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Need help for low body temp


low temp! 97.6
December 30 2007 at 4:31 PM Brenda Mami (no login)


I am taking l-tyrosine and consuming 3-4 tablespoons a day of extra virgin coconut oil for 3 weeks, and STILL have a low temp of 97.6.

DANG! I have initial heaviness and some size change, but permanent growth is questionable. No growing pains...

2400 mgs BO
600 Pituitary
i tab. kelp
sometimes add in wild yam

what is going wrong!!! also purchased flouride-free toothpaste....


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Fennel Fairy
(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: low temp! 97.6 January 8 2008, 10:43 PM

Some people just naturally have a low temp in general.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Re: low temp! 97.6 January 9 2008, 6:59 AM

Dear Fennel Fairy,

Yes! I have always had a natural low temp. It even went as low as 96 degrees recently. I am taking tyrosine, I notice no effect, but it does give me energy. Coconut oil is giving me nice soft skin, but no noticeable difference. Perhaps Ginkgo Biloba? Thanks!

Need help for low body temp
March 19 2007 at 2:30 PM lindyrose (Login lindyrose)


I was taking BB for over a month with the l-tyrosine and kelp but I still can't get my body temp up past 97.6. I talked to bountiful and the lady told me to stop taking the BB pill for at least 3 weeks. That was the last thing I expected to hear but I'm trusting that she knows what she is talking about. She said it was not good to that the l-t and kelp at the same time as the BB. ??????? I thought lots of you girls were taking it with the pills. Has anyone been able to get their body temp up? Has anyone had to take different supplements for their adrenals?? I'm begining to think that's my problem.

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(Login BObabe) Body temp March 19 2007, 2:55 PM

What?! Did she give a reason for not taking LT and kelp at same time as BB?

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(Login Myjourney) iodine March 19 2007, 4:22 PM

I just bought some liquid potassium iodine, and it made my temp go up the same day. Course it wouldn't be good if you are allergic to iodine...
I have also used Raw Thyroid supplement (for low thyroid).
The L tyrosine always gave me headaches

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(Login lindyrose) Re: Need help for low body temp March 19 2007, 4:56 PM

Hi Kate... I think she said something like it cancels each other out?? I don't quite understand it but she said you should take it separate from the BB pill.
Do you take anything in addition to the iodine?

Hi MyJourney... I thought about taking the bovine thyroid but I guess I would have to stop taking the l-tyrosine and kelp then??? or would I take it with it?

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(Login BObabe) BB + Body temp March 19 2007, 6:27 PM

Thanks, Lindyrose!

Aside from the kelp included in the BB pill itself, I don't take any additionally....breakout big time whenever I tried. Also have this shelfish allergy which I try not to aggravate, and iodine is a problem with this.

I do take 1500 mg of L-Tyrosine/day, which I find is normally sufficient to get me to the 97.7-98.6 mark. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me! Cold blooded I guess- but warm heart lol!

I'll be sure to seperate it, timing wise from the BB for a bit and see what happens. Thanks for passing this on!

Hope you find something to work for you

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(Login fawnmarie) Re: Need help for low body temp April 1 2007, 6:59 PM

That's another reason I prefer the generics.

You can start with l'tyrosine in the morning on an empty stomach and then take your BO with breakfast.

You can also try the iodine patch, which is something I like to do, and that is to paint a little patch with first-aid type iodine on your belly every morning. As your deficiency is addressed, you can skip every other day, then every two or three days. Mineral deficiencies are usually pretty easy to fix.

I'm not sure if the "patch" method will cause an alergic effect, but it's cheap enough to give it a shot.


(Login lindyrose) Fawn April 2 2007, 7:40 PM

Hi Fawn. I had never heard of doing an iodine patch before but I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks for sharing that with me Smile I stopped taking the liquid iodine for a few days while I did a liver cleanse and it went back down.

