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Hi all..

I am thinking of using this..but a few questions of course..If you click on the link below and look at my pics to see if my kind of titas are able to use this device and along with my questions below..

1. I had a breast reduction done a few yrs ago and from that it was expected to have numb nipples (doc told me this and it may or may not come back but the kind of removeal I had most likely not) so I was wondering would it be dangerous to use this if I dont feel them..let me explain it more ..if you touch the the nipple itself I dont feel a sensation but I know your touching (hard to explain) but just around the nipple I have feeling..also near my stitches it is somewhat numb too but not much..

2. Now most say there nipples get what way do they get bigger ..dont mind that but if the get like sticking out bigger not sure if I want that..

3. Ok from looking at my pics.. will this device make them sag and would you consider them saggy now..I need major fullness up top..

Can anyone show me your results especially if your titas are similar to mine or your situation is similar too..

Thank you..

You know I can't answer most of this, but I thought I'd tell you to check out the NB gallery forum:,11.0.html


Well when I started noogling, I was much smaller chested than you, but somewhat saggy still from breastfeeding, etc. I know my breasts filled in and firmed up before they grew. Now on the nipple thing, you would just need to watch your breasts as they fill the domes, I would imagine. I know when I fill domes completely after a while, like when I completely filled the M's and L's, when my nips would go to far up while pumping it would hurt like hell cause they got sucked into the little hole at the top. Now if you don't have sensation there, I would imagine that would hurt you, but I would imagine it could possibly damage the nipple if it were sucked into that little hole like that. So just watch yourself as you fill the domes and don't let the nips get sucked into the hole at the top. Now you say stitches... how long ago did you have surgery? You still have stitches? I'm a bit confused. If you still have stitches I would definitely say pumping would need to be put off until the skin is healed completely.

From the sounds of your post here, it sounds like your main concern is sagginess and filling in your breasts. Well like I said I'm not the best example for that in particular, but there are ladies on the NB forum that you could compare yourself to. There is Sunsetz who said she was saggy and filled in and firmed up after she lost boobage and became empty after weightloss that NB brought them back. As far as nips getting bigger, it didn't happen to me, I never used anything to cover my nips during pumping, but from what I've seen and read, it makes the areolas bigger circumference wise, not the nipple itself protrude more, if that makes sense.

But yea on getting fullness on the top of breasts, I definitely think NB is the way to go, as well as massage, and chest exercises. That's how I filled mine in more. Hope this helps, sorry if I rambled I'm typing half asleep lol.

(06-08-2011, 06:57)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Well when I started noogling, I was much smaller chested than you, but somewhat saggy still from breastfeeding, etc. I know my breasts filled in and firmed up before they grew. Now on the nipple thing, you would just need to watch your breasts as they fill the domes, I would imagine. I know when I fill domes completely after a while, like when I completely filled the M's and L's, when my nips would go to far up while pumping it would hurt like hell cause they got sucked into the little hole at the top. Now if you don't have sensation there, I would imagine that would hurt you, but I would imagine it could possibly damage the nipple if it were sucked into that little hole like that. So just watch yourself as you fill the domes and don't let the nips get sucked into the hole at the top. Now you say stitches... how long ago did you have surgery? You still have stitches? I'm a bit confused. If you still have stitches I would definitely say pumping would need to be put off until the skin is healed completely.

Hi Anastasia (love that name very pretty, my sister wants me to take her cat and when she told me her name you popped in my head..I was like cool..she has a pretty that name) anyway...thank you soooooooo much for your reply..Ok ..I do have feeling around the nip so that maybe not so bad..but I will watch for the nip action.. as for stitches I worded that wrong surgery was at least 5 yrs ago..I meant scars..

From the sounds of your post here, it sounds like your main concern is sagginess and filling in your breasts. Well like I said I'm not the best example for that in particular, but there are ladies on the NB forum that you could compare yourself to. There is Sunsetz who said she was saggy and filled in and firmed up after she lost boobage and became empty after weightloss that NB brought them back. As far as nips getting bigger, it didn't happen to me, I never used anything to cover my nips during pumping, but from what I've seen and read, it makes the areolas bigger circumference wise, not the nipple itself protrude more, if that makes sense.

Yes the sagging was my main it will not do for the bigger areolas, I think it looks nice, in my opinion I think they would get bigger when the titas get bigger, it is skin..It does sound like Sunsetz was very similar..thank you

But yea on getting fullness on the top of breasts, I definitely think NB is the way to go, as well as massage, and chest exercises. That's how I filled mine in more. Hope this helps, sorry if I rambled I'm typing half asleep lol.

Yes been doing chest exercises and massages and I have an inch dif. not sure if that is growth though...very nice tips..yes very helpful..

IdreamofD even though I went to there site (thank you for posting it) but wanted to here from memebers on here..

Thank you both I probably will get one..

Totally understand MissB!

Anastasia, is there anything that can be done for not expanding the aeriola? As it stands, they're at least 1/3 of my boobage currently.

idreamofD, like I said, mine personally didn't expand at all, but others on the NB forum said their's got bigger, I'm not sure if they already had bigger ones or smaller ones to start with. But I think a few people on there found ways to tape down the nips while they pump, personally I tried a few different things but no kind of tape or bandaids that I've tried so far could hold up while I'm pumping, cause I was going to do a video for NB to show how to use it properly. The number one question I've been asked over the past 2 years is how to use it, it's so hard to explain how to use it and the other person understand, so I think a video would be better, but I can never find anything that can hold and stay on while I pump. So if you find something that works well, let me know also.

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