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How To Prevent and Minimize Saggy Breasts


First I want to talk about Bras and why they may be contributing to sagging breast tissue.

I haven't worn bras in years and I've noticed since I've stopped wearing them is that my breasts are perkier, rounder, and gained more of a fullness and this was all way before I started doing NBE. Back then I was an AA cup, and despite being on the smaller size, my breasts were showing signs of premature sagging. There was little breast tissue on the upper part of my breasts (which gave my breasts a weird shape) and this was because I wore bras religiously which stunted my body's ability to develop my pectoral muscles that helps to hold up the breasts and give it a better shape (something no one ever warned me about). Within 6 months of ditching my bras, my breast shape noticeably improved and because of this, I naturally increased my breast size by 1 cup. So this is something that I wanted to share with everyone on this forum, and that is that wearing bras may contribute to sagging breasts and also might stunt breast growth.



*Definitely read this one, it has a link of the scientific 15 year study, but it also tells you 7 ways that bras can actually be horrible for your breasts health. 


* "Wearing a bra does more harm than good - it does nothing to reduce back pain and weakens the muscles that hold up the breasts, resulting in greater breast sagging, Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sports science expert from the University of Besançon, France, reported after a 15-year study."


* "For generations, women have been advised that wearing a bra would keep breasts from sagging, prevent back pain and improve posture. Wrong, wrong and wrong, according to a study conducted by Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sports medicine specialist from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Besancon, France. Medically, physiologically, anatomically — breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra."

Because Rouillon's study focused on younger women, he cautioned that the results can't be generalized to all women.
"It would be dangerous to advise all women to stop wearing their soutien-gorge [bra] as the women involved were not a representative sample of the population. It would be of no benefit to a 45-year-old mother to stop wearing a bra," Rouillon said. 

4.)  and

*Myths about breast sagging that I think everyone should read.


I think it's worth repeating that it helps to start early with wearing no bras, because if you already have been wearing bras for some time and if your breasts are on the larger size, then it may serve you no real benefit to ditch your bra because your pectoral muscles will not have developed to hold up your breasts properly (so ditching your bra at this point my cause you to sag even more). In that case, it may be better for you to continue wearing bras. Even though I didn't stop wearing a bra until I was 26, I was only barely an A cup then, and I think because of my rather small size, I got away with it and it greatly improved the shape of my breasts after about six months of not wearing bras (before when I wore bras my breasts were small but they had no definition in the top part which made it look like sad saggy small boobs). Now, it's been almost 3 years since I put on a bra, and I think my breasts have much better definition and overall are better because of it. However, it's best to start younger when you are just hitting puberty and are just starting to develop. Or perhaps if you are small chested/flat chested then it's best to start now before you try to grow your breasts.

Also, in the actual study it says that when doing cardio workouts that sports bras are actually good for your breasts to prevent sagginess, but wearing bras for the duration of the day are not. So to be clear: it's better to not wear bras at all, but only while exercising it is encouraged to wear a sportsbra (which I do when I'm working out). 

One last thing, if your breasts are quite big and are sagging heavily, then a better and quicker option for you to correct that might be to get a breast lift. Alternatively, for more natural methods you can also focus on breast massages, and doing specific exercises to work out your pectoral muscles and build that up, which should help greatly but results may take longer. I use to have this breast exercise stick (it was called Easy Curves) and it was marketed as a breast enhancement tool, but really all it did was help improve the definition and lift of your breasts (which could result in an increase in breast size for some). It didn't increase my bust size at all, and I used it every day for almost 2 months and then kind of gave up on it, but I did notice that it did increase the firmness, roundness, and lift of my small breasts. I wish I still had it now because I would use it to continue working my pec muscles because I think that is all it's good for. 

Below I've listed some alternative natural remedies and tips to help with saggy breasts. Please let me know if you try any of these and what your results were! Also comment down below with any additional suggestions. 

Alternative possible natural remedy for saggy breasts: 

2 ingredient Breast clay mask: 

Clay: Use either pure 100% French Clay, Bentonite Clay, Red Clay, Moroccan, or Rassoul Clay. Make sure that is the only ingredient. 

Liquid: Apple Cider Vinegar, Aloe vera gel or juice, Silica liquid, or Water 

Directions: Mix equal parts clay of your choice with the liquid of your choice. Adjust for desired consistency. Spread this mixture on your breasts evenly but avoid nipple area (you can put this on areola's however). Leave on anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Then either wash off with a warm damp towel, or take a shower and rinse off completely. Make sure to put a moisturizing lotion or serum on afterwards, and if you can spare time do breast massages. This should help increase blood supply and circulation to your breasts, and also build collagen. 

Optional supplements to take: 

MSM: this has so many wonderful benefits that I won't bother listing them all. But MSM has been shown to naturally detoxify the body and increase collagen in the skin while decreasing stretchmarks, wrinkles and improving skin smoothness and texture. MSM has also been anecdotally shown many times to cause an accidental increase in breast size. It is recomended that you take at minimum 1 tsp of MSM a day, but you may have to work your way up to it (start off with a 1/4 tsp) and you may also find that splitting up dosage helps. It is also recommended to take with vitamin C to increase efficacy.

