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Is something wrong with my butt?


So I have one buttcheek that appears to be fatter with a longer/deeper crease that the other(especially noticeable when I turn side to side) I googled it and it appears that I could have a hip displacement Sad I'm a little worried about it and not sure what to think so I'd like someone else's input. Please no rude comments and if you feel like you're seeing something foul or offensive, kindly exit out this thread

Maybe its just more muscle from using a muscle group more. Some of which turns into fat.

(06-10-2014, 21:05)lovely11 Wrote:  Maybe its just more muscle from using a muscle group more. Some of which turns into fat.

Agreed, I'm also guessing one side tends to be the dominant side, e.g. Right handed vs left handed, which leg do you favor when standing etc.

Try some isolating exercises, if you experience pain get it looked at, otherwise no big deal, you look fine, and that's not to be rude, just saying.

Thank you guys! I did notice when I stand on if my feet is always pointing outward and the other is straight. Maybe this has something to do with it.

(06-10-2014, 21:29)missoptimistic Wrote:  Thank you guys! I did notice when I stand on if my feet is always pointing outward and the other is straight. Maybe this has something to do with it.
It looks like you could have pelvic rotation. My first action would be to see a sports medicine doctor and see if physical therapy would help.

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