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Which brand of pueraria mirifica to buy?


Hello everyone!

I thought this website would be the best place to ask about this, but I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend a good reputable brand of pueraria mirifica tablets?

I've read on some websites that it has to be a certain type of pueraria mirifica, or it wouldn't work and may interfere with menstruation. I read that the solgar brand contains true pm, but it also contains a crazy high amount of b12 in its synthetic form and I don't want to go there. I saw one on amazon that was made in Thailand at 300mg, but as most of the writing on the container was in Thai I couldn't tell if the capsules are vegetarian or not or if it was true pm.

As I'm fairly young (24), I think a lower dosage would be more suitable for me, but all the ones I can find are 500mg and this seems quite high to begin with. I think somewhere around 200-300mg would be a good starting point. I don't need it for my breasts as much, but I wanted to reap the other benefits, such as balanced moods, less pms, skin/hair, etc!!

I've heard mixed opinions about the brands ainterol and biovea.

If anyone could help me out I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance. x

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