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What noogleberry supplies to order for asymmetrical breasts


I ordered a noogleberry a few years ago but only used it a handful of times. 

I have asymmetrical breasts. At the time, I only pumped the smaller side. I forget how I worked it. I think I could have ordered a clip to put on one side of the tube to block the air on one side. 

I haven't used it in years.  I've been massaging my smaller breasts day and night for the past three months.  I have some slight success with this.  Noogleberry was recommended to me.  

I hope to gather up funds to buy a new set of domes.  

I had a quick look at the noogleberry site and there are many products there. 

So later on down the line, when I stick in an order - what do you think I should go for 

I see domes with some sort of a device at the top of them for airlocking or something.  Are these any good? I see some sort of foam rings. What are these?  I will probably have to order a new tube.  I'll root out my noogleberry later and see how the pump is.

HI Celticlove,
I have been using my noogleberry for a little over a week, almost 2 actually, and really like it.
I bought the large conture cups. These seem to make a more comfortable fit, and I find them easier to position if I want to do the side or top instead of straight on.
The padded ring helps to ease the connection between the cup and body if your planning to noogle for several hours a day. No necessary if your not trying to overload the pressure.
The little doo dads at the top are air traps so that you can do your pumping and remove the pump. As you know its a bit annoying to do anything with tube and a pump in your way. I may have to order these for mine.
I know if you contact Noogleberry Lucy will give you all the help you could ever want.

So I put in an order this morning for some noogleberry cups.  I wasn't going to do it til later on in May but I decided to reorganise some finances, ignore some bills and go with it.  It was so hard trying to decide between medium and large domes but in the end i went with the large.  Ihhope to pump the smaller side andI find that I am wide here at the base of the breast but then there's not much else. I didn't check my older noogleberry but I'm hoping the pump and tubing still works.  It's been despatched already and I'm looking forwardffor it to arriving in the post. I'm hoping it will arrive before the Easter weekend and I can spend the long weekend pumping.

Since your familiar with noogling, I'm sure you will have success. I've been at it for less than a month and can see a change. Too bad the nice plumpness goes away in a short time. Its slow going for sure.
Did you get the airlocks?
Dont forget to nourish the inside of you as well as just noogling.

(10-04-2017, 15:07)Happyme Wrote:  Yea!
Since your familiar with noogling, I'm sure you will have success. I've been at it for less than a month and can see a change. Too bad the nice plumpness goes away in a short time. Its slow going for sure.
Did you get the airlocks?
Dont forget to nourish the inside of you as well as just noogling.

No, I didn't order domes with airlocks.  I considered the airlocks but in the end I didn't.  I doubt that I will use them. 

They were despatched on Monday afternoon.  I'm hoping they will be with me in tomorrow's mail.  My understanding is that it's a UK company and package is going to Ireland.  There's a long weekend coming up and I really want to pump during the weekend.  I suspect I'll have to wait til next week though for delivery.  ? 

Lately I've been adding estrogen rich foods to my diet but diet is fairly appaulling depending on my schedule.  Missing meals and a load of caffeine daily.

My postman came about an hour ago and my order arrived and I'm delighted.  I've been noogling for the past 35 minutes.   I know there are recommendation s online for noogleberry and not to use it for more than 20 minutes when starting off.  Don't worry I'm not using strong pressure.  It's all very easy so far.  When I started noogling today and after 20 minutes or so, I didn't want to stop.  I will take a break soon for the day and go about my business for the day and go back noogling tonight.  

I can really see this working for me and I can't believe it took me so long to order bigger domes. I ordered the large contoured domes and it's fitting well.

Its is addictive isnt it?
I first would noogle for 10 min then take off the cups and massage, then put them on for 10 min etc. This was kind of a PITA. So now I start my session with some good pressure, not extreme but enough to know I am at the end of my comfort zone. After 20 min I let the pressure off so that the cups are still holding but the breasts are relaxed. I let this sit for a minute or more then pump them back up for another 20 min.
I find this much more enjoyable and easier to live with, and I find an hour plus goes by in nothing flat.
I only wish I got the air traps. its petty awkward trying to do much with this big hard plastic tubes sticking off my chest and a dangly hand pump wanting to get stuck on everything.
Happy Pumping.

(13-04-2017, 13:21)Happyme Wrote:  Yeaaaa!
Its is addictive isnt it?
I first would noogle for 10 min then take off the cups and massage, then put them on for 10 min etc. This was kind of a PITA. So now I start my session with some good pressure, not extreme but enough to know I am at the end of my comfort zone. After 20 min I let the pressure off so that the cups are still holding but the breasts are relaxed. I let this sit for a minute or more then pump them back up for another 20 min.
I find this much more enjoyable and easier to live with, and I find an hour plus goes by in nothing flat.
I only wish I got the air traps. its petty awkward trying to do much with this big hard plastic tubes sticking off my chest and a dangly hand pump wanting to get stuck on everything.
Happy Pumping.

It sure is addictive.  

I'm liking it a lot.  I've 3 sessions over now and I find I lose track of time and run over the 20 minutes so easily. There's no growth or increase yet, obviously as I'm just after restarting the noogleberry pumping.  The shape of the breast is so much more better though.  

Thank you for providing your routine.  I might adapt it myself.   For me, I pump until I feel out of my comfort zone and release and I continue doing that and I do the pump and release about 100 times.   Then I pump and hold for about 5 minutes or until I lose suction and repeat that I few times.  

I'm sorry now I didn't order the airlocks.  I'd be tempted to pump and hold and go to sleep.

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