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I'm a 19-year old girl and I have 2 main problems: my left breast and my right one.
We don't really get along you know? Dodgy
I never really followed any NBE regimen before, mainly because I didn't think that it'll work. Half a year ago I bought a bottle of PM semisolid extract type that I've administrated sub-lingually. It messed up my cycle and I didn't see any results. Little did I know that I was estrogen dominant ... now go figure. Apparently I didn't gave up on my such-great-and-hopeful-wish to build a relationship (the three of us that is) based on mutual trust and support. Dodgy These two always betray me, and they do this frustrating thing where they get really perky and full so I get happy and I think to myself 'Yeah! That's the support I needed! Thank you! I'm never underestimating you guys again!Big Grin ' but I don't get a long time (permanent ugh)to enjoy it because as soon as I take my eyes off them *spuff* ..right back where we started. I really do wanna share my love with them and learn to grow
together in harmony and not even death to do us part (guess that won't happen anyway lol) but until now there's no sign of that.

Now a bit of info. about my health and what I think (pretty sure actually) might be the culprits regarding my poor growth/shape.
I've always had cold feet and hands. My hair started thinning out when I was about 14 years old. I had acne (face and body) since I can remember, mainly cystic acne,and it was more on my jawline and neck. Migraines came into my life aswell at about 16 years. AND 'some' other things..heh.
At the moment my hair is still thin, my hands and feet are still cold as the iceberg that Titanic hit BUT (thank god..) my acne is soo much better now and my migraines have disappeared apparently.
I like to read. A LOT. So I'm always researching things and let's say 5 months ago I started looking for some information (not that it was the first time I did,obviously) about how to clear my skin,but for GOOD and to make the story short (trust me I'm trying!!) I figured that food plays a HUGE role in clearing up your skin and pretty much anything! So I gave up meat,dairy,grains,sugar and it worked! It worked so great. My eyes aren't red anymore, all stomach aches disappeared, my head is lighter and I don't experience that foggy thinking anymore. I became a hollistic maniac and I'm proud of that. Sadly I couldn't (still can't) say anything about these two. I do believe that if I'm going to start an NBE program my body will eventually respond much better. *toes and fingers crossed*
In conclusion I have hypothyroidism(underactive thyroid) ,estrogen dominance, of those I'm sure but I also suspect that I need to lower my androgens.
At the moment I'm taking dandelion tincture (wich I made myself) for hormonal imbalance and my vitex is on it's way.
What I want for my breasts is to give them a round shape because they're kind of tubular and I don't have any upper breast tissue,so they look sad. I won't mind some growth either. Shy Now between you and me I do believe they have potential. I just need to find the right balance of herbs. That's why I'm so thankful for this wonderful little corner of heaven. Here I get to actually see people's progress ,and you guys are such a breath of fresh air. So hopefully this thread isn't too awkward and please spare me for my bad english, it's not my native language.

Comming next, THA PICS. oh dear lord:

Hey girl! Welcome to the forum, you have such a good size already!! I would be so happy if I had your size. What is your size by the way?

I could see how you'd like to improve them though, I need more tissue in the upper area as well. Have you thought about Noogleberry? I think you would do really well with it, and you won't have to deal with so many herbs that might mess up your cycle.

(25-04-2015, 22:18)sweets93 Wrote:  Hey girl! Welcome to the forum, you have such a good size already!! I would be so happy if I had your size. What is your size by the way?

I could see how you'd like to improve them though, I need more tissue in the upper area as well. Have you thought about Noogleberry? I think you would do really well with it, and you won't have to deal with so many herbs that might mess up your cycle.

Hello girlfriend! Thank you so much for the reply, I waited all day for someone to comment something on this thread lol I was nervous 'cuz I posted my boobs on the internet. (hear that mom!) anyway.
I measured myself just about now and i have 35 inches on bust and 29 under. Have to mention that I'm not an expert when it comes to measuring my body. Never really concerned me .I just looked at them and everytime I wished for the same thing: some breast tissue on the upper area and more roundness. I'm looking forward to balancing my hormones first and see if that might play a role in the shape of my breasts. Then I'll sure try the Noogleberry system oh and by the way, is there a certain type of Noogleberry that I should use? (as in quality)

Of course, we're all here to support each other Smile felt the same way when I posted mine lol.

