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Is swelling a sign that growth will eventually happen?


(12-08-2020, 09:31)koyasha Wrote:  

Thank you for your private message :-)

I am really glad to hear that your areola growth seems to be permanent and how 'easy' it was to make the areola grow, that's really inspiring. You were very dedicated and pumped a whole lot more than I did, but seeing that it took you no more than a month to get here is awesome!

I don't feel comfortable in a swimsuit, either, mainly because of my legs (belly and breasts were covered) as you could very well describe them as pudding. But I am trying to act as normal as possible and not show people how unhappy I am in my own skin, I try to pretend to just be ok with myself. Fake it until you make it..

My areolas are probably 5 times as big as yours.

How did you get so much swelling? That sounds great, I want that much swelling, too lol. 2 inches does sound like a lot, it didn't look like you had such a long way to go. That's what the charts say, that 1 inch difference is an A cup, 2 inches B and so on. You are not a B-C from what I can tell, so maybe it has something to do with you having a wide upper back as you say, but still, that sounds like a big difference. I'd say just focus on what bras actually fit and don't worry too much about the numbers. Look at your before and (later) after pics to get an idea of how far you've come.

I was down to 128.4 today (again without trying), I think I'll start my diet tomorrow, even though I still have a lot of 'bad' foods in the fridge.

For whatever reason some days it just swells more than others after a session and I don't always even know why lol. Some days my skin and circulation are just adapting really well to it which lets me pump them pretty big so they get a lot of swelling. It's always a nice surprise when that happens lol.  I like to measure it if it looks close to symmetrical though because I keep wondering how much further I am going to have to go for them to be symmetrical.
You don't think I have that much further to go? Does it look more symmetrical at this point then I am giving it credit for? I thought it still looked like my small one was an AA. 

I know, my measurements make no sense. That's why I must imagine it's because of my back being wider which would make the measurement bigger despite it not being my actual breast. I kind of like having a wide back as provided I can get some breasts and do something with my narrow side hips it will make me look curvier. Still don't really know what to do about my side hips. I have a butt so I look curvy from behind, but from the front the sides of my hip are pretty narrow. I just don't have a wide pelvis which is why even when I'm really small my legs still touch. I looked into ways to widen the pelvis in the other body enhancements subforum but never came up with anything. Now I'm asking if anyone has tried the noogleberry butt pump on the sides of their hips, so maybe someone will have something to say. I wouldn't even attempt something like that though unless I responded well enough to noogleberry that I was able to upgrade my cups to a large in which case I could buy the butt pump at the same time, but I've yet to see anyone on here or the noogleberry forum say whether it works. I would only want to do it for my side hips though and def not my butt. My measurements def don't make sense though as I don't even fill out a B. My small breast isn't even close to filling out a B. I'm thinking the small breast still looks like an AA. It still looks like (even in a bra) a small B and an AA. 

Yay. That's awesome. Good luck on your diet. I'm honestly a mess over here. I don't know how to get it together. I think it's because I'm anxious and depressed so I can't stop eating, so I'm also gaining weight which makes me more anxious and depressed and it currently feels like an endless loop where I'm not sure how to get it together again anymore. I'm 132lbs now. I was 127lbs when we started mentioning weight a few weeks ago. All of my clothes are for when I'm around 120lbs, so I don't fit into any of them. I'm gaining weight pretty rapidly. I don't know what to do anymore because I can't seem to get control of my eating right now. As much as I absolutely need to get it under control I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. It feels like everyone else I know is getting super fit right now, but people have been saying that this pandemic is going to be really rough on peoples mental health and I know some people are falling back into all sorts of unhealthy patterns and addictions because of the pandemic and lockdowns. At least I'm just getting fat lol. But no, I really do need to get it together. Just not sure how anymore to get my cravings and stress eating under control.

thank you all, I will be more patient    Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin"> Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">


Your big breast definitely doesn't look like it's 2 sizes bigger than your small one. I'd say it looks like an A and the small one like an AA to me. I'm not sure, but it doesn't look like there is that big of a difference. I am not sure if your small one points more outward than the big one or if only looks that way because you were lifting your arm to take the pic. Other than that, they really do not look that asymmetrical. I'd say no more than one cup size. Are A cup bras too small for your big breast?
I always pump mine really big, it's so nice seeing it all round and full in the dome and I always hope it's gonna stay that way but it never does of course lol. It looks ridiculously small after removing the dome, but I can always feel that it is heavier than what I am used to.

