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[archive] Has this ringtone worked for anyone?


Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009 at 6:31 AM CuteLittleBunnie  (Login CuteLittleBunnie)
I have been reading all about this Breast Enlarging Ringtone. I was curious if anyone has tried it and if they got any results from it? It claims 3 inch cm after 10 days of listening for 20 times a day. I found a free version of it online and have tried it and noticed that it did a little bit for me after the one day, but forgot to listen for 2 daysSad Any feedback or comments would be wonderful, thanks!Smile

(no login)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 8:14 AM

Sounds like pseudoscience to me..........

(Login sukidoll)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 2:03 PM

Hi CuteLittleBunnie,

Thanks for posting this. I have downloaded the online version too.

Here is more info for everyone:

To start with, this was on the discovery channel. There was a video on youtube, but it's been taken down.

An online article/blog:

Weird to think you could listen to something that sounds like an electric guitar, and this would simply increase your bust. Its for free though so why not give it a try.

I'll let you know if I am able to keep it up for 10 days.

You can download the mp3 version here:

(Login emilybug)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 3:20 PM

the discovery channel link seemed cool but when i went to the link you mentioned it says that the ringtone is a joke?

(no login)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 4:49 PM

so I watched the discovery channel segment on youtube. It seems very interesting and the little bit that I know about the hypothalamic control of the posterior pituitary makes it seem like this could be possible. From what I understand, magnocellular neurosecretory cells secrete neurohormones from their axons into the posterior pituitary which flow into the bloodstream. One of the 2 neurosecretory hormones is oxytocin. This is released during the final stages of childbirth or can stimulate the ejection of milk from the mammary glands even at the sight or sound of a child...which I could see being correlated to breast enlargement. With this line of thinking, however, I don't know exactly how permanent the results would be. Not sure about any of this...just putting in my 2 cents!
Good Luck!

(Login LaReve)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 5:09 PM

Haha, fascinating! I can see why people would be so skeptical. Anyone who isn't open to Asian philosophy and ancient understanding of chi flow would laugh at the idea of fat moving from the belly and back towards the boobs. But think of our dear friend Fengshui! She used these principles to gain inches in her bustline!

Boob enhancing ringtone. I love it.

(Login Antheia)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 7:00 PM

Blah, I just wrote a big, long reply, and then Firefox crashed...

Anyway, thanks for the post! The video and the rebuttal article were both very interesting. I'm going to give this a try because I'm among those who believe that your mindset is just as important as all the other factors of NBE, so if you believe enough that this mp3 may help, then maybe it will. The human mind is so complex, so who can really say for sure that this won't work?

I remember my mom, who is going to be 50 next month and hasn't breastfed a child in more almost 20 years, telling me that when she hears my baby nephews cry, she gets both a heavy and a tingling sensations in her breasts. (This happened to her when my niece was very young, too.)

An the other hand, if the sound of a baby crying over a period of time did help to increase breast size in women, then one could assume that women doctors and nurses who work in maternity wards, or women who work around infants all day, would have noticed this and reported this phenomenon a while ago.

Regardless, I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. Though it will be difficult to separate my increase (if any) from the mp3 versus my increase from my other NBE methods, I'll try to keep you all posted anyway.

Best wishes to everyone on their journey!

(Login emilybug)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 10:05 PM

i don't know so much that the theories around body transformation through suggestion/ hypnosis are strictly an asian based philosophy.

but the things is, that if the messages are in japanese, would our (those of us who don't understand japanese) bodies and minds be able to recognize these messages?

i don't really think so and i do think that women who worked in daycares and nurseries would have major breast changes.

those are my thoughts but on the other hand, i downloaded it, want to try it...and like everything else hope it works.

i do believe that psychological suggestion & hypnosis could have potential with nbe !

(Login moonchild72)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 12:28 AM

Maybe we should do our own study? we can start together do 10 days and post our results. Anyone interested?

(Login ShyBoobs)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 1:50 AM

Hmm, I admit it does sound very interesting, but I'm still not 100% sure about it. It's like one of those 'too good to be true' ideas. However, beings that it's actually FREE...well that's a very good thing. I would try it if I had the diligence to listen to it so much every day. I couldn't even keep up with the Blake Talks hynosis mp3's.

Anyhow to those that do go through with this, do keep us all posted! Good luck! ^_^

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 6:47 AM

It's a 31-32 second recording. It can be done within 5 minutes or less. You could listen to it even more than 20 times for better results, I would think...

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 6:50 AM

The ringtone for you phone and the mp3 version you can add to your ipod for freeSmile

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 9:57 AM

I remember that a while ago there was a trend with subliminal messages on this board. It wasn't anything revolutionary, appeared quick and disappeared quick. No one reported any success I think, and I myself gave it a trial. It has been shown that subliminal messages can work in some cases for some purposes - psychological and behavioral, but I think it's very unlikely to work for NBE, because NBE is physiological and it's very hard to achieve the mind to affect the autonomic functions. I think it's only possible under hyponosis (and even that not so easily), but awake I don't believe so.

