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daily massage + noogleberry WORKS


Hi all,

This is my first ever time posting online (although i've been looking at threads online for years now). I promised myself that once i tried something that showed results i would post so other women out there can get some hopeSmile

I'm currently 21 years old (almost 22). Always had AA/A cup boobs growing up. When i was 19 i tried breast actives for 5 months. there was some tingling at the beginning and minimal growth (perhaps 1/4 of a cup size...but pretty much rubbish). i stopped taking that because nothing really happened. I'm also not really one for taking tablets and herbs.

i decided to get a boob job but a few days before my operation i just got a panic attack and knew i definitely couldnt deal with having silicone fakes inside of me.

About 3.5 weeks ago i received noogleberry and also a PM + volufiline massaging oil i purchased online.

3 weeks now it has been that EVERYDAY i massage 10 minutes in the day (followed by 40 minutes pump and release noogling) and then at night again 10 minutes massage (followed by 40 minutes pump and release noogling)

I have grown 1 whole inch!!!! (actual growth no swelling only lasts like 20 minutes anyway)... My A cup bras are really tight and i'm going to go buy B cup bras soonSmile

I know its only been 3 weeks but i think its still amazing. I'll continue this method for 3 more months and then post again and let you know how my results have been but so far i'm ecstatic.

something you must remember though is to be CONSISTENT!!! not on and off because i think only if you are consistent will you get the results. i'm so happy i didnt go through with the surgerySmile let me know if you have Questions about the massage... but yeah because its only been 3 weeks i'll still continue and 3 months i will post again to let you all know how its going

much love,



Congrats Tash,

Welcome to becoming an active member of the site.

Your history sounds like that of an entertainer who achieves overnight success after struggling for 10 or 15 years. And yes, I'd love to hear your massage technique. Last week I resumed Noogling after having given up years ago. I try for 4 or 5 days a week for between 1 and 3 hours each time. I do get swelling which subsides after several hours, but there seems to be a small amount permanent increase. Or is that just wistful thinking? Honestly, I think I over pump because I see a bright red ring and indentation where the cup touches the chest and it takes overnight for it to significantly fade and a full day for it to disappear.

My massage technique - lymphatic massage and something I think I made up by myself - little circular motions around the breast - which I think helps with the ring the NB left that I mentioned earlier.

Best wishes on your continued progress.

Thanks EricaSmile it really is awesome getting growth but hopefully it is permanent and will increase more in the following months. Well my massage technique is pretty much from this website

so 10 minutes twice a day prior noogling (also about 1-2 minutes post noogleberry to help with the red circle marks) it definitely does sound like you're overpumping. Also i've found when i do the "pump and release" method my red marks go away quicker than the "pump and hold" method so maybe that might help. But yeah i just pump until theres a slight pull.

btw the oil i use for massage is called "mega venus" its from japan and quite pricey but yeah totally worth it!

goodluck with your growth and be as consistent as possibleSmile

Thanks Tash. The massage you use seems so simple that even I might be able to manage it. In fact, it's almost the same as the thing i made up myself only I don't do it as long as they suggest and I don't do the hand warming by rubbing together.

My Noogling technique is to pump until I feel a little discomfort in my nipples, then release just enough of the suction for the discomfort to vanish. Every once in a while, I pump up some more using the same approach. Not quite sure whether I'm getting used to the suction or whether there's a slight leak around the edges. Every 30 to 40 minutes I release all the suction for 10 or 15 minutes, then do the entire cycle all over again. Is this the best way? Probably not, but I cannot remember what NB recommends. All I know is I want 'em bigger and, right or wrong, in my mind it seems as though more suction will work faster -- or cause 'em to explode Big Grin

I googled your mega venus with no success. There was a bust-up line of creams, but the mega venus seems to be discontinued. All of the bust-up creams or lotions have PM in them, which might be what's helping the most. Is what you use a lotion, cream or oil? And would it be possible for you to include a link to the website that you purchase from. Some of the sites I got to were entirely in Japanese which I cannot understand.

hmmm i'm not sure if its the best way or not as i'm a bit new to this and there seems to be sooo many different methods out there! but from doing some reading its not always best to constantly pump and have suction for really long periods of time at once as breast tissue needs oxygen and constant pumping and thus lack of oxygen can have the reverse effect in the long run. Therefore if you divide the time up during the day itll work better (so i've read). What i do is i pump until i feel slight pulling and then pump some more when i dont feel the pull anymore once in a while for 10 minutes...then 1 minute release all the suction out...then 10 minutes again and 1 minute break and so on (until 40 minutes has passed)

Heres a link to where i got the mega venus from

with mega venus it has volufiline in it (around 5%...which has been proven to increase fat tissue in breasts) as well as the herb PM so yeah it seems promising so far but yeah a bit expensive. And it is a cloudy oil.

Best of luckSmile

I sure wonder why no one else is posting on this thread. Anyway, I did some research on Volufiline which, as you said, does most of the work. Could not find a single review that wasn't published by a company selling the product, and you know they'll never go negative about something they want to sell. What I did find interesting was the contradictions. Many of the reviews stated a "mean" size increase of 8.4% ("mean" is what you and I would call an average.) But just as many said the maximum increase was 8.4% and the mean increase was only 2%. There's a big difference between the two claims.

I happen to be very cautious on new products, what with all the major problems there have been in the recent past. I do not take any meds that have not been in general distribution for less than 5 years, unless they're the only thing that will help me. Since Volufiline is new, I think I'll wait and let others have the adverse reactions, hopefully there are none. Also, it is a bit pricey at $50 for a small tube. So I think that for now I'll stick with debating using the PM that I've bought, noogling and massaging. BTW, thanks for the massage technique. I'll try your 10 suction 1 rest for a while instead my 30 suction 10 rest and see if that makes any difference.

Best of luck to us both. Oops, didn't mnean to steal your closing. Oh, well, sorry.

For that massage , are you supposed to make the breasts move along with your hands? Like, make them rotate as you move your hands in circular motion?

f you scroll halfway down the page on this site, you'll see a video of a lymphatic breast massage . Looking at the massage on the Natural Remedies site, I couldn't figure out what they wanted done from their description.

Are we making circles around our breasts?
Are we running a hand from nipple to chest, then moving hand slightly and repeating (kind of like slicing a pie)?
Are we moving hand from chest to nipple, then moving hand slightly and repeating (would this be "unslicing" a pie Big Grin )?
At least in the video I reference, it's totally clear. If anyone figures out what Natural Remedies is recommending, please let us know.

Hi guys,

Erica yeah volufiline has only been around for couple of years but i'll keep trying hopefully there wont be any adverse reactions but if there is i'll definitely let everyone know.
and Rosance heres another site if u scroll down to where it says "mega venus Q& A" you can see images that might help...generally when i massage i do it in circular motions described and i make my breasts move together getting cleavage so yes my breasts move along with my handsSmile

ugh my boyfriend stayed with me for the past 24 hours so i wasnt able to noogle or massage and feel so badSad but yeah i dont want to reveal my secret to him anytime soon.

anywhoo keep me posted with how u go erica and yeah i'll let everyone know whats hapening soon tooSmile xx

Tash, I just noticed another thread which talks about volufiline and gives a link to a place to buy it very inexpensively. To quote the post:

(10-02-2012, 23:37)booboo123 Wrote:  I still massage my smaller breast daily, using this cream I got on amazon:

It's not that expensive, and it has volufiline in it. Hope this helps.

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