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Thicker hair?


(23-01-2014, 10:32)char Wrote:  Well, if you are worried about your hair, I am wondering about the condition of your scalp. Or could it be hormonal? Women that have a lot of testosterone sometimes face thinning hair issues because of increased DHT, I think. About your scalp, what products do you use? How much do you process your hair? How sensitive is your scalp to certain styles like tight pony tails or wearing hats? And another consideration is your level of stress. Stress can manifest physical effects in/on the body, like hair fall.

So feel free to gently massage some ginger mixture into your scalp. Make it a nice head massage routine, maybe even twice a day. Then just leave it on until you wash your hair. A lot of people wash their hair too much because they are afraid it will be unclean. But stylists say to only wash with soap products about once a week, if at all. Even the fancy shampoos can be harsh because they have lots of chemicals and detergents. If you must, just rinse your hair, or only use conditioner or baking soda (again, not too often because baking soda is a cleanser and a little bit abrasive). And apply some nice oil to your hair about 30 minutes before washing on shampoo days (to protect it from chemical stripping from the detergents in the shampoo). It is not good for hair to be too "clean."

Maybe after putting the ginger on the scalp (perhaps start with just ginger for a couple of weeks), you can later lightly apply something like pure (extra virgin, organic, unprocessed if possible) coconut oil, almond, or olive oil and leave this on scalp between cleaning. Some oils (when moderately applied, will absorb and seal the hair without making hair greasy, like good quality coconut. The scalp loves and needs oil. We take it away with washing and detergents, we must replace it and nourish the scalp.
Well, I hope that helps. I did use heavy commercial products on my hair to straighten it, because I have pure, stubborn hair ( I was born in Africa). It did cause damage, even hair loss, and I suffered terrible burns from some things. One time, I had open wounds on my head. It was bleeding, I couldn't sleep for three days, and then I combed scabs out for about a month. All of that for beauty and convenience. I treat my scalp much better now and have healthier hair in general.
Good luck to y'all. Oh! Love your hair first anyway, so that you treat it in a loving way. Even I have to remember that after I get a workout combing my hair for maybe an hour sometimes. I have absolutely the tightest, curliest hair possible. Even my mother struggled with it a bit. But I am glad to have it thick like a tiny protective helmet on my head. Keeps my head dry sometimes and keeps me warm in the mountains. Smile
Thanks Dear Char. I understand now that i make many mistakes with my hair (I washed my hair twice a day. I use Head and Shoulders, but i read that is very bad for hair loss. I will try to apply your knowlegde. Sometimes i cry when i see all the hair falling . this situation is affecting my selfsteem.


Well. I wish you much luck. And I hope to hear soon how good it is going with your great hair!

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