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→ The Maca Princess Guide ♡


I wrote this information on Maca on my thread a few weeks back and am now deciding to share it with the community for those who have not seen it. Good luck Smile

(11-04-2016, 20:15)missboobshirt Wrote:  
~The Maca♡Princess guide~:

Maca root - Abundant in amino acids, phytonutrients, healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, increase in energy and libido, adaptogen.

What is an adaptogen?: (in herbal medicine) a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes. A well-known example is ginseng.

that means if your body is going through changes, maca can help level you out!

I am getting a lot of PMs about Maca so I have decided to make this cute little guide for those interested in it or want to learn a bit more about it. I had a few of you ask me if its right for you and also say it made you gain weight. I am going to start off by saying no one can tell you what is right for your body except for you. When working with herbs, hormones, nbe or anything like that-- you must know your body. Something that works for someone else may not work for you. & that reason is DNA! There are some who might need more estrogen & others more Progesterone. In my case, I needed more nutrition and my body responded to the vitamins and amino acids in Maca. (though I did have issues with progesterone but I digress)

Maca should not make you gain weight-- but I believe it will if you take it and go on about your daily life not changing your diet or life style. Moving on maca is a MUST! Nothing inside of maca makes you gain weight-- but its the vitamin B that can increase hunger. You may not even notice it but chances are you will find yourself more hungry or eating bigger portions. It is because vitamin B helps your body burn energy and in turn, can make you hungry. If you are not an active person, I would not suggest Maca.. People who follow my thread know I do calisthenics with resistance, and I work out like a mad woman-- I did notice a bit of weight gain on maca when I first started but I knew why & curved my eating and I worked out my core. This allowed the curves to go directly on my hips and breast and stayed away from my tummy. Working out is a must. Drinking water is a must. Clean diet is a must. (not just with maca but for nbe as well)

That means no sugar, low salt, soda, candies, cakes, snacking and processed foods!

Bottom line: will you gain weight?
Maca is low in calories and fat. 3 teaspoons (9 g) of Maca contains just 35 calories and 1 g of fat. So, in and of itself, Maca does not promote weight gain. However, Maca is anabolic and does help build muscle. It also balances hormones and may increase appetite. In this way it can support weight gain.

Maca nutrition facts:

In general Maca is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamin and minerals. According to nutritional research published on Maca contains:

59% carbohydrates – Maca is rich in quality carbs, which, combined with its alkaloids and other nutrients make it a great choice for sustained energy
10.2% protein – Maca is loaded with bio-available plant protein that is easy for the body to assimilate
8.5% fiber – Maca contains relatively high levels of cellulose and lignan, both of which stimulate intestinal function. Fiber is a key component to a healthy digestive and elimination system.
Essential Amino Acids: Maca contains nearly all of them. These drive many cellular functions in the body including sexual and fertility functions.
Aspartic Acid – 97 mg/1 g proteinmaca nutrition facts
Glutamic acid – 156 mg/1 g protein
Serine – 50 mg/1 g protein
Histidine – 22 mg/1 g protein
Glycine – 68 mg/1 g protein
Threonine – 33 mg/1 g protein
Alanine – 63 mg/1 g protein
Tyrosine – 31 mg/1 g protein
Phenylalanine – 55 mg/1 g protein
Valine – 79 mg/1 g protein
Methionine- 28 mg/1 g protein
Isoleucine – 47 mg/1 g protein
Leucine – 91 mg/1 g protein
Lysine – 55 mg/1 g protein
HO- Proline- 26 mg/1 g protein
Proline – .5mg/1 g protein
Sarcosine – .7mg/1 g protein
Free Fatty Acids: 20 have been found in Maca. These also work to support cellular function. Saturated acids account for 40% and non-saturated about 55%. The most abundant fatty acids adding to Maca’s nutritional value are linolenic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid and steric acid.
C12-0 -lauric – 0.8%
C13-1-7 trideconoic – 0.3%
C13-0 tridecoanoic – 0.1%
C14-0 myrstic – 1.4%
C15-1-7 pentadecanoic – 0.5%
C16-1-9 palmtoleic – 2.7%
C16-0 palmitic – 23.8%
C17-1-9 heptadecenoic – 1.5%how maca works
C17-0 heptadecanoic – 1.8%
C18-2-9-12 linoleic – 32.6%
C18-1-9 oleic – 11.1%
C18-0 steric – 6.7%
C19-1-11 nonadecenoic – 1.3%
C19-0 – nonadecanoic – 0.4%
C20-1-15 eisosenoic – 2.3%
C22-0 behanic 2.0
C24-1-15 nervonic – 0.4%
C-24-0 lignocenic – 0.4%
Thamin (B1) – 1mg/100g – helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy. Essential for good heart, muscle and nervous system function
Riboflavin (B2) - .76mg/100g – important for body growth and red blood cell production
Ascorbic Acid © - – 3mg/100g – supports anit-oxidant activity
Niacin 35mg/100g – supports healthy circulation
Major Minerals
Calcium – 450mg/100g – Maca contains a higher level of calcium than does milk. Calcium is crucial in bone development as well as for nerve and circulatory system health.
Phosphorus - 220mg/100g – Phosphorus is important for the hemostasis of calcium as well as for transmitting electrical stimuli for brain and muscle action.
Magnesium – 104mg/100g – Magnesium is essential for the synthesis of protein and for muscle and nerve activity. Crucial for heart health.
Potassium – 1500mg/100g – Potassium works within the cells to help maintain healthy osmosis.
Sodium 25mg/100g – Along with potassium can support positive circulation
Minor Minerals
Copper – 5mg/100g – Supports enzyme health.
Zinc – 12mg/100g – Helps in clarity of thought and mental function
Manganese – 8mg/100g – Supports healthy growth
Iron – 25mg/100g – Vital component of hemoglobin. Supports health muscle growth.
Selenium – 20mg/100g – Protects cells against free radicals.
Boron – 5mg/100g – Supports proper metabolism.
Sterols - With regular use sterols may have a positive impact on lowering blood cholesterol. One recent study showed that consuming 1.8 to 2.8 grams of plant sterols and plant stanols per day over a period of 4 weeks to 3 months significantly lowered total cholesterol in participants by 7%-11%
Brassicasterol – 9.1%
Ergosterol – 13.6%
Campesterol – 27.3%
Ergostadienol – 4.5%
Sitoserol – 46.5%
Glucosinolates: Aromatic glucosinolates including: benzyl glucosinolate, p-methoxybenzyl glucosinolate, fructose, glucose, benzyl isothiocyanate. In food-bearing plants, glucosinolates act as natural pesticides and are stored in the plant’s cells, ready to be released upon tissue damage. Similarly, when consumed by humans, the action of chewing releases the glucosinolates into the body, where they are transformed into bioactive compounds believed to have anticancer properties.
Macaenes and macamides: (Macaina 1, 2, 3, 4) These are polyunsaturated acids and their amides which are absolutely unique to Maca.