I didn't know they had a butt pump, as well. Sounds kind of funny, but then again, a breast pump probably sounds funny to people, as well, I am just so used to it that I think it's normal. I really hope someone can give you an answer as to whether this would work or not.

I can imagine what your hips look like, I have a friend who has narrow hips, too. But she gave birth a month ago and I haven't seen her in a long time, so maybe that has helped, but I doubt it and besides it's not the solution you are looking for :-) Her body always looked a bit child-like because of her hips and while she was small, her legs would touch, as well.

I have to admit that I did not start my diet today.. I will tomorrow! I keep finding excuses, I always find something that I will have to eat before starting the diet, like cheese, and then I will go and buy toast to eat with the cheese and then the next day I can't start because I still have toast left and so on. Not that eating a slice of toast with cheese would be a bad thing even when I am on a diet, but the packages are always so big that you literally have to overeat as a single person to be able to eat it all before it goes stale. I could put it in the freezer I guess. 
Thank you, your wishes should motivate me to go to the gym tomorrow (it's 5:26PM and while the gym closes at 12AM, I feel like it's too late to go today because I ruined the day by eating too much already anyway). At least my metabolism should be pretty active at this point from all the eating and maintaining, so I am hoping to drop a couple of pounds the first week. 

Sorry to hear you are in this situation. I know exactly how it feels to be gaining weight and not be able to control it while you are in the middle of it. You said that everyone you know is getting fit, do you mean your friends and family and if so, how? I can see more people falling back into unhealthy habits or addictions, but I am surprised to hear that the people around you seem to be getting fit. What are they doing to not let the anxiety and the stress get to them, but instead turn it around and change their lives for the better? I doubt that there is this big secret, but maybe they have tips and tricks that could help you, as they seem to be in a similar situation as you are, but are handling it different. They only thing that I am doing differently now is that I drink less sugary drinks. I have a SodaStream and while I did buy high caloric syrup earlier today and already added that to one bottle of sparkling water, I try to just drink sparkling water, it's really refreshing and I hate flat water. Or diet drinks. I drink a lot of my calories especially in Summer.


(13-08-2020, 16:49)koyasha Wrote:  

Your big breast definitely doesn't look like it's 2 sizes bigger than your small one. I'd say it looks like an A and the small one like an AA to me. I'm not sure, but it doesn't look like there is that big of a difference. I am not sure if your small one points more outward than the big one or if only looks that way because you were lifting your arm to take the pic. Other than that, they really do not look that asymmetrical. I'd say no more than one cup size. Are A cup bras too small for your big breast?
I always pump mine really big, it's so nice seeing it all round and full in the dome and I always hope it's gonna stay that way but it never does of course lol. It looks ridiculously small after removing the dome, but I can always feel that it is heavier than what I am used to.

I didn't know they had a butt pump, as well. Sounds kind of funny, but then again, a breast pump probably sounds funny to people, as well, I am just so used to it that I think it's normal. I really hope someone can give you an answer as to whether this would work or not.

I can imagine what your hips look like, I have a friend who has narrow hips, too. But she gave birth a month ago and I haven't seen her in a long time, so maybe that has helped, but I doubt it and besides it's not the solution you are looking for :-) Her body always looked a bit child-like because of her hips and while she was small, her legs would touch, as well.

I have to admit that I did not start my diet today.. I will tomorrow! I keep finding excuses, I always find something that I will have to eat before starting the diet, like cheese, and then I will go and buy toast to eat with the cheese and then the next day I can't start because I still have toast left and so on. Not that eating a slice of toast with cheese would be a bad thing even when I am on a diet, but the packages are always so big that you literally have to overeat as a single person to be able to eat it all before it goes stale. I could put it in the freezer I guess. 
Thank you, your wishes should motivate me to go to the gym tomorrow (it's 5:26PM and while the gym closes at 12AM, I feel like it's too late to go today because I ruined the day by eating too much already anyway). At least my metabolism should be pretty active at this point from all the eating and maintaining, so I am hoping to drop a couple of pounds the first week. 