(13-02-2016, 03:14)admin Wrote:  Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009 at 6:31 AM CuteLittleBunnie (Login CuteLittleBunnie)
I have been reading all about this Breast Enlarging Ringtone. I was curious if anyone has tried it and if they got any results from it? It claims 3 inch cm after 10 days of listening for 20 times a day. I found a free version of it online and have tried it and noticed that it did a little bit for me after the one day, but forgot to listen for 2 daysSad Any feedback or comments would be wonderful, thanks!Smile

(no login)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 8:14 AM

Sounds like pseudoscience to me..........

(Login sukidoll)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 2:03 PM

Hi CuteLittleBunnie,

Thanks for posting this. I have downloaded the online version too.

Here is more info for everyone:

To start with, this was on the discovery channel. There was a video on youtube, but it's been taken down.

An online article/blog:

Weird to think you could listen to something that sounds like an electric guitar, and this would simply increase your bust. Its for free though so why not give it a try.

I'll let you know if I am able to keep it up for 10 days.

You can download the mp3 version here:

(Login emilybug)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 3:20 PM

the discovery channel link seemed cool but when i went to the link you mentioned it says that the ringtone is a joke?

(no login)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 4:49 PM

so I watched the discovery channel segment on youtube. It seems very interesting and the little bit that I know about the hypothalamic control of the posterior pituitary makes it seem like this could be possible. From what I understand, magnocellular neurosecretory cells secrete neurohormones from their axons into the posterior pituitary which flow into the bloodstream. One of the 2 neurosecretory hormones is oxytocin. This is released during the final stages of childbirth or can stimulate the ejection of milk from the mammary glands even at the sight or sound of a child...which I could see being correlated to breast enlargement. With this line of thinking, however, I don't know exactly how permanent the results would be. Not sure about any of this...just putting in my 2 cents!
Good Luck!

(Login LaReve)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 5:09 PM

Haha, fascinating! I can see why people would be so skeptical. Anyone who isn't open to Asian philosophy and ancient understanding of chi flow would laugh at the idea of fat moving from the belly and back towards the boobs. But think of our dear friend Fengshui! She used these principles to gain inches in her bustline!

Boob enhancing ringtone. I love it.

(Login Antheia)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 7:00 PM

Blah, I just wrote a big, long reply, and then Firefox crashed...

Anyway, thanks for the post! The video and the rebuttal article were both very interesting. I'm going to give this a try because I'm among those who believe that your mindset is just as important as all the other factors of NBE, so if you believe enough that this mp3 may help, then maybe it will. The human mind is so complex, so who can really say for sure that this won't work?

I remember my mom, who is going to be 50 next month and hasn't breastfed a child in more almost 20 years, telling me that when she hears my baby nephews cry, she gets both a heavy and a tingling sensations in her breasts. (This happened to her when my niece was very young, too.)

An the other hand, if the sound of a baby crying over a period of time did help to increase breast size in women, then one could assume that women doctors and nurses who work in maternity wards, or women who work around infants all day, would have noticed this and reported this phenomenon a while ago.

Regardless, I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. Though it will be difficult to separate my increase (if any) from the mp3 versus my increase from my other NBE methods, I'll try to keep you all posted anyway.

Best wishes to everyone on their journey!

(Login emilybug)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 12 2009, 10:05 PM

i don't know so much that the theories around body transformation through suggestion/ hypnosis are strictly an asian based philosophy.

but the things is, that if the messages are in japanese, would our (those of us who don't understand japanese) bodies and minds be able to recognize these messages?

i don't really think so and i do think that women who worked in daycares and nurseries would have major breast changes.

those are my thoughts but on the other hand, i downloaded it, want to try it...and like everything else hope it works.

i do believe that psychological suggestion & hypnosis could have potential with nbe !

(Login moonchild72)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 12:28 AM

Maybe we should do our own study? we can start together do 10 days and post our results. Anyone interested?

(Login ShyBoobs)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 1:50 AM

Hmm, I admit it does sound very interesting, but I'm still not 100% sure about it. It's like one of those 'too good to be true' ideas. However, beings that it's actually FREE...well that's a very good thing. I would try it if I had the diligence to listen to it so much every day. I couldn't even keep up with the Blake Talks hynosis mp3's.

Anyhow to those that do go through with this, do keep us all posted! Good luck! ^_^

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 6:47 AM

It's a 31-32 second recording. It can be done within 5 minutes or less. You could listen to it even more than 20 times for better results, I would think...

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 6:50 AM

The ringtone for you phone and the mp3 version you can add to your ipod for freeSmile

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Has this worked for anyone??? Please readSmile
March 13 2009, 9:57 AM

I remember that a while ago there was a trend with subliminal messages on this board. It wasn't anything revolutionary, appeared quick and disappeared quick. No one reported any success I think, and I myself gave it a trial. It has been shown that subliminal messages can work in some cases for some purposes - psychological and behavioral, but I think it's very unlikely to work for NBE, because NBE is physiological and it's very hard to achieve the mind to affect the autonomic functions. I think it's only possible under hyponosis (and even that not so easily), but awake I don't believe so.

Hello to all. Do you think the subliminal messages  works even if you are in menopause?  why for example the videos of subliminal messages are based on the production of estrogen and if they are in menopause it is useless to listen to them?
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