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L-tyrosine and Kelp


I have body temperature issues, and have been taking l-tyrosine. I haven't purchased kelp yet, but plan to. My question is: When do I take l-tyrosine and kelp in relation to taking my BO pills? Immediately before? An hour before?
It's tough because I'm usually hungry about 45 minutes or so after I wake up, so I find it hard to work everything in for my morning dosage...

Thanx in advance!

Hi sweetbabylace,

Your name is so cute. Anyway back to the question you are asking. How do one take their kelp and l-tyrosine? This is how I do it.

First thing in the morning after brushing my teeth.
1 kelp
1 BB pill

Since BB pill have kelp in it, so I figure no harm in adding more to boost the nutrients in it.

1 hour later I take the other supplement that I have. 1/2 hour later I take my protein shake with 300mg of L-Tyrosine in it. I don't take L-tyrosine capsule in the morning.

In the evening
1 L-Tyrosine (500mg)
1 BB pill

Bare in mind that kelp and L-Tyrosine won't make your temperature shoot up immediately after you take it. It doesn't work that way. It raises your temperature gradually maybe in days or weeks.

Happy growing!

Thank you, Crystal!

Hi sweetbabylace,

I take mine slightly different to crystalelle. I'm no good at getting up and waiting to eat, so I have my BB beside the bed with a bottle of water. The second I wake up I take one then go back to snoozing. Then I wait half an hour and take my collagen and L-T. Then it's only 30 mins till I can eat. Sometimes I will stay in bed this whole time. Depends on my waking time. I take my kelp with my breakfast because my ones say to have with food.

Then at night I'll take my collagen and L-T again about 10ish, wait half hour then take BB. I never eat in the evenings so if find that time works well for me.

The empty stomach thing can be a killer tho. I think I've never got an empty stomach Big Grin

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