Sorry to hear you are in this situation. I know exactly how it feels to be gaining weight and not be able to control it while you are in the middle of it. You said that everyone you know is getting fit, do you mean your friends and family and if so, how? I can see more people falling back into unhealthy habits or addictions, but I am surprised to hear that the people around you seem to be getting fit. What are they doing to not let the anxiety and the stress get to them, but instead turn it around and change their lives for the better? I doubt that there is this big secret, but maybe they have tips and tricks that could help you, as they seem to be in a similar situation as you are, but are handling it different. They only thing that I am doing differently now is that I drink less sugary drinks. I have a SodaStream and while I did buy high caloric syrup earlier today and already added that to one bottle of sparkling water, I try to just drink sparkling water, it's really refreshing and I hate flat water. Or diet drinks. I drink a lot of my calories especially in Summer.

My big breast is in between an A and a B. That's why I usually call it a small B because it gets squashed in an A, but there's still a small gap in a B, so it really doesn't fit either well. That's nice to know that it doesn't look like there's two cups of a difference between them though. Maybe my larger one is a small B then that's in between an A and a B and my small one is a small A that's in between an AA and an A?  Although it's hard to think of my small one as eve a little bit more than an AA though, so I'm not sure. Although once I lose weight my large one will go down to about a full A around my goal weight. 
I giggle every time I think of the butt pump as well. Mainly because I always envision someone trying to pump both at the same time lol. If someone said it worked though I would just do that awkward side hip area. 

Omg I'm the same exact way where I know I already screwed up so I'll get something to go with what I already have, but if I keep something in the house left over from the previous day then that means I won't start. I don't know how some people are doing it honestly. I feel like there's going to be a big divide once things somehow finally calm down with people who were thriving during this time and people who were super stressed and struggling. Some people just seem to really thrive during stressful times where they are able to focus on something healthy and productive and I wish I knew how because my motivation is so all over the place. So far, so good today, but I was already 132ish on Monday (I think it was Monday?) and then I messed up for the last few days, so I don't even want to know how much more damage I've done. 

Nothing really new to add as far as pumping goes. Still doing my same routine. Sometimes it's a bit annoying, but most of the time I don't mind. Like if I have to go out to get groceries or something and start pumping later at night than usual I know I'll be doing it practically until bed time, so times like that it's annoying because I have to practically keep a schedule with it to fit the time in. I consider it worth it though because I feel like I have to put in more work than others because my breast is just so unresponsive and needs so much TCL. I find myself a bit impatient to get to a full and symmetrical B as well. Although I doubt I'll slow down even after then unless I'm forced to lol. I'd rather put in more daily hours and have to pump for less months/years and hit my goal sooner then vice versa. Although I have no idea how any of it will play out or how long things will take or if there's a limit to growth. How are things going for you? 

@giogio good luck!!!

Yesterday I pumped for the longest I've ever pumped before, 9 hours. It was one of those days where my breasts were just responding so well that I didn't have the heart to take the domes off even after my session was over. They were just filling up so much of the cup and so swollen but not even slightly discolored or even red. I love days like that. So I kept them on during my morning session for an additional 2 hours (so 5.5 hours) until I really just wanted to be more mobile. It was the most swelling I ever got before. It also showed me that 37 inches really is likely going to be the measurement that will make them symmetrical. Although I will (hopefully) be losing a lot of weight during this process so I have no idea what it will be with the weightloss, but if I were to maintain the weight I am at now it would be 37 inches though. So that would be 1.5 inches more from the day that I measured the day I took the picture. It's hard to factor in what it will be weight the weightloss though. 

A sad thing happened yesterday though. I don't know if you remember me talking about the scoliosis and how having it bigger made me realize that one breast was higher than the other? I was hopefully thinking maybe I noticed it more though because it was my breast. Yesterday right after my nighttime session I was asking my husband what he thought and he was trying to be helpful not realizing the scoliosis thing was effecting it and was saying I should try to noogle it a bit higher and then I told him it was the scoliosis making that breast lower. He felt bad because he was trying to be helpful and didn't realize. He said what I said though that he didn't notice it before. This is really more noticeable when its really swollen and they look closer to being even and not in the picture where it was 36 hours after noogling. Now I'm not really sure what I should do though. That was with him looking directly at it though. I'd like to think with a bra on and a shirt it wouldn't be noticeable, but it makes me worry that once they grow if I'm wearing a bathing suit it will be noticeable. It's really my shoulder that is the problem (well it's obviously the spine but it's the shoulder that makes one breast look higher than the other). The shoulder with my larger breast is much higher and therefore that breast is much higher. I wish I knew how to fix this. If I move my  shoulder that is lower and spine in an unnatural way everything looks even, so I could fake it for a picture if I wanted, but it would be nice if I could actually fix it. 

