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journey from a 34AA


(20-01-2011, 04:00 AM)zits2tits Wrote:  I think it's great that you're getting consistent, if not permenant swelling. And it seems like it's lasting longer each time, all small signs of it working, albeit slowly.
Raw, I have never thought of turmeric to help with acne. Does it help with oiliness too or just breakouts?

I think it mostly just helps breakouts. Here's a link. I used this blog advice for my own acne and it worked!

Turmeric makes such a mess! I couldn't deal with the stains it left in my bathtub lol. I was usong it on my legs to get rid of razor bumps.

hi lled34aa, I was reading through your thread here and lol was just seeing too many things that seems like you are trying to follow the same program I was on. I have to concur with others that you need to be patient, have a positive attitude, etc. I listed things that help and my own downfalls in the past on a thread in the BO section, it was the UB roll call thread. I'm not sure if the random supplements like biotin, collagen, etc. actually helped my breast growth as I wasn't taking them for that, I still take now... biotin, horsetail, flaxseed oil, collagen, a daily vitamin that has MSM in it, and I switched from pill bc to the nuva ring a few months ago and love it. I haven't done anything for NBE in months, and I'm the size I was when I stopped, so I'm not sure if these additional supplements help breast growth, but from what I read it sounds like the MSM really helped your swelling which is fantastic!

You have to realize, I was a 32AA when I started my NBE journey YEARS ago. I grew to a 32B on an herbal product, tried other things that didn't work, etc. But I gave each thing a fair shot. I started NB a 32B, while using NB I added in the BO. While using both is when I went to a 32D (34C in a 34 band). I'm also not sure if me having a kid helped as you've said on here, but always a possibility. The best advice I can give is all the stuff I typed on the UB roll call thread. Stay positive, consistent, patient, and make your routine, well a routine, make it habit, like second nature. If you are constantly thinking about it and letting it consume most of your thoughts, it won't work. It also sounds to me like you are measuring entirely too much and discouraging yourself in the process. Make your routine habit, go about your daily life and enjoy yourself, don't stress so much, and before you know it it will seem like yesterday but a few months will pass and you can measure then.

I hope you get your period situation straightened out also, that doesn't sound good at all. I personally would stop bc for a while then go to something you know works better for you. Hope all this helps in some way, and good luck!

raw, i spent HOURS on that website! there's so much information on the web and not enough time of day to take it all in. i'm such a nerd. Blush

anastasia, i think a lot of us who are on BO and NG are following your footsteps. you're an inspiration of so many. i think you're so right about making NBE a routine and not obsess over growth every minute of the day. i will try to follow this advice as much as i can. though, i find comfort in visiting this forum, and when i do, my obsession grows, as my breasts stay dormant. Dodgy

i've stopped taking biotin for a few days now and my acne seems to be getting better. no breast sensations at all lately. i'm swelling up to 32" after NG more frequently than before. During NG, i'm stuck at the 2.5" mark on the LG domes though.

i tried Snoogling a few times but failed! it's too painful to sleep with them, and i get better swelling NG sitting up rather than laying down anyways.

i've been so frustrated with my lack of progress while suffering bad side effects despite my best efforts. i thought my acne was getting better, but it flared up again, so i decided it was time for more drastic measures. not only that, i've been suspecting that my hair's been falling out more than usual. last few days, i started seeing balls of hair on my bathroom floor!

i stoped taking everything altogether (including BB). it's been over a week now since i've been off BB. i'm thinking of re-introducing each supplement at a time to see which is the culprit. i suspect though, that the acne might be from the whey protein? and i am 90% sure the hair loss is from YAZ! so as of today, i am off YAZ too. i'm very wary towards all pharmaceutical drugs now.

then yesterday, i read on the noogleberry forum that people were getting great swelling when they NG while taking a hot bath. i tried it and over pumped for the first time and got the dreaded red dots! the swelling i had wasn't any different than when i NG as i normally would. i also noticed that when i was on BB, i was starting to swell up to 32". but since getting off BB, i haven't been able to swell back to 32".

so, my plans moving forward is to cleanse my body via a mainly fruits and vegies diet plus lemon and water detox. i tried detox tea but i was breaking out at the time... couldn't tell if it caused the acne so i don't wanna mess with the tea this time around either. then slowly, i will get back on the supplements, starting with BB. don't know when the red dots will go away, but once it does, i'll NG again.