Maca Adaptogen:

The Maca Nutrition Facts listed above show that Maca is a true nutritional powerhouse and amazing maca nutritiondaily food to include in your diet.

But Maca root, like the Chinese herb ginseng, is also an adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that raise the physical body’s state of resistance to diseases through physiological and emotional health improvements. This makes Maca a broad based healer with many benefits able to support and rejuvenate overwhelmed, tired adrenal glands eventually resulting in much greater energy, stamina, clarity of mind and spirit, and the ability to handle stress.

One other important note is that scientists have also discovered that due to Maca’s nutritional value, the food has the ability to regulate, support, and balance the hormonal systems of both men and women for optimal function. One of the very great things about Peruvian Maca root is that it is not “gender specific” and works equally well for both men and women.

Maca and the buttt:

The first thing you should understand about Maca is that it is a food and not a supplement. When you take pure, certified organic Maca powder, you are eating a food that has been cultivated and used by people living high in the Andes mountains for over 2000 years. They have used it without side effect to boost their energy, improve their fertility and increase their stamina while living in the extreme conditions of very high altitudes (12,000 feet and above). Maca is a nutritional powerhouse and provides a high level of nutrients. It is also an adaptogenic food that supports optimal hormone balance and vitality for anyone who enjoys it.

In terms of getting a “maca buttocks” from this superfood here’s what you need to know:

Maca powder is low in calories and fat. A daily serving of 3 teaspoons contains just 35 calories and 1 gram of fat. That means that Maca will not add fat to your backside.
A daily serving of Maca contains 4 grams of bio available protein. This 100% natural vegetable protein is easy for the body to digest and assimilate and is one reason it is often found in natural bodybuilding supplements.
Maca is well known to be a natural “anabolic.” Anabolic foods contain compounds that are helpful in building muscle fiber. Of course, it only works if you actually exercise the muscles you want to build. If you do that, Maca supports their healthy growth.
Since the butt contains the largest muscles in the body (the gluteus maximus) it follows that using Maca combined with a consciously designed exercise program will help you achieve a “maca buttocks.”
One of the many benefits of Maca is that it helps balance hormones. That means that it supports a healthy level of estrogen, which is clearly related to enhancing female curves.

this means you must work out with maca!

Maca & hormones (for the butt):

Your body composition and your booty are primarily dictated by your genetic makeup. Such as things like diet, hormones, bone structure, and muscle.