So i guess you would either be a 30DD or 32D? Damn that's my dream size haha, even if the tops aren't full. What are you going to do to even out your hormones? And how did you get them tested? I want to but I feel like my doctor will be like why?? and does it cost extra?

You can use Kangzhu pumps, I've heard pretty good things about it. It's just kinda cheaply made in China but I mean, it's worth the money. On amazon the cups are like $15 and $10 for hand pump. Or you can get noogleberry which is kinda expensive, $80 for the set. But it's like high quality plastic made in the UK. Also noogleberry has a forum where there's stories of awesome growth there! Check this one out, she went from a 34A-34DD in 2 years with just a pump. Crazy!!

That's the exact same reason why I don't want to get tested by some doctor(so no, I'm in your position) and plus I've never really went to hospitals. Whenever I had some health issue I would treat it naturally. I do believe that food is medicine. That went hand in hand with my allergies to antibiotics (this falls into "some other stuff" category that I've mentioned earlier) because I was only using herbs as medicine. And I've also treated my allergies naturally at a balneary treatment station in my country. Here's a link if you're interested (don't know why you would be but hey) :
Not that getting tested for my hormones would involve some kind of pharmaceutical treatment or anything but I just don't feel comfortable.
I know for sure that I'm estro. dominant. Out of many,many articles/blogs/you name it I've read, here's one that pretty much lists all of the symptoms you might have if you lack progesterone. :
I have or had :
Breast tenderness
Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
Depression with anxiety or agitation
Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
Fibrocystic breasts
Foggy thinking
Hair Loss
Irregular menstrual periods
Memory loss
Mood swings
Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
Water retention, bloating-oh god..yes!

So as you can see thyroid and estrogen dominance have things in common and that is " Estrogen directly affects the thyroid by thwarting its ability to produce thyroid hormones. To get that thyroid fired and humming along, it’s critical to address estrogen."
Here's a link regarding Hypothyroidism and Estrogen Dominance:

I plan on taking Vitex (chaste-tree, or agnus-castus ) " Vitex can decrease the estrogen to gestagen (progesterone effect) balance in the body. The practical applications of this seems to be a beneficial effect in PMS, often due to excess estrogen, and perhaps an increased fertility, when there is an imbalance of these hormones"
I'l start taking it on Monday and keep you posted.
Aaand here's another great link if you're interested in Vitex/tubular breast:
I'm bombarding you, I know..sorry but I do want to be very specific and you can take the time to read when you can if you're interested, or someone else might be. Like you said, we're here to help eachother. Blush

For my hypothyroidism I'll take some iodine. It also helps to clear chlorine out of water! That's a plus. You just put 2-4 drops in a bottle of 2L and you're done. No more chlorine. Also: "Taking iodine in its nascent form is not only the best way to increase iodine levels in the safest and most effective way possible for adults and children whose thyroids are already compromised, but it will also greatly aid in ridding the body of dangerous fluoride, bromide, chlorine, perchlorates and heavy metals." Whoops another link Blush
Another herb that's great for both thyroid health and hormone imbalance is Maca (I'm sure you're heard of it many times) aside from making your bums more comfortable to sit on , maca it's an adaptogen. That means that it makes your body balance itself.
As you might know, our bodies have certain glands that produce and store hormones. These glands make up the endocrine system:
pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes, and ovaries.
Those glands are like a rollercoaster. If a portion of the rollercoaster needs repair, then the entire thing shuts down.You might not want to go on a rollercoaster but I'm pretty sure you do want your endocrine system to function properly. That means if a gland gets disrupted by an imbalance, then that gland disrupts the other and so on. And maca takes care of that.
I might need to open a new thread after this. Or simply copy-paste it lol.
Thanks for the link about Noogleberry, really interesting stuff. Keeps you motivated. I asked about what should I get because in my country I don't think I can get my hands on a proper one and I don't really have the money either. But we'll see about that.

Quick edit:
I really wish for some PC to add to my program but I can't seem to find any seller in my country. I've only found a deal and it gives a little bottle of 15ml for 46 euros and I don't have the money for that. I'm not even sure if it's legit. smth..
A little info for those of you that do use PC: do not waste it on your breasts or take some oral progesterone. It's not going to have the same effect. Procesterone it's n a t u r a l l y produced in you ovaries."Your ovaries have direct access to your blood stream through a pelvic plexus of veins, which delivers their hormone secretions to your heart which in turn pumps them, unchanged to hormone sensitive cells throughout your entire body." You need to rub it into your mucous membrane inside your vagina.

