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Hormone Levels & Advice!!


Hi All,

As I said in a previous post, I started taking Fenugreek for only two weeks and stopped after I noticed my anxiety was rising as well as some other symptoms that I guessed to be a product of Estrogen Dominance at the time. I did, however, experience pretty good growth within just those two weeks. Well, I got the bloodwork for my hormones back and the results are as follows:

Progesterone Level
Date:Oct 17, 201403:37 p.m. EDT
Result: 1.7 ng/mL (Normal)

Luteinizing Hormone
Date:Oct 17, 201403:37 p.m. EDT
Result: 22.2 mIU/mL (Normal)

Date:Oct 17, 201403:37 p.m. EDT
Result: 5.1 mIU/mL (Normal)

Estradiol Level
Date:Oct 17, 201403:37 p.m. EDT
Result: 65 pg/mL

I would love any advice as far as whether they are a little high or low and what methods of NBE or program might best suit me. I am still trying to grasp when to use what as far as any supplements. I also mentioned in my last post that after I stopped Fenugreek following that two week period, my boobs looked deflated and sagged a little and also had loose/wrinkly skin. I am only 26 years old. I am trying very hard to correct this issue with massaging and Vitamin E oil (I tried some creams as well but no results yet). At this point, I would like to grow/firm them back up a bit or get rid of the excess skin so they can just appear normal again. I have been looking at MSM which seems promising since it builds collagen but then I read that it also enhances cortisol activity which might be bad for my anxiety disorder. Does anyone have any knowledge about this or experience with it? Has anyone had great results with MSM? Thank you so much for any help. Have been struggling with this for a few weeks! HuhSad

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