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beckie's new program


Hello fellow boobie growers,
I started a new program last week and decided that i would have an easier time following it if i wrote it down.
so this is what im doing:

Morning : swansons BO 500mg
DIM Complex by Swansons 250mg
Maca root 250mg
Working up to .5ml kelp

Afternoon: gym for muscular physique

Evening: Swansons BO 250mg
DIM complex by Swansons 250mg
.5ml kelp (thyodine)
Maca root 250mg

I intend on very slowly working BO up so as to take advantage of every little bit of growth.
thus far i have solely taken BO and DIM in conjunction with my oral birth control but found my feet sweating / cold at night. I have also found myself feeling more emotional and have been having trouble staying asleep.
If anyone could chime in on what that may be, id appreciate it(:.
For now, i will take maca and kelp to cover my thyroid and overall hormone basis.
i would like to eventually add MSM or flaxseed.

Hi Beckie,

I dont want to be a whiner but did you removed Noogleberry from your program? Your cold sweaty feet could be related to it. But alright these are just my thoughts.
For these complaints I use Centella Asiatica/Gotu Kola.
I was wondering why you are taking Dim-complex? I read it increased estrogen breakdown...


Cold feet is a hormone thing.
i changed usernames to maintain anonymity.
Im getting tired of you unrealistically blaming noogleberry for everything.

I am using DIM because I have an estrogen caused benign tumor (fibroadenoma) which i do not want growing.

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