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Breast Enhancement Tea?


Has anyone ever tried breast enhancement teas?

I was reading through the MustGrowBust website and it looks like some herbs can be taken in tea form by steeping some of the seeds in boiling water. In my previous posts, I mentioned how I am iffy about taking herbal supplements in capsule or pill form, so drinking tea seems like a viable option for me.

So far, I'm interested in looking into:
1) Fenugreek Tea,
2) Fennel Tea,
3) Bustea! (formulated by Greenbush; contains FG, Fennel, and some other ingredients)


interesting i enjoy liquorice tea sounds weird but sweet nice taste i have seen liquorice mentioned for nbe reasons also i think if you went the tea route would fresh tea leaves or processed teabags make a difference i have fennel in the garden so i will try next break from pm

Yeah, I'm also wondering if there's a difference in using the actual seeds or buying these pre-processed tea bags. I may opt for the tea bags only because some of them have a nice blend of FG and Fennel already. ^^

Plus, drinking tea seems to make sense with my daily regime. I usually drink different varieties of green tea and chamomile tea as it is. Big Grin

There's also spearmint tea
It doesn't matter wether you use the seeds, leaves, or tea bags. If using seeds you have to ground/break them open to get the good stuff then you have to boil them in water and let it cool over night. Leaves are bit easier. Warm up water till it starts to boil a bit and put the leaves in for a few minutes.

Really it is very surprising for me.I have never listened about it before. If this tea is actually work on breast enhancement, it is a miracle. You can imagine just you should be take a cup of tea each day. Anyway i have also another idea. If you want to enhance your breast you should eat sour and spicy thing. Thanks.

Where did you read it doesn't matter if its seeds or leaves, it absolutely does. That's one of the biggest issues in getting people to understand herbal medicine. Roots, bark, leaves, flowers and seeds for 1 given plant have very very different physiological effects!! Often times when people aren't getting results it cause they are taking the wrong thing!! For example, Papaya. If you looking for papain digestive enzymes. Leaves have none. Papaya root none. Mature ripe fruit.. Very little. Green immature fruit tonnes. However, papaya leaves are great for increasing appetite and the latex is a known cancer fighter.

And when it comes to commercial teas, often times the material is artifically flavored enhanced - you might not even be having real herbal tea but cheap black tea that's been radiated and flavored artifically. For morning tea, works well, for medicinal benefit, useless.

As for teas being a miracle.. If properly formulated, prepared as a tea or decotion pending plants and drinken in sufficient qty. Yes. Problem is.. We in west take way way to little and can't stomach the astringent taste of a proper medical tea. I've seem TCM formulas weighing a pound of herbs per day to make a liter of tea made each day fresh! A pound, not a little tea bag. Then again.. There a some teas where a tea bag would suffice.. like fennel or red clover.

Yeah, I was sorta thinking along the same lines as LookingForward2NBE. I think the form of the herbal extract might make a difference (seeds, leaves, etc), but I'm hoping that at least taking the herb in some form will still prove to be beneficial for my NBE program. ^^;

I'll probably end up drinking at least 2-3 cups of the tea daily. && maybe I'll re-steep some of the tea bags to get the most out of them. ^^; I found a great deal on eBay: 10 boxes of Mother's Milk Tea for $7.00. There are 16 tea bags per box, so I'll have 160 tea bags to work with, lol. That should last me a pretty long tiiiime.

I'm also getting 91 tea bags of Greenbush's Bustea! :3 So, I'm hoping that these two brands/blends of Fenugreek and Fennel will be good. Maybe I should alternate between the Mother's Milk Tea and Bustea! every week to see which one is more promising. Plus, I don't want my growth to stifle because of the routine, so I want to change it up a bit.

I do think that both of those would be beneficial or at least, probably wouldnt hurt to try. Let us know if you get them, how they taste and how your body responds.

I have been having around 2-3 glasses a day of a tsp of fenugreek seeds soaked, steeped overnight (at times boiled for a 5-6mins). Its probably the effect of the tea/drink as well as the massage i have been doing, it sure does cause tingles, and aches at times as well. So im thinking teas in their natural form do work too.

But yes, the manner in which the herbs are taken do matter...

So, I received some Greenbush Bustea! and Mother's Milk Tea the other day. I've only drank the Bustea! for the past two days (2 cups per day) and I'm already feeling a lot of tenderness and soreness, especially with the nipples, lol.

I've been reluctant to try the Mother's Milk Tea because I don't want to randomly lactate or anything! xD I know that wouldn't make sense since I've never been pregnant or anything, but I just wanted to ease into the process since its my first time taking NBE herbals (even if its only tea).

It might be too early to see any growth yet, but I'm hoping after a week, I'll have some observable/measurable results.

My goal routine for drinking tea:
- Bustea: 2x~3x per day during the morning and afternoon
- Mother's Milk Tea: 1x per day at nighttime

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