it came out at about 600 calories. If you still want to lose weight or maintain your weight, I'd highly recommend adding resistance training or cardio into your daily routine OR keep it in consideration and perhaps do smaller servings of your other meals, to compensate. I didn't do this and I unfortunately gained 2kg. It's not the end of the world though and flaxseeds are packed with nutrients, so at least I kind of nourished my body while packing on that extra weight.  Big Grin  Now, if you are looking to gain weight/muscle, I think it's a worhty asset in your routine. It has a decent amount of protein. 

For the upcoming week, I'll be on a diet to lose weight, increase my dosage and start the birth control. 

Where did Ellen go to? How is your journey continueing to be? 

Anyone else any updates? I love reading others experience.

(04-03-2017, 00:18)Coleworld Wrote:  This marks my 3 weeks of trying this out and I promised an update, so here I am!

Unfortunately I haven't had any breast growth. The extra wetness I had down there returned this week. I think it's worth mentioning that I was on my period last week and that, that may have delayed my progress. I'm not sure how long I'll choose to continue on with this journey. I'll be increasing my dosage from 20g each to 25 and see how it goes. I'll also be picking up my birth control pills tomorrow, so I hope to be able to start that as well. 

A big tip to anyone interested in trying this while on a weight-loss journey or just looking to maintain your weight: I calculated the marcos and calories and for AM & PM together it came out at about 600 calories. If you still want to lose weight or maintain your weight, I'd highly recommend adding resistance training or cardio into your daily routine OR keep it in consideration and perhaps do smaller servings of your other meals, to compensate. I didn't do this and I unfortunately gained 2kg. It's not the end of the world though and flaxseeds are packed with nutrients, so at least I kind of nourished my body while packing on that extra weight.  Big Grin  Now, if you are looking to gain weight/muscle, I think it's a worhty asset in your routine. It has a decent amount of protein. 

For the upcoming week, I'll be on a diet to lose weight, increase my dosage and start the birth control. 

Where did Ellen go to? How is your journey continueing to be? 

Anyone else any updates? I love reading others experience.
Keep up the good work. Breast growth happens slowly.
Thanks for the calorie calculation, that surely explains a lot, at least for my own travels.

I am going to have to halt participating in this program and focus on my weight-loss a bit more. I've only gained 2kg, however my frame is very small and I don't carry excess weight well. My measurements increased with my weight and I went from a 24/24.5 inch waistline to 26.5. I don't want to just stop everything all together, so for now I'll only be taking it in the morning, instead of in the morning and night. I hope to be able to fully resume the program soon and see if I  get faster results using a slightly higher dose and combining it with birth control. I'm still hopeful and I'll be tuned in for you guys results! 

You're welcome Bobbi. Good-luck and do let us know how it goes!

(10-02-2017, 18:42)afnan Wrote:  okay i will follow your steps and i will eat two yogurt a day ( i will add to the yogurt either strawberry,sunflowers seed or almonds ) i like an extra taste and i will update every 2 week Rolleyes

guys im almost 85 and i notice a fullness on my breast !
though i didnt feel any discomfort or pain at all i hope its a good thing..
any way Ellen you are amazing thank you for sharing your method i hope i will reach my goal (90) soo more five to go Tongue
and id like to advice everyone to active their good bacteria i think eating a yogurt with almonds a day has helped me. i said i will eat two but i only eat one
best of luck to all of you

(22-02-2017, 05:07)Sybiann Wrote:  
Quote:Hi Sybiann!

Oh I am so glad you wrote here. I was kind of hoping there would be a vegan person coming with this question.
I would encourage you to try out this program, with the grounded flaxseed and full fat toasted soy flour, but then skip the whole milk and replace it with almond or rice milk. I am really curious how much that would make a difference.
Since the flaxseed and soy are all phytoestrogens, and BCP I took has ethinylestradiol in it, it is only the whole milk that has estrogen in it. Because sometimes when you have too much of a certain hormone, your body adapts to this by making less of this certain hormone. So I was wondering if this would also be the case of estrogen. Since the other forms are not actually estrogen.
I would really support you to do my program and don´t take the whole fat milk, 1) I am curious about how this would work for people who are vegan and don't drink cows milk. 2) because it is your diet and beliefs, and I wouldn't want you to change that, it is part of who you are. 3) since you might get acne from it, I wouldn't want to be the one who gives you acne haha [Image: smile.gif]

Really let me know how it goes, if you take it or not, I really don't want to stop you from either choises, it is all up to you. Since you have a vegan diet, you have a high chance of having the right bacteria in your digestive system (vegetarians/vegans and asian people do). So I would expect you having growth pretty soon.
Best of booby luck!! <3



K so I finally ordered my soy flour and I'm going to do it!! (For anyone in North america looking for soy flour, Bob's Red Mill Organic Soy Flour is what I bought for $5(Canadian) (starting with 3 bags of 454 grams so $15 from Walmart online- Bob's Red Mill also makes a non-organic soy flour but I don't think that one is full fat)

At first I ordered powdered soy milk :// lol so I have that coming too, but that's okay I needed a powdered plant milk to carry in my purse for to-go coffee creamer :Big Grin

Something super cool! Three times now when I have taken my ground flax with two probiotic pills, I got serious swelling! So I don't get swelling every time I do this, but it's worth noting because I have NEVER gotten swelling from taking the flax alone, and I have been taking it for a fair while now. 

I have progesterone cream, so I think I'm going to dilute some of it into a spray and use that. Yay I'm super excited!!!
My soy should be here any day now..... 

How has your new method been working, Ellen? Have you been feeling any pains or Jelloness? 

Im going to start leg workouts too and want my booty to grow so I'll be on maca too... Hopefully that won't disrupt my growth.... And damiana tea, which I believe is good for circulation in a way similar to MSM

Hello Sybiann,

How your growth?  have you been taken ground flax with two probiotic pills? Wondering hows that bring you? I might add the pills with flaxseed too, or  have yogurt  everyday!

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