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Tracking Progress on PM Program



I've been lurking for a while and researching to come up with a program for myself. I decided to start a thread to record and share my progress as well as seek advice along the way. I'm not an expert by any means and still have a lot to learn, but I hope whoever stumbles on this thread will find the information helpful. Here is the program I've created, it's inspired by a combination of a few members' programs.

10 AM (on an empty stomach)

- (follicular) 100 mg PM

- (luteal) 1/4 tsp PC

- 3,000 mg collagen

- 1,000 mg vitamin C

- 500 mg GABA

- 5,000 mg placenta

2 PM (with meal)

- 1,400 mg fish oil

- 500 mg calcium

- 1,500 mg MSM

6 PM (with meal)

- (luteal) vitamin E

- 500 mg calcium

- 1,500 mg MSM

- 100 mg HA

- 5,000 mg placenta

10 PM (with meal)

- (luteal) 1/4 tsp PC

- 3,000 mg collagen

- 1,000 mg vitamin C

- 500 mg GABA

- 5,000 mg placenta


- The dosages are according to the bottles' instructions

- I will tweak the program as need and update it here

- I take bbt at 6 AM and massage around 15 minutes twice a day

Members' programs I looked at:

1. surferjoe2007 Comprehensive NBE program

2. Ginie PM program

3. yekaterina Mayusakimilk

4. msnewboobies Chiyomilk alternative

5. Chiyomilk (from


While I was waiting for all the supplements to arrive, I decided to just track my bbt. I found out that my bbt is quite low and it doesn't rise in time for a normal luteal phase, which means that I wouldn't know when to stop taking PM. I was going to start once all the supplements arrived but I'm going to hold off on it and wait for my next cycle. In the mean time, I've kept taking my bbt and adjusted my lifestyle a bit to make sure my body is healthy for NBE. Here are the things I've been trying to incorporate:

- ~2L water

- 45 minutes exercising

- sleep earlier

- 8 hours undisrupted sleep

Of course I'm not doing any of this perfectly. It's quite hard actually. I noticed that when I worked out, my bbt did rise the next day.


Hi dear,

The program is fine, but considering that you are new, I feel that your approach could be better.

Let me try to explain myself: let’s just assume that your program doesn’t work, or something goes wrong along the way or you just don’t get the desired outcome. Realistically speaking no one really will be able to exactly tell you what went wrong, because you never took the supplementations before , and you started everything at the same time.

Rather than taking a heavy supplementation regime right from the start, I find it a lot smarter to start light, and build your regime over time. By staggering your approach, you’ll be able to pin point yourself, the supplements that are working, and those that are just useless.

First you should get the PM dosage right. I remember I also did 100 mg myself when I first started PM. 100 mg is a “ease in” type of dosage. You can bump it up to 200-350mg ounce you get use to it, after a month of 2. After that just maintain that dosage. And then you can introduce other supplements would you wish to do so.

Try to keep your routine light. You won’t burnout, and it will be easier on your wallet.

Good luck!


(26-06-2020, 05:18)sara123 Wrote:  

Hi dear,

The program is fine, but considering that you are new, I feel that your approach could be better.

Let me try to explain myself: let’s just assume that your program doesn’t work, or something goes wrong along the way or you just don’t get the desired outcome. Realistically speaking no one really will be able to exactly tell you what went wrong, because you never took the supplementations before , and you started everything at the same time.

Rather than taking a heavy supplementation regime right from the start, I find it a lot smarter to start light, and build your regime over time. By staggering your approach, you’ll be able to pin point yourself, the supplements that are working, and those that are just useless.

First you should get the PM dosage right. I remember I also did 100 mg myself when I first started PM. 100 mg is a “ease in” type of dosage. You can bump it up to 200-350mg ounce you get use to it, after a month of 2. After that just maintain that dosage. And then you can introduce other supplements would you wish to do so.

Try to keep your routine light. You won’t burnout, and it will be easier on your wallet.

Good luck!

Hi Sara, thank you for your advice! I've been taking all the other supplements besides PM, PC, vit E, and collagen (I haven't taken collagen because I only have a month's worth of supply and I haven't bought more) and everything has been going well. The supplements I've been taking are basically just skin, hair, nails supplements.


My period finally came! It was 8 days late though. I've always been irregular so I'm not that worried about it. Weirdly, I was pretty consistent for 3 cycles straight before this past longer cycle. They were 30-day cycles and then this past one was 38 days.

Anyway, I'm just really excited that I can finally get started on my NBE program! In 3-5 days when my period ends I'll be able to take my PM and take starting measurements (the end of bleeding is when breasts are the smallest). I found another inspiring thread to read and research, Boobie Goddess's program, of which the PM program starts on page 4. She makes me want to invest in a pump, which I might if I get some results with an herb program first.

On another note, I'm still having trouble drinking more water, sleeping and exercising regularly, and eating for sufficient macronutrients. Any advice and how you guys built these habits would be greatly appreciated. I also haven't been all that consistent with massaging.


(29-06-2020, 22:36)new80085 Wrote:  

My period finally came! It was 8 days late though. I've always been irregular so I'm not that worried about it. Weirdly, I was pretty consistent for 3 cycles straight before this past longer cycle. They were 30-day cycles and then this past one was 38 days.

Anyway, I'm just really excited that I can finally get started on my NBE program! In 3-5 days when my period ends I'll be able to take my PM and take starting measurements (the end of bleeding is when breasts are the smallest). I found another inspiring thread to read and research, Boobie Goddess's program, of which the PM program starts on page 4. She makes me want to invest in a pump, which I might if I get some results with an herb program first.

On another note, I'm still having trouble drinking more water, sleeping and exercising regularly, and eating for sufficient macronutrients. Any advice and how you guys built these habits would be greatly appreciated. I also haven't been all that consistent with massaging.

I push myself into a healthy diet by buying fresh veggies fruits etc every week and leave all the bad stuff out. Just don't buy it...then you have to eat whats in your fridge otherwise it will rotten If you want to drink more water...dont buy too much soda. Then simply consume what is in your house and dont go to the store too often. Just once a week, buy everything you need for one week and then you can only eat and drink what you bought.
This strategy has been working for years. Yes sometimes I go to the store to pick up something unhealthy that I just really like, like brownies, cola etc.
But cheating a little bit doesnt harm me..Smile
Goodluck on your journey!

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