I'm in stretchmark city lol. I haven't tried to do anything about it though because honestly, why bother? I'm covered in old stretchmarks anyways so does it really make a difference? They are smothered in cocoa butter for 7 hours a day when I'm pumping anyways. I don't measure my breasts all the time anymore or examine them which is keeping them from bumming me out. I'm just going to stick to taking pictures and measurements once a month and comparing them to the previous month and ignoring them the rest of the time. I keep waiting for my breast to feel more fatty and soft like the other breast or something. It's so hard even in the morning. It was pretty tough before (it felt like it had more glandular tissue and very little fat) and the swelling it has now makes it have a different feeling than the other. It might just be too early though. I will still have more swelling than fat day to day. I do wonder at what point this changes. 

I think I've heard before that 600 hours is usually about a cup size increase so I wonder if in between month 3 and 4 I will have symmetrical breasts or close to month 4. Maybe by November they will be symmetrical if I'm lucky and  then I could pump them both and get them to full B's although my larger one will probably drop down to a full A by the time I get to my goal weight which would add time. My goal is to have them be a large and full symmetrical 32B while at my goal weight by the end of the year. Then I'd hopefully be a full 32D by the end of 2021. That sounds reasonable although they will obviously do whatever they want lol.

I have these little zit like things that appeared in a cluster of 4 right at the upper part of where the dome sits that showed up this morning. I don't think they are zits, but I don't know what to call them.They could be, but they seem different? Anyways, I tried to pump today with them and it was really painful. Halfway through my session I tried those foam rings again which I only used for the first day because I was convinced it was what caused my overpumping and because it's hard to keep a good suction with it, but I thought I'd give it a shot to reduce the pain. Now I have a hickey ring around my breast and those zit things are still there, so I took tonights session off. I'm not quite sure what to do though because it's not like it's going to be better in the morning. Especially not those zit things which are painful to pump with because the dome lands right where it's at. I don't like being forced to take time off though, and it's bad enough that I had to take tonight off. Have you ever had something like that appear where the dome cup sits?

WROTE THE POST LAST NIGHT BUT EDITED THIS MORNING TO ADD PICTURES: I last added a photo 8 days ago after 36 hours of not pumping that time. Underbust was 33 inches. Overbust was 35.5 inches.
Today it was 24ish hours of not pumping, so not the same amount of time as before so not an even comparison although tonight at the 36 inch hour mark I will measure again. Underbust 33 inches. Overbust 36 inches. There's some swelling there still because it's hard and a bit tender, so I'm pretty sure it's actually the same size as the photo 8 days ago I just have more leftover swelling this time. 
I'm not really adding photos for comparison though esp after 8 days or when it's not the same amount of time without pumping, but I have no idea when I'll be able to pump again so I figured I might as well. I won't be able to pump today. I mainly added a photo to show you what I was talking about with the ring mark and with the little zit like things. I didn't realize the picture was less clear than the other until it was blown up on my computer though.
My favorite thing about looking at both photos is that my larger breast looks larger despite not being larger since I haven't worked on it at all. It's either the normal hormonal fluctuations where it looks bigger at this time of the month vs eight days ago or the picture is at a slightly different angle. I hate that it's less clear though so it looks less clear where the other one is. I feel like it looks worse in this photo though because the larger breast looks larger and outshines the little one. Oh well it's only been 8 days and the time without pumping isn't even the same and it's still tender with swelling so it's not like it's a real or fair comparison anyways.

I hope things are going well with you! 

I took two new photos today because yesterdays photos were bad quality. This is at the 48 hours without pumping mark. I'm hoping I'm good to go tomorrow because I miss pumping. I should start taking side photos because I think I notice the difference on the side more than anything. There was almost nothing there before on the side and while it's still just a small amount on the side I think the side is where I notice the most change. 

