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I lurked for 5 years, but now I am really on action


25 years old biological female
33”, under 30”, 34B
Started Aug 2017 Luteal Phase
Hi everyone! I lurk forever on and off since I was 20 years old, attempted with programs years ago but didn’t actually stick to it/start it well, but now its time to test it all out! I didn’t think of posting anything at first but I figured that it is better to do it and share and learn with a community. All the confusion with my body’s reaction, health, insecurity exploding since I started paying attention to my boobs a lot more, patience for it to grow, self care and love….etc All is tough. Whoever wants support or to talk about and share journeys together, please pm me!!!!
If possible, I also got some questions below, let me know what you think, thank you in advance, and nice to meet you all J
Follicular Phase:
-Ainterol PM 500mg

Luteal Phase:
-Source Natural PC cream ¼ tsp
-saw palmetto (540mg morning, 540mg night) 1080mg
-maca root (525mg morning, 525 mg night) 1050mg
-rose hips 500mg
*will add in noogleberry when my planned dosage is more set to make sure its growing from that, instead of just massage swelling
Started with PC cream during Aug 2017 luteal phase. I was depressed, luteal phase shorter, heavy bleeding, boobs swell up one cup size. However, once my period arrived, it deflated all back to normal. EVERYTHING WAS GONE, I totally did cry for a bit.
Right now during follicular phase (1 week in), I don’t feel like my dosage of PM is doing anything to my boobs.
I suspect:
-pm dosage too high
-pc dosage too high
-saw palmetto extract instead of saw palmetto
-need a liver cleanse
-I think I am more progesterone deficient, want to add in vitex to balance hormones as well as naturally raise progesterone level
For the rest of the month, I am just going to have 100mg PM, together with all other supplements for the rest of my follicular phase, and when luteal phase start I will just have PC while only doing a milk thistle cleanse
NEW PLAN (start from next month)
Follicular Phase:
-Ainterol PM 100mg

Luteal Phase:
-Source Natural PC cream 1/8 tsp

Everyday (except first week of follicular phase doing an only milk thistle cleanse):
-saw palmetto extract 640mg
-maca root 1050mg
-vitex (haven’t decided dosage yet)
-rose hips 500mg
-should I cycle vitex? Only using it during luteal phase because it aids producing progesterone?
-should I use vitex along with PC?
-vitex suggested dosage?
-if for a week, my body is not feeling anything from PM (maybe even smaller..), should I wait a bit before changing routine?
-PC swell up my boobs a lot, but period came and it was all absolutely gone, is that normal? How to sustain the growth? So I should just balance better and growth should be less but more steady and doesn’t go away right?
-if one day I want to slowly stop my routine, I know PC doesn’t aid self production of progesterone, without it, would my boobs lose all the growth?
-what do you think about my plan?

Will keep updating this post!

Hi Tatapie and welcome to the forum!  Big Grin 

I think you're on the right track with your plan, but there are some things I would definitely change. 

During your follicular phase, don't take Saw Palmetto or Maca Root while you're taking PM. The reason being is PM is very potent and it works best when taken alone because other high phytoestrogens can interfere with its efficacy. So just stick to taking PM during follicular, and you can take PC, Saw Palmetto, and Maca together during luteal if you wish. The other items on your everyday list are fine for you to take whenever.

As far as PM effects, it's going to take a lot more than a week for you to notice any changes! I usually don't notice much of any change during follicular while I'm taking PM, it's only during Luteal that I notice my breast feels heavier and swells more, and by the next cycle after I've lost much of the "luteal swelling" and then I notice the real growth that's left over (but it's slow and gradual).

I'm not sure about Ainterol PM, because I've read so many mixed reviews. It concerns me that their capsules contain such high dosages of PM and everything I researched says that sticking with a lower dosage is more effective and better for overall health. I've read that it's because their PM isn't as effective, and therefore you need to take more of it, but I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable taking anything more than 200mg of PM a day (if you're really petite/skinny I think 100 to 150 mg is enough, but I'm a little on the chunky side so I think 200mg is perfect for me). That said, I've definitely read threads of people who've had success with Ainterol, but if you don't see results after you finish the bottle, I would suggest trying a different brand with lower mg per capsules.

