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New To PM


I did a bit of browsing on this site trying to figure out how to start off my program with NBE, then I read something that confused me.

It was related to taking PM a few days before, during, after ovulation, menstrual cycle, and what!?

I thought you were suppose to take it everyday, but I have a feeling it is not. Can anyone send me a link or give me some information that would clarify how to use PM?


Hi, I understand its loads of info.
So many newcomers always jump to asking several questions when it had already been answered numerous times in the forums. (we have all done this at some pointBlush) Just take more time out and really read as much as you can(you'll have to do much more than browsing), the info will eventually sink in.
Type in the search about PM and its phyto chemical compounds (is what I did) if the info here on the forums is not clear enough.

PM in particular is a very potent herb and it is to be taken depending on the person's gender, age, and what they need it for. In other words, some women take it daily, and many take it during certain times of the month(Lut phase mainly).
In the end, if you decide to take PM, you will also have to decide for yourself in how you will take it.

Iwantboobs, the last reply looks to be spam. That member has posted all over the forum about that one product so I can't say that using their link for research will be of help. Anyway in the pm forum there are several threads that are fantastic. One of those is the price comparison thread. It not only list all of the brands with store links but also a list of who uses what so you can figure out who's program might nest fit what you would like to try.
Quick answer on the ovulation. I'll list the basic 3 cycles.
The days are the days in your menstrual cycle with day 1 being the first day of your period.

Days 1-14 take pm days 15-28 take other regular supplements......this cycle varies according to your normal cycle. If you have a 28 day cycle then u stop pills on day 12. If you have a 30 day cycle then day 14 and so on.

Cycle type 2 is no cycling. It's meant for menopausal women who do not ovulate.

Cycle type 3 is taking it before and after ovulation in different amounts and stopping midmonth to allow ovulation. This cycle is for women that don't always ovulate such as perimenopausal. Though a few women on bc that stops ovulation are also trying this out but you should read their programs and see that it can be a little tough.

Anyways that's the basics and each of those can have variations.


You guys are fantastic! Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it!

Thank you so much itsjust4fun91

I also new on this board.
But i found you guys fantastic.Thanks for so useful information.

Just would like a little clarification on what PM is. Does it provide estrogen (phytoestrogen)? What about the famous FG/WY/SP trio? Do any of those 3 provide estrogen? If not, can you grow without the estrogen?

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