Still 36 inches. It doesn't appear to be going down, so I'm hoping that's a sign it's growth afterall. I have no idea at what point I can feel like it's real vs swelling. I'd like to imagine if it was swelling it would be slowly going down this whole time? It feels a bit more fatty and less hard now than yesterday but doesn't look smaller. It's crazy to think that I might have gained a whole inch in 5.5 weeks. 1/2 an inch in the first 4 weeks and the other 1/2 in the last week and a half. I don't know when I can celebrate it as growth vs swelling. I really wish I took before photos. Does it look 1/2 an inch bigger than the photo 9 or so days ago? 

Today I realized I have been measuring my underbust wrong, which partially explains why I have a larger difference between my underbust and overbust compared to my actual breast size because it hasn't made any sense to me. I did it in the mirror today and turned around to look at the back while I did it and realized the tape measure was slipping down in the back compared to the front so it wasn't straight across and was giving me a smaller measurement. So my underbust is currently 34 inches. I have a 32B bra so I actually have no idea what size I really am now. I normally am a 32B when I'm a smaller weight though, so by the time I get to my goal weight the 32 band size will fit me. I wish I could just go to the store just to try on bras for fun out of curiosity to see if an A or a B fits me best now that I know my current band size is a 34, and to see how well my small breast fits in a bra because I'm curious what size the small one is. I don't know if it's still an AA or if it's an A yet. I feel like I can't gain an inch and still be an AA, but it also doesn't really look like an A to me but maybe I'm wrong.

[quote = "PoisonIvy" pid = '208371' dateline = '1597685990'] Spero che le cose ti stiano andando bene! Oggi ho scattato due nuove foto perché le foto di ieri erano di pessima qualità. Questo è al segno di 48 ore senza pompaggio. Spero di poter andare domani perché mi manca il pompaggio. Dovrei iniziare a scattare foto di lato perché penso di notare la differenza sul lato più di ogni altra cosa. Non c'era quasi nulla prima sul lato e anche se è ancora solo una piccola quantità sul lato, penso che sia il lato dove noto il maggior cambiamento. Ancora 36 pollici. Non sembra che stia andando giù, quindi spero che sia un segno che sia una crescita dopotutto. Non ho idea a che punto posso sentire come se fosse reale contro gonfiore. IO' ti piacerebbe immaginare che se si stesse gonfiando sarebbe andato lentamente giù per tutto questo tempo? Sembra un po 'più grasso e meno duro adesso rispetto a ieri, ma non sembra più piccolo. È pazzesco pensare che avrei potuto guadagnare un pollice intero in 5,5 settimane. 1/2 pollice nelle prime 4 settimane e l'altro 1/2 nell'ultima settimana e mezza. Non so quando posso celebrarlo come crescita vs gonfiore. Vorrei davvero aver scattato prima delle foto. Sembra più grande di 1/2 pollice rispetto alla foto circa 9 giorni fa? Oggi mi sono reso conto che stavo misurando il mio seno in modo sbagliato, il che spiega in parte perché ho una differenza maggiore tra il mio seno e l'overbust rispetto alle dimensioni reali del mio seno perché non aveva alcun senso per me. L'ho fatto allo specchio oggi e mi sono voltato a guardare dietro mentre lo facevo e mi sono reso conto che il metro a nastro stava scivolando verso il basso nella parte posteriore rispetto alla parte anteriore, quindi non era dritto e mi dava una misura più piccola. Quindi il mio seno è attualmente di 34 pollici. Ho un reggiseno 32B quindi in realtà non ho idea di che taglia ho davvero ora. Normalmente sono un 32B quando sono un peso più piccolo, quindi quando arrivo al mio peso obiettivo, la misura della banda 32 si adatta a me. Vorrei poter andare al negozio solo per provare i reggiseni per divertimento per curiosità per vedere se una A o una B si adattano meglio a me ora che so che la mia misura attuale di cinturino è una 34 e per vedere quanto bene il mio seno piccolo si adatta a un reggiseno perché sono curioso di sapere che taglia è quello piccolo. Non so se è ancora un AA o se è ancora un A. Mi sento come se potessi Non guadagno un pollice ed essere ancora un AA, ma non mi sembra nemmeno un A ma forse mi sbaglio. [/citazione]

Ho anche il seno asimmetrico Smile


(21-08-2020, 10:50)giogio Wrote:  

