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Just wondering...


(07-01-2016, 14:22)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(07-01-2016, 08:53)WantAPair Wrote:  [...]
I've had more than pubes in the zipper!! Don't want to shave THAT off, though!! I've run a mower through the south 40 a few times years ago, then just didn't bother anymore for a good while, then just started doing it again last summer...although, I don't go completely hairless. I just run the trimmer over it and get most of it off.

Yeah - fish hook through the pants was enough, I REALLY wanted to be a girl then! ;-)
Just a "personal safety" thing.

Well, at least that's a good REASON!! ;-)

(07-01-2016, 19:00)Stephie Wrote:  If you want an answer from a born female, I can't ever remember girls openly mocking each others breasts or comparing breast size. I was constantly made fun of for every possible aspect of my physical appearance EXCEPT my breast size, even though I couldnt even fill out my 32AA. Sometimes girls who develop early or who have huge breasts are accused of manipulating guys, or being slutty, or self absorbed, even if they haven't actually done anything to earn that reputation. Of course it's NOT all girls, all the time who treat them this way. Circumstances and personalities vary. Then again, I've never been on the big boobied side of the fence, so I don't know how much they're actually targeted. Among women and girls, there's not much open mockery of small boobs. In high school, girls definitely get ostracized for being "ugly", but that has as much or more to do with her fashion sense, weight, facial features, etc. I can't remember a single instance of hearing one girl make fun of another for small breasts, even behind her back (but I'm sure it happens sometimes). I only heard self deprecating comments about it. ALL of the negative comment directed at small breasted women were from males. Usually they weren't trying to single anyone out, they were just innocently talking about one of their favorite topics, boobies. They might casually wonder out loud about why slim actresses bother to wear v-necks if they don't have cleavage, or who exactly thinks flat-chested runway models are sexy. Other boys were downright malicious. For example, in middle school, one small group of boys rated all of us on attractiveness, going into detail about our bodies, including boobs, and then left the lists arounf for us to find. That might not be ever woman's experience, but it was my experience, for what its worth.

Thanks for taking the time to answer!! I've seen a FEW instances of girls making fun of other girls because of them having small tits. One instance in particular that stands out, which I thought was ABSURD, was in a National Lampoon movie staring Paris Hilton. She was the one in charge of hazing the new pledges to the sorority house she was in and, in one case, she took a magic marker and wrote a comment on one girl's chest about how small her tits were!! I'd say she was at lest a small B-cup. In the meantime, Paris's tits are so small you can hardly tell she's got any!! Talk about the skillet calling the kettle, black!!
I know I've heard a few girls in my past talk about another girl for either having very small or huge tits. I still hear my sister doing it from time to time!! Last week, I heard about my cousin's nephew making fun of his tits!! Okay, kind of a different situation, a guy making fun of a guy with huge tits. But, it, at least, shows you that other people apparently DO notice!! Even mom has mentioned Jeff's tits a few times!! I noticed them at least 2 years ago, but, so far, I haven't said a WORD about them!! Especially not to him!! In his case, I seriously doubt he WANTS them, they are just part of some kind of physical condition, I guess.
But, anyway, do you recall any instances of some girl(s) when you were little (or in any case, really) being as nice as the ones here and cheering on/supporting another girl's progress in her own personal titty farm?

Any movie that would feature Paris Hilton as a sorority girl, is the sort of movie that would give a very very false impression of what school life is like for girls and young women. I never saw that movie, so maybe I'm wrong to put it in the same category as those old semi-pornographic "comedies" where 20 somethings wear schoolgirl skirts, compare boobies, and have a pillow fight, lol. National Lampoon is probably still churning them out as if internet porn doesn't exist.

Also I'm not sure making fun of a young boy for having "moobs" is the same as making fun of young girl for not yet having developed breasts. Don't get me wrong, both are still terrible, and if there were adults involved, they should be ashamed. But boobs are sexualized even in young girls, so making fun of a young girl for having small breasts is viewed by some people as being nearly as bad as making fun of a middle school boy for having a small penis. Kids might still make fun of other kids for those reasons, but it's uncomfortable territory even for kids. Adults would (and probably should) feel like they had crossed a sexual line that shouldn't be crossed with children. Tldr: boy's and girls chests aren't treated as equivalent, for better or worse.

To answer your original question more directly: No, girls don't cheer each other on for developing during puberty, for the same reason guys don't throw each other penis parties every time one of them grows another inch Tongue Ok, maybe thats an unfair exageration, but I hope you get my point. Teenage girls do complement each other on appearance constantly and effusively (whether they mean it or not). Not doing so is usually considered weird or even rude. It's not necessarily manipulative, it's more along the lines of asking someone how they're doing even if you couldn't care less. What they typically don't do is mention breast size, unless it's to say that they wish they had boobs as big hers etc. Weirdly jealous complements sometimes do come up, like "I wish I could steal your legs" or "I really hate how you can eat so much and still stay thin". But for the most part, the complements between girls are just passing pleasantries in the polite society of girls. Young girls are not entirely about back handed bitchery (though some does go on), and remember that's coming from someone who was made fun of constantly.

