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Swiss Lamb Placenta Info


Swiss Lamb Placenta Info
September 11 2008 at 3:20 PM Liz (Login iwantevenbetterboobs)

I was looking a tthe SUPERSHINE thread and the ingredients sounded quite interesting one of them being placenta acid, or Double D who started the thread said she found out from company that it was swiss lamb placenta.
I have not been able to google much information about the properties of this apart from the usual claims made by companies selling it. I presume this would be classed as a glandular therapy which I have been a bit nervous of but of course the far eastern cultures have been using gland therapies for centuries.
Some of the claims for lamb placenta are that it is good for skin hair and anti-ageing, all good! I just wondered if anyone has used this, used it for NBE, or have any further input to shed some light for me please.


Double D
(Login OneFullD)
Re: Swiss Lamb Placenta Info
September 11 2008, 4:11 PM

I did not mean that they use swiss lamb placenta. I am sorry if I misled you. They use placenta acid, which I substituted myself for swiss lamb placenta. It has been very good using it. My skin looks like it is glowing plus I had wrinkles on my tummy from having 2 kids and they seem to be going away as well as the stretch marks. It has extraordinary abilities and I think my growth is faster because of it. I also thought that was why I grew so much on Supershine. I would ask Beth as well about swiss lamb placenta because I read that she took it too.

(Login RomaV)
Re: Swiss Lamb Placenta Info
September 11 2008, 7:18 PM

which brand of swiss lamb placenta did you use?
I realise that some brands list DNA as part of the ingredients and some not.
I asked Beth the same thing and she kindly replied that she took one with DNA in it.

Double D
(Login OneFullD)
Re: Swiss Lamb Placenta Info
September 12 2008, 1:51 AM

I think Daily Vita is the one who makes them.

The kind of swiss lamb placenta I chose did not have DNA in it. I could not find out who the DNA belonged to and why and how, etc. so I did not buy even thought that was the one I wanted for some reason. I am not sure how the difference (DNA or not) has an effect on NBE.

Hope that helps.

(Login AyaRose)
Re: Swiss Lamb Placenta Info
September 15 2008, 5:06 AM

I ordered the swiss lamb placenta but it does not specify that it has DNA as the ingredients. To be honest, I don't really understand what it does for I can't say if the DNA is important or not. I heard somewhere that Swiss Lamb Placenta contains rich growth factors, hormones and antibodies, and other concentrated nutrients that can rejuvenate organic tissue.

Swiss Lamb Placenta
December 7 2008 at 10:34 PM
may (Login Cselestyna)
i was just wondering if anyone knew of any hard proof that S.L.P helps N.B.E, i'm taking it with my program....or will be once i start up again, and i'd like to know if there is anyone who has any proof, studies or anything about it?


(Login Cselestyna)
Re: Swiss Lamb Placenta
December 7 2008, 10:50 PM

i found thison a web site, i'll post some more.

Lamb Placenta

Swiss Lamb Placenta has been used in China for over 1400 years as a Chinese Medicine or promoting general health. Lamb Placenta has a wide range of health benefits including enhancing body energy, skin complexion and stopping aging process. Recent scientific research has shown Lamb Placenta contains rich growth factors, hormones and antibodies, and other concentrated nutrients that can rejuvenate organic tissue.

Lamb Placenta is made from standardized Swiss Lamb placenta extract combined with other finest essential nutrients like Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen.

Swiss Lamb Placenta is a unique formula of standardized swiss lamb placenta extract combined with some finest essential nutrients. Its oil based softgel offers both highest potency and best bio-available absorption, which gives the maximal beneficial effects.

Swiss Lamb Placenta is a natural formulation of most essential skin nutrients. Swiss Lamb Placenta is also rich in lamb placenta, marine protein, collagen and elastin.

Importance in animal placenta?
September 19 2008 at 5:48 AM
double_ace (Login double_ace)
There was a Japanese breast enhancement thread that mentioned that the ladies that grew used a couple of things including pig placenta, also a thread by Double_d about the swiss lamb placenta.

maybe animal placenta is something we should look into? it seems like it could aid growth!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Importance in animal placenta?
September 19 2008, 8:46 AM

True, I think it could very likely help growth to many, but on the other hand I think many people, including myself, are vary of it cause these are actual hormones and growth factors. I'd point out that there could be a similar alternative to placenta - l-arginine on an empty stomach, which causes a surge of your own growth hormone. However personally I'm even more vary of this because I don't want to risk growing in height anymore.

(Login AyaRose)
Re: Importance in animal placenta?
September 19 2008, 11:22 PM

I have already ordered swiss lamb placenta and added it to my program. I think it has helped. But I haven't heard of pig placenta until now. Do you have any idea if that has worked for anyone?

(no login)
Re: Importance in animal placenta?
September 20 2008, 12:10 AM

Sounds interesting! Has anyone heard of human placenta? They were sold in China, and they guaranteed that these placentas were from the healthy women. They can be in the tablet form, or they can be frozen ones. The frozen ones, you can fry them and make spring rolls, very tasty!

(no login)
Re: Importance in animal placenta?
September 25 2008, 12:47 PM

Pig placenta is a women's beauty drink in Japan. Breast growth is just one of its many reputed benefis.

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