Going to make the order
March 16 2007 at 9:25 PM
sandy (Login sandy111)


Hi girls.I know I ask a lot,but I really need help because I'm always thinking of how i might take the pills the wrong way or do something to mess things up.I am going to order the genetic BO 7 bottles for 6 months and the milk thistle from DNE.Hope it is the right one to make a about the temperature I took it for several days and it was 36.4C 36.7C 36.6C ... I don't know it is so confusing.I don't get it if the tempereture should be 36.8 to 37.0 before adding half a degree or after.and even after could I have high temperature more than normal,Could I be a wierdoo.I am going to order DIM Plus too,but should I order LT and kelp too?I mean to make sure my temperature is ok.thanks a lot girls.One more favour could anyone help me in making a program?I don't know when to take the pills and that stuff and when to take the shakes and vitamines..Long paragraph I know,sorry for that..thanks

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: Going to make the order March 16 2007, 9:30 PM

I don't know how much you should worry about temp, because mine is never in the 98's and I'm growing. It's not super growth, but it's there! Don't let lack of body temp discourage you, unless you find that you're not growing.

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(no login) Thanks Buffee March 16 2007, 9:33 PM

Hi.Thanks.I needed some encouragement.I am always thinking about what happens if I didn't grow.hope I get good results.I waited for that a long time...Good growth for u..

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(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Sandy March 17 2007, 1:11 AM

You said, "I am always thinking about what happens if I didn't grow" That is exactly what you SHOULD NOT be thinking of! Your mind and thoughts are more powerful than any supplements you can take or what temperature your body is. I've taken L-tyrosine, kelp, and Dim-plus before. I don't know if it helped my temperature or not. My temperature still fluctuate with the cycle and I'm still growing too even if my temp is lower sometimes. Vitex did help with the pms and breakouts, and balancing the hormones. Vitex helped me more than Dim-plus. It's cheaper too. Sometimes low body temp could be the results of exhausted Adrenal glands. You can try taking Adrenal glandular for that. The adrenal glands also help reduce stress. Keep it simple, be patient and BELIEVE you will grow! Don't worry be happy. You'll grow better that way. Smile
Good luck

Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve...

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Bo March 17 2007, 10:21 AM

Hi wonderbride,thanks for the reply.u are right thoughts can affect results.
I was considering buying DIM plus not for the temperature,but because it balances and changes bad estrogen to good as they say,I believe it would be safer for undesired effects such as infertility or breast cancer.It is just a theory of mine.I heard on the forum that a lot have SHRUNK on I don't know what it really does.I don't know what to order and how to make my program.Could u help me plz.thanks

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(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Sandy March 18 2007, 6:45 AM

Both Dim-Plus and vitex balance the hormones. vitex is also great for pms, acne, infertility, menstral problems etc. Look in the "General Reference" link on the main forum page for more info. Everyone's body is different. For me I felt that vitex balanced my hormones better than when I was taking Dim-Plus. It helped with my pms and breakouts too. For a program, check out other people's program who are taking BO in the "Personal Program Page" link on the main forum page. Emmie did very well on regular BO. Michelle Choi did very well on BB & BO. You can check out mine and others on the BO roll call post.

To start off you can take 1500 mg of BO or three of the DNE BO a day, one after each meal. Add another 500mg starting week two if you do not feel any tingling or feel some itching, stretchy, fullness. Only add more if you think it'll help. I've taken as many as 6(3000mg) per day but it didn't help me grow more than just taking 3 a day. So now I just take 3 a day. You can take a good multi vitamin. Take extra E, flax oil, or omega oils. Take DIM, vitex, L-tyrosine, kelp or andrenal glandular if needed. I'd start simple and add more gradually. Massage twice a day and apply cream or oil. You can make your own massage batter, look in the main forum, general reference page or even the men's forum for suggestions. Use your intuition and just start/do it. You can adjust as you go. I don't know about the adding .5 degree to body temp is for C or F? Don't stress about it, think possitive. We all have to do some experiementing, what works for others may or may not work for you. You know your body better than anyone else. Use your intuition and try different things to find out what works for you. We've all had to do that. Good luck! Smile

Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve...

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER sandy111 March 18 2007, 9:03 AM

Thanks a lot wonderbride.It is so good to have some support.Yes I recognized taking too much pills won't help either.I will start a simple program and have faith in BO.The temperatureis in I take is in C.And when taking it orally we should add half a degree so mine is usually normal.Even on the botanical beauty wesite they said that the most impotant thing for the temperature is not to be under 36.1 i am great in comparison,LOL.good luck for u.thanks a lot.
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