Collagen: This is a no brainer that really needs no explanation. It is recommended to take collagen on an empty stomach to help with better absorption. There are many types of collagen so research the one that is best for you. Also, Reserveage offers a vegan collagen (but not all of their products are vegan). 

Silica: I take silica in a liquid form that I keep bottled up in my fridge. Silica can help with hair and nail growth, and it can also help boost collagen. I recommend researching the benefits of taking silica. It is recommended to take on an empty stomach to help with better absoprtion, as well.

***I'm sure there are other supplements that can help with saggy breasts, but these are the ones that I personally take and have researched. But please comment below any other suggestions you may have.

Topicals to Help Tighten Skin 

MSM Lotion: I use MSM lotion and it has greatly improved the texture, smoothness, and tightness of my skin. 

Aloe gel: Aloe gel can help with moisturizing the skin and increasing skin tightness and texture. It contains the malic acid that helps you with improving the elasticity of skin, and getting rid of loose skin.

Castor Oil: Castor oil nourishes deeply and helps to improve skin elasticity and tightness.

Essential Oils (EO): These are list of EOs that help with tightening loose skin. Apply topically to breasts (try avoiding nipple area). Some EOs are quite strong and you may need to dilute them in a carrier oil (such as jojoba oil, castor oil, sweet almond oil, or vitamin E) just do research to see which ones should be diluted. Frankincense oil, Almond, Geranium, Myrrh, Neroli, Rosehip Seed oil, Neem, Cyrpess, Cinnamon Oil, Lavender, Rosemary, Fennel, German Chamomile, Carrot, and so many more. I found a lot of oils that help to tighten skin and I'm not going to list all of them. I encourage you to do some simple research to see which one might benefit you more. 

Hope this is helpful! 


hi zara’ve done another amazing supergirl thread ..i hadn’t had a chance to go over this til now and it’s really peaked my interest, i’ve been so busy the last couple of months for my employer and it makes me sad there's no time for the greater me. anyway, for the last 3-4yrs i’ve gotten used to throwing on these little ahh bras ..little stretchy things like shaped jogging bras and pretty comfortable but recently i think i’ve come to realize that when they press my breasts throughout the day, they’re kinda pushing them gently outward away from the center of my chest almost like trying to train them that way and i really don’t like it Angry  <––– i mean, just look at me, just look at that little red face, how upset i am  ....and have started going braless at work. it’s got me so terribly self-conscious but i could get used to it, i think, with the right blouse and maybe, get bolder as time goes on ..when my boobs get drop dead enormous. hahahahahaha. also, i want to try the clay and acv thing, that sounds intriguing. and stinky. i do like being braless unless i’m wearing something tight that pushes against my breasts especially if it presses them downward. anyway, great stuff to consider that you've compiled and i'm still combing through it all. i do love this banquet of information. thxthxthx for posting it. seriously, thank you so much. éɯolos

(27-04-2017, 18:31)solome Wrote:  hi zara’ve done another amazing supergirl thread ..i hadn’t had a chance to go over this til now and it’s really peaked my interest, i’ve been so busy the last couple of months for my employer and it makes me sad there's no time for the greater me. anyway, for the last 3-4yrs i’ve gotten used to throwing on these little ahh bras ..little stretchy things like shaped jogging bras and pretty comfortable but recently i think i’ve come to realize that when they press my breasts throughout the day, they’re kinda pushing them gently outward away from the center of my chest almost like trying to train them that way and i really don’t like it Angry  <––– i mean, just look at me, just look at that little red face, how upset i am  ....and have started going braless at work. it’s got me so terribly self-conscious but i could get used to it, i think, with the right blouse and maybe, get bolder as time goes on ..when my boobs get drop dead enormous. hahahahahaha. also, i want to try the clay and acv thing, that sounds intriguing. and stinky. i do like being braless unless i’m wearing something tight that pushes against my breasts especially if it presses them downward. anyway, great stuff to consider that you've compiled and i'm still combing through it all. i do love this banquet of information. thxthxthx for posting it. seriously, thank you so much. éɯolos

Hey Solome! <3 Thanks so much for commenting and also for the compliment! You're way too kind! 

It was a little awkward for me to go braless at first, especially when sometimes I would get catcalled when out (UGH!) or people would just stare at me or give me dirty looks, like they forget I'm a human being too. But I think as my confidence and self-esteem grew, I just stop giving fucks all around and just started carrying myself differently. I started becoming bolder, more of feminist, and just empowered with that knowledge and attitude, it helped me to see the world differently, to act differently. To be more confident in my skin and also in my flawed nakedness. It's weird but I enjoy the freedom of going braless now without feeling any sense of embarrasement. So what if people stared or make rude comments. I can't control people. Haha, I'm rambling now. But I hope that gives you a shared sense of confidence. It's incredibly liberating to go braless.