Last thing...I forgot to mention this last time, but I'm 30. To put that in perspective, shows like south park were wildly popular and internet pornography was already very widely available by the time I was in high school. I'm sure that had an effect on our attitudes about sexuality and our bodies. I also grew up in a pretty rough area, so don't think the kids around me were unusually reserved or something. I'm curious what much older or younger women have to say about this. I have read stories on here where girls were openly shamed for having small breasts, even by close family members. I can't imagine what that's like and I've never seen it myself, but that doesn't mean that it's uncommon. I can only speak from my own experience.

(07-01-2016, 17:40)Pinnochia Wrote:  
(07-01-2016, 14:22)Dianna1395 Wrote:  
(07-01-2016, 08:53)WantAPair Wrote:  [...]
I've had more than pubes in the zipper!! Don't want to shave THAT off, though!! I've run a mower through the south 40 a few times years ago, then just didn't bother anymore for a good while, then just started doing it again last summer...although, I don't go completely hairless. I just run the trimmer over it and get most of it off.

Yeah - fish hook through the pants was enough, I REALLY wanted to be a girl then! ;-)
Just a "personal safety" thing.

you mean you really stuck a fish hook through your pants and ,,,,,,,,gulp

You make it sound like I planned it! Casting the fishing lure, a tri-hook spinner, it snapped into my shorts... :-( :-O F!F!F!F!F!F!F!F!F!
And I was.... well, less than 10, at the time! Big Grin


You're talking about female bullying, which is far more covert than male bullying.
I can't add a whole lot, but I've read a bit on it. The "standard pattern" is sort of a backhanded complement, followed by an underhanded/quiet insult.
Social ostracism, rather than outright violence, as in males.
No less damaging (especially when you consider that women are generally more social. Men can go off on their own, the "hero" stories show this journey; heroines usually change society somehow, rather than strike our on their own to find adventure or build something.)
Possibly more damaging, in some ways.


(07-01-2016, 20:53)Stephie Wrote:  Any movie that would feature Paris Hilton as a sorority girl, is the sort of movie that would give a very very false impression of what school life is like for girls and young women. I never saw that movie, so maybe I'm wrong to put it in the same category as those old semi-pornographic "comedies" where 20 somethings wear schoolgirl skirts, compare boobies, and have a pillow fight, lol. National Lampoon is probably still churning them out as if internet porn doesn't exist.

Also I'm not sure making fun of a young boy for having "moobs" is the same as making fun of young girl for not yet having developed breasts. Don't get me wrong, both are still terrible, and if there were adults involved, they should be ashamed. But boobs are sexualized even in young girls, so making fun of a young girl for having small breasts is viewed by some people as being nearly as bad as making fun of a middle school boy for having a small penis. Kids might still make fun of other kids for those reasons, but it's uncomfortable territory even for kids. Adults would (and probably should) feel like they had crossed a sexual line that shouldn't be crossed with children. Tldr: boy's and girls chests aren't treated as equivalent, for better or worse.

To answer your original question more directly: No, girls don't cheer each other on for developing during puberty, for the same reason guys don't throw each other penis parties every time one of them grows another inch Tongue Ok, maybe thats an unfair exageration, but I hope you get my point. Teenage girls do complement each other on appearance constantly and effusively (whether they mean it or not). Not doing so is usually considered weird or even rude. It's not necessarily manipulative, it's more along the lines of asking someone how they're doing even if you couldn't care less. What they typically don't do is mention breast size, unless it's to say that they wish they had boobs as big hers etc. Weirdly jealous complements sometimes do come up, like "I wish I could steal your legs" or "I really hate how you can eat so much and still stay thin". But for the most part, the complements between girls are just passing pleasantries in the polite society of girls. Young girls are not entirely about back handed bitchery (though some does go on), and remember that's coming from someone who was made fun of constantly.

Last thing...I forgot to mention this last time, but I'm 30. To put that in perspective, shows like south park were wildly popular and internet pornography was already very widely available by the time I was in high school. I'm sure that had an effect on our attitudes about sexuality and our bodies. I also grew up in a pretty rough area, so don't think the kids around me were unusually reserved or something. I'm curious what much older or younger women have to say about this. I have read stories on here where girls were openly shamed for having small breasts, even by close family members. I can't imagine what that's like and I've never seen it myself, but that doesn't mean that it's uncommon. I can only speak from my own experience.

(07-01-2016, 20:53)Stephie Wrote:  Any movie that would feature Paris Hilton as a sorority girl, is the sort of movie that would give a very very false impression of what school life is like for girls and young women. I never saw that movie, so maybe I'm wrong to put it in the same category as those old semi-pornographic "comedies" where 20 somethings wear schoolgirl skirts, compare boobies, and have a pillow fight, lol. National Lampoon is probably still churning them out as if internet porn doesn't exist.