PoisonIvy Wrote:Spero che le cose ti stiano andando bene! Oggi ho scattato due nuove foto perché le foto di ieri erano di pessima qualità. Questo è al segno di 48 ore senza pompaggio. Spero di poter andare domani perché mi manca il pompaggio. Dovrei iniziare a scattare foto di lato perché penso di notare la differenza sul lato più di ogni altra cosa. Non c'era quasi nulla prima sul lato e anche se è ancora solo una piccola quantità sul lato, penso che sia il lato dove noto il maggior cambiamento. Ancora 36 pollici. Non sembra che stia andando giù, quindi spero che sia un segno che sia una crescita dopotutto. Non ho idea a che punto posso sentire come se fosse reale contro gonfiore. IO' ti piacerebbe immaginare che se si stesse gonfiando sarebbe andato lentamente giù per tutto questo tempo? Sembra un po 'più grasso e meno duro adesso rispetto a ieri, ma non sembra più piccolo. È pazzesco pensare che avrei potuto guadagnare un pollice intero in 5,5 settimane. 1/2 pollice nelle prime 4 settimane e l'altro 1/2 nell'ultima settimana e mezza. Non so quando posso celebrarlo come crescita vs gonfiore. Vorrei davvero aver scattato prima delle foto. Sembra più grande di 1/2 pollice rispetto alla foto circa 9 giorni fa? Oggi mi sono reso conto che stavo misurando il mio seno in modo sbagliato, il che spiega in parte perché ho una differenza maggiore tra il mio seno e l'overbust rispetto alle dimensioni reali del mio seno perché non aveva alcun senso per me. L'ho fatto allo specchio oggi e mi sono voltato a guardare dietro mentre lo facevo e mi sono reso conto che il metro a nastro stava scivolando verso il basso nella parte posteriore rispetto alla parte anteriore, quindi non era dritto e mi dava una misura più piccola. Quindi il mio seno è attualmente di 34 pollici. Ho un reggiseno 32B quindi in realtà non ho idea di che taglia ho davvero ora. Normalmente sono un 32B quando sono un peso più piccolo, quindi quando arrivo al mio peso obiettivo, la misura della banda 32 si adatta a me. Vorrei poter andare al negozio solo per provare i reggiseni per divertimento per curiosità per vedere se una A o una B si adattano meglio a me ora che so che la mia misura attuale di cinturino è una 34 e per vedere quanto bene il mio seno piccolo si adatta a un reggiseno perché sono curioso di sapere che taglia è quello piccolo. Non so se è ancora un AA o se è ancora un A. Mi sento come se potessi Non guadagno un pollice ed essere ancora un AA, ma non mi sembra nemmeno un A ma forse mi sbaglio. [/citazione]

Ho anche il seno asimmetrico Smile

Good luck! I think this is helping my asymmetrical breasts. This seems to be the only thing that works for me for fixing them so maybe it will work for you too Smile

I'm not sure if anyone is still following this thread, but the pressure gauge on my pump is suddenly working and ironically enough that -5 pressure that I always wanted to reach because I heard it was the right pressure is actually the perfect pressure for me now. The pressure gauge wasn't working for me for the longest time so I'm not sure why it's working now, but the pressure I have been on is -5. It fills up so much of the cup now too.

I think my smaller breast started out much smaller than I ever thought to call it. My large breast seems to hover between a large A/small B depending on fluctuations and so I think I currently have a one cup size difference where my smaller one is hovering between a large AA/small A. I think I've gained a cup (I did gain an inch total) where my small one was initially between a large AAA/small AA. It was initially just a tiny mound of fat with barely any areola. It does look like I've roughly made up half of the difference from my starting point. I'm so disappointed that I never took a starting photo. I think I've started with a two inch and two cup size difference between them, and it looks like I've gained a cup (although a cup when it comes to the super small sizes that are below an A isn't that much) and 1 inch. I do look like I'm roughly halfway there in making up the difference and when it's super swollen it does look like 37 inches is around what it will take to be symmetrical which is another inch. I'm hoping at the rate I'm going that I will gain that extra inch and they will be symmetrical in two months. I'll hopefully be losing weight at the same time which means my 32 band size will be the right band size again but hoping to be my goal weight and completely fill out my 32B bras and have them be symmetrical by the end of the year and then spend 2021 trying to go from a 32B to a 32D (which is my ultimate goal). My band size is 34 right now, but I'm not normally this weight either so when I lose weight my band size will be 32 again.

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