Oh and you do have to find time for yourself! I hope you are able to soon love. 


Hey Zara!

Since I read this thread a while ago I've been wearing only bralette type bras Smile 

It's seriously helped with my self image and made me more self confident because I don't feel like I'm hiding anymore! Also it's way more comfortable!!!! I was wearing a super pushup bra and a tight sports bra over it to create cleavage. So uncomfortable... 

I already use a clay + APV mix for my face twice a week so that's awesome I can also use it for my breasts!!! 

As for brands, what Collagen and Silica brand do you use? I'm eyeing swansons MSM cream right now. I also have a ton of castor oil I ordered for hair + eyelash growth so I'll have to utilize that as well!

(28-04-2017, 19:30)arwenofgondor Wrote:  Hey Zara!

Since I read this thread a while ago I've been wearing only bralette type bras Smile 

It's seriously helped with my self image and made me more self confident because I don't feel like I'm hiding anymore! Also it's way more comfortable!!!! I was wearing a super pushup bra and a tight sports bra over it to create cleavage. So uncomfortable... 

I already use a clay + APV mix for my face twice a week so that's awesome I can also use it for my breasts!!! 

As for brands, what Collagen and Silica brand do you use? I'm eyeing swansons MSM cream right now. I also have a ton of castor oil I ordered for hair + eyelash growth so I'll have to utilize that as well!

Hey girl! 

I think bralettes are so much better for the breasts (less constricting). I'm also so glad that it's given you more confidence as well! I think when it comes down to it, that's what it's all about. That's what is most important, after all, right? That your confidence and self esteem is on the rise. I also think it helps you to accept your body as is, and there is so much freedom in that!  Wink

Your breasts are already so nice and perky and shapely, I don't see that you would need to use the clay mask on your breasts, but I guess it couldn't hurt either! 

The brand of collagen I like is by Reserveage. They have many different products with collagen but the one I use is called Collagen Booster. I really like it because that's the only vegan product they have but it has actual proven medical studies on the efficacy of their products (including that one). 

The Silica brand I use is ORGONO MINERAL SILICA LIQUID.  

I use my collagen and silica every now and then. I'm not that consistent. One day I'll take collagen and then next I'll use silica. Oh, I should mention, it's important that you take both on an empty stomach. It helps your body to absorb it better!! 

I just checked out Swanson's MSM cream and I really like it! I think I might order that too. I really like the ingredients. I really love that it has oregano and thyme in it too (P boosters)! As well as ginkgo biloba and ginseng! Sounds like it would be amazing to add to your regimen!! 

Xoxo <3

(28-04-2017, 19:30)arwenofgondor Wrote:  Hey Zara!

Since I read this thread a while ago I've been wearing only bralette type bras Smile 

It's seriously helped with my self image and made me more self confident because I don't feel like I'm hiding anymore! Also it's way more comfortable!!!! I was wearing a super pushup bra and a tight sports bra over it to create cleavage. So uncomfortable... 

I already use a clay + APV mix for my face twice a week so that's awesome I can also use it for my breasts!!! 

As for brands, what Collagen and Silica brand do you use? I'm eyeing swansons MSM cream right now. I also have a ton of castor oil I ordered for hair + eyelash growth so I'll have to utilize that as well!

Hey girl! 

I think bralettes are so much better for the breasts (less constricting). I'm also so glad that it's given you more confidence as well! I think when it comes down to it, that's what it's all about. That's what is most important, after all, right? That your confidence and self esteem is on the rise. I also think it helps you to accept your body as is, and there is so much freedom in that!  Wink

Your breasts are already so nice and perky and shapely, I don't see that you would need to use the clay mask on your breasts, but I guess it couldn't hurt either! 

The brand of collagen I like is by Reserveage. They have many different products with collagen but the one I use is called Collagen Booster. I really like it because that's the only vegan product they have but it has actual proven medical studies on the efficacy of their products (including that one). 

The Silica brand I use is ORGONO MINERAL SILICA LIQUID.  

I use my collagen and silica every now and then. I'm not that consistent. One day I'll take collagen and then next I'll use silica. Oh, I should mention, it's important that you take both on an empty stomach. It helps your body to absorb it better!! 

Xoxo <3

Bras will keep your breasts from sagging while you're wearing them - but not for the remainder of time. There is no published medical literature showing that bras prevent sagging. Even the bra industry seems to know this, as the following quote illustrates:

"We have no evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging, because the breast itself is not muscle, so keeping it toned up is an impossibility. What it can do, particularly for larger-breasted women, is obviously to provide the comfort and the support. So, if a woman wants a particular breast profile, she will buy a particular brand, and that is what they're designed for. There's no permanent effect on the breast from wearing a particular bra. The bra will give you the shape the bra's been designed to give while you're wearing it. Of course, when you take it off, you go 'au natural.' "
executive John Dixey at Bras, Bare Facts documentary

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