Another suggestion I have is to do the milk thistle cleanse while you're on your period. So maybe Day 1 of your period to Day 4 or to Day 6. That way you could solely focus on detoxing and not have your luteal or follicular herbs interefere. I detox from D1 to D6 and it's been working out great for me.
As far as dosage of vitex, definitely take small amounts and don't go overboard. I've read a lot of conflicting info on whether or not to cycle vitex, but I read that for best efficacy it shouldn't be cycled and a small amount should be taken everyday. You should also stop using vitex after 6 months because it loses efficacy. 

Your breasts are going to swell up a lot during luteal (this is called luteal swelling), but during your period you're going to lose a lot of that swelling. Don't worry, this is a normal process. Don't let the swelling confuse you into thinking it's "growth" and try not to get disappointed when the swelling disappears. Because of this, pick a measurement day when your breasts are naturally the smallest (typically this happens anywhere between Day 3 through Day 5, Mine occurs on Day 4 of my period). And each cycle measure your breasts on that day. Make sure that you include these measurements: over bust, bust, under bust, and leaning bust. This will help you determine your breast growth. So even though you lose swelling, each cycle you should still notice a small increase (especially in your leaning bust). 

About the PC and losing breast growth, I'm not sure. I don't take PC and never have. But if you are taking PC make sure to only rub it into the thinnest parts of your skin like your wrists, and don't rub it into your breasts because it can build up in your breasts tissues which is bad. Also, only use microdosages (like tiny dots) when rubbing into your skin.

Hope this helps and good luck on your journey!! 


(13-09-2017, 15:44)ZaraAri Wrote:  Hi Tatapie and welcome to the forum!  Big Grin 

I think you're on the right track with your plan, but there are some things I would definitely change. 

During your follicular phase, don't take Saw Palmetto or Maca Root while you're taking PM. The reason being is PM is very potent and it works best when taken alone because other high phytoestrogens can interfere with its efficacy. So just stick to taking PM during follicular, and you can take PC, Saw Palmetto, and Maca together during luteal if you wish. The other items on your everyday list are fine for you to take whenever.

As far as PM effects, it's going to take a lot more than a week for you to notice any changes! I usually don't notice much of any change during follicular while I'm taking PM, it's only during Luteal that I notice my breast feels heavier and swells more, and by the next cycle after I've lost much of the "luteal swelling" and then I notice the real growth that's left over (but it's slow and gradual).

I'm not sure about Ainterol PM, because I've read so many mixed reviews. It concerns me that their capsules contain such high dosages of PM and everything I researched says that sticking with a lower dosage is more effective and better for overall health. I've read that it's because their PM isn't as effective, and therefore you need to take more of it, but I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable taking anything more than 200mg of PM a day (if you're really petite/skinny I think 100 to 150 mg is enough, but I'm a little on the chunky side so I think 200mg is perfect for me). That said, I've definitely read threads of people who've had success with Ainterol, but if you don't see results after you finish the bottle, I would suggest trying a different brand with lower mg per capsules.

Another suggestion I have is to do the milk thistle cleanse while you're on your period. So maybe Day 1 of your period to Day 4 or to Day 6. That way you could solely focus on detoxing and not have your luteal or follicular herbs interefere. I detox from D1 to D6 and it's been working out great for me.
As far as dosage of vitex, definitely take small amounts and don't go overboard. I've read a lot of conflicting info on whether or not to cycle vitex, but I read that for best efficacy it shouldn't be cycled and a small amount should be taken everyday. You should also stop using vitex after 6 months because it loses efficacy. 

Your breasts are going to swell up a lot during luteal (this is called luteal swelling), but during your period you're going to lose a lot of that swelling. Don't worry, this is a normal process. Don't let the swelling confuse you into thinking it's "growth" and try not to get disappointed when the swelling disappears. Because of this, pick a measurement day when your breasts are naturally the smallest (typically this happens anywhere between Day 3 through Day 5, Mine occurs on Day 4 of my period). And each cycle measure your breasts on that day. Make sure that you include these measurements: over bust, bust, under bust, and leaning bust. This will help you determine your breast growth. So even though you lose swelling, each cycle you should still notice a small increase (especially in your leaning bust). 

About the PC and losing breast growth, I'm not sure. I don't take PC and never have. But if you are taking PC make sure to only rub it into the thinnest parts of your skin like your wrists, and don't rub it into your breasts because it can build up in your breasts tissues which is bad. Also, only use microdosages (like tiny dots) when rubbing into your skin.