They CERTAINLY don't look small!!
If you want more dandelions, let me know, we got LOTS dandelions!!!!

(26-04-2015, 03:34)WantAPair Wrote:  They CERTAINLY don't look small!!
If you want more dandelions, let me know, we got LOTS dandelions!!!!

lol I've never thought they were somehow big mainly because of my hormonal fluctuations. Sometimes they get perky and a lot more rounded but then they deflate..A LOT. There are times where i can't even touch them 'cuz they hurt incredibly bad. I get it how you guys might see them "not small" (I can't really say big) but they certainly don't feel like much, that's what bothers me.
Also thanks for your offer but I sure as hell do not need any more dandelion tincture. I have a 800ml jar (28 ounce) and I could always make some more. It's growing everywhere.

(26-04-2015, 10:04)need2grow Wrote:  
(26-04-2015, 03:34)WantAPair Wrote:  They CERTAINLY don't look small!!
If you want more dandelions, let me know, we got LOTS dandelions!!!!

lol I've never thought they were somehow big mainly because of my hormonal fluctuations. Sometimes they get perky and a lot more rounded but then they deflate..A LOT. There are times where i can't even touch them 'cuz they hurt incredibly bad. I get it how you guys might see them "not small" (I can't really say big) but they certainly don't feel like much, that's what bothers me.
Also thanks for your offer but I sure as hell do not need any more dandelion tincture. I have a 800ml jar (28 ounce) and I could always make some more. It's growing everywhere.
Yeah! Here, too!! There's about 30 of them JUST ion the back yard and about 50 or 60 more in the front and side yard!! They ARE a pain!!!!
As for your girls hurting, that'd most likely be during or just before your period. I think it's BECAUSE they get bigger at that time.


Wowowow, you definitely did a ton of research! I'm kinda interested in taking vitex too, I feel like I have estrogen deficiency or something that's what it said when I took those online hormone tests. But is it okay to take with BO? BO has been working pretty well for me I think.

What country are you in?

(28-04-2015, 03:38)sweets93 Wrote:  Wowowow, you definitely did a ton of research! I'm kinda interested in taking vitex too, I feel like I have estrogen deficiency or something that's what it said when I took those online hormone tests. But is it okay to take with BO? BO has been working pretty well for me I think.

What country are you in?

Okay so first of all, I'm an animal lover.Not vegan, not vegetarian not any category. I just like to live consciously. That means I don't see animals as being food,but companions. Not that it has anything to do with the fact that you're taking BO or not. It's just that I don't feel comfortable recommending certain products to people if I don't agree with that certain industry's policy kind of. If it does not sound ethical.
Put that aside, BO stimulates the human pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is also called the "Master gland" and it really is so. This particular gland produces hormones that control many functions of other endocrine glands. The anterior pituitary makes growth hormone, puberty hormones, thyroid stimulating hormone, including prolactin. So taking Vitex won't do much in comparison with BO. One of the problems though is that you DON'T want to mess with the endocrine system. Those are very delicate glands that control A LOT of things in your body and taking a supplement like BO interferes with those. You have to know what's happening with your body while taking it and be very cautious. Also you can't rely on it because it's not recommended that you use it for long periods of time. Another problem would be that you don't 100% know the provenience of the ovaries. I'm saying this because I came across this article, and there was a doctor that replied to a woman about the side effects that BO administration can have and he said that, quote:
Another concern is that there are infectious agents called 'prions' that can possibly be carried by cow glandular products. Prions are scary for a number of reasons. They are not eliminated through any of the currently used 'purification' techniques for most supplements (like heating, filtering, etc.). In other words, you can't guarantee that they aren't in the pills. Also, they can lie dormant in our nervous systems for years, then manifest later as some kind of neurologic disease (the most famous prion-caused disease is Mad Cow, but there are others).

I'm not an expert, so I can't say that some of you might not really benefit from it. It's just that I can't say it's 100% safe. I always prefer the natural/non cruel way.

If you say you've had good results from taking it ,then by all means do take it. I just recommend you being more conscious about it. Smile

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