Also I'm not sure making fun of a young boy for having "moobs" is the same as making fun of young girl for not yet having developed breasts. Don't get me wrong, both are still terrible, and if there were adults involved, they should be ashamed. But boobs are sexualized even in young girls, so making fun of a young girl for having small breasts is viewed by some people as being nearly as bad as making fun of a middle school boy for having a small penis. Kids might still make fun of other kids for those reasons, but it's uncomfortable territory even for kids. Adults would (and probably should) feel like they had crossed a sexual line that shouldn't be crossed with children. Tldr: boy's and girls chests aren't treated as equivalent, for better or worse.

To answer your original question more directly: No, girls don't cheer each other on for developing during puberty, for the same reason guys don't throw each other penis parties every time one of them grows another inch Tongue Ok, maybe thats an unfair exageration, but I hope you get my point. Teenage girls do complement each other on appearance constantly and effusively (whether they mean it or not). Not doing so is usually considered weird or even rude. It's not necessarily manipulative, it's more along the lines of asking someone how they're doing even if you couldn't care less. What they typically don't do is mention breast size, unless it's to say that they wish they had boobs as big hers etc. Weirdly jealous complements sometimes do come up, like "I wish I could steal your legs" or "I really hate how you can eat so much and still stay thin". But for the most part, the complements between girls are just passing pleasantries in the polite society of girls. Young girls are not entirely about back handed bitchery (though some does go on), and remember that's coming from someone who was made fun of constantly.

Last thing...I forgot to mention this last time, but I'm 30. To put that in perspective, shows like south park were wildly popular and internet pornography was already very widely available by the time I was in high school. I'm sure that had an effect on our attitudes about sexuality and our bodies. I also grew up in a pretty rough area, so don't think the kids around me were unusually reserved or something. I'm curious what much older or younger women have to say about this. I have read stories on here where girls were openly shamed for having small breasts, even by close family members. I can't imagine what that's like and I've never seen it myself, but that doesn't mean that it's uncommon. I can only speak from my own experience.
I only saw that movie once about 3 years ago and, from what I recall, there's was no or very little nudity. I guess it was a kind of ritzier version of the female version of, "Animal House".
Well, first off, Jeff is within a few months of me, in age, in his late 50's and, secondly, he's carrying around at least a set of D's! His nephew is in his early 20's. He SHOULD have more class than that!!
Trust me, there were a LOT of dick comparisons in gym class in school! Not that anyone would actually compare, side by side, but, if some of the boys had a large plonker and another boy had a smaller one, he'd get made fun of by the other boys in the locker rooms AND elsewhere!! They were pretty cruel in the locker rooms!! This one Chinese kid, who was a bit of a need to begin with, was CONSTANTLY being made fun of, but, not so much for dick size rather than his nerdity. They would wait `til he was naked and then try to spray deodorant on his nuts because the alcohol in it burns. Yuk, yuk, yuk!! Hilarious!!! What a bunch of commodians!! It's one of the biggest reasons I often skipped gym glass. They HAD no class!!
Well, dicks don't really grow that much, it's liked the rest of your body, it expands according to your body size. Like your head, arms, legs, etc.. And, as it gets bigger over a MUCH longer period of time, it's not even noticed! It just IS the same size, so to speak, as it always was, generally. I'd guess that if you gave a baby boy a hard-on and made him wrap his hand around, there'd be just as much hanging out of the end then as there would be, proportionately, as when he was 18 or 20. Whereas, girls are basically flat chested until they are 9 or better. A baby girl could probably cover her tits with her hands with no problem, but, by the time she's 15 or 16, she'd have trouble covering anything more than her areolas!
Maybe at that age there's still a kind of rivalry going on, and girls aren't quite mature enough, yet, to be as complimentary or cheering on as we are here.
My friend, A.J., has, often, told me about how she started growing her tits at a young age and was wearing a bra by the time she was 9!! "There I was, NINE YEARS OLD!! I'm still playing with Barbie dolls and I'm already wearing a bra!!!! I never got the chance to be a little girl!!"
Well, things like that are actually complimentary. I wouldn't take it as weird at all. I get it all the time when people say they wish they had a few of my inches because I'm so tall. When I hear from a girl with green eyes, I'll tell her, "Ooo!! I LOVE green eyes!!!! Can I borrow yours for a while!!" At one of our gigs, I walked off stage into the audience and a girl in the front row said, "I wish I had your legs!!" I said to her, "I wish I had YOUR legs!!" And, there's been a number of times I've told a girl that I wish I had her hair. And, of course, there's been DOZENS of women whose body I wish I had!!!!
Darlin', I got made fun of constantly in school, too!!
I went to school in a rather ritzy area. We weren't, but the area where the school is is quite ritzy. Mostly doctors and lawyers and others with shitloads of cash on hand, at least two golf courses surrounding the school. Yet, you'd THINK their kinds would have enough class than to pick on others, but, they didn't!! Money didn't matter, other than to put them on a higher shelf than people like me when it came time for them to ridicule people like me.
Anyway, good luck with your growth!! I hope they get to be as big as you want them!! :-)

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