Now while maca root powder cant directly effect things like diet, bone structure, muscle, or your overall genetics — it can help with hormones.

Maca root in the case of hormone regulation works as an adaptogen. Which basically means that rather than inserting “x” amount of a certain hormone in your body, it will actually tailor its effects to your specific hormonal needs.

Therefore it essentially goes into your body and evaluates what hormones need raising and which need lowering. It then in attempts to balance them and bring the hormones into a more functional state for optimal health.

In our case it helps to regulate the hormone estrogen. Which among many things has been linked to body composition and fat depositing — specifically in the buttocks regions.

If your estrogen levels are not ideal, it can potentially help normalize them and provide more balance.

There are different types of maca, I use yellow maca. The daily dose of maca you can take is 1500mg. You can take it in powder or pill form. Do not take maca at night, as it has given people insomnia. Maca is best taken at the start of the day or post work out-- it causes insomnia because it gives you energy! Maca is known to increase libido, i didnt get this but I did feel more "fertile"-- females should know what I mean, lol.

Maca does:
Increased energy and endurance
Increased stamina
Alleviated chronic exhaustion (fatigue) syndrome
Improved sexual function and libido in both men and women
Enhanced fertility in people and animals
Reduced hormonal dysfunction during menopause & andropause
Balanced hormonal irregularities
Alleviated depressionmaca-benefits-290x115.jpg
Reduced anxiety and stress
Improved circulation leading to reduced anemia and faster wound healing
Enhanced memory, learning, and mental ability
Improved and more youthful skin appearance
Healthy teeth and bones
Maca also:

Acts as a fungistatic and bacteriostatic
Acts as an anticarcinogen and antioxidant
Is an alternative to anabolic steroids, helps to build muscle


If you have any Qs feel free to ask or PM Smile Good luck~!!

& an extra goodie:
Omega 3 vs 6 *and* The butt/brain theory.

Nice post. In regards to the extra goodie at the bottom, algal oil is another good source of long chain n-3. It contains actually all 4 n-3's that can be obtained from food, ALA, EPA, DPA, and DHA, when the algae are nourished properly. Sadly, most algal oil is from algae that's being factory farmed in a manner that malnourishes that algae, and so all their n-3 gets converted entirely to the longest-chain DHA, this causes an EPA to DHA imbalance if you take supplements with only that DHA-only oil. Nordic Naturals is the only brand that carries a full-spectrum algal oil that I've seen.

wow, missboobshirt, that's impressive. it's daunting ..i had no idea this little root was so complex. maca has been a bit of a mystery to me and now i just love reading through all of this. thank you so much for posting it.

Interesting on the oil, they should feed those little guys better, then we'd have a super oil!

You're welcome Smile glad you found it useful! Big GrinBig Grin

(11-05-2016, 20:33)missboobshirt Wrote:  Interesting on the oil, they should feed those little guys better, then we'd have a super oil!

You're welcome Smile glad you found it useful! Big GrinBig Grin
fyi... cycle on time! bang on day 27

(11-05-2016, 20:39)ellacraig Wrote:  
(11-05-2016, 20:33)missboobshirt Wrote:  Interesting on the oil, they should feed those little guys better, then we'd have a super oil!

You're welcome Smile glad you found it useful! Big GrinBig Grin
fyi... cycle on time! bang on day 27

NICE!! maca to the rescue! Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

you only mentioned the effect of maca on the butt, but does it have any influence on the breasts too?
I think I remember I have read that maca helped you increase your bust size, but in this article you only mentioned its effect on the butt

all of the nutrition facts and maca as an adaptogen is what aids in breast health. The amino acids and proteins were building blocks for breast health. Basically the same thing that causes butt growth causes the breast growth.

(16-05-2016, 17:17)missboobshirt Wrote:  all of the nutrition facts and maca as an adaptogen is what aids in breast health. The amino acids and proteins were building blocks for breast health. Basically the same thing that causes butt growth causes the breast growth.

Hello..what would be the better/best brands to purchase to get Maca roots? Btw, nice post!

(24-05-2016, 05:37)asianlusthope Wrote:  
(16-05-2016, 17:17)missboobshirt Wrote:  all of the nutrition facts and maca as an adaptogen is what aids in breast health. The amino acids and proteins were building blocks for breast health. Basically the same thing that causes butt growth causes the breast growth.

Hello..what would be the better/best brands to purchase to get Maca roots? Btw, nice post!

I got mine from my local vitamin store and it worked just fine Smile the first one I took was naturesway. as long as it's pure maca (not raw) it should be fine Smile (you could take raw if you wanted but I didnt) you can check or links I posted in the guide-- I believe you can buy them from the maca team as well.

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