Hey lled,

I took biotin 5000 mcg and I noticed that I did break out a lot more than I already did, but I continued to take them because I wanted better hair and nails lol. I took it for 6 months and saw nothing and so I quit taking it. With the new pills, I have upped my water intake. I also went to the doc for topicals for my face. So hopefully with new pills and something to combat acne I can reduce breakouts.

I am so sorry for your setback and all the troubles you've been having lately. I def think a cleanse would be a good idea for your body and also give you a break from your frustrations as well. I've been having body problems (gasy, having the sh*ts a lot, etc) and I was thinking a cleanse has been in order for me but I'm so hesitant to take a break from BO and do a cleanse because I've only been on it for about 3 months. Hope next time we hear from you it'll be good news Smile

Hi lled,

I noticed you asked on TM's page how to avoid getting sensitive nipples while doing the rotations. I just make sure that my fingers don't touch my nipples when I place them on my breasts. That way they don't get irritated.

Ladies to avoid nipple sensitivity, put the inside of the hand on the nipple, grab the breast firmly so it is firmly stationed in your hands (kind of like a guy would grab them), then move your breasts round in the rotations WITHOUT causing friction on the nipple, the breast and nipples should not be sliding back and forth in your hands, they should be moving in unison. Then there will be no nipple sensitivity. HTH

thanks ladies! i think was slathering on too much lotion before massaging so my hands kept on sliding back and forth over the nipples. this morning, i tried doing the chi rotation holding them more firmly and only putting lotion around the base of the breasts. nipples are fine Smile

between doing the chi rotations, and applying dryer heat over my noogle domes before, and during my NG sessions, i've been getting better swelling these days.

i have to say, i was extremely down and disappointed with NBE because of all the side effects. i got off BCP and decided i want to balance out my hormones naturally. i also got off BO and all other supplements so i could do a cleanse. my period never came, but my acne cleared up. i went to the doctor yesterday for a blood/hormones test to see what's the cause of my non-existent cycle... should get results by tomorrow.

there's been some interesting developments. for the past 3 weeks, i quit taking everything, then slowly introduced back protein shake, and BO sporadically (sometimes 1 a day, sometimes 2, sometimes if i feel like i'm about to get a zit, i don't take any BO) had some chinese herbs that's supposed to warm up my ovaries, massaged my boobs with this phytoestrogen body cream (i know i'm not supposed to take any phytoestrogen while doing BO but i'm already breaking all other rules anyways), oh and i've been good at exercising 3 times a week and eating more greens and vegies. as a result, my breasts have been feeling fuller and "meatier" than before.

weight as of yesterday at the doctor's office : 100bls
underbust : 28
overbust : 31

so even though my overbust measurement didn't change, i lost 5bls and my underbust shrunk by .75"

yay! Big Grin i'm doing so much i just don't know what's working... could be just the NG kicking in, could be the chinese herbs or the phytoestrogen cream, though the herbs i only took for 2 weeks, and the cream only lasted me 2 weeks also... that's probably not enough time to cause a difference. i didn't want to quit BO completely since i spent so much money on it. maybe since getting off BCP, BO can finally kick in? i don't know.

i don't want to celebrate yet though as all the fullness might disappear in a few days. we all know what a roller coaster ride NBE can be. it's not real growth unless it stays for a whole month.

Oh didn't realize you were using lotion. Yea I do the chi massage without lotion, either nude or through a shirt with no bra on. And I do advise against mixing herbs and BO, strongly. But I know you will do it regardless lol. Congrats on your weight loss (if that's what you wanted to do). I've been trying to lose also, down 9lbs, 12 more to go for my goal.

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