Hope this helps and good luck on your journey!! 


Hi zara! I can't believe you responded to me and also with such depth!! I have always read your post and congratulations on your growth Smile

thanks for the reminder, originally, I saw maca as a hormonal balancer but it raises testosterone and saw palmetto as testosterone decreaser. now after research, saw palmetto: "Beta-sitosterol is a natural alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker. Specifically, it prevents a degraded form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone from accumulating. The plant steroids in saw palmetto also act on progesterone receptors, an action that causes a reduction in estrogen levels" so yes, pm taken together with saw sounds like a cancellation. but for maca, information seems confusing, some says it raises testosterone, some says it only works by releasing chemicals and nutrients that sends message to the pituitary gland, which tells the body how much of each hormone to produce, but i get the point that it would interfere with pm if i take it at the same time! makes complete sense.

thank you thank you thank you so much for reaffirming me the progress of growing, that luteal swelling is normal and losing it during funicular is normal and i should be patient with all. it really gives me a big relieve. you have no idea how much it helps ti get that out of my mind Smile!!

i am thinking of switching to siriporn after finishing it, opening the capsule does get messy now...

will try your milk thistle during period and vitex in small amounts and measurements advise! as you are getting success from that i seee!! lets see whether it works for me.

Thanks so much again zara for all the advises, you are very kind Smile

(will add in the info)
over bust:
under bust:
leaning bust:

For the rest of the month, I am just going to have 100mg PM, no saw palmetto and maca root, together with all other supplements for the rest of my follicular phase, and when luteal phase start I will just have PC while only doing a milk thistle cleanse

Follicular Phase:
-Ainterol PM 200mg

Luteal Phase:
-Source Natural PC cream 1/8 tsp
-saw palmetto extract 640mg
-maca root 1050mg

Everyday (except first 4days of follicular phase doing an only milk thistle cleanse):
-vitex small amount (only for 6 months, stop on April 2017)
-rose hips 500mg 

(15-09-2017, 16:37)tatapie Wrote:  Hi zara! I can't believe you responded to me and also with such depth!! I have always read your post and congratulations on your growth Smile

thanks for the reminder, originally, I saw maca as a hormonal balancer but it raises testosterone and saw palmetto as testosterone decreaser. now after research, saw palmetto: "Beta-sitosterol is a natural alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker. Specifically, it prevents a degraded form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone from accumulating. The plant steroids in saw palmetto also act on progesterone receptors, an action that causes a reduction in estrogen levels" so yes, pm taken together with saw sounds like a cancellation. but for maca, information seems confusing, some says it raises testosterone, some says it only works by releasing chemicals and nutrients that sends message to the pituitary gland, which tells the body how much of each hormone to produce, but i get the point that it would interfere with pm if i take it at the same time! makes complete sense.

thank you thank you thank you so much for reaffirming me the progress of growing, that luteal swelling is normal and losing it during funicular is normal and i should be patient with all. it really gives me a big relieve. you have no idea how much it helps ti get that out of my mind Smile!!

i am thinking of switching to siriporn after finishing it, opening the capsule does get messy now...

will try your milk thistle during period and vitex in small amounts and measurements advise! as you are getting success from that i seee!! lets see whether it works for me.

Thanks so much again zara for all the advises, you are very kind Smile

No problem, at all, Tata! I love to be able to share and help when I can. Thank you so much for the congratulations!!<3

Maca confused me too at first with all the conflicting information. For the most part, I now only take it during my detox days in the form of my turmeric tea. Occassionally, I will also have it during luteal. But yeah, I think during follicular the only thing you should really be taking is PM to avoid anything interfering with the effects of it. Nothing else is needed during follicular unless you want to add an aromatase like spearmint tea/caps. 

I'm glad that I could help ease your mind about luteal swelling and the process of growth. That seems to be a big one that many women struggle with (it fooled me too in the beginning). Just make sure you're documenting your progress properly on the same day and take pictures because being able to visually see the changes in your breasts is a great motivator and helps loads as you're trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. I've only been on PM for four cycles now and I've definitely had success with Siriporn so I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. 

I hope your program works for you and do keep us updated on your changes! 

Happy growing!! <3


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