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Japanese F Cup Tea sound too good to be true??!


Japanese F Cup Tea sound too good to be true??!
December 5 2008 at 5:23 AM Pammycakes (Login PammyCakes)


I was browsing on the internet, and this time I actually WASNT googling for natural breast enlargement for once LOL. But I happen to see an advertisement for F-cup cookies and teas. At first I kinda laughed and didnt think it was real but when I clicked on it I found out I was wrong lol. It says that it can make your breasts grow WHILE IT SLIMS YOU DOWN! Here is what was written on one of the sites that sell it "Your bust get growing and body get slimming while you are sleeping!"

I know this sounds too good to be true, but theres still a tiny piece of me thats curious. I'm just wondering if you ladies think its a total waste of money, or if any of you ladies have tried this and has worked for you ladies. Thanks for your input ladies Smile BTW the ingredients are listed on the site.

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Japanese F Cup Tea sound too good to be true??! December 5 2008, 6:24 AM

Lots of women here have used teas for NBE so it's nothing new. Eve for one took herbs in tea form.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Japanese F Cup Tea sound too good to be true??! December 5 2008, 6:33 PM

Dunno about the tea but the cookies contain PM which is a recognised booby growth herb but most people who use it take up to 1000mg daily, the cookies contain 50mg so doubt they'd work unless you ate the whole box at once (not that that's necessarily a bad idea! Yum!).

(no login) Re: Japanese F Cup Tea sound too good to be true??! December 5 2008, 7:49 PM

Louise is right. But if you're really interested in these products, why not look at them as booby foods in addition to your program? Replace regular cookies and snacks that you normally eat with F-cup cookies, or regular drinks with those teas? It definitely wouldn't be detrimental to an NBE plan, as long as they aren't the source you are fully depending on for growth. As Tigerlily had mentioned, she tried to ensure there was at least one booby friendly food in each of her meals everyday.

(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Japanese F Cup Tea sound too good to be true??! December 6 2008, 7:08 PM

I think teas and especially cookies aren't a very good option simply because they contain small ammount of the herb and you'd have to eat a lot of them to get a decent ammount in. Not to mention in the case of cookies how much shuggar and carbs that includes which are bad for NBE. Basically these cookies are just an unnecessarily complicated way to get PM into you. Just buy capsules.

F Cup Tea
September 9 2008 at 3:54 PM F-cup tea (Login hematin)


I bought this from ebay . There are instruction in japenese.
There are sachets with white powdered stuff in it and I dont know what to do so i just pour them in boiling water.
Does anyone else have used F-cup tea?

Author Reply

(Login MollyH)
EVE MEMBERS F-cup tea September 11 2008, 3:03 PM

F-cup tea contains a small amount of pueraria mirifica. It's an instant drink, so just add hot or cold water.
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