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Who is on BCP while doing NBE?


I am wondering how many of you are on BCP because of hormonal imbalances?

Has BCP helped hormonal imbalances?

I remember before having kids, I was on BCP and my breast grew to about 1/2 cup bigger, so I was like a very full B/small C. However, after I stopped taking it I went back down to my regular size.

I am wondering if I should go back on BCP to balance my hormones so I can grow better.

I started taking BCP when I was about 17. It didn't do anything except make my bum bigger. Maybe made my breast a big fuller, but really didn't do anything.

I still take it now because of migraines. I need the extra estrogen for my migraines. At least that is what I was told. I even have to use an estrogen patch during my period because of the huge drop in estrogen that I get. >_<);;

Hi 32dds

I started taking bcp also because of hormonal imbalance. The first one was fine in the beginning until my hair started to shed like crazy and I had spotting. The second one resolved those problems but my libido slowly but steadily declined until it disappeared completely. After having so many problems with bcp I stopped taking it completely. After like a year or so I decided that I really needed it for contraceptive reasons. I went to my gyno and told him about my past problems. He then prescribed me a certain bcp with a different hormonal ratio. However this time I ended up having some serious depression. I didn't recognize my bcp as the cause though because it was a slow process and blamed it on other things. But then I skipped it two days in a row but continued taking it because I didnt want the break through bleeding to occur. That's when it got the worst and I realized it was the bcp. After I had stopped it it was like becoming a totally different person - but actually just my old self again.

The point is that apart from giving me a stable cycle, bcp's have just made matters worse for me. And they actually don't give you a stable cycle to be precise! They just suppress your body's own hormone production by inhibiting the hormonal feedback mechanism. (Except certain progestin-only pills)

The reason why most bcp are to be taken over a time span of about 21 days with a 5 to 7 day pause inbetween is that it matches the normal female cycle and gives you the illusion of a regular cycle. If you stop taking it break through bleeding will occur within a couple of days because of the sudden drop in hormone levels (so this is no real menstruation). You can actually take it for a time span that is a lot longer than the real mentrual cycle for that reason like Super Boob does.

Also if you stop taking it your body needs to restart its own hormone production. If bcp really did balance hormones then one should assume that it would work better than before (e.g. a more stable cycle). However it usually takes a couple of months (sometimes even up to a year) for the cycle to stabilize.

Mine is not stable yet. After coming off the pill (and after the break through bleeding) it took a month for the first regular bleeding to occur (which is quite normal). But the next bleeding didn't occur until three month! later. I was not thrilled to say the least.

BCP is not bad per se. Unfortunately it didn't work out for me. My best friend used to have severe acne when she was in her teens. Whenever she started taking bcp it completely disappeared. Also her breasts grew two cup sizes (though very slowly over a period of two or three years). When she stops taking it her skin gets worse (her boobs stay the same though).

It really pretty much depends on your personal hormonal profile. I used to take the same bcp but except for maybe a really slight increase in breast size all it did was to give me really bad side effects. There is no one size fits all. (Besides most commercial bcp contain cheap synthetic hormones which take your body a long time to get rid of).

If bcp gives you the increase in size you're looking for that's great. You would just have to continue taking it. As far as hormone balancing is concerned, the only 'balancing' that takes place is the fact that you take the same amount of hormones every day so there's pretty much no fluctuation, except for those few days inbetween.

Sorry for rambling but I really feel that there are quite a few misconceptions about bcp out there. Many women don't know about the many potential down sides. This has really gotten quite long Rolleyes
I apologize Blush

I've heard that getting off BCPs can cause a hormonal imbalance. I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me.

It surely can. My hormones were all over the place after stopping bcp and they never evened out up until now.

I believe it's called rebound effect. I used to be on bcp containing cyproteroneacetat which is a very potent anti-androgen. After quitting it my testo levels skyrocketed. They are better now but some changes that your body goes through under the influence are irreversible. Luckily they were not as harsh as they might have been.

Suri - your story of BCP sounds very familiar to me.

I have tried over 5 different types of BCP over the years and it gave me the same side effects as Suri describes plus high blood pressure. I became a totally different person. The one with the least side effects was the progesterone only pill and was also the only one that didn't grow my breasts. I however found it very unnatural not to have my periods and my skin got a little worse so I stopped using it.

I am not saying that BCP are all bad but you have to listen very carefully to your body while taking them. My doctor told me she was glad I was trying different types of BCP because many girls disregard the side effects.

My question here is.. I think I am getting my period tomorrow because I just noticed spotting. When you are on BCP, are you supposed to avoid taking them when you are in the process of your menstruation cycle for the how ever long your period lasts that week? and then when it has stopped, you start on the BCP again?

..Or are you supposed to still take them when you are on your period?Huh

(09-03-2010, 00:20)CousinRose Wrote:  Suri - your story of BCP sounds very familiar to me.

I have tried over 5 different types of BCP over the years and it gave me the same side effects as Suri describes plus high blood pressure. I became a totally different person. The one with the least side effects was the progesterone only pill and was also the only one that didn't grow my breasts. I however found it very unnatural not to have my periods and my skin got a little worse so I stopped using it.

I am not saying that BCP are all bad but you have to listen very carefully to your body while taking them. My doctor told me she was glad I was trying different types of BCP because many girls disregard the side effects.

I also tried different ones. And they all gave me different side effects. Some of them developed in such a subtle manner that I didn't even notice them til after I stopped. The one that killed my libido had also a quite significant effect on my mood. I was kind of emotionally numb (don't know how else to explain this) but I first noticed this after I had quit taking it and became so energetic and cheerful.

Chelsea, I noticed you posted this a while ago but you are supposed to stop the bcp for a time span of like 5 - 7 days. It depends on your brand. Each one is different. After two or three days of not taking it breakthrough bleeding will occur. How long this will last is individually different but you need to start taking it again on the designated day even if you are still bleeding. Hope this helps Smile

My personal experience? Experimentation will give you what's right for your body. Just like with NBE, the first thing you try might not be the best. I started on the shot (depo provera) when I was only 15. It's a progesterin only shot. I had no breast or body development of any kind, I was on it for 4 years. However I hadn't researched and didn't know that it was the cause of my depression and weight gain. I switched to Seasonique at the urging of my gyno last year, and I've never been happier! I grew a half cup size almost overnight, my moods
are stable and I only have a period every
3 months. Smile
Mine is a relatively high dose estrogen pill.
Anything you put into your body on a regular basis and then instantly stop will give you withdrawal like symptoms. Like with birth control, yu stop the hormones and
your body takes a while to return to
it's former state.
Basically